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and fed upon this diet two days and two nights, in the evening before the third night, another fellow, a little above the condition of his host, came to the house, sent from Careless, to conduct the king to another house, more out of any road near which any part of the army was like to march. It was above twelve miles that he was to go, and was to use the same caution he had done the first night, not to go in any common road, which his guide knew well how to avoid. Here he new dressed himself, changing clothes with his landlord; he had a great mind to have kept his own shirt; but he considered, that men are not sooner discovered by any mark in disguises than by having fine linen in ill clothes; and so he parted with his shirt too, and took the same his poor host had then on. Though he had foreseen that he must leave his boots, and his landlord had taken the best care he could to provide an old pair of shoes, yet they were not easy to him when he first put them on, and, in a short time after, grew very grievous to him. In this equipage he set out from his first lodging in the beginning of the night, under the conduct of this guide, who guided him the nearest way, crossing over hedges and ditches, that they might be in least danger of meeting passengers. This was so grievous a march, and he was so tired, that he was even ready to despair, and to prefer being taken and suffered to rest, before purchasing his safety at that price. His shoes had, after a few miles, hurt him so much, that he had thrown them away, and walked the rest of the way in his ill stockings, which were quickly worn out; and his feet, with the thorns in getting over hedges, and with the stones in other places, were so hurt and wounded, that he many times cast himself upon the ground, with a desperate and obstinate resolution to rest there till the morning, that he might shift with less torment, what hazard soever he run. But his stout guide still prevailed with him to make a new attempt, sometimes promising that the way should be better, and sometimes assuring him that he had but little further to go; and in this

distress and perplexity, before the morning they arrived at the house designed; which, though it was better than that which he had left, his lodging was still in the barn, upon straw instead of hay, a place being made as easy in it as the expectation of a guest could dispose it. Here he had such meat and porridge as such people used to have, with which, but especially with the butter and the cheese, he thought himself well feasted; and took the best care he could to be supplied with other, little better, shoes and stockings; and after his feet were enough recovered that he could go, he was conducted from thence to another poor house, within such a distance as put him not to much trouble; for having not yet in his thought which way or by what means to make his escape, all that was designed was only, by shifting from one house to another, to avoid discovery. And being now in that quarter which was more inhabited by the Roman Catholics than most other parts in England, he was led from one to another of that persuasion, and concealed with great fidelity. But he then observed that he was never carried to any gentleman's house, though that country was full of them, but only to poor houses of poor men, which only yielded him rest with very unpleasant sustenance; whether there was more danger in those better houses, in regard of the resort and the many servants, or whether the owners of great estates were the owners likewise of more fears and apprehensions.

Within few days, a very honest and discreet person, one Mr. Hudleston, a Benedictine monk, who attended the service of the Roman Catholics in those parts, came to him, sent by Careless, and was a very great assistance and comfort to him. And when the places to which he carried him were at too great a distance to walk, he provided him a horse, and more proper habit than the rags he wore. This man told him, "that the Lord Wilmot lay concealed likewise in a friend's house of his, which his majesty was very glad of, and wished him to contrive some means how they might

speak together," which the other easily did; and, within a night or two, brought them into one place. Wilmot told the king "that he had by very good fortune fallen into the house of an honest gentleman, one Mr. Lane, a person of an excellent reputation for his fidelity to the king, but of so universal and general a good name, that, though he had a son who had been a colonel in the king's service during the late war, and was then upon his way with men to Worcester, the very day of the defeat, men of all affections in the country, and of all opinions, paid the old man a very great respect; that he had been very civilly treated there; and that the old gentleman had used some diligence to find out where the king was, that he might get him to his house, where, he was sure, he could conceal him till he might contrive a full deliverance." He told him, "he had withdrawn from that house, in hope that he might, in some other place, discover where his majesty was; and having now happily found him, advised him to repair to that house, which stood not near any other."

