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but with one pair of frontiers left as straight lines, and the two other pairs drawn by aid of two paper templets. It would be easy, but not worth the trouble, to cut out a large number of pieces of brass of the shapes shown in these diagrams and to show them fitted together like the pieces of a dissected map. Figs. 5 and 6 are drawn on the same principle; fig. 6 showing, on a reduced scale, the result of putting pieces together precisely equal and similar to that shown in

FIG. 5.

fig. 5. In these diagrams, unlike the cases represented in figs. 3 and 4, the primitive hexagon is, as shown clearly in fig. 5, divided into isolated parts. But if we are dealing with homogeneous division of solid space, the separating channels shown in fig. 5 might be sections, by the plane of the drawing, of perforations through the matter of one cell produced by the penetration of matter, rootlets for example, from neighbouring cells.

§ 9. Corresponding to the three ways by which two triangles can be put together to make a parallelogram, there are seven, and only seven, ways in which the six tetrahedrons of § 4 can be put together to make a parallelepiped, in positions parallel to those which they had in the original parallelepiped. To see this, remark first that among the thirty-six edges of the six tetrahedrons seven different lengths are found which are respectively equal to the three lengths of edges (three quartets of equal parallels); the three

FIG. 6.

lengths of face-diagonals having ends in P or Q (three pairs of equal parallels); and the length of the chosen body-diagonal PQ. (Any one of these seven is, of course, determinable from the other six if given.)

In the diagram, fig. 7, full lines show the edges of the primitive parallelepiped, and dotted lines show the body-diagonal PQ and two pairs of the face diagonals, the other pair of face-diagonals (PF, QC), not being marked on the diagram to avoid confusion. Thus, the diagram shows, in the parallelograms QDPA and QEPB, two of the three cutting planes by which it is divided into six tetrahedrons, and it so shows also two of the six tetrahedrons, QPDB and QPEA. The lengths QP, QD, QE, QF are found in the edges of every one of the six tetrahedrons, the two other edges of each being of two of the three 'engths QA, QB, QC. The six tetrahedrons may be taken in order of

[blocks in formation]

three pairs having edges of lengths respectively equal to QB and QC, QC and QA, QA and QB. It is the third of these pairs that is shown. in fig. 7. Remark now that the sum of the six angles of the six tetrahedrons at the edge equal to any one of the lengths QP, QD, QE, QF is four right angles. Remark also that the sum of the four angles at the edge of length QA in the two pairs of tetrahedrons in which the length QA is found is four right angles, and the same with reference to QB and QC. Remark lastly that the two tetrahedrons of each pair are equal and dichirally* similar, or enantio morphs as such figures have been called by German writers. § 10. Now, suppose any one pair of the tetrahedrons to be taken away from their positions in the primitive parallelepiped, and, by purely translational motion, to be brought into position with their edges of length QD coincident, and the same to be done for each of the other two pairs. The sum of the six angles at the coincident edges being two right angles, the plane faces at the common edge will fit together, and the condition of parallelism in the motion of each pair fixes the order in which the three pairs come together in the new position, and shows us that in this position the three pairs form a parallelepiped essentially different from the primitive paralielepiped, provided that, for simplicity in our present considerations, we suppose each tetrahedron to be wholly scalene, that is to say, the seven lengths found amongst the edges to be all unequal. Next shift the tetrahedrons to bring the edges QE into coincidence, and next again to bring the edges QF into coincidence. Thus, including the primitive parallelepiped, we can make four different parallelepipeds in each of which six of the tetrahedrons have a common edge.

§ 11. Now take the two pairs of tetrahedrons having edges of length equal to QA, and put them together with these edges coincident. Thus we have a scalene octahedron. The remaining pair of

* A pair of gloves are dichirally similar, or enantiomorphs. Equal and similar right-handed gloves are chirally similar.

tetrahedrons placed on a pair of its parallel faces complete a parallelepiped. Similarly two other parallelepipeds may be made by putting together the pairs that have edges of lengths equal to QB and QC respectively with those edges coincident, and finishing in each case with the remaining pair of tetrahedrons. The three parallelepipeds thus found are essentially different from one another, and from the four of § 10; and thus we have the seven parallelepipeds fulfilling the statement of § 9. Each of the seven parallelepipeds corresponds to one and the same homogeneous distribution of points.

