LONDON. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &c. Drury-Lane. Drury-Lane closed on Tuesday June 8th. A meeting of the proprietors took place on the preceding Saturday, when it appeared that the debt of the House had been augmented from L.84,000 to L. 90,000 during this experimental season. Various plans of redemptionary finance were mentioned, and a committee appointed to receive tenders for renting the theatre. Among the aspirants to this dubious speculation, Messrs Arnold and Kean were particularly specified, and other reports speak of Elliston, of a Company of performers, of an Association of Monied-men, &c. &c. As yet Mr Kean's has been the most distinct bidding, viz. L. 8000 per ann. Lit. Gaz. Covent Garden. On Wednesday June 9th, Mrs Siddons performed Lady Randolph in Douglas, for the benefit of her relatives, Mr and Mrs Charles Kemble; the attraction was irresistible, and the house was crowded to excess with a brilliant audience. Lit. Gaz. English Opera House. At Home. - Mr Mathews closed his prosperous career on Saturday June 5th, and took leave in an ad dress, thanking the public for past favours, promising novelty for next season, and lustily defending his profession as imitation not mimicry. We shall not quarrel about names, but he is a most delectable mimic for all that, and a very fountain spring of laughable entertainment, whose overflowings of humour and of audiences we shall be very glad to witness again. This theatre opened again on Monday June 14th, with Lionel and Clarissa. - Lit. Gaz. Haymarket Theatre has opened with the Drury-Lane Company. It is managed by a Committee, consisting of Messrs Munden, Rae, Holland, and Russell: the higher performers incur the risk, and the inferior orders are to be provided for by tolerable salaries. On these, of course, many families depend for bread. But it will not, we think, be less productive to those at the head of it. We trust it will add to their fortunes; we are certain it will add to their dramatic fame, and to their private reputation with a discerning public. - Lit. Gaz. The Surrcy Theatre pursues a course of uncommon and excellent variety. Florence Macarthy has become a decided favourite; and a new piece has been produced, called a comic divertisement, with "entirely new Comic, Pathetic, Historic, Anachronasmatic, Ethic, Epic Melange, Full of doleful mirth and right merrie conceit." It is entitled, Melodrame Mad! or, The Siege of Troy. It is a jeu d'esprit in Mr Dibdin's best manner, and, we need scarcely add, full of whim and drollery.--Lit. Gaz. EDINBURGH. The Theatre-Royal opened here for the Summer on the 21st of June, with Mrs Alsop from Drury-Lane. This lady fills the same cast of characters as Miss Kelly, though in many of the parts she seems inferior to her predecessor. She performed twelve nights to very poor houses indeed; for it would require attractions of the very first order to induce one to prefer the tainted atmosphere of a theatre to the freslı breezes and the exhilarating prospects of the country at this season. Mr Knight, also of Drury-Lane, followed Mrs Alsop, and walked his week upon our stage, to nearly empty benches. We are sorry that this gentleman had not appeared at another time, when a fuller attendance might have done justice to his merits, which, in country bumpkinsand characters of that description, are of the first order. Mr William Macready, a tragedian from Covent-Garden, succeeded Mr Knight, on the 12th July. He made his first appearance in Orestes, in the Distress'd Mother, which he performed in a very able manner, and he was excellently supported in the part by Mrs H. Siddons and Mrs Renaud in Hermione and Andromache. We omitted to notice, some months ago, the establishment of a Theatrical Fund in this city. The Edinburgh Theatrical Fund was established on the 2d April 1819, under a most respectable patronage; and in the printed address to the public, its object is declared to be to "afford relief and support to such Actors and Actresses, who being, or having been engaged in the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh, and, during such engagement, regularly proposed and accepted as members of the said fund, shall become incapacitated by age or infirmity from continuing the exercise of their profession. "To carry these intentions into effect, it is calculated that the weekly and annual subscriptions of the performers, with the liberal aid promised by the proprietor of the theatre, assisted by immediate or future donations, annual subscriptions from the patrons and well-wishers to the Institution, occasional benefits, and such other means as may appear to the Directors best calculated to promote the interest of the fund, and meet the approval of its supporters, will, in the space of seven