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FRANCE. The Paris papers of the 19th June contain an account of an extraordinary discussion which took place in the Chamber of Deputies on the preceding day. M. de Bignon, who was minister of foreign affairs during the last short reign of Bonaparte, had, it seems, published a speech, in which he threatened the government with the revelation of a particular fact of which he had the knowledge, when the proper time should arrive. M. de Bignon, in his capacity of minister for foreign affairs, signed, along with the other commissioners, the treaty of Paris, and it is supposed that his communication has a reference to certain conversations which passed previous to the signing of this convention, the object of which, was to secure good treatment to those who had supported Bonaparte's government. In reference to this, M. de Caze, in the debate on the budget, called upon him to explain himself. M. de Bignon declined until the Chamber should be engaged in deliberating on the propriety of recalling the regicides. Then, he said, only then, could the information which he possessed be proper ly made public. To this the Keeper of the Seals replied, that they never would be engaged in any such deliberations, which declaration was hailed with applause by the one party, while it was received with corresponding disapprobation by the other.

A certain General Morand, who had in the year 1816 been condemned to death par contumace, on a charge of having, in the preceding year, issued a proclamation at Nantes in favour of Bonaparte, was again tried before a council of war at Strasburg on the 5th of June. He admitted having issued the proclamation, but pleaded the commands of the Secretary at War as his justification. The plea was admitted, and the former sentence annulled.

Marshal Soult, who is one of six exiles resently permitted to return to France, has lost no time in taking advantage of the royal clemency, having arrived in Paris on the 10th of June last.

SPAIN. Another revolution has taken place in the Spanish ministry. The Marquis de Casa Yrujo transacted business with his master Ferdinand on the evening of the 12th June, when he was received vry graciously. The same night, when in bed, he received an intimation of his removal from office, and banishment to Avila, and only one hour allowed him to prepare for his

departure from Madrid; and his wife was commanded to follow him in 36 hours. The Count d'Egnia, Minister of War, has also been deposed, and recommended to repair to some town on the coast of Grenada, there to remain till he receives his appointment as Captain General of that province; and his successor is General Alos. The Marquís M. C. Yrujo was formerly secretary to the Marquis del Campo, when the latter was ambassador in this country. He was suspected to be too strongly attached to the interests of the United States of America, having married an American lady, the daughter of Governor M'Kean. M. Egnia, it is said, has been permitted to retire on account of ill health; and we shall be much surprised if General Alos, his successor, or any other War Minister, preserves his health in that country, amidst the general consumption which seems to be destroying armies, navies, and administrations. The Cadiz expedition is almost as near the time of sailing now as it was eighteen months ago. Since the establishment of Ferdinand on the Spanish throne, within the space of five years, no fewer than 25 changes of ministry have taken place in the five departments of the public administration.

GERMANY. A singular rescript of the Grand Duke of Darmstadt is said to have excited a lively sensation throughout Germany. He finds the lawyers in his territory too stiff-necked and refractory, and, to reduce them to better order, declares that they shall, for a specific time, be incorporated with the regiments of his army, under the same duty and discipline, until they become sufficiently obedient. The gentlemen of the long robe are loud and vehement in their remonstrances, and the echo of their complaints ring through Ger. many.

Hanover, May 24. By the last accounts from England, his Royal Highness the Prince Regent has resolved to simplify the administration of the government of the kingdom of Hanover, and to place Count Munster at the head of it. General Dornberg (now Minister at St Petersburgh) will succeed Count Munster in London. It is added, that the Chamber of Finance will be united with the Ministry, which will also tend to simplify the admi nistration. The confirmation of these statements is expected. We trust his Royal Highness will also put an end to the use of torture. We are assured that a poor woman underwent the torture within the last six months, for the theft of a cow, estimated at L.4 Sterling.

According to the Brussels papers of the 29th June, it appears that Sandt, the assassin of Kotzebue, is still alive, though there is little chance of his surviving his wounds. It is added, that, in the present temper of the young men of Germany, it would be dangerous to execute him.

