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NOTE. In this Index the names in Italics all refer to fossil genera or families
mentioned in Part II. The systematic names of genera and families occurring in
almost every page of Part III. are not given, as they would unnecessarily swell
the Index; but they can be readily referred to by the Class or Order, or by the
Geographical Division (Region or Sub-region) under which they occur. They
will, however, all be found in the General Index, with a reference to the page (in
Vol. II., Part IV.) where a systematic account of their distribution is given.


Aardvark of East Africa, figure of, 261
Accipitres, European Eocene, 163
Accipitres, classification of, 97

range of Palearctic genera of, 248
range of Ethiopian genera of, 312
range of Oriental genera of, 385
range of Australian genera of, 486
Acerotherium, European Miocene, 119
N. American Tertiary, 136
Achænodon, N. American Tertiary, 138
Acotherium, European Eocene, 126
Adapis, European Eocene, 125
Elurogale, European Eocene, 125
Epyornis, of Madagascar, 164

Æshna, from the Lias, 167

Agnopterus, European Eocene, 163

Agriochorus, N. American Tertiary, 138

Agrion, from the Lias, 167
Alcephalus, Indian Miocene, 122

Aldabra Islands, land-tortoises of, 289
Aletornis, N. American Eocene, 163
Algeria, Post-Pliocene deposits and caves of,


Allen, Mr. J. A., on Zoological regions, 61
objections to his system of circumpolar
zones, 67

objections to his zoo-geographical nomen-
clature, 68

Altai mountains, fossils in caves, 111
Amblyrhiza, Pliocene of Antilles, 148
America, recent separation of North and
South, 40

extinct mammalia of, 129

North, Post-Pliocene fauna of, 129
Amomys, Ñ. American Tertiary, 134
Amphechinus, European Miocene, 117
Amphibia, means of dispersal of, 28
classification of, 100

peculiar to Palearctic region, 186
of Central Europe, 196

of the Mediterranean sub-region, 205
of Siberian sub-region, 220

VOL. I.-33

Amphibia, of the Manchurian sub-region, 226
table of Palearctic families of, 237
of the Ethiopian region, 255
of West Africa, 264
South African, 268
of Madagascar, 280

table of Ethiopian families of, 298
of the Oriental region, 317
of the Indian sub-region, 326
of Ceylon, 327

of Indo-Chinese sub-region, 331
of Indo-Malay sub-region, 340
table of Oriental families of, 369

of the Australian region, 397

resemblances of Australian and South-
American, 400

of New Guinea, 416

of New Zealand, 457

Amphibos, Indian Miocene, 122

Amphicyon, European Miocene, 118

Indian Miocene, 121

N. American Tertiary, 134
Amphimericidæ, European Miocene, 119
Amphimoschus, European Miocene, 120
Amphisorex, European Miocene, 118
Amphitragulus, European Miocene, 120
Anastoma, European Tertiary, 169
Anchilophus, European Eocene, 125
Anchippodus, N. American Eocene, 139
Anchippus, N. American Tertiary, 135
Anchitherida, N. American Tertiary, 135
Anchitherium, European Miocene, 119
European Eocene, 125

N. American Tertiary, 135
Ancient fauna of New Zealand, 459
Ancylotherium, Miocene of Greece, 116
European Miocene, 121

Andaman Islands, zoology of, 333

probable past history of, 334

Andreas, European Miocene, 165

Animal kingdom, primary divisions of, 85
Animals, development of, affecting distribu-

tion, 7

dispersal and migration of, 10

Animals, rapid multiplication of, 10
Anisacodon, N. American Tertiary, 137
Anoa of Celebes, peculiarities of, 428
Anoplotheriidae, European Miocene, 119
Anoplotherium, European Miocene, 119
European Eocene, 126

S. American Eocene, 148
Anseres, arrangement of, 98

peculiar Palæarctic genera, 250

peculiar Ethiopian genera of, 313
peculiar Australian genera of, 487
Antelopes in the Indian Miocene deposits, 122
birthplace and migrations of, 155
Palæarctic, 182

