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National Review, the, 289; started and
edited by Hutton and Bagehot,
218-19; Hutton's resignation of,
365-6; death of, 366.

Articles, etc., in, by Bagehot (and
see Prospective Review) :—

American Constitution, the, 351, 363.
Clough's Poems, 182, 354, 368.
Cowper, William, 71, 218, 222.
Financial crisis (1858), 251 n.

First Edinburgh Reviewers, The, 24,

175, 222-4.

Gibbon, Edward, 225.

Gladstone, Mr., 277, 292-8.
Macaulay, Lord, 69, 70, 113, 174,
222, 289-90.

Man, ignorance of, 110, 132, 368.
Milton, John, 272-3.

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 368.
Novel or Two, A, 263.

Parliamentary Reform, 269-70; the
unreformed Parliament, 288.
Peel, Sir Robert, 225.
Pitt, William, 276, 349.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 169, 225,
371; Matthew Arnold's estimate
of, 247.

Waverley Novels, the, 254, 255.
Wordsworth, Tennyson and Brown-

ing, 219.

National wealth, 155-7.

Navigation Laws, the, 282.
Needles, the, 287-8.
Nerves, sensitive, 30.

Newman, Cardinal, 168, 437; gossip
concerning, 147; estimate of, 166;
of his book on the Jews, 170; in-
fluence of, on Bagehot, 5, 6, 179,

Newman, Francis W., 166, 177, 180.
Newton, 149; portrait of, 148.
Nonnenwerth, 136, 137, 139-40.
North Briton, The (No. 45), 144.
Northcote, Sir Stafford, 23; letter of,
on Committee on Banks of Issue,

Novel or Two, A, article on, in National
Review, 263.

O'CONNELL, 130; speech at a Repeal
meeting, 118, 120-2.
Oratory, 297.

NAPOLEON III., surrender of, at Sedan,
419; death of, 430; foreign policy
of, 214-15; Bagehot's justification
of, 199-200; his estimate of, 368," Orithyia" (Bagehot's poem), 243-4.
420; articles on, in the Economist,

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National Debt, the, 23.


Osler family, 112.

Osler, T. Smith, 25 m.; quoted, 104;
estimate of Bagehot by, 112; on
his death, 462-3.

Outram, Sir James, 321.

National Provincial Bank of England, Overend, Gurney & Co., article on, in

Economist, 396-7.

Oxford, 178; article on, in the Pro- Politics "a piece of business," 15, 201.

spective Review, 205.

PALEY, cited, 296.

Palgrave, Sir Francis, 366, 367.
Palmerston, Lord, 117, 192, 193, 220;
relations with Lord John Rus-
sell, 117, 268; forms Ministry of
1859, 269; death of, 387; con-
trasted with Sir G. C. Lewis, 388;
quoted on Corn Laws, 95; influ-
ence of, 388; article on, in Econ-
omist, 387.
Panizzi, 240.

Commune in, 426.

Life in, during Revolution (1851),

Parisian society, 384.

Parliament of 1832, work of, 393.
Parliamentary candidates, 386.
Parliament, member of, article on, in
Economist, advantages, etc., of be-
coming, 396.

Parliamentary Reform, article on, in
National Review, and pamphlet, by
Bagehot, 269-70; on the unre-
formed Parliament, 288.
Parliamentary representation of North
and South contrasted, 395.
Paper currency, 417; in India, 306.
Parret river, 37 and n. 2, 40, 49 n.
Parr's Bank, 52, 56.
Patriarchs, the, 170.
Pearson, C. H., 365-6.
Peel, Sir R., 81, 89, 283; Lord John
Russell's relations with, 117, 268;
Government of 1841 contrasted
with that of 1868, 435-6; charges
against Cobden and the Anti-Corn
Law League, 380; Income Tax
revised by, 340; Irish Church policy,
161; quoted on the Irish Church,
395; article on, in National Re-
view, 225.

"Peter Bell," 224.
Phelps' Optics, 148.

