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ACCESSION of King George III., inte-
resting notices concerning, 468

Accident, melancholy one in the Solway
Frith, 74-Dreadful one near Rothsay,
75-In a steam-boat, 76-Shocking one
in France, 177-Singular one in Perth-
shire, 276-In Edinburgh, 369-Shock-
ing one at Fintray, 370-At Edmon-
stone, near Edinburgh, 469

Acid, pyroligneous, effectual in preventing
the putrefaction of animal substances,


Addison's Vision of Mirza, compared with
Plato's Apologue of Eurus, 310
Admirable Crichton, remarks on Tytler's
Life of the, 136

Africa, account of a journey into the inte-
rior of, 61

Agricultural reports, 84, 192, 282, 383,
478, 575

Alloa, skeleton of a whale found there, 171
America, United States of, commercial em-
barrassments in, 71, 179-On the un-
friendly dispositions existing between
Britain and, 104-Remarks on English
writers on, 317-Plague rages in, 466

-, Spanish, intelligence from, 71
-Attack of Callao, by Lord Cochrane,
180-Victorious career of the patriots in,


American literature, specimens of, 206-
"The author's account of himself," 207
"The voyage," 208-" Rural life in
England," 211

Amsterdam, account of the bank of, 46
Amusements, public, 80, 187, 278, 376,
470, 571

Anecdotes, historical, literary, and miscel-
laneous, 20, 455, 527

Animals, mammiferous, notice of a work
on, 553

Apologue of Eurus compared with Addi-
son's Vision of Mirza, 310
Appointments, promotions, &c. 80, 189,
280, 379, 476, 573
Banking companies of Europe, historical
sketch of the principal, 46
Bankrupts, lists of English and Scotch, 88,
196, 286, 387, 482, 579
Barcelona taken by the patriots of South
America, 368

Biographical sketch of Macdonald, author
of Vimonda, 233-Of the late Lord
Somerville, 483

Births, lists of, 93, 197, 291, 387, 485,



Blanchard, Madame, killed by falling from

a balloon, 177
Blasphemy, trial for publishing, 467
Bonaparte, Napoleon, recollections of, 343
Boswell Redivivus, a dream, 304
Bowers, Peter, trial of, for murder, 77
Brazils, notice from the, 232
Bribery at elections, trials for, 568
Britain and America, on the unfriendly
dispositions existing between them, 104
British legislation, 79, 276, 375, 570
Bruce, King Robert, re-interment of his

remains at Dunfermline, 469
Bruce and Wallace, a vision, 496
Bruce's Travels, on the authenticity of,


[blocks in formation]

Caledonian canal, progress of the, 78
Cape of Good Hope, attack of the settle-
ment there by the Caffres, 271
Carlisle, Richard, trial of, for blasphemous
publications, 467-His sentence, 568
Cashmir goats, information respecting, 65
Catastrophe, affecting one, 566
Cause and effect, remarks on, 502
Ceylon, inhabitants of the central districts
of, 451

Chalmers's, Dr, sketch of his manner in
preaching, 188-Thoughts suggested by
a pamphlet of, 432
Chili, earthquake in, 368
Chinese, translations from the, 24-Porce-
lain pagoda at Nan-King, 25-Letter
from the Emperor to the Prince Regent
of Britain, 26

Churches, L. 100,000 granted for new
ones in Scotland, 74
Circuit intelligence, 371
Clark, Dr, abstract of his travels in Scan-
dinavia, 249

Clerical portraits, Sir H. Moncreiff, 113-
Dr Inglis, 114-Mr Andrew Thomson,
ib.-Dr Macknight, Dr Brunton, Bi-
shop Sandford, 116-Mr Alison, 117-
Dr Chalmers, 118
College verses, 416
Coloured snow, account of, 66

4 E

Combination of metals, experiments on
the, 265

Comet, stanzas addressed to a, 30-Ac-
count of a new one, 65
Commercial distress in Britain, 78
Commercial reports, 86, 194, 284, 385,
480, 577

