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ORDER 1887.

(Dated 27th January 1887, and confirmed by the Secretary for Scotland, 8th February 1887.)

I. This Order may be cited as "The Dairies, Cow - sheds, and Milk - shops Amending Order of 1887."

II. Superseded by the Order of 1899.

III. If any person is guilty of an offence against the Order of 1885, he shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty of five pounds.

Provided, nevertheless, that the sheriff or other magistrate before whom any

complaint may be made, or any proceedings may be taken in respect of any such offence, may, if he think fit, adjudge the payment as a penalty of any sum less than the full amount of the penalty imposed by this Order.

IV. In this Order the expression "local authority" means the local authority under the Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1867.*

THE DAIRIES, COW-SHEDS, AND MILK-SHOPS ORDER OF 1899. (Dated 16th October 1899, and confirmed by the Secretary for Scotland, 17th October 1899.)

I. This Order may be cited as "The Dairies, Cow - sheds, and Milk - shops Order of 1899."

II. Article 14 of the Order (of 1885) is hereby revoked, and the following provisions shall have effect after the date hereof :

Regulations made by a local authority under the Order (of 1885) shall not take effect unless and until they have been submitted to and confirmed by the board, who may allow or disallow the same as they may think proper; nor shall any such regulations be confirmedUnless notice of intention tr apply for

confirmation of the same has been given in one or more of the local newspapers circulated within, or by handbills posted throughout, the district to which such regulations relate, one month at least before the making of such application; and Unless for one month at least before any such application is considered, a copy of the proposed regulations has been kept at the office of the local authority, and in the case of districts other than burghs, at the office of the Parish Council of every parish to which such regulations

relate, and has been open during office hours thereat to the inspection of the ratepayers of the district to which such regulations relate, without fee or reward.

Any person aggrieved by any proposed regulation, or by any proposed alteration of a regulation, may within such lastmentioned month forward notice of his objection to the board.

The clerk of the local authority shall, on the application of any such ratepayer, furnish him with a copy of such proposed regulations or any part thereof, on payment of sixpence for every hundred words contained in such copy.

A regulation when confirmed by the board shall not require confirmation, allowance, or approval by any other authority.

III. Article 15 of the Order (of 1885) shall be altered so that the expressions in the said Article which refer to disease shall include, in the case of a cow, such disease of the udder as shall be certified by a veterinary surgeon to be tubercular; and the Order (of 1885) and the amending Order (of 1887) shall apply and be construed with the modifications necessary to give effect to this Article.

*Now the Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897.



Regulate the Inspection of Cattle-sheds, Cow-houses, and Byres within Burghs and populous Places in Scotland.—[29 and 30 Vict. cap. 17.-30th April 1866.]


I. Short title.-This Act may be cited 83 "The Cattle-sheds in Burghs (Scotland) Act, 1866."


II. Interpretation of terms. words "cattle - sheds," "cow-houses," and "byres" shall mean and include every house, building, shed, yard, or other enclosed place or premises in which bulls, cows, heifers, oxen, or calves are kept or intended to be kept.

Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the interpretation section (No. 3) and the jurisdiction of magistrates section (No. 408) of the Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1862, are hereby incorporated with and shall be taken so as to extend to this Act.

III. Inspection and licensing of cattle sheds in burghs, Scotland.-The magistrates of royal burghs and also of parliamentary burghs in Scotland shall have power to require, and shall require, all cattle-sheds and cow-houses and byres within their burghs to be inspected by an officer appointed by them, and, if found to be suitable for such purpose, to be licensed by them for the period of one year; and the magistrates shall likewise have power from time to time to make rules and regulations for the proper sanitary condition of the same, and to fix and determine in each licence the number of cattle which may be kept in each such cattle-shed or cow-house or byre; and if any person shall keep any cattle within any burgh without such inspection and licence, or shall violate any of the conditions of such licence, or of any of the rules and regulations made by the magistrates, he shall on conviction before any two of them be

subjected to a penalty not exceeding five pounds for each such offence, and a like penalty for every day after the conviction for such offence upon which such offence is continued.