Antelotherium, Indian Miocene, 122

Anthracotherida, N. American Tertiary, 137
Anthracotherium, European Miocene, 119
Antiacodon, N. American Tertiary, 133
Antilles, Pliocene Mammalia of, 148
Antilope, Post-Pliocene, 112

in Brazilian caves, 144

Antiquity of the genera of insects, 166

of the genera of land and freshwater
shells, 168

Aphanapteryx of Mauritius, 164

Aphelotherium, European Eocene, 125
Aquila, European Miocene, 161

Archaeopteryx, Bavarian Oolite, 163

Arctic zone not a separate region, 68
Arctocyon, European Eocene, 125

Arctodus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
Arctomys, European Pliocene, 113
Arctotherium in Brazilian caves, 144

S. American Pliocene, 146

Argus pheasant, figure of, 339

peculiarity in display of plumage, and
confirmation of Mr. Darwin's views,

[blocks in formation]

Azores, butterflies of, 207
beetles of, 207, 209
peculiarly modified birds of, 207
stragglers to, 208

how stocked with animal life, 208


Babirusa of Celebes, peculiarities of, 428
Badger, figure of, 195

Balana, European Pliocene, 112
Balenodon, European Pliocene, 112

Baly, Mr., on Phytophaga of Japan, 230
Banca, its peculiar species and solution of a
problem in distribution, 356

Barriers, as affecting distribution, 6

permanence of, as affecting distribution, 7
to the dispersal of birds, 17

Bates, Mr., on Carabidæ of Japan, 228
on Longicorns of Japan, 230
Bathmodon, N. American Tertiary, 13€
Bathrodon, N. American Tertiary, 133
Batrachia, Tertiary, 165

Bats, powers of flight of, 15

classification of, 87

of New Zealand, 450

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

of the Papuan Islands, 410
peculiarities of, 413

brilliant colours of, 413
remarkable forms of, 414
of the Moluccas, 418

peculiarities of, 421

of Timor group, 423
of Celebes, 428

of Australia, 440

of New Zealand, 451

peculiar to New Zealand, 452

of Norfolk Island, 453

of Lord Howe's Island, 453

of the Chatham Islands, 454

of the Auckland Islands, 455

table of families of Australian, 471
table of genera of Australian, 478

Black ape of Celebes, 427

Blanford, Mr. W. T., on the

region, 60


on relations of Indian sub-region with
Africa, 321

Blapsidium, Oolitic insect, 167

Blyth, Mr., on zoological regions, 60

on the relations of Indian sub-region with
Africa, 321

Borneo, probable recent changes in, 357
Bos, Post-Pliocene, 112

Indian Miocene, 122-

Bourbon, zoology of, 280

reptiles of, 281

Bovidae, European Miocene, 120

Brachymys, European Miocene, 120

Brumatherium, Miocene of Perim Island, 122
Brazilian cave-fauna, 143

remarks on, 145

Breyeria borinensis, carboniferous insect, 168
Britain, peculiar species in, 197
British Isles, zoology of, 197
Broad-bill, Malayan, figure of, 340
Brontotherida, N. American Tertiary, 137
Brontotherium, N. American Tertiary, 137
Bubo, European Miocene, 162
Bulimus, Eocene, 169

Bunalurus, N. American Tertiary, 134
Buprestidium, Oolitic insect, 167
Butterflies, arrangement of, 103
Palearctic, 187

of Central Europe, 196

of the Mediterranean sub-region, 205
of Azores, 207

peculiar to Siberian sub-region, 220
of Japan and North China, 227
of the Ethiopian region, 255
number of Ethiopian species, 256
of Indo-Malay sub-region, 342
of the Australian region, 404

of the Austro-Malay sub-region, 404
of the Moluccas, 419

of Celebes, peculiarities of, 434
of New Zealand, 457

[blocks in formation]

Canidæ, European Miocene, 118
European Eocene, 125

N. American Tertiary, 134
remarkable S. African, 267
Canis, European Pliocene, 112
Post-Pliocene, 112
European Miocene, 118
Indian Miocene, 121
European Eocene, 125