Physics and Politics. See under Bage-

Pitt, William, 295, 350; articles on, in

National Review, 276, 349; con-
trasted with Bagehot, 10, 276;
sense of fun and wit of, 349-50.
Plato, 206.
Poland, 221.
Political economy, letter on, by Bage-
hot to Morley, 446-8; unfinished
work on, 444, 446, 450.
Political Economy Club, the, 422.
Political economists' theories, 155-6.

Poor Law Bill, article on, in Economist,

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Act of 1832, article on Lord Althorp
and, in Fortnightly Review, 448.
Bills of 1859, 268-9; article in Na-
tional Review on Parliamentary
Reform, 269-70.

Bill of 1866, 390; article in Economist,
"Ought the Tories to touch a
Reform Bill?" 390.
Religion, political force of, 383.
Religious education, 30, 76, 162-3.
Repealers, the, 130.
Reynolds, J. S., 65, 101; career of,
78-9; quoted on Bagehot's faults,
146; Memoir of, quoted, 29.
Reynolds, Mrs. (aunt), Bagehot's letters
to (aged 6), 77-8, 115-16.

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, picture of "Puck" | Senior, article in Fortnightly Review

by, 234.

Rhine scenery, 37, 40.
Ricardo, 155.

Robinson, Crabb, 19, 364; cited on
Clough, 278.

Roger's "Pleasures of Memory" quoted,

Rolandseck hermitage, 137, 139.
Romilly, Sir John, 291, 292.
Romilly, Sir S., 160.

Roscoe, Miss Mary (Mrs. Hutton), 213,


Roscoe, W. C., 108, 109, 114, 180, 222;
estimates of, 112, 279-80; editor of
Prospective Review, 176; death of,
279; letter of, to Hutton on re-
linquishing the Bar, 184-5; tragedy
Violenzia by, 187; article by, on
the "Humorous," 220.

Rosebery, Lord-Life of Lord Chat-
ham, quoted, 43.

Ross, Rev. D. M., 48 n., 150.
Rouher, Mons., 384.
Routine, 16.

Rubens, Bagehot's estimate of pictures
by, 133-4.

Ruskin, 361 and n., 412 and n.
Russell, Lord John, 275; attitude of,

to Sir R. Peel, 117; turns out Pal-
merston, 193; resolution of, on
Lord Derby's Reform Bill (1859),
268; Foreign Minister, 269; beaten
and resigns on Reform Bill (1866),
390; Free Trade policy of, 89;
Irish Church policy, 161; article in
Economist on ministry of (1865),

on journals of, 425.
Sense and Sensibility, 265.
Sewell, 179.

Shakespeare, 28; article on, in Prospec-
tive Review, 12, 216-17.

Shelley quoted, 176; estimate of, 152,
355; illegality of works of, in Eng-
land, 129; article on, in National
Review, 169, 225, 247, 371-2.
Shipley, Rev. Orby, 404, 405.
Simple democracy," 12.

Sinking Fund, the, article on, in Econo-
mist, 258.

Slavery, 214.

[ocr errors]

Smith, Adam, 255; article on Adam
Smith as a Person," 446.
Smith, Goldwin, 35.
Snipe in Belgravia, 49 n.
Social relations, 26.
Society, first duty of, 200-1.
Socrates quoted, 201.
Somerset, Collinson's, 43.
Somerset election (1868), 396, 401-2.
Somersetshire clown, anecdote of, 26.
Sonning on the Thames, 406.
Special pleading, 211.
Spectator, the, 252, 358; acquired by
Hutton and Townsend, 349; letter
to, from Bagehot on charm of the
"Golden Light," 401.
Stanhope, Earl, 349; estimate of, 272.
Stanley, Dean, 177, 178, 220.
Stanley, Lord, 280.

State, functions of the, 394.
Statesmen, value of, article on, in
Economist, 409.

Stephen, Sir Fitz James, 249, 437;
Cambridge Essays by, 220.

SACRED literature compared with pro- Stephen, Leslie, 25, 26.

fane, 456.

St. John's Gospel, 226.

St. Luke's Gospel, 227.

St. Matthew's Gospel, 227.

St. Paul, 167; estimate of, 220.

Saint's Tragedy, estimate of, 167, 169.
Sanford, J. L., 189, 199, 430 and n.

San Sebastian, 401.

