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the lost? God willeth not the death of the sinner. Judgment is His strange work. These very warnings are a proof of His pity and love. God warns men that they may take heed. He tells them of the end to which sin leads, that they may at once forsake it and live. He bears long with them, if so be they will turn from their wicked ways and seek peace and salvation in His mercy. Think moreover of God's love in redemption. He gave His only Son to be the propitiation for our sins. And now that Christ has died none need despair. No sinner is too bad; no sin too great for God to forgive.

'It is no use speaking to me,' said one; 'my sin is so great that even God Almighty cannot save me.' 'Then you can do something greater than God,' was the reply made to him. The answer led the man to see his mistake. He learnt to see that the abounding mercy of God in Christ was far beyond the uttermost of his sin.

Whatever you may have been hitherto, God waits to be gracious. Only return to Him at once. He will forgive all that is past, and He will help you for the future. He knows full well your weakness and inability to resist temptation. He knows the power

of evil round about you. But He will effectually help and succour you. He will put His Spirit in your heart. He will give you right desires, and then He will impart strength and power to fulfil them. He will teach you and guide you in the way of life. His love to sinners, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory! Seek His face, trust His promise, and live for evermore.

Blessed be God for

Come, sinner, with thy load of woe,
And to Thy precious Saviour go:
He turns no beggar from His door,
He saves and pardons evermore.

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NE day, passing along a public thorougfare, I noticed a broad-sheet pasted on a wall, at the head of which were the words in large letters, 'A YOUNG MAN MISSING: £10 Reward.

I read on, and found that the young man had been a teacher in a National School, and

had last been seen at a certain railway station, carrying a small parcel. Notice of his whereabouts was to be given to a certain police office, together with any information that might lead to his discovery.


I neither saw nor heard anything more about this advertisement. The affair certainly looked mysterious, and seemed to indicate something of fraud or other wrongdoing. this were so, probably the culprit, sooner or later, was found, and brought to justice for the evil he had done.

But this simple sentence of four short words remained on my memory long after it was read, and gave rise to reflections which I will set down here. They may come home to some


'A young man missing' from the family circle. He might be its light and comfort. Father and mother, brothers and sisters, look for his presence, and would rejoice to have it. But he is seldom there. He has his own ways of spending his leisure time. He has his own haunts and companions. Night after night, he is missing. Sometimes it is past midnight before he returns to his home.

'A young man missing' from the house of God. It may be that he was brought up by

Christian parents, or that he was instructed in the Sunday School as to the sacredness of God's holy day. But all this is forgotten and cast aside; and the Sunday is the worst day of all the seven with him. Perhaps now and then, on some rare occasions, he is seen in the sanctuary. Ordinarily his feet tread other paths. He has no taste nor desire to hear the Word of God, or to seek His face. Still less does he care to do good to others. Byand-by he will find the truth of the saying, Sabbath-breaking sins bring heart-breaking

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'A man missing' from the fold of the Good Shepherd. He has gone astray like a lost sheep. He has turned his back on the Friend of sinners. Christ has many beneath His loving care; but this young man is not amongst them. He chooses to roam. He will be his own master, and no one shall control or guide him. He is careless and indifferent as to a better life. He cares for none of these things, and goes along his way without a thought of God, or his soul, or eternity. He may even be treading the path of vice and profligacy. He goes to the house which is the way to hell. He is sowing to the flesh, and will hereafter reap a terrible harvest. Sorrow and remorse,

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