Page images

Short title,

Loan Act, 1884-Re-appropriation, 1887

to Telegraphs be, and are hereby re-appropriated to the construction
of the Gingin Telegraph.

3. This Act may be cited as 'The Re-appropriation Act, 1887.'

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Amendment of
Schedule to
37 Vic., No. 21

Further amendment of the said Schedule

Short title



No. 22

An Act to amend The Geraldton and Northampton
Railway Act, 1873.' [Assented to 6th January, 1888.


HEREAS it is necessary to amend the Schedule to the said Act: Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

1. That the Schedule to the said Act be amended by omitting the words '60 links East of the Water Police Boat House, and opposite the Police Station at,' and inserting therefor the words following:-'at or near the South-Western corner of Francis Street and Marine Terrace.'

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2. That the said Schedule be further amended by omitting the word Anglican,' and inserting therefor the words Roman Catholic.'

3. That this Act may be cited as 'The Geraldton and Northampton Railway Amendment Act.'






No. 25

An Act to provide for the payment by the Colony of
Western Australia of a Proportional Part of the Cost

The Australasian Naval Force Act, 1888

of the Establishment and Maintenance of an Additional Naval Force to be employed for the Protection of the Floating Trade in Australasian Waters.


[Assented to 7th January, 1888.

HEREAS the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Governments of Her Majesty's colonies of New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia, New Zealand, Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia, having recognised the necessity for increasing the Naval Force for the protection of the Floating Trade in Australasian waters at their joint charge, have concluded, subject to the ratification and approval of the Legislatures of the said several colonies, an Agreement to the establishment and maintenance of an additional Naval Force for that purpose, which Agreement is set forth in the Schedule to this Act; And whereas in order to give effect to the said Agreement and to make provision for the payment by the colony of Western Australia of that colony's share of the cost of such additional force: Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as 'The Australasian Naval Force Short title Act, 1888.'


2. The Agreement set forth in the Schedule hereto is hereby Ratification of ratified and approved, subject nevertheless to its ratification and approval by the Legislatures of the other Australasian colonies whose Governments are parties to the said Agreement.


3. In each of the ten years during which the said Agreement Appropriation of shall be in force there shall be issued and applied out of the bution for ten General Revenue of Western Australia, for the purposes of the said years Agreement, a sum bearing the same proportion to the total amount payable under Article VII. of the said Agreement as the population of Western Australia in each of such years respectively bears to the total population of the Australasian Colonies whose Governments are parties to the said Agreement, and the said sum is hereby specially appropriated accordingly.

mating popula

4. For the purposes of the last preceding section the population Mode of estiof each of the said colonies shall in each year be deemed to be such tion as is certified by the Registrar-General or other officer of such colony charged with the duty of compiling statistics to have been the population of such colony as on the thirty-first day of December next preceding. Until any such certificate is given the population last certified by him shall be deemed to continue to be the population, subject nevertheless to an adjustment of the contributions when a fresh certificate is made.

5. The Treasurer of Western Australia shall issue and pay the amount of such contribution to such person and in such manner as the Governor by any warrant under his hand shall direct.

Treasurer to pay directed by

contribution as


Treasurer to be allowed credit for contribution

Boundary of Australian Station

The Australasian Naval Force Act, 1888

6. The Treasurer shall in his accounts, from time to time, be allowed credit for any sum or sums of money paid by him in pursuance of any such warrant or order, and the receipt or receipts of the person to whom the same shall be so paid shall be a full and valid discharge to him in passing his accounts for any such sum or sums as shall be therein mentioned, and he shall receive credit for the same accordingly.

7. The Australian Station referred to in Article IV. of the Schedule is bounded

North-On the north from the meridian of 95° east, by the parallel of the 10th degree of south latitude to 130° east longitude; thence northward on that meridian to the parallel of 2° north latitude; and thence on that parallel to the meridian of 136° east longitude; thence north to 12° north latitude and along that parallel to 160° west longitude.

West-On the west by the meridian of 95° east longitude.

South-On the south by the Antarctic Circle.

East-On the east by the meridian of 160° of west longitude.



Change of Crew






The Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c., and the Governments of Her Majesty's colonies of New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia, New Zealand, Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia, having recognised the necessity of increasing the Naval Force for the protection of the floating trade in Australasian waters at their joint charge, have resolved to conclude for this purpose an Agreement as follows:


There shall be established a force of sea-going ships of war, hereinafter referred to as 'these vessels,' to be provided, equipped, manned, and maintained at the joint cost of Imperial and Colonial funds.


These vessels shall be placed in every respect on the same status as Her Majesty's ships of war, whether in commission or not


The officers and men of such of these vessels as are in commission shall be changed triennially, and of those in reserve as may be considered advisable.


