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version? Didst thou not see from afar, by facilitating to me the means of return to thy arms? Didst thou not clothe me in the tribunal of thy mercy with the robe of innocence? And this very day hast thou not fed me with the heavenly banquet, which is only prepared for the children of thy kingdom? Why didst thou load me with mercies, often denied to those whom thou hast always with thee, and who have never disobeyed thee in any thing? Ah! it is because I was lost, and thou hast found me, because I was dead, and by thy all-reviving grace I am now reanimated. O complete thy mercies, infinite goodness: restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; (Ps. i. 14.) restore unto me that peace and happiness 1 once enjoyed in thy service. I am not worthy to be called thy child, but I entreat thee once more, in the name of thy beloved Son, to receive me among the last of those who are happy enough to love and serve thee.

At the Domine non sum dignus.

You should have been sincerely persuaded, with the centurion that you were unworthy to receive under your roof the Lord of Glory, but since, overlooking your misery, he has not disdaine to visit you in person, beseech of him, who is meek and humble of heart, to destroy every vice in your soul, particularly that pride, which is the beginning of all sin. (Eccles. x. 15.)

DIVINE JESUS! I was not worthy to receive theeI am unworthy to possess thee-and I acknowledge myself infinitely undeserving of thy stay in my sinful heart. O may the love and humility of this thy minister, and of all those happy souls who are at this moment about to receive thee in any part of the world, supply for the little preparation thou hast found in my heart; and may their thanksgiving and lively gratitude offer thee such homage as thou canst never expect to receive from me. My God! since thou hast condescended to enter under my roof; since hou hast come in person to heal my soul, when one word would have sufficed, leave me not without effecting the cure for which thou art come; depar

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not, until thou hast planted on the ruins of my pride and vanity the divine virtues of humility and meekness, so strongly inculcated by thy divine example Teach me, I beseech thee, to walk in thy footsteps make choice of my heart, to model it after thine, and to adorn it with the solid virtues of charity, patience, compassion for the poor and afflicted, a lively horror of sin, and all that offends thy divine Majesty.

At the Blessing and last Gospel.

At the Priest's blessing, most fervently implore the parting bene. diction of your divine Guest, that it may remain as a memorial and a preservative of the graces you have this day received.

MY GOD, thou shalt never leave me until thou bless me-until thou givest me that efficacious benediction which will be the safeguard of thy graces. That the world may know I sincerely love thee, and have had the happiness of receiving thee, I will follow thee, and serve thee faithfully to the last moment of my life; but yet, my God! with what diffidence should I make these promises! How often have I promised to be faithful to thy law, and yet on occasions of trial, how repeatedly have I transgressed! Thou hast given me thy precious body and blood, yet I have ungratefully refused thee the most trifling sacrifices. Thus have I hitherto acted, and what I once did, I may and certainly shall do again, if not supported by thy powerful grace. Yet, notwithstanding my experience of past weakness, I do again promise to keep thy commandments, to love thee and serve thee with all my heart and soul. Remain with me. O divine Lord, by the influence of thy all-powerful grace; take my whole being, and reign over me so absolutely, that I may never acknowledge any King or Master but thee. May I rather die than forget thy infinite goodness and unspeakable mercies may these same mercies give thee glory, and may they follow me all the days of my life. (Ps. cvi. §

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xx. 6.) In the strength of the heavenly nourishment I have received, may I walk steadily in the paths of virtue, until I come to that happy region where I shall eternally sing, Benediction, and glory and wisdom, and thanksgiving, honour, and power, and strength to our God, for ever and ever. Amen (Apoc. v. 12.)