The king inquired of the monk of the reputation of this gentleman, who told him, "that he had a fair estate, was exceedingly beloved, and the eldest justice of peace of that county of Stafford; and though he was a very zealous Protestant, yet he lived with so much civility and candour towards the Catholics, that they would all trust him as much as they would do any of their own profession; and that he could not think of any place of so good repose and security for his majesty's repair to." The king liked the proposition, yet thought not fit to surprise the gentleman, but sent Wilmot thither again, to assure himself that he might be received there, and was willing that he should know what guest he received; which hitherto was so much concealed, that none of the houses where he had yet been, knew or seemed to suspect more than that he was one of the king's party that fled from Worcester. monk carried him to a house at a reasonable distance, where he was to expect


an account from the Lord Wilmot, who returned very punctually, with as much assurance of welcome as he could wish. And so they two went together to Mr. Lane's house, where the king found he was welcome, and conveniently accommodated in such places as in a large house had been provided to conceal the persons of malignants, or to preserve goods of value from being plundered. Here he lodged and ate very well, and began to hope that he was in present safety. Wilmot returned under the care of the monk, and expected summons when any further motion should be thought to be necessary.

Mr. Lane had a niece, or very near kinswoman, who was married to a gentleman, one Mr. Norton, a person of eight or nine hundred pounds per annum, who lived within four or five miles of Bristol, which was at least four or five days' journey from the place where the king then was, but a place most to be wished for the king to be in, because he did not only know all that country very well, but knew many persons also to whom, in an extraordinary case, he durst make himself known. It was hereupon resolved that Mrs. Lane should visit this cousin, who was known to be of good affections, and that she should ride behind the king, who was fitted with clothes and boots for such a service; and that a servant of her father's, in his livery, should wait upon her. A good house was easily pitched upon for the first night's lodging, where Wilmot had notice given him to meet; and in this equipage the king began his journey, the colonel keeping him company at a distance, with a hawk upon his fist, and two or three spaniels, which, where there were any fields at hand, warranted him to ride out of the way, keeping his company still in his eye, and not seeming to be of it. In this manner they came to their first night's lodging; and they need not now contrive to come to their journey's end about the close of the evening, for it was in the month of October far advanced, that the long journeys they made could not be despatched sooner. Here the Lord Wilmot found


them, and their journeys being then ad- provide for his retreat.
justed, he was instructed where he should
be every night; so they were seldom seen
together in the journey, and rarely lodged
in the same house at night. In this man-
ner the colonel hawked two or three days,
till he had brought them within less than
a day's journey of Mr. Norton's house,
and then he gave his hawk to the Lord
Wilmot, who continued the journey in
the same exercise.

Mrs. Lane was

very welcome to her cousin, and was presently conducted to her chamber, where she no sooner was, than she lamented the condition of "a good youth who came with her, and whom she had borrowed of his father to ride before her, who was very sick, being newly recovered of an ague;" and desired her cousin "that a chamber might be provided for him, and a good fire made, for that he would There was great care taken when they go early to bed, and was not fit to be came to any house, that the king might below stairs." A pretty little chamber be presently carried into some chamber, was presently made ready, and a fire preMrs. Lane declaring "that he was a pared, and a boy sent into the stable to neighbour's son, whom his father had lent call William, and to show him his chamher to ride before her, in hope that he ber; who was very glad to be there, freed would the sooner recover from a quartan from so much company as was below. ague, with which he had been miserably Mrs. Lane was put to find some excuse afflicted, and was not yet free." And by for making a visit at that time of the this artifice she caused a good bed to be year, and so many days' journey from still provided for him, and the best meat her father, and where she had never been to be sent, which she often carried her- before, though the mistress of the house self, to hinder others from doing it. There and she had been bred together, and was no resting in any place till they came friends as well as kindred. She preto Mr. Norton's, nor anything extra-tended "that she was, after a little rest, ordinary that happened in the way, save to go into Dorsetshire to another friend." that they met many people every day in When it was supper-time, there being the way, who were very well known to broth brought to the table, Mrs. Lane the king; and the day that they went to filled a little dish, and desired the butler Mr. Norton's, they were necessarily to who waited at the table "to carry that ride quite through the city of Bristol-a dish of porridge to William, and to tell place and people the king had been so him that he should have some meat sent well acquainted with, that he could not to him presently." The butler carried but send his eyes abroad to view the the porridge into the chamber, with a great alterations which had been made napkin and spoon, and bread, and spoke there, after his departure from thence; kindly to the young man, who was willand when he rode near the place where ing to be eating. the great fort had stood, he could not forbear putting his horse out of the way, and rode with his mistress behind him round about it.