TURKEY. An article from Constantinople, of 25th May, states," Sir Robert Liston, English Ambassador to the Sublime Porte, has just concluded a very important measure. The Divan, after a negociation which has lasted three consecutive years, has at length acknowledged the convention entered into between the four Allied Powers relative to the Ionian Isles. Nevertheless, the Porte appears still to refuse to give its formal adhesion to the convention of November 5, 1815. By that which has been concluded, and which was ratified by the Grand Seignior, on the 24th ult., the delivery of the fortress of Parga and its territory will be effected without any delay by the Ionian Greeks to the agents of the Ottoman Porte, which power finally acknowledged the inhabitants of the Seven Islands as subjects protected by Great Britain. Couriers have been dispatched with communications of these arrangements to Sir Thomas Maitland, and to Ali Pacha of Janina."


CEYLON. We have at length (says a Calcutta paper of January 28) the satisfaction of announcing to the public the return of his Excellency the Governor, Lieute nant-General Brownrigg, to Columbo, after an absence of fifteen months, during which eventful period he has effectually crushed the alarming insurrection which had so long distracted that country, and established the British dominion on a firmer basis than ever throughout the whole of the Kandian provinces. He was met at the Grand Pass by almost the whole of the population of Columbo, with every demonstration of joy. The Madras troops are under orders to return. The surrender of arms throughout every province of the interior seems to be general; more than 8000 muskets, with other arms, have already been collected. Henrelgedera, the only rebel chief of consequence not taken, is supposed to have anticipated the sentence of the law, by committing suicide.


CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.-Intelligence from Cape Town, of the 17th April, has been received, and is of a very satisfactory nature. Information had just been received there that a detachment of troops, join

ed by a number of the inhabitants, who had been sent to suppress the Caffres, had succeeded in driving them back, and compelling them to cross the river. The corn districts were in a great measure cleared of the savages, and the country people were returning to their homes, where they considered themselves secure from any further attack, at least for some time to



UNITED STATES. By recent accounts from the United States, it appears that the commerce of that country, particularly in the principal commercial towns of New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, is involved in the same pecuniary embarrassments as in Europe. The Bank of Baltimore had been obliged to suspend payments in specie, which had caused general distress in the town and neighbourhood. No doubt was entertained of the ability of the bank ultimately to discharge all its engagements. The suspension of its payments had, however, occasioned a temporary shock, and had greatly embarrassed all commercial transactions. A petition has been circulated for the purpose of being presented to the President, praying that Congress may be summoned earlier than usual, in consideration of the calamitous situation of the Union.

SPANISH AMERICA. - Porto Bello, on the north coast of the Isthmus of Darien, was captured on the 10th April by a small force under the orders of General Sir Gregor M'Gregor; and retaken on the 1st May by the Spanish General Hore. On the 9th April, Sir G. M'Gregor landed, from his squadron of five ships in Bonaventura Bay, a force of about 70 officers, and 400 men, all British. Some troops who were drawn out to prevent his landing opposed at first a feeble resistance, but soon fled in the utmost confusion; and on the 10th the invaders took possession of the town and fort of Porto Bello without further difficulty. As soon as the capture was complete, Sir Gregor issued a proclamation, from which it appeared that Panama was to be the next object of attack. They remained supinely, however, in Porto Bello; and scarcely had the news of his dashing exploit reached this country, when accounts of his disgraceful discomfiture followed. A Spanish army of 1000 or 1200 men marched from Panama, under General Hore, and entered the town at six o'clock in the morning of the 1st of May, without the least resistance, and even without the knowledge of the garrison. No out-posts were stationed, no picquet was on guard, and the Governor Lopez was killed by the assailants in his bed. On the first alarm, General M'Gregor leaped from his window; and running to the bay, with


out any clothing but his shirt, swam on board a schooner, and immediately put to Colonel Rattray, with more bravery, threw himself, with 250 men, into a fort, and defended himself a short time in hopes of relief from the general; but finding the hope vain, and the place untenable, he capitulated on good terms. The killed and wounded of M'Gregor's army amounted to about 100; the prisoners to 300 rank and file, and 70 officers; and about twelve officers escaped with their general.