Common Sense, a poem, remarks on, 499
Commons, House of, budget opened in,
72-New taxes, 73-Grants L. 100,000
for building new churches in Scotland,
74-Report on the criminal laws, 491
Copenhagen, account of the bank of, 48-
Persecution of the Jews in, 367

Corfu, earthquake in, 465

Corn tables, 85, 193, 283, 384, 479, 576
Cornwall's Dramatic Scenes, &c. remarks
on, 121

Court of Session, proceedings in, 75
Craniology, or Phrenology, remarks on,
299, 425

Crichton, the Admirable, remarks on Tyt-
ler's Life of, 136

Criminal Laws, Parliamentary report on
the, 491

Criticism on a passage in Livy, 336-On
verbal, 515

Crystal mine in France, discovery of a, 266
Curious account of an improvisatore, 333
Facts regarding the swallow, 362
Curran, J. P. remarks on the life of, 56-
337, 428
Dante's Purgatoria, remarks on, 329
Death, verses composed in the prospect of,


Deaths, lists of, 95, 199, 293, 389, 487,


Denmark, persecution of the Jews in, 367
Desert, the, a poem, remarks on, 30
Difference between spoken and written
thought, 530

Dramatists, essays on the early English,
104, 522
Dream, a, 304

Dundas, Chief Baron, character of the
late, 90

Dunfermline, re-interment of the bones of
King Robert Bruce at, 469
Earthquakes in Chili, 368-In Corfu, 465
-In Germany, 561-Dreadful one in
the East Indies, 562-At Comrie in
Perthshire, 568

Edinburgh, graduations at the university
of, 169-Additions to the College mu-
seum of, 170, 361-Examination of the
High School of, 187-Mr Wallace elect-
ed professor of inathematics in the Col-
lege of, 369-Opening of the Calton-
Hill road, 467-Visit of the Persian
ambassador to, 469-Musical Festival at,
471-Letters written from, in 1745, 540
-Proceeds of the Musical Festival, 567
-Final decision respecting the election of
Magistrates in 1817, 569
Egyptian mummy, account of an, 65
England, account of the bank of, 50
English writers on America, 31-7

[blocks in formation]

Etna, Mount, account of eruptions of, 160
Eurus, Apologue of, compared with the

Vision of Mirza, 310
Events of the war, on the inferences to be

drawn from the, 395
Explanation of a passage in St Paul, 120
Extracts from a Memoir of Dr Wells, 10
-From the Desert, a poem, 30-From
the poems of Pindemonti, with English
translation, 54-From the Life of Cur-
ran, 56, 337-From early English
dramatists, 104-From Peter's Letters
to his Kinsfolk, 113-From Cornwall's
Dramatic Scenes, &c. 122-From Tyt-
ler's Life of the Admirable Crichton,
136-From Lord Byron's Mazeppa, 147
-From some American authors, 207-
From translations of Virgil, 214-From
Dante's Purgatoria, 330-From the
manuscript journal of a traveller in
Italy, 411-From Fuller's Holy State,
419-From a pamphlet by Dr Chal-
mers, 433-From an old pamphlet of
Dr Zimmermann, 437-From Mrs He-
mans's poems, 445-From a poem by
Miss Holford, 507-From Latimer's
first sermon before King Edward, 509-
From Common Sense, a poem, 499

Fairies, on good and bad ones, 16
Farewell, the, 212
Female, account of one of the white species
of mankind, having the skin of a negro,

[blocks in formation]

France, statistical accounts of, 66-Insti-
tute of, 67-New peers created in, 177
-Political trial in, ib.-Discovery of a
crystal mine in, 266-Change of minis
try in, 560-Recal of persons banished
from, ib. Opening of the legislative bo-
dies in, ib.