They came to Mr. Norton's house sooner than usual, and it being on a holiday, they saw many people about a bowling-green that was before the door; and the first man the king saw was a chaplain of his own, who was allied to the gentleman of the house, and was sitting upon the rails to see how the bowlers played. William, by which name the king went, walked with his horse into the stable, until his mistress could

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The butler, looking narrowly upon him, fell upon his knees, and with tears told him, he was glad to see his majesty.' The king was infinitely surprised, yet recollected himself enough to laugh at the man, and to ask him "what he meant?" The man had been falconer to Sir Thomas Jermyn, and made it appear that he knew well enough to whom he spoke, repeating some particulars which the king had not forgot. Whereupon the king conjured him "not to speak of what he knew, so much as to his master, though he believed him a very honest man. The fellow promised, and kept his word; and the

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king was the better waited upon during the time of his abode there.

ing he went early from thence, as if he had continued his journey; and the widow, being trusted with the knowledge of her guest, sent her servants out of the way, and at an hour appointed received him again, and accommodated him in a little room, which had been made since the beginning of the troubles for the concealment of delinquents, the seat always belonging to a malignant family.

There was, between that and Salisbury, a very honest gentlemen, Colonel Robert Philips, a younger brother of a very good family, which had always been very loyal, and he had served the king during the war. The king was resolved to trust him, and so sent the Lord Wilmot to a place from whence he might send to Mr. Philips to come to him; and when he Here he lay concealed without the had spoken with him, Mr. Philips should knowledge of some gentlemen who lived come to the king, and Wilmot was to stay in the house, and of others who daily rein such a place as they two should agree. sorted thither, for many days; the widow Mr. Philips accordingly came to the herself only attending him with such colonel's house, which he could do with- things as were necessary, and bringing out suspicion, they being nearly allied. him such letters as the doctor received The ways were very full of soldiers, which from the Lord Wilmot and Colonel were sent now from the army to their Philips. A vessel being at last provided quarters, and many regiments of horse upon the coast of Sussex, and notice thereand foot were assigned for the west, of of sent to Dr. Hinchman, he sent to the which division Desborough was com-king to meet him at Stonehenge, upon the mander-in-chief. These marches were like to last for many days, and it would not be fit for the king to stay so long in tbat place. Thereupon he resorted to his old security of taking a woman behind him, a kinswoman of Colonel Windham, whom he carried in that manner to a place not far from Salisbury, to which Colonel Philips conducted him. In this journey he passed through the middle of a regiment of horse, and, presently after, met Desborough walking down a hill with three or four men with him, who had lodged in Salisbury the night before, all that road being full of soldiers.

The next day upon the plains, Dr. Hinchman, one of the prebends of Salisbury, met the king, the Lord Wilmot and Philips then leaving him to go to the seacoast to find a vessel, the doctor conducting the king to a place called Heale, three miles from Salisbury, belonging then to Serjeant Hyde, who was afterwards Chief Justice of the King's Bench, and then in the possession of the widow of his elder brother--a house that stood alone from neighbours, and from any highwaywhere coming in late in the evening, he supped with some gentlemen who accidentally were in the house, which could not well be avoided. But the next morn

plains, three miles from Heale, whither the widow took care to direct him; and being there met, he attended him to the place where Colonel Philips received him. He, the next day, delivered him to the Lord Wilmot, who went with him to a house in Sussex recommended by Colonel Gunter, a gentleman of that country, who had served the king in the war, who met him there, and had provided a little bark at Brighthelmstone, a small fisher town, where he went early on board, and, by God's blessing, arrived safely in Normandy.-Ibid.

[JOHN EVELYN. 1620-1706.]