years, accumulate a capital, the interest of which, aided by the contributions of each future year, will afford a sufficient sum to shield such claimants as may then require assistance from that misery and distress which has too frequently em bittered the declining years of the aged and We sincerely hope that this meritorious spent in the service and for the amusement of the public, may not, when veritable ills press upon their declining years, be abandoned without resource to the evils of absolute poverty. i PATENTS LATELY ENROLLED. AUGUSTUS SIEBE, of No. 6, Crown Street, Soho, Middlesex; for an improved weighing machine. April 5, 1819. WILLIAM BUNDY, of Camden Town, Middlesex, mechanical instrument maker; for certain machinery for breaking hemp and flax. April 1. PAUL SLADE KNIGHT, of Lancaster Moor, Lancashire, gentleman; for an improved kind of fire-engines, pumps, and other engines; in which are used pistons working in barrels or cylinders. April 5. JOHN SEAWARD, of Kent Road, St George, Southwark, engineer; for a method or methods of raising or producing steam, for the purpose of working steam-engines and other apparatus. April 3. HENRY PETER FULLER, of Piccadilly, St George, Hanover Square, Middlesex, surgeon and apothecary; for an improvement in the methods of procuring or preparing sulphate of soda, soda. subcarbonate of soda, and muriatic acid. April 3, PHILIP PINDIN, of Farningham, Kent, shoemaker; for an improvement on single and double trusses. April 20. JOHN SMITH, of Bermondsey, Surrey, timber merchant; for improvements in making arms or axle-trees for coaches, carts, waggons, and all other descriptions of carriages. April 20. APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, &c. I. CIVIL. June 3. The honour of Knighthood conferred upon William Draper Best, Esq. on his being appointed one of the Judges of the Court of King's bench, London. The honour of Knighthood conferred on John Richardson, Esq. on being appointed a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, London. 15. Sir Samuel Shepherd, Knight, to be Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland. The Marquis of Lothian, to be Lieutenant and Sheriff-Depute of the shire of Mid-Lothian. The Marquis of Queensberry, to be Lieutenant and Sheriff-Principal of the shire of Dumfries. 24. Alexander Maconochie, Esq. to be a Lord of Session and Justiciary in Scotland, in the room of David Dougias, Esq. deceased. Sir William Rae, Bart. to be Lord Advocate, in room of Alexander Maconochie, Esq. Borough of Shrewsbury.-John Mylton, Esq. do. John Pringle, Esq. of Clifton. Lieut. Gen. J. Champagne, from 41 F. to be Col. vice Gen. G. Garth, dead Borough of Tralee.-James Cuffe, Esq. of Deel 14th June Castle, county of Mayo. 29 Borough of Dorchester.-Charles Warren, Esq. of Bedford Square, Middlesex. 33 Borough of Heytesbury. The Hon. William Henry John Scott. 41 II. ECCLESIASTICAL. 69 June 17. A call was moderated in the Relief Chapel, Dysart, for Mr James Spence, preacher, 72 of the Edinburgh Presbytery, as assistant and suecessor to the Rev. William Billerwell. 23. The Magistrates and Council of Glasgow elected the Rev. Daniel Dewar, LL. D. Professor of Moral Philosophy, King's College, Aberdeen, to be minister of St Mary's, or Tron Church, and parish of Glasgow. July 8. Mr James Marshall was ordained to the 79 pastoral office, and admitted minister of the Outer High Church, Glasgow, in room of the Rev, Dr Balfour, deceased. VOL V. Lieut. J. V. Evans to be Capt. by pur. do. Ensign H. Rose to be Lieut. vice Sutherland 79 89 3d June Ensign Dunean M'Dougall to be Lieut. vice M'Dougall, prom. Lieut. W. Pearce to be Croker, dead Ensign W. H. Dougan to be Pearce do. Capt. vice Appointments Cancelled. 2d Lieut. R. Basset, 1 Ceylon Reg. Afr. Cor. Lieut. A. B. Armstrong to be Adj. vice be 2d Lieut. 1st Jan. Med Dep. Hosp. Assist. B. Conway, from h. p. to be Hosp. Assist. vice Nelson, dead 20th May Arnold, from 19 Dr. rec. diff. with Brevet Major Stewart, h. p. Rifle Brigade -Hutchison, from 1 F. Gds. rec. diff. with Capt. Butler, h. p. M'Donald, from 42 F. rec. diff. with Capt. Lieut. Ross, from 1 Dr. with Lieut. Green, h. p. Wigley, from 63 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Mason, from 47 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Letham, from 64 F. reo. diff. with Lieut. M'Phee, from 79 F. with Lieut. Crawford, Deaths. Gen. George Garth, 17 F. Lt. Gov. of Placentia. 10th April Major Wilmerding, h. p. 2 Lt. Dr. K. G. L. Capt. Hussey, 38 F. Elenholme, 75 F. Sinith, 2 Ceyion Regt. Connellan, Adj. Westmeath do. Lieut. Wilton, 14 Dr. Hart, 9 F. Ness, 30 F. Winrow, 30 F. Macpherson, 53 F. Pelican, h. p. Wattev. R. 15th do. 24th March 25th Dec. 1818. 1st Nov. 20th Oct. 15th Nov. 1st May 1819. 6th April 11th Nov. 1818. 