France, Isle of, hurricane in the, 179
Frederick the Great, recollections of, 347
Fuller's Holy State, extracts from, 419-
Of jesting, ib. Of self-praising, 420-
Of travelling, ib. Of company, 421-
Of apparel, 423-Of building, ib.
Gardiner, Colonel, remarks on Doddridge's
Life of, 35

Gas lamp, portable, account of Mr Gor-
don's, 361

German literature, annual report of, for
1818, 495

Germans, on the progress they have made
in writing history, 141

Germany, tour into the district of Harz,
in, 130, 226-Arrests for political of-
fences in, 178, 271-Number of students
in the universities of, 267-Persecution
of the Jews in, 271, 367

Glasgow, meetings for reform at, 274-
Riot there, 276-Apprehension enter-
tained of a rebellion there, 569

Glassford, Henry, Esq. memoir of the late,


Grain, experiments relative to the preser.
vation of, 265

Hamburgh, account of the bank of, 47
Harz, tour into the district of, 130, 226
Hemans, Mrs, remarks on her poems,


Highlands of Scotland, deplorable state of
ignorance of the, 184

Historians of Germany, remarks on the,


Historical, literary, and miscellaneous anec-
dotes, 20, 455, 527

illustrations of Shakespeare, 262
Holford, Miss, extract of a poem by,


Holland, journal of a visit to, 217-Briel,
ib. Rotterdam, 218, 313, 409-Schi-
dam, 315-The Hague, 505

Holy State, Fuller's, extracts from, 419
Hungary, letters written from in 1671,


Hunt, Mr, his triumphal entry into Lon-
don, 376

Hurricanes in the West Indies, 563
Imperial tea, notice respecting, 363
Improvisatore, curious account of an, 333
Indies, West, intelligence from the, 72-
Violent hurricane in the, 563
Inoculation for the plague practised in
Tangiers, 555

Inscriptions, Latin, remarks on, 532
Ionian Islands, insurrection in, 561
Inferences to be drawn from the events of
the war, 395

Islander, an, letters from London by, 154
Italy, on the living poets of, 52-Extract
from the journal of a traveller in, 411
Jews, persecution of, in Germany, 271,
367-And in Denmark, 367

Journal of a visit to Holland, 217, 313,
409, 505-Of a traveller in Italy, 411
Jury trial in Scotland, thoughts on, 258
Justiciary, High Court of, proceedings in,
77-Trial of Peter Bowers for murder,
ib. For raising dead bodies, ib. For
robbery and hamesucken, 186-For
stouthrief and hamesucken, 569
Kaatskill mountains, legend concerning
the, 321

Kemble, Mr J. P., recollections of, 99
Lapland, description of, by Dr Clarke, 253
Latin Inscriptions, remarks on, 532
Latimer, extracts from his first sermon be-
fore King Edward, 509

Legend of Montrose, remarks on the, 38

[blocks in formation]

Life of Curran, remarks on, 56, 337, 428
Literary, historical, and miscellaneous an-
ecdotes, 20, 455, 527
Literary and scientific intelligence, 65,
169, 265, 361, 457, 553
Literature, American, specimens of, 206
Annual report of German, 495
Livy, criticism on a passage in, 336
Lords, House of, reject motion for repeal-
ing the test acts, 72
Macdonald, Andrew, author of Vimonda,
biographical sketch of, 233
Macgregor, General, his disastrous expedi-
tion to Porto Bello, 71
Magnetic poles of the earth, supposed dis-
covery respecting the, 266
Malays, establishment of a British port in
the ancient capital of, 368
Malta, account of the plague there in 1813,3
Mainmiferous animals, notice of a work
on, 553

Manchester, reform meeting there dispers-
ed by the military, 274-Apprehensions
of a rising of reformers there, 569
Marriages, lists of, 94, 198, 292, 387, 486,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

from Rome, 237,

Observations on things in general, 513
Ode to the memory of Sir John Moore, 20
Original letters, 538

Pagoda, description of the porcelain one at
Nan-king, 25

Paisley, riot at a reform mecting there,
276, 356

Parga, one of the Ionian Islands, deliver-
ed up to the Turks, and evacuated by
its inhabitants, 178-Remarks on that
event, 245