A Prayer to be said three Days after Communion

I HAVE not forgotten, O my good God! the great nappiness which I have so lately enjoyed in receiving the adorable Sacrament of thy Body and Blood. Penetrated with the sincerest gratitude for all the graces bestowed on me in my late Communion, I once more most humbly and fervently thank thee for them. As I never could thank thee sufficiently for such a favour, I offer thee thy own adorable Heart as a supplement for the insufficiency of my gratitude and love. O divine Heart of Jesus! which was pierced for me on the cross, that I may at all times find a refuge in thee, receive me now, for I never more sincerely desired to consecrate myself to the service of my Creator, to love him fervently, and to live for him alone. I never dreaded my own inconstancy and weakness more than at present; for, alas! I know that I am still capable of offending thee, my divine Saviour, even after all thou hast done for me. It appears to me now that I am determined, firmly determined, to remember and to observe the sacred obligations of my baptism-to renounce the devil, the world, the flesh, and my own will -to prefer death itself to the misfortune of offending thee-and to prove by my conduct that the grace of my last communion has not been received in vain. how long will these dispositions last? I have made thee many promises before, and have ungratefully broken them. Alas, my God! shall I be so unforunate as to lose the fruit of my communion, and again relapse into sin? No, thou wilt not permit it;—if I distrust myself, it is to trust more firmly in thee. I


have received the adorable sacrament which fortified the martyrs; why then should it not fortify me? Thou art as willing to be my sovereign strength as thou wert to be theirs. Into thy hands then I recommend my whole being-with all the confidence of a child I cast myself into the arms of my divine, indulgent Parent. In thy sacred heart, O Jesus! I place all my resolutions, particularly those of suffering all that can be endured, rather than offend thee mortally, and of making every necessary effort to correct my nabitual faults. I most humbly implore, through thy divine Heart, and the intercession of thy blessed Mother, the grace to persevere in these my good pur poses. Amen.

It will be an excellent means of advancing in virtue, to make choice, after your communion, of some one of your faults to cor rect, at least in part, before you are next to have the happiness of communicating, beginning by those that appear exteriorly, because they give disedification and bad example. Consider, also, what virtue you most stand in need of; whether it be attention and respect at prayer; more docility and obedience to superiors; more patience, forbearance, and condescension with your companions; more exactness to truth; more attention to your improvement, the good employment of your time, &c.; and then determine, with God's assistance, to produce a great many acts of the virtue you select, that you may present them to Jesus Christ when he next visits you in the holy communion.





On the Sentiments which the holy Communion should produce in our Souls.

I. Point.-Consider with astonishment the excess. ive liberality with which Jesus Christ has treated you, by this one Communion you are infinitely elevated above all that the world calls great-you are happier than if you enjoyed a 1 the delights of the universe

richer than if you possessed all its treasures-and more dignified than if you were its sole sovereign. Ah! if you understood the gift of God, if you had a just idea of your own dignity, how soon would you despise every thing in this world! Penetrated with gratitude for the greatness of the benefit you have re ceived, you should exclaim with the Royal Prophet : What shall I render to the Lord for all he has done for me? how shall I testify my gratitude? Do not on this important matter deceive yourself as many do. Do not imagine that so great a benefit as a Communion is worthily acknowledged by the most fervent expressions of thanksgiving. It is not those who say, Lord, Lord, that shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; nor is it those that multiply acts of gratitude, who afterwards prove themselves truly grateful for the happiness of communicating. "Sincere gratitude for any benefit," says St. Thomas, "consists chiefly in esteeming the benefit as it deserves, and in endeavouring to make our benefactor an adequate return. This is seldom thought of by the generality of communicants; they would be ashamed of treating an earthly friend or benefactor with indifference; they would reproach themselves with insensibility, if they received favours from a fellow-creature without feeling them, and would be delighted at an opportunity of repaving them with gratitude. It is God alone, in this mystery of love, whose goodness is scarcely ever felt or acknowledged, and whose most precious favours do not often induce his servants to make him

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even a trifling return. Let not this be your case; be you at least that thankful Samaritan, whose first care was to cast himself at the feet of his Benefactor, penetrated with gratitude for the favour he had received, and disposed no doubt to acknowledge it to the best of his power. Return this day to give glory to Him, who has given you his precious body and blood, his soul and divinity, and thus rendered you in some respect an object of envy to the angels them

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