23d do. 7th Oct. 7th do. 27th March 1819 8th Nov. 1818. 2d Lieutenants and Ensigns. Lardner, 30 F. Newnan, 1 Ceylon Regt. Medical Department. Dr Quin, Physic. Gen. in Ireland, do. Gilmour, Hosp. Assist. 1st Feb. 1819. 28th Oct. 1818. 3d Dec. Nov. 1818" 12th March 1819 Resignations and Retirements. Lt. Col. D. Cameron, 79 F. Major Lawrence, 22 Dr. Capt. Major, 7 F. Coker, 29 F. Jones, Adj. Anglesea Milit. Lieut, Stoddard, Stafford Milit. Cornet Lambert, 6 Dr. Speke, 14 Dr. Paymaster Cayley, So. Lincoln Milit. diff. do. Cape Corps. Lieut. C. H. Somerset, from 21 Dr. to be Capt. by purch. vice Hard ing, ret. do. 2 W. L. R. Capt. W. Armstrong, from 19 Dr. to do. be Capt. vice Major, exch. Lieut. H. J. Ricketts to be Adjut. vice Anderson, res. Adjut, only 25th Maref Ships. Albion Thomas Webb Camel Beaver Brisk Wim. Hall (act.) Dwarf Grasshopper R. Hains Falmouth Hind Lewis Fitzmaurice Hasty Larne John Browning Helicon Menai Francis Gordon Heron Hind Hindostan Icarus Menai Morgiana Snapper Thistle Jamaica-Yard Albion Names. Captain, Wm. Popham Commanders. John Harvey (a) Richard John Head Richard Saumarez Superannuated Commander. Richard Brothers Lieutenants. Geo. A. Sainthill J. T. Kelsall Names. Captains. Richard Raggett J. W. Montagu David Buchan Sir Chas Burrard Henry Forbes F. Moresby Charles Nelson Lieutenants. Charles Adams Spencer Smyth Henry M. Williams Daniel Leary Henry G. Etough H. P. Lew Joshua Maynard Wm. Whitehead B. M. Festing Charles Walcot J. G. Wigley Francis Hart Charles C. Dent D. J. Dickson T. S. Shuckburgh John Geddes B. Aplin John Adams (a) James Roy A. H. Kellet Spencer Vassall (act.) Edward Biddulph George J. Hay Rich. Weatherley R. J. Nash Geo. A. Sainthill Royal Marines. 2d Lts. H. H. Hamilton James J. Cracknell Masters. Wm. Balliston Thomas Haydon (act.) Wm. Aykbone Robt. Marshall (1) Hamilton Stewart C. D. Keane John M'Arthur George Wilson P. H. Maclean Wm. Rogan David Bennett Creole Falmouth Hasty Hyperion Martial Menai Snapper Spencer Superb Thistle J. R. Rees Thomas Bell (2) Ord. at Plymouth Severn Pursers. Stephen Street Albion Wm. Thomas Brisk Bulwark Egeria Falmouth METEOROLOGICAL TABLE, Kept at Edinburgh, in the Observatory, Caltonhill. N.B.-The Observations are made twice every day, namely, at eight o'clock in the morning, andeight o'clock in the evening. The morning observations in the first column are made on the Register Ther mometer. Μ. 44 29.46 M. 52 540 E. 56) 595 M. 59 .597 E. 59 .480 M. 62 Ε. 60.15 E. 58 Wind. Weather. 1819. Ther. Baro. Cble. high 5. W. mod S. W. Showr.forn. Fair, sunsh. Fair foren. 4) M. 44 59) M. 61) Ε. 56.59 E. 61 S. W. mod Fair, sunsh. 19 .205 Μ. 59 Cble. E. 53 25 460 E. 61 11. Μ. 42 63. M. 60 W. F. 54.678 E. 59 brisk showery aft. 26 Ε. 55 .205 Ε. 60 M. 40 12 .686 M. 57 Cble. Wm.thn.rn. E. 50 745 Ε. 59 mod frn. sun aft. E. 56 .291 Ε. 51 M. 48 .686 Μ. 57) S. 13 Ε. 59 .396 Ε. 59 ( 29 Μ. 42 .516 M. 53) W. Ε. 54 .392 Ε. 51 Ε. 56.416 Ε. 62 15 M. 44 .380 M. 59) W. 30 Μ. 42 379 M. 63 N. W. **Some accident has prevented the weather being noted in the books of the Observatory during the latter part of this month. E. 55.476 Ε. 58) E. 59.360 Ε. 595 Quantity of rain, 1.645. AGRICULTURAL REPORT. NOTWITHSTANDING the variable weather, and occasional night frosts in June, crops of all kinds wear a promising aspect. Hay is, however, but a light crop, and considerable injury has been done to the fruit-trees by the frosts in the latter end of May. Turnip sowing is generally finished. The early sown wheats promise an abundant return; and barley and oats will reach a fair average crop. The prices of grain have re mained nearly stationary during the last month, but seem rather on the advance. In England, hops have in general a good appearance; and a great breadth of turnips have been sown under favourable circumstances. July 14. The Potamogeton natans, an aquatic plant, came in flower on the 13th June, and the flowers of the water millfoil appeared on the 15th; the common spearwort, the water flag, and lesser bur-reed, came in flower by the 18th. In the fields, wheat came in ear, and clover came in flower, by the 19th. In meadows, the Lychnis flos cuculi expanded its blossoms by the 21st, the flowers of the Digitalis purpurea appeared on the 25th, and those of the Veronica scutellata, a water plant, on the 27th. Virginian strawberries were ripe by the 30th, nearly eight weeks from the time they came in flower. The floating fescue grass was in flower on the 1st of July, the greater bur-reed on the 5th, the Campanula primula on the 7th, Ayrshire roses on the 9th; early oats came in ear by the 10th, the lesser water plantain opened its blossoms on the 11th, and the flowers of the common privet were expanded by the 14th. Temperature of the water in the pond 52°.-July 14. |