Parliament, prorogation of, 180-Opening,
564-Measures proposed in for settling

the disturbances in the country, 565
Patents lately enrolled, 80, 189, 379, 475
Paul, St, explanation of a passage in,


People, the, and their rulers, 548
Petrified trees in Russia, account of, 67
Phrenology, remarks on the science of,
299, 425

Pindemonti, an Italian poet, remarks on,


Plague at Malta in 1813, account of, 3
-Rages in Spain and America, 267,
466-Inoculation for, practised in Tan-
giers, 553

Plato's Apologue of Eurus compared with
Addison's Vision of Mirza, 310
Playfair, the late Professor, character and
merits of, 163-Account of the funeral
of, 185

Poetry, Scottish, specimens of, 355

Ode to the memory of Sir John
Moore, 29-Stanzas addressed to a co-
met, 30-The Cauzone of Pindemonti,
54-The broken heart, 123-The silliad,
133-Verses to the author of Aonian
Hours, &c. 159-The runaway, a tale,
230, 353-The banished man on leav-
ing his country, 262-The farewell, 312
Verses to Misses L, 333-On the
victory of Waterloo, 408-College verses,
416-Verses on flowers, 449-The ephe-
mera, a fable, 450-Verses on the pro-
spect of death, 451-The rose unique of
Britain, 456-The worth of woman, 521
-Song, 537-Kintra Jock, ib.-Wal-
lace and Bruce, 497-Monody, 504
Political meetings in Britain, 78, 186, 274,


Population of France, 66
Portable gas lamp, account of a, 361
Preservation, wonderful one, 567

Prince Regent, letter to, from the Emperor
of China, 26-Speech of, on proroguing
Parliament, 180-On opening session of,
for 1819, 564

Printing machine, notice of a new one,


Promotions, appointments, &c. 30, 189,

280, 379, 476,573
Public amusements, 80, 187, 278, 376,
470, 571

Publications, monthly lists of new ones,
68, 175, 268, 365, 462, 558
Purgatorio, Dante's, remarks on, 329
Pyroligneous acid, discovery respecting the
qualities of, 264

Recollections of Mr John Kemble, 99-
Of Napoleon, 343-Of Frederick the
Great, 347-Of Lord Nelson, 350
Reform, meetings to petition for, 78, 186,
274, 470-Measures adopted by govern-
ment to counteract them, 565, 566
Remarks on the works of Dr Wells, 9-
On the Desert, a poem, 30-On Dod-
dridge's Life of Colonel Gardiner, 35-
On the Legend of Montrose, 38-On
the living poets of Italy, 52-On the
Life of Curran, 36, 337, 428-On the
English dramatic writers who preceded
Shakespeare, 104, 522-On Dramatic
Scenes, &c. by Barry Cornwall, 121-
On Tytler's Life of the Admirable
Crichton, 136-On the progress of the
Germans in writing history, 141-On
Lord Byron's Mazeppa, 145-On the
different translations of Virgil, 214-
On the Transactions of the Wigwam
Society, 220-On the cession of Parga,
245-On the science of phrenology, or
cranioscopy, 299, 425-On English writ-
ers on America, 317-On Dante's Pur-
gatorio, 329-On Mrs Hemans's poems,
443-On the difference between spoken
and written thought, 530-On Latin
inscriptions, 537-On the anthenticity
of Bruce's Travels, 544-On the people
and their rulers, 548-On Common
Sense, a poem, 499-On cause and ef-
fect, 502

Revenue of Britain, quarterly accounts of,
78, 375

Richmond, Duke of, death of, by hydro-
phobia, 389

Riots at Glasgow and Paisley, 276, 356
Rip Van Winkle, a tale, 321
Rome, notice from, 237
Royal burghs of Scotland, sitting of conven-
tion of the, 184