These vessels shall be under the sole control and orders of the Nava Commander-in-Chief for the time being appointed to command Her Majesty's ships and vessels on the Australian Station.

The Australasian Naval Force Act, 1888

These vessels shall be retained within the limits of the Australian Station as defined in the Standing Orders of the Naval Commander-in-Chief, and in times of peace or war shall be employed within such limits in the same way as are Her Majesty's ships of war, or employed beyond those limits only with the consent of the Colonial Governments.

Limit of Employment


Notwithstanding the establishment of this joint naval force, no reduction is No reduction of to take place in the normal strength of Her Majesty's naval force employed on Imperial Squadron the Australian Station, exclusive of surveying vessels.


These vessels shall consist of five fast cruisers and two torpedo gunboats, Number of as represented by the Archer (improved type) and Rattlesnake classes in Her Vessels Majesty's navy. Of the above, three cruisers and one gunboat to be kept always in commission, the remainder being held in reserve, in Australasian ports, ready for commission whenever occasion arises.


1. The first cost of these vessels shall be paid out of Imperial funds, and the Cost vessels fully equipped, manned, and sent to Australia.

Interest on first

2. The colonies shall pay the Imperial Government interest at 5 per cent. on the first and prime cost of these vessels, such payment not to exceed the annual cost sum of £35,000.

for maintenance

3. The colonies shall, in addition, bear the actual charges for maintaining Annual charge from year to year the three fast cruisers and one torpedo gunboat, which are to be kept in commission in time of peace, and also of the three other vessels, which are to remain in reserve, including the liability on account of retired pay to officers, pensions to men, and the charge for relief of crews; provided always that the claim made by the Imperial Government under this head does not exceed the annual payment of £91,000.

4. In time of emergency or actual war the cost of commissioning and main- Cost of maintetaining the three vessels kept in reserve during peace shall be borne by the nance in war Imperial Government.


In the event of any of these vessels being lost they shall be replaced at the Replacement of cost of the Imperial Government.


vessels if lost

Terms of Agree

1. This Agreement shall be considered to become actually binding between the Imperial and the several Colonial Governments named in the first clause so ment soon as the Colonial Legislatures shall have passed special appropriations for the terms hereinafter mentioned, to which Acts this Agreement shall be attached as a First Schedule.

2. The Agreement shall be for a period of ten years, and only terminate if Period and provided notice has been given two years previously, viz., at the end of the eighth year, or at the end of any subsequent year, and then two years after such date.

3. On the termination of the Agreement, these vessels to remain the property Vessels to be proof the Imperial Government. perty of Admiralty


1. The payments named in Article VII. shall be considered as payments in Date of first payadvance, and shall first become due and payable on the dates on which the ment several vessels are put in commission; and the period of ten years referred to in Date of AgreeArticle IX. is to be calculated from the date of the first vessel being put in ment to com



Mode of payment

Closing of accounts

Local defence forces

Vessels to be

Zealand waters

The Australasian Naval Force Act, 1888

2. The share of these payments due from each colony shall be paid annually in London by the Agents-General and the Crown Agents respectively to such account as the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty may direct.

3. The accounts of these vessels shall be closed each year on the 31st March, and the difference between expenditure and £91,000 per annum for maintenance adjusted in subsequent annual payments, should the actual expenditure prove less than that sum.


Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the purely local naval defence forces which have been, or may be, established in the several colonies for harbour and coast defence. Such local forces in each colony to be paid for entirely by that colony, and to be solely under its control.


In time of peace two ships, either of the normal Imperial squadron, or of these stationed in New vessels, shall be stationed in New Zealand waters as their head-quarters. Should, however, such emergency arise as may, in the opinion of the Naval Commanderin-Chief, render it necessary to remove either or both of such ships, he shall inform the Governor of the reasons for such temporary removal.




No. 27

An Act to enable Crown Lessees to proceed to Arbitration in respect of Compensation for Improvements.


[Reserved 20th August, 1887.

[Royal Assent proclaimed 29th February, 1888.

WHEREAS under the Land Regulations of 1872, 1878, and 1882, it was provided that a pastoral lessee in the occupation of his lease should be entitled to claim, under certain specified conditions, from the purchaser, or the special occupation lessee, of any portion of the demised land, the fair value of any lawful improvements effected on such portion;

And whereas it was also therein provided that the value of such improvements should be ascertained by one competent person appointed by such purchaser and one by such lessee;

And whereas difficulty has arisen in many cases since the passing of the said Land Regulations from the refusal of such purchaser to appoint a competent person for the purpose of ascertaining, together with a competent person appointed or to be appointed by such lessee, the value of such improvements;

Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

1. When a pastoral lessee was under the Land Regulations of 1872 or of 1878 or of 1882, as the case might be, entitled to compensation

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