To counterbalance this disaster, we have the following account from Margaritta, dated 27th May, of a brilliant exploit performed by another party of our countrymen, volunteers in the cause of South American independence.

"A dispatch is just received from the President, Bolivar, stating, that 150 British cavalry, belonging to Colonel Ustler's regiment, under General Paez, which had gone up the Orinoco, had attacked and defeated Morillo's cavalry, consisting of 1000, and had destroyed 400 of the best of them! By the command of the President, these men have all received the order of Libera

tadores, the only order in the country, for their gallant conduct."

WEST INDIES.- It appears from the following extracts from Jamaica papers, that in several of our islands various disputes have taken place between the different governors and the legislative bodies.

"By the schooner Swift we received Bahama gazettes, and we lament to observe from them, that there is not any prospect of an adjustment of the differences between the Government and the House of Assem. bly of these islands.

"In Dominica the disputes between the Governor and the Assembly have increased to a serious height, and affairs there wear a most gloomy aspect.

"The House of Assembly of St Vincent's have been dissolved by Sir Charles Brisbane, the Governor of that island, owing to some disagreements respecting the rent of a residence for him.

"We learn from Bermuda that Sir James Cockburn, the Governor of that colony, was about to proceed for England, from whence he did not intend again to return."


HOUSE OF LORDS. On the 10th June, Lord GREY's bill for repealing the test acts was debated till past midnight, and rejected by 141 against 82.

The bill for regulating the hours of labour of children employed in cotton factories underwent a discussion on Monday the 14th, when the Earl of RossLYN, who opposed the bill, insisted on dividing the House. There appeared in favour of the bill 27, against it 6, leaving a majority of

21 in its favour. This measure seems to be regarded in a favourable light by the country in general; it cannot prove ultimately injurious to the master spinner or manufacturer; and it will certainly prevent a very serious waste of the health and lives of a considerable portion of the working classes in those parts of the kingdom where cotton factories are established.

A bill for raising a loan of 12 millions for the service of the year received the Royal assent on the 21st. Lord LIVERPOOL repeated a hope expressed in the House of Commons by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that the present loan would be the last to which the Government would find it necessary to have recourse for a number of years.

Reversal of Attainder. On the 30th June, the Earl of LIVERPOOL brought in a bill to reverse the act of attainder against

the late Lord Edward Fitzgerald, brother of the Duke of Leinster, and to restore his two innocent children to their civil rights. The act of attainder was passed by the Irish Parliament after the death of Lord Edward, who was charged as a principal in the rebellion of 1798. The reversal of it sheds a grace upon the benevolent and generous disposition of the Prince Regent, and will afford satisfaction to every liberal and enlightened mind.

The bill for preventing the enlistment of British soldiers into the service of any foreign power, and which is intended to operate against the South American independents, passed the House on the 1st July.

The Edinburgh water bill, the burghs' jail, the savings banks, and the Tay ferries bills, received the Royal assent, by commission, on Friday, July 2; and the banishment from Scotland bill was read a third time, and passed.


HOUSE OF COMMONS. Finances of the Country. On Thursday, the 3d June, the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER submitted to the House his general plan finance, from which it appeared that L. 20,500,000 were wanted for the service of the year; that the existing revenue amounted to only L. 7,000,000, leaving an apparent deficiency of L. 13,500,000; that the produce of the nominal sinking

fund is L. 15,500,000, and that, therefore, we have a surplus of revenue above expen⚫diture amounting to L. 2,000,000, which is the real sinking fund, which we may either apply to the extinction of the debt, or remit to the country in the diminution of taxes. The resolutions stated, that it was absolutely necessary to increase this surplus of revenue to 5 millions, and, with this view, the Chancellor of the Exchequer proposed to impose new taxes to the amount of 3 millions per annum.