IV. Inspection and licensing of cattlesheds in populous places in Scotland.In the case of burghs (other than royal and parliamentary burghs) and populous places in Scotland which have adopted the whole or portions of the Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1862, or previously to the passing of the said Act of 1862 had adopted the whole or any parts of the Police of Towns (Scotland) Act, 1850, the commissioners under the said Acts shall have power to require, and shall require, all cattle-sheds and cow-houses and byres within such burghs or populous places to be inspected by an officer appointed by them, and, if found to be suitable for such purpose, to be licensed by them for the period of one year; and the commissioners shall likewise have power from time to time to make rules and regulations for the proper sanitary condition of the same, and to fix and determine in each licence the number of cattle which may be kept in each such cattle-shed or cow-house or byre; and if any person shall keep any cattle within any burgh or populous place without such inspection and licence, or shall violate any of the conditions of such licence, or any of the rules and regulations made by the commissioners, he shall on conviction before the magistrates be subjected to a penalty not exceeding five pounds for each such offence, and a like penalty for every day after the conviction for such offence upon which such offence is continued.

V. Power to require persons convicted

25 & 26 Vict. cap. 101 is repealed by 55 & 56 Vict. cap. 55, § 6, but see terms of that section.

to make sanitary improvements. The magistrates before whom any person is convicted of non-observance of any of the regulations made by virtue of this Act may, as often as they shall see cause, give notice in writing requiring the owner or occupier of such cattle-shed, cowhouse, or byre to make such sanitary improvements in the same as they shall direct, within a period of one month from the date of such written notice; and in any case of non-compliance with or disobedience to such notice may, in addition to the penalty imposed on such person under the authority of this Act, suspend for any period not exceeding one month the licence granted to such person under this Act; and such magistrates may, upon the conviction of any person for a second or other subsequent like offence, in addition to the penalty imposed under the authority of this Act, declare the licence granted under this Act revoked; and whenever the licence of any such person is revoked as aforesaid, the magistrates or the commissioners may refuse to grant any licence whatsoever to the person whose licence has been so revoked.

Every licence granted under this Act shall continue in force for the period of one year from the granting thereof, except it shall be suspended or revoked under this Act; and no fee or reward shall be taken for any such licence; and such licence shall be required to be renewed once in every year; and if any person shall use any cattle-shed, cowhouse, or byre in any burgh or populous place without a licence, he shall be liable for each offence to a penalty not exceeding five pounds, of which offence the fact that bulls, cows, heifers, oxen, or calves have been taken into such place shall be deemed sufficient primâ facie evidence.

VII. Notice of intention to apply for licence.-Before any licence for the use of any cattle-shed, cow-house, or byre can be granted, fourteen days' notice of the intention to apply for such licence shall be given in writing to the magistrates or commissioners.

VIII. Extent. This Act shall apply only to Scotland.

IX. Repealed by 56 & 57 Vict. cap. 14

VL Duration and renewal of licences. (S. L. R..



Amend the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894, in relation to Sheep Scab.---
[3 Edw. VII. cap. 43.-14th August 1903.]

I. Compulsory adoption of remedies for | sheep scab, etc.-Section twenty-two of the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894 (which empowers the Board of Agriculture to make orders for the better prevention of disease among animals, and to authorise local authorities to make regulations for the like purpose), shall be construed and have effect as if the following paragraph were inserted therein, namely:

"(xiiia.) For prescribing, regulating, and securing the periodical treatment of all sheep by effective dipping, or by the use of some other remedy for sheep scab.

II. Power of examination of sheep.-(1) An inspector of the Board of Agriculture, and, if so authorised by order of the Board, an inspector of the local authority,

may, subject to the direction of the authority appointing the inspector, and for the purposes of any order or regulation under this Act, enter any premises and examine any sheep thereon.

(2) The owner and the person in charge of any sheep shall comply with all reasonable requirements of the inspector as to the collection and penning of the sheep, and afford all other reasonable facilities for the examination of the sheep by the inspector.

III. Power for local authority to provide facilities for sheep-dipping.-The local authority may provide, fit up, and maintain portable dipping tanks or, with the sanction of the Board of Agriculture, dipping places, and afford the use thereof, and of all necessary appliances and

materials in connection therewith, to the public upon such terms and conditions as the local authority may think fit, and any sums received by a local authority for such use shall be applied by them towards the discharge of their expenses under the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894:

Provided