N. American Post-Pliocene, 129
N. American Tertiary, 134, 135

in Brazilian caves, 144

S. American Pliocene, 146

Camel, fossil in Indian Miocene, 122
birth-place and migrations of, 155
Falæarctic, 182

Camelida, essentially extra-tropical, 112
N. American Tertiary, 138

Cumelopardalis, Miocene of Greece, 116
Indian Miocene, 122

Camelotherium, S. American Pliocene, 147
Cape of Good Hope, peculiar flora and fauna
of, 266

Cape Verd Islands, zoology of, 214
Cape-hare, S. African, 267

Cardiodus, S. American Pliocene, 147
Cariama, Brazilian caves, 164

Carnivora of European Pliocene, 112

Miocene of Greece, 115
European Miocene, 118
Indian Miocene, 121

European Eocene, 125

N. American Post-Pliocene, 129
N. American Tertiary, 134

of Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 146
Carnivora, classification of, 88
antiquity of, 153

of the Palearctic region, 182
list of Palearctic genera of, 240
list of Ethiopian genera of, 302
range of Oriental genera of, 373
list of Australian genera of, 476
Caroline Islands, birds of, 444
Carterodon in Brazilian caves, 145

Carus, and Gerstaeker on classification of

animals, 85

Professor, on classification of the Cetacea,

Castor, European Pliocene, 113

European Miocene, 120

Casoryx, N. American Tertiary, 138

Cathartes, Brazilian caves, 164

Cave-fauna of Brazil, 143
Cavia, European Miocene, 121
in Brazilian caves, 144

S. American Pliocene, 147
Cebochorus, European Eocene, 126
Cebus in Brazilian caves, 144
Celebes, physical features of, 389
mammalia of, 426
birds of, 428

insects of, 434

origin of fauna of, 436

Centetida, European Miocene, 118

Ceratodus, remarkable Australian fish, 397
Cercolabes in Brazilian caves, 145

Cercopithecus in European Pliocene, 112
Cervidae, European Miocene, 120.

birth-place and migrations of, 155
Cervus, European Pliocene, 113

Indian Pliocene and Miocene, 122

N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 138

in Brazilian caves, 144
S. American Pliocene, 147
Cetacea, European Pliocene, 112
European Miocene, 119

N. American Post-Pliocene, 130
N. American Tertiary, 140

Cetacea, classification of, 89

range of Oriental genus, 374

Ceylon and Malaya, resemblance of insects of,

[blocks in formation]

Chelonia, classification of, 100

Chelydra, European Pliocene, 165

Chevrotain of Malaya, figure of, 336

Chili should not be placed in the Palæa
or Nearctic regions, 63

China, fossil mammals in, resembling those of
Indian and European Miocene, 362
North, mammalia of, 222
Chinchillidæ in Brazilian caves, 145
S. American Pliocene, 147
Pliocene of Antilles, 148
Chiroptera, classification of, 87

list of Palearctic genera of, 239
list of Ethiopian genera of, 300
range of Oriental genera of, 371
list of Australian genera of, 475
Chiroptera, European Eocene, 125
in Brazilian caves, 144

Chlamydotherium in Brazilian caves, 145
Choromorus, European Miocene, 119
Choropotamus, European Eocene, 126

Chorotherium, Indian Miocene, 122

[blocks in formation]

Continental extension in Mesozoic times, 156
Corvus, European Miocene, 161

Coryphodon, European Eocene, 126

Cosmopolitan groups enumerated, 175

Cricetodon, European Miocene, 120

Cricetus, European Pliocene, 113
Crocodiles, Eocene, 165

Crocodilia, classification of, 100

Crook-billed plovers of New Zealand, 456
Crotch, Mr., on beetles of the Azores, 209
Crowned-pigeon, figure of, 415
Cryptornis, European Eocene, 163
Ctenomys, S. American Pliocene, 147
Cuba, extinct mammalia of, 148
Curculionidium, Oolitic insect, 167
Cyclostoma, Eocene, 169

Cyllo sepulta, European Cretaceous, 167
Cynælurus, in Brazilian caves, 144
Cynopithecus of Celebes, affinities of, 427
Cyotherium, European Eocene, 125

[blocks in formation]
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