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No.l. Clarke, James. Discourse on the aspects

of the war... 1863. 36 p.


No.3. Woodbury, Augustus. The preservation of ( the republic. 1862. 23 p.

No.4. Rush, Benjamin. Letter on the rebellion to a citizen of Washington from a citizen of Philadelphia. 1862. 23 p.

No.5. Cairnes, John. The American revolution... 1862. 15 р.

No.6. Mill, John. The slave power; its characture, career, and probable designs... 1862. 16 р. No.7. Ellis, Charles. The power of the commanderin-chief to declare martial law and decree emancipation... 1862. 24 р.

No.8. Smith, Truman. Considerations on the
slavery question. 1862. 15 p.
No.9. Holcombe, Wm. Suggestions as to the
spiritual philosophy of African slavery...
1861, 24 р.

No.10. Miller, Leo. The great conflict, or the
cause and cure of secession... 1862, 24 р.
No.ll. Skinner, Thomas. Comfort in tribula-
tion. An address... 1861. 28 р.
No.12. Weiss. John. A discourse upon causes

for thanksgiving... 1862. 24 р. No.13.

No.14. Barnard, Frederick. Letter to the Pres. of the U.S. 1863. 32 р.

No.15. Bougher, Henry. The Christian patriot... 1861. 25 p.

Flanders, Henry. Must the war go on? 1863. 23 р.


No.18. Morse, Sidney. A geographical, statistical and ethical view of the American slaveholders' rebellion. 1863. 19 p. No.19. Stille, Charles. How a free people conduct a long war... 1863. 40 р. No.20. Stille, Charles. Northern interests

and southern independence; a plea for united action. 1863. 50 р.

No.21. Laboulaye, Edouard. Why the north cannot accept of separation. 1863. 16 p. No.22. Darling, Henry. Slavery and the war. 1863. 48 р.

No.23. Fulton, John. The dual revolutions. Anti-slavery and pro-slavery. 1863.48 p. No.24. Williams, Thomas. A discourse on the evils and the end of war. 1862. 15 р. No.25. Stearns, Edward. A platform for all parties. 1860. 21 p. No.26: Aikman, William. The future of the colored race in America... 1862. 35 р. No.27.


No.29. Drake, Charles. The rebellion: its origin and life in slavery.. 1862. 8 p. No.30. Dodge, Mary Abigail. Tracts for the times. Courage. 1862? 4 p.

No.31. Wright, Charles. An appeal for rectitude in primary politics. 1863. 18 p.



No.34. Kirkland, Charles. A letter to the Hon. Benjamin R. Curtis...on the "Emancipation proclamation" of the president. 1863. 20 p. No.35. Brooks, James. The two proclamations. 1862. 8 р.

No.36. Seymour Horatio. Speech... before the Democratic union state convention...1862. 1862. 15 р.

No.37. Beaman, F.C. Provisional governments over the districts of country now in rebellion... 1862. 7 p.

No.38. Drake, Charles. The proclamation of emancipation... 1863. 7 р. No.39. Bartol, Cyrus. The nation's hour; a tribute to Maj. Sidney Willard. 1862.58 p. No.40. Hovey, Horace. The national fast; a sermon... 1861. 12 р.

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