§ 12. Going back to § 4, we see that, by the rule there given, we find four different ways of passing to the tetrakaidekahedron from any one chosen parallelepiped of a homogeneous assemblage. The four different cellular systems thus found involve four different sets of seven pairs of neighbours for each point. In each of these there are four pairs of neighbours in rows parallel to the three quartets of edges of the parallelepiped and to the chosen body-diagonal; and the other three pairs of neighbours are in three rows parallel to the face-diagonals which meet in the chosen body-diagonal. The second (§ 11) of the two modes of putting together tetrahedrons to form a parallelepiped which we have been considering suggests a second mode of dividing our primitive parallelepiped, in which we should first truncate two opposite corners and then divide the octahedron which is left, by two planes through one or other of its three diagonals. The six tetrahedrons obtained by any one of the twelve ways of effecting this second mode of division give, by their twentyfour corners, the twenty-four corners of a space-filling tetrakaidekahedronal cell, by which our fundamental problem is solved. But every solution thus obtainable is clearly obtainable by the simpler rule of § 4, commencing with some one of the infinite number of primitive parallelepipeds which we may take as representative of any homogeneous distribution of points.

§ 13. The communication is illustrated by a model showing the six tetrahedrons derived by the rule 4 from a symmetrical kind of primitive parallelepiped, being a rhombohedron of which the axial-diagonal is equal in length to each of the edges. The homogeneous distribution of points corresponding to this form of parallelepiped is the wellknown one in which every point is surrounded by eight others at the corners of a cube of which it is the centre; or, if we like to look at it so, two simple cubical distributions of single points, each point of one distribution being at the centre of a cube of points of the other. [To understand the tactics of the single homogeneous assemblage constituted by these two cubic assemblages, let P be a point of one of the cubic assemblages, and Q any one of its four nearest neighbours of the other assemblage. Q is at the centre of a cube of which P is at one corner. Let PD, PE, PF be three conterminous edges of this cube so

that A, B, C are points of the first assemblage nearest to P. Again Q is a corner of a cube of which P is the centre; and if QA, QB, QC are three conterminous edges of this cabe, D, E, F are points of the second assemblage nearest to Q. The rhombohedron of which PQ is bodydiagonal and PA, PB, PC the edges conterminous in P, and QD, QE, QF the edges conterminous in Q, is our present rhombohedron. The diagram of § 9 (fig. 7), imagined to be altered to proper proportions for the present case, may be looked to for illustration. Its three facediagonals through P, being PD, PE, PF, are perpendicular to one another. So also are QA, QB, QC, its three face-diagonals through Q. The body-diagonal of the cube PQ, being half the body-diagonal

consisting of a piece of wire bent at two points, one-third of its length from its ends, at angles of 70°, being sin√3, in planes inclined at 60° to one another. The six skeletons thus made are equal and similar, three homochirals and the other three also homochirals, their enantiomorphs. In their places in the primitive parallelepiped they have their middle lines coincident in its axial diagonal PQ, and their other 6×2 arms coincident in three pairs in its six edges through P and Q. Looking at fig. 7 we see, for example, three of the edges CP, PQ, QE, of one of the tetrahedrons thus constituted; and DQ, QP, PB, three edges of its enantiomorph. In the model they are put together with their middle lines at equal distances around the axial diagonal and their arms symmetrically arranged round it. Wherever two lines cross they are tied, not very tightly, together by thin cord many times round, and thus we can slip them along so as to bring the six middle lines either very close together, nearly as they would be in the primitive parallelepiped, or farther and farther out from one another so as to give, by the four corners of the tetrahedrons, the twenty-four corners of all possible configurations of the plane-faced space-filling tetrakaidekahedron.

§ 15. The six skeletons being symmetrically arranged around an axial line we see that each arm is cut by lines of other skeletons in three points. For an important configuration, let the skeletons be separated out from the axial line just so far that each arm is divided into four equal parts, by those three intersectional points. The

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