In a committee on the assessed taxes, the CHANCELLOR of the ExCHEQUER proposed, that all persons paying assessed taxes might be permitted to compound them for three years, taking the assessment for the present year as the ground of the composition. With reference, however, to this point, the house and window taxes are to be separated from the other assessed taxes; and in a composition of the former the compounder shall pay 5 per cent., but in a composition of the latter 10 per cent. on the original assessment. Sir M. W. RIDLEY forcibly objected to this mode of assessment, and strongly urged that a genèral average of 5 per cent. should be adopt


Nero Taxes. On the 7th the CHANCELLOR brought forward his resolutions for the imposition of new taxes to the amount of 3 millions per annum. The articles to be taxed with their estimated preduce are as follow:

A tax of 1s. 2d. per bushel on malt, estimated annual produce

A tax on tobacco

Coffee and cocoa

[blocks in formation]

L. 1,400,000

community. They are neither direct nor compulsory taxes, nor are they, with the exception of wool, laid on the raw material of any manufacture, so that, on this ground, there seems little room for objection.

Ways and Means. On Wednesday the 9th the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER brought forward his account of the supplies, and of the ways and means for the year. The former amount to L.20,477,000, for which there are only ways and means to the amount of L. 7,074,000. For the remaining L. 13,500,000, the sinking fund is to be made available, and a loan of 12 millions is to be contracted for, in order to repay the Bank 5 millions of its debt, and to reduce the unfunded debt L. 5,600,000. In the following year a loan of 4 millions more will be required to liquidate the debt still due to the Bank.

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER mentioned, that, by the proposed duties, American tobaccos would pay 4s. per pound, foreign tobacco 6s. 64d., and foreign snuffs 6s. On West India coffee the duty would be increased from 7d. to 1s., on East India coffee from 11d. to 1s. 6d., and on foreign coffee from 2s. 44d. to 2s. 6d. per pound. On pepper the duty would be raised from 2s. 4 d. to 2s. 6d. per pound.

The bills brought in for the imposition of these new taxes have been warmly opposed in almost every stage of their progress through the House, but the ministers on every division have had a large majority. The new tax on tea has been modified. The present duty is 96 per 500,000 cent., and it was proposed to raise it to 100 130,000 per cent., but, by an amendment adopted, 30,000 the present duty is to be paid on all tea 500,000 sold at the India House at or under 2s. per 130,000 pound, and 100 per cent. on all above. A great deal of tea is sold at the Company's sale under 2s. a-pound.


L. 3,190,000

Bank Payments. On the 14th, the resumption of cash payments bill was read a third time, and passed. MrELLICE proposed a clause, which was adopted, giving to the Bank the option of paying their notes, either in bullion or gold coin, after the 1st of May 1821, instead of being restricted, as it otherwise would have been, from making any payments in specie till 1823.

Mr TIERNEY moved the previous question on the two last resolutions, the one stating the necessity of maintaining an annual sinking fund of 5 millions, the other the expediency of proposing new taxes to the amount of 3 millions per annum; and, after a long and animated debate, the House divided, when the numbers werePrivileges of Parliament. The reporter for the original resolutions 329, for the a- of the Times, who was accused of misre

mendment 132-majority for ministers 197. presenting some expressions of Mr Hume, In the course of the discussion, objections that bore hard on Mr Canning, was orderwere made to the particular taxes propos- ed into the custody of the Sergeant of ed, as being inconvenient and oppressive. Arms on Tuesday the l5th, and released, In the present state of this country, it by petition, on Wednesday. It is not very would be impossible to contrive any tax complimentary to the attention of our reto which these objections would not apply. presentatives in Parliament, that no one But the articles on which the additional taxation is to be laid seem to be selected with all due consideration to the ease of the VOL. V..

seemed to have a distinct recollection of what was said on the occasion; indeed, those who recollected any thing had nearly


recollected too much, for at one time it looked as if the member for Montrose was shoving the load off his own shoulders on those of the poor reporter. There is another thing in this case worthy of notice. The reporters appear to have a strong fellow-feeling, if not a well organized system, for, however they may differ, or rather the journals they write for may differ, in politics, not one of the London papers has given us the name of the unfortunate delinquent.

