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and misty and unreal. To satisfy conscience, to put aside a troublesome appeal, they admit the importance of religion, they doubt not that it is all very good;' whilst in the secret of the heart unbelief reigns supreme.

'That's all very good. Yes, whether believed or not, the Gospel, like all God's works, is 'very good.'

It is good, for it is the fruit of His tender love for sinners. Its provisions are all made in His manifold wisdom. Mercy, justice and truth are reconciled in the work complete on the cross. The greatest sinner may be saved through the blood of Christ; and Jehovah is seen to be a just God and a Saviour. The benefits that come to the believer are such as pass man's understanding. The favour of

God, His sure presence and protection through life's journey, a refuge in every storm and trouble, light and darkness, life in death, a glorious resurrection and a home beyond the skies-all these are the portion of those who believe the Gospel.

Surely we may say it is good, yes, very good. Only prove it for yourself. The Queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, and his wisdom and his riches and his majesty, and she came and saw it for herself. She

proved Solomon with hard questions. She sat at his table, and beheld the house that he had built, and all the glory of his kingdom, and then declared that 'the half had not been told her.'

Even so, go to the Saviour and make trial of His grace. 'Taste and see that the Lord


is good;' you will not be disappointed. He will do more than you looked for. will reveal to you treasures of wisdom and knowledge. He will meet every need of your soul, He will give grace and glory. No good thing will be withheld from them that walk uprightly.*

Do you say, ' Then why does He not give me all these good things at once?'

Why, because unless you ask for them, you show that you don't care about them-you would not, could not care for them, nor enjoy them. They would be of no good to you unless you determine to seek for them and use them. The Gospel is not good for you, and it never will be good for you, unless you believe and accept it. The greater the blessing which it brings, the greater will be your loss if you refuse to obey its call.

Three heavy woes rest upon those who hear *Psalm lxxxiv. II.

of Christ and will not come to Him. The guilt of every one of your past sins rests upon you. Every breach of God's law that you have committed cries out against you. 'The wages of sin is death;' and whilst sin remains unforgiven, those wages you must receive. More than this. The power of sin is daily increasing. The chain of evil grows stronger. The dominion of unruly passions becomes mightier. Added to this, you are charged with the guilt of rejecting the Son of God. You make God a liar by your unbelief. You trample underfoot His Well-beloved. You make light of His merciful invitations. You refuse the kindness and grace which is so freely offered to you in Christ.


Beware of putting away from you the blessedness which may be your own. that ye refuse not Him that speaketh.'

How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?'

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N instructive story is told of the confession of three lads in a Bible-class,

held by an officer in the Artillery. He had been meeting the lads belonging to the band once a week, and was deeply anxious about their eternal welfare. One day he thought to himself: 'Not one of these lads has found the Saviour, and if either one of them were to die before our next meeting he would be lost.' So he determined to speak to them more plainly than yet he had done. When the next meeting was over he took three of them apart. Can you give me any reason,' 'why, this very night, before leaving this house, you should not decide to be the Lord's?'

he said to them,

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'Sir,' said one of them, 'I did not think the thing could be done so soon.'

'My dear lad,' was the reply, 'don't you know that at this very moment the Lord Jesus is addressing you all the same as if you saw Him with your eyes, and saying, “Come unto Me;" and that this night you will answer, Lord, I will," or "Lord, I will not "?

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'Sir, I'll try,' said the lad.

'No, no; that won't do. If I were to call you on duty to come to "I'll try," would not that

me, and you said, show that you did

not mean to come, or, at least, not then?'

Then the three lads each said, 'I will.' That night was the turning-point of their lives. They came out boldly in the face of their comrades, and, in spite of much persecution, were enabled to stand firm as the soldiers of Christ.

I want you, reader, to put the question to your own heart: Why should I not come to Christ to-day?'

If you are yet living without pardon and peace, if you are still wavering and halting between two opinions, press this inquiry on your own conscience. Corne to an immediate decision. Bring the matter to a point. Don't let there be further delay. Like the lads I have referred to, choose Christ at once. By the help of the good Spirit of God, choose

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