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DICK, the Cobbler, a very honest man, and very merry withal, much given to singing.

MARGERY, his wife, simple and affectionate, and one of the best women in the world.

LADY AMARANTHE, a fine lady, full of airs and affectation, but not without good feeling.

MADEMOISELLE JUSTINE, her French maid, very like other French maids.

The SCENE lies partly in the Garret of the Cobbler, and partly in LADY AMARANTHE'S Drawing-room.


A Garret meanly furnished; several pairs of old shoes, a coat, hat, bonnet, and shawl hanging against the Wall. DICK is seated on a low stool in front. He works, and sings.

As she lay on that day

In the Bay of Biscay O!

Now that's what I call a good song;


my wife,

she can't abear them blusteration songs, she says; she likes something tender and genteel, full of fine words. (Sings in a mincing voice.)

Vake, dearest, vake, and again united

Ve'll vander by the sea-he-he-e.

Hang me, if I can understand a word of it! but when my wife sings it out with her pretty little mouth, it does one's heart good to hear her; and I could listen to her for ever: but, for my own part, what I like is a song that comes thundering out with a meaning in it! (Sings, and flourishes his hammer with enthusiasm, beating time upon the shoe.)

March! march! Eskdale and Tiviotdale,

All the blue bonnets are over the border!

MARGERY (from within.)

Dick! Dick! what a noise you do keep.


A noise, eh? Why, Meg, you didn't use to think it a noise: you used to like to hear me sing!

MARGERY (entering.)

And so I did, and so I do. I loves music with all my heart; but the whole parish will hear you if you go for to bawl out so monstrous loud.


And let them! who cares


[He sings, she laughs.


Nay, sing away if you like it!

DICK-(stopping suddenly.)

I won't sing another bit if you don't like it, Meg


Oh, I do like! Lord bless us! not like it! it sounds so merry! Why, Dick, love, everybody said yesterday that you sung as well as Mr. Thingumee at Sadler's Wells, and says they, "Who is that young man as sings like any nightingale?" and I says (drawing herself up), "That's my husband!"


Ay! flummery!-But, Meg, I say, how did you like the wedding yesterday?


Oh, hugeously! such heaps of smart people, as fine as fivepence, I warrant; and such gay gowns and caps! and plenty to eat and drink!—But what I liked best was the walking in the gardens at Bagnigge Wells, and the tea, and the crumpets!

And the punch!



Yes-ha! ha! I could see you thought that good! and then the dancing!


Ay, ay; and there wasn't one amongst them that footed it away like my Margery. And folks says to me, "Pray, who is that pretty modest young woman as hops over the ground as light as a feather?" says they; and says I, "Why, that there pretty young woman is my wife, to be sure !"

[blocks in formation]

MARGERY-(leaning on his shoulder.)

Well, to be sure, we were happy yesterday. It's good to make holiday just now and then, but some how I was very glad to come home to our own little room again. O Dick!—did you mind that Mrs. Pinchtoe, that gave herself such grand airs ?—she in the fine lavender silk gown-that turned up her nose at me so, and all because she's a master shoemaker's wife! and you are only-only-a cobbler!—(sighs). I wish you were a master shoemaker, Dick.


That you might be a master shoemaker's wife, hay! and turn up your nose like Mrs. Pinchtoe?


No, no; I have more manners.


Would you love me better, Meg, if I were a master shoemaker?


No, I couldn't love you better if you were a king; and that you know, Dick; and, after all, we're happy now, and who knows what might be if we were to change?


Ay, indeed! who knows? you might grow into a fine lady like she over the way, who comes home o'nights just as we're getting up in the morning, with the flams flaring, and blazing like any thing; and that puts me in mind


Of what, Dick ? tell me!


Why, cousin Tom's wedding put it all out of my head last night; but yesterday there comes over to me one of those fine bedizened fellows we see lounging about the door there, with a cocked hat, and things like stay laces dangling at his shoulder.


What could he want, I wonder !


O! he comes over to me as I was just standing

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