Banishment from Scotland On the mo tion of the LORD ADVOCATE, the bill for preventing persons banished from Scotland taking up their residence in England or Ireland, was read a third time, and passed, on the 16th. By this bill, sheriffs of counties are empowered to sentence crimi. nals to transportation beyond seas.

Scots Jury Court. On the 24th, Lord ARCHIBALD HAMILTON called the attention of the House to the reports made by the commissioners appointed to inquire into the Courts of Justice in Scotland. He then moved, that none of the new appointments created by the late Jury Court bill should be filled up till a month after the meeting of the next session of Parliament, or till the report of the commissioners relative to the Jury Court should be laid before the House. The motion was opposed by Lord CASTLEREAGH, who at the same time stated, that no appointment should, in the mean time, be made, unless by the recommendation of the Court itself. Lord

A. HAMILTON ultimately consented to withdraw his motion.

On the 29th, the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER obtained a grant of 16 millions and a half to provide for outstanding English Exchequer and Irish Treasury bills. He stated that the revenue of the last quarter exceeded the corresponding quarter of last year by the sum of L. 300,000.

Savings Banks. In the course of some observations made by the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER on Tuesday the 31st Jume, the right honourable gentleman informed the House, that a sum of L.20,000, the produce of saving banks, was laid out every week in the purchasing of stock, and that a sum of L. 3,500,000, fowing from the same source, had already accumulated in the hands of the commissioners.

New Churches in Scotland. The same evening, the bill granting L. 100,000 for erecting new churches in Scotland was read a third time, and passed. A clause had been previously added, fixing the minimum of salary to be given to the clergymen at L. 200.

It is believed that Parliament will be able to dispatch the whole mass of business that remains, so as to fix the prorogation for Saturday the 10th of July. Certainly, if they proceed with the expedition that has been shown lately, they may accomplish this design. The House of Commons in twelve hours dispatched eighty-four differ ent subjects of legislation.



5. Melancholy Accident. A great number of farmers, cattle-dealers, and others, from the Scotch side of the. Solway Frith, who had been attending Rosley Hill Fair, in the county of Cumberland, had, under the direction of a guide from Bowness, safely passed the ford about one o'clock on Tuesday morning, the Ist instant; but, having a long tract of sand to cross, a strong south-west wind blowing, and it being very dark, some of them separated from the main body, and, ere they were aware of the danger, plunged at full gallop into a very dangerous creek, many fathoms in depth, called the Stonepit, when the whole party, with the exception of a boy, perished! Their names were, Mr William Graham, innkeeper, Dumfries; Mr James Ferguson, farmer at Oakshill, parish of Torthorwald; Mr John Frood, farmer at Robbiewhat, parish of Dalton, and his servant man, (name not known.) Mr Graham's

son, who escaped, was riding behind his father, and was precipitated with the rest into the watery element, but contrived to keep his head above the water by keeping fast hold of the bridle until the animal dragged him to the English side of the Frith.

Liability of Owners of Leith Smacks.By a recent decision of the Jury Court, it is now established, that the owners of smacks trading to Leith, who take on board goods addressed to merchants in Edinburgh, do not get quit of the responsibility imposed upon them as common carriers, by handing over the goods, upon the arrival of the smack, to a common Leith carter, but remain bound for the due delivery of the goods in Edinburgh to the person to whom they are addressed. The merchants of Edinburgh are thus secured in receiving due delivery of the goods, which to a great value are daily transmitted to them by the Leith smacks, or, in case of non-delivery, that they shall have a

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