Sept. 7, 1666.—I went this morning on foote f Whitehall as far as London Bridge, thro' the late Fleete Street, Ludgate Hill, by St. Paules, Cheapeside, Exchange, Bishopgate, Aldersgate, and out to Moorefields, thence thro' Cornehill, &c., with extraordinary difficulty, clambering over heaps of yet smoking rubbish, and frequently mistaking where I was. The ground under my feete was so hot, that it even burnt the soles of my shoes.

In the meantime his Maty got to the Tower by water, to demolish ye houses about the graff, which being built intirely about it, had they taken fire and attack'd the White Tower where the magazine of powder lay, would undoubtedly not only have beaten downe and destroy'd all ye bridge, but sunke and torne the vessells in ye river, and render'd ye demolition beyond all expression for several miles about the countrey.

nor many stones but what were calcin'd
white as snow. The people who now
walk'd about ye ruines appear'd like men
in a dismal desart, or rather in some greate
citty laid waste by a cruel enemy; to
which was added the stench that came
from some poore creatures bodies, beds,
&c. Sir Tho. Gressham's statute, tho'
fallen from its nich in the Royal Exchange,
remain'd intire, when all those of ye kings
since ye Conquest were broken to pieces,
also the standard in Cornehill, and Q.
Elizabeth's effigies, with some armes on
Ludgate, continued with but little detri-
ment, whilst the vast yron chaines of the
citty streetes, hinges, barrs, and gates of
prisons, were many of them mealted and
reduc'd to cinders by ye vehement heate.
I was not able to passe through any of the
narrow streetes, but kept the widest; the

At my return, I was infinitely concern'd to find that goodly church St. Paules now a sad ruine, and that beautiful portico (for structure comparable to any in Europe, as not long before repair'd by the king) now rent in pieces, flakes of vast stone split asunder, and nothing remaining intire but the inscription in the architrave, showing by whom it was built, which had not one letter of it defac'd. It was aston-ground and air, smoake and fiery vapour ishing to see what immense stones the heat had in a manner calcin'd, so that all ye ornaments, columns, (freezes, and projectures of massie Portland stone flew off, even to ye very roofe, where a sheet of lead covering a great space was totally mealted; the ruines of the vaulted roofe falling broke into St. Faith's, which being filled with the magazines of bookes belonging to ye stationers, and carried thither for safety, they were all consum'd, burning for a weeke following. It is also observable, that the lead over ye altar at ye east end was untouch'd, and among the divers monuments, the body of one bishop remain'd intire. Thus lay in ashes that most venerable church, one of the most antient pieces of early piety in ye Christian world, besides neere 100 more. The lead, yron worke, bells, plate, &c., mealted; the exquisitely wrought Mercers Chapell, the sumptuous Exchange, ye august fabriq of Christ Church, all ye rest of the Companies Halls, sumptuous buildings, arches, all in dust; the fountaines dried up and ruin'd, whilst the very waters remain'd boiling; the vorago's of subterranean cellars, wells, and dungeons, formerly warehouses, still burning in stench and dark clouds of smoke, so that in 5 or 6 miles, in traversing about, I did not see one load of timber unconsum'd,

continu'd so intense, that my haire was
almost sing'd, and my feete unsufferably
sur-heated. The bie lanes and narrower
streetes were quite fill'd up with rubbish,
nor could one have knowne where he was,
but by ye ruines of some church or hall,
that had some remarkable tower or pin-
nacle remaining. I then went towards
Islington and Highgate, where one might
have seene 200,000 people of all ranks
and degrees dispers'd and lying along by
their heapes of what they could save from
the fire, deploring their losse; and tho'
ready to perish for hunger and destitution,
yet not asking one penny for relief, which
to me appear'd a stranger sight than any
I had yet beheld. His Majesty and
Council indeede tooke all imaginable care
for their reliefe, by proclamation for the
country to come in and refresh them with
provisions. In ye midst of all this calamity
and confusion, there was, I know not how,
an alarme begun that the French and
Dutch, with whom we were now in hos-
tility, were not onely landed, but even
entering the citty. There was, in truth,
some days before, greate suspicion of those
2 nations joining; and now, that they had
ben the occasion of firing the towne. This
report did so terrifie, that on a suddaine
there was such an uproare and tumult that
they ran from their goods, and taking what

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