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Stevenson, R. L., quoted, 210.
Stuckey, Vincent, Pitt's private secre-

tary and clerk to the Treasury, 44;
starts Stuckey's Bank, 50; death
and estimate of, 150.

Stuckey families, connection of, with
Langport and its trade, 48 and n.,
49; relations with Bagehot family,
58; characteristics of, 60.

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in Economist on Indian Budget | Watson, Bagehot's foster-brother, 72,

of (1869), 408-9.

Tennyson, 219.

Thackeray, 270-1.


Watts, artist, 9, 261 and n., 452;
quoted, 27.

"Theatrical Show of Society," 25, 27. Waverley Novels, essay on, in Na-


Theory of Numbers," 159.

Thiers, M., 196, 197.

Thinking, art of, 32, 119.

Three Clerks, The, 251.
Thring, Lord, 459.

Thun, II4.
"Thyrsis," 353.
Ticknor, G., 235.

Times, The, Disraeli's memorandum in,
404; quoted on Wilson's death,
329-30; Calcutta correspondent of,
quoted, 328; Bagehot's advice on
reading of, 364.

Tithe commutation, 154.
Tocqueville, 35, 235; cited, 201.
Tories and Reform, article on, in Econo-

mist, 390.

Townsend, M., 348-9; cited, 358.
Traditions, 226-7.

Travellers' Insurance Company, The,
Hartford, Conn., 21.

Treason, 128.

Treasury, The, 283.
Treasury Bills, 23-4, 449.
Trevelyan, Geo., 453 and n.
Trevelyan, Sir C., opposition of, to

Wilson's Budget, 319-20, 334;
recall of, 323, 335, 345; letter
from, on his relations with Wilson,
347; appointed Finance Minister
of India, 344; his Indian Budget
(1863), 347; Bagehot's estimate
of, 345; Sir C. Wood's, 345-6;
articles on, in Economist, 319-20,
344, 347.
Trinitarians, 221.

[blocks in formation]

tional Review, 254, 255.

Welby, Lord, quoted, 22-44; letter of,

to the author, 283-4.

Wellington, Duke of, 92; anecdote of,
282; quoted, 282.
Wellington Monument, the, 45.
West countryman's mind, the, 39.
Westminster Abbey, 388.

Westminster Review, Mill's article in,
against the Corn Laws, 154.
Weston-super-Mare, 408.
Wick, 9.
Wilberforce, 349.

Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford, 35;
sermons at St. Mary's, Oxford,
178; at Sonning, 406.

Wilson, J., founds the Economist, 13;
work at the Treasury, 236, 283-4,
340-1; Vice-President of the Board
of Trade, 269; Secretary to the
Indian Board of Control, 275;
Financial Member of the Supreme
Council in India, 281; Budget
speech of, 333-4; Currency Bill of,
335; new Indian taxes imposed by,
338-40; death of, 325, 331-2;
funeral, 337; memoir of, in the
Economist, 236-7, 285, 341-2; Sir
R. Temple's account of his work in
India, 333; estimates of, 273-5,
277, 282; by Disraeli, 275; by
Duke of Wellington, 282; by Lord
Grey, 341; Bagehot's relations
with, 229-30, 233-4, 235-8, 273-5,
278, 344; letters from, to Bagehot,
271, 301, 311, 315-16, 320-22, 324;
to Sir C. Wood, 307, 309-10; to Sir
C. Trevelyan, 308-9; to Sir W.
Mansfield, 311; to his family on
unofficial life in India, 312; fruit
of his Indian policy, 347; articles on,
in Economist, 315-17, 335, 338-40.
Wilson, Eliza. See Bagehot, Mrs. Wal-

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article on, in National Review,

Wood, Sir Charles, 281; support of Wordsworth, Tennyson and Browning,
Wilson by, 334-5; letters from, on
Sir C. Trevelyan's appointment
as Finance Minister of India,

Wood, Vincent, 212.
Wordsworth, 24, 109, 114; quoted, 175;
influence of, 224; contrasted with
Lord Jeffrey, 222-4.

YOUNG, Professor, 93; letter of, to
Bagehot, 94.


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