Rolland, Adam, Esq. character of the late,
290-Legacies left by, 291
Runaway, the, a poem, 230, 353
Russia, account of the bank of, 49-Pe-
trified trees in, 67-System of educa-
tion in, 173-Periodical publications of,


Scandinavia, abstract of Dr Clarke's travels
in, 249

Schiller, an imitation of, 521
Scientific and literary intelligence, 65, 169,
265, 361, 457, 553
Scotland, new churches in, L. 100,000
granted by Parliament for, 74-Prospect
of union in the secession churches of, 75
-Proceedings of the convention of royal

burghs, 184-Thoughts on trial by jury
in, 258-Visit of Prince Leopold to,


Scottish poetry, specimens of, 355, 536
Secession churches of Scotland, proposed
union of the, 75

Seduction, case of in the East Indies, 562
Sermon preached before Ferdinand, King
of Spain, 239-Latimer's first one be-
fore King Edward, 509
Severn, large whale caught in the, 567
Shakespeare, on the English dramatic wri.
ters who preceded him, 104, 522-His-
torical illustrations of, 262

Silliad, the, a poem, 133

Tytler's Life of the Admirable Crichton,

Venezuela, success of the patriots of, 180,
272, 368

Venice, account of the bank of, 46
Verbal criticism, on, 515

Verses by a banished man, on a last view
of his country, 262-To Misses L
333-On the victory of Waterloo, 408
-On the prospect of death, 451
Vienna, account of the bank of, 47
Vision of Mirza compared with Plato's A-

pologue of Eurus, 310

-, single and double, account of expe
riments on, 12

Sincapore, establishment of a British port --, a, Wallace and Bruce, 496

there, 368

Snow, coloured, showers of, 66
Somerville, the late Lord, biographical
sketch of, 483

Spain, revolution in the ministry of, 70-
Mutiny among the troops in, 177-Yel-
low-fever breaks out in, 367, 464
Specimens of Scottish poetry, 355, 536
Steam-ship, arrival of one in Britain from
America, 77
Stockholm, account of the bank of, 48
Swallow, curious facts regarding the, 362
Sweden, periodical publications in, 173-
General picture of the north of, 280-
Farm-houses in, 250-Public presses in,


Tales of My Landlord, third series, re-
marks on, 38

Taste, thoughts on, 13

• Tea, imperial, notice respecting, 363
Things in general, observations on, 513
Thoughts, written and spoken, on the dif-

ferenee between, 530

Thoughts on taste, 13-On trial by jury
in Scotland, 258-Suggested by Dr
Chalmers's late pamphlet, 432-By Dr
Zimmermann's old pamphlet, 437
Thunder storms in Scotland, 272
Translations from the Chinese, 24-From
the Italian of Pindemonti, 54-From
Virgil, remarks on, 214

Travels, Dr Clarke's, in Scandinavia, ab-
stract of, 249

Virgil, remarks on the different transla
tions of, 214

Vitrified fort, account of a, 125
Wales, New South, progress of the colony
there, 562

Wallace, Mr, elected professor of mathe-
matics in Edinburgh college, 369
Wallace and Bruce, a vision, 496
War, on the inferences to be drawn from

the events of the, 395
Waterloo trophies, sale of, in London, 75
Watt, the late Mr James, character of, 203
Wells, Dr, remarks on the works of, 9
Whale, description of the skeleton of a,
found near Alloa, 171-One taken in
the river Severn, 567
Wiffen, J. H. verses to, 159
Wigwam society, account of the transac
tions of, 220-Paper on the education of
the lower animals, ib. On men without
heads, 223-Account of a new discovery
in sheep-farming, 225

Winkle, Rip Van, 321
Woman, the worth of, an imitation from
Schiller, 521

Works preparing for publication, 67, 174,
267, 363, 461, 556
Writing machine, notice of a new one, 457
Yellow-fever breaks out in Spain, 367,
464-In the United States of America,


Zimmermann, Dr, thoughts suggested by
an old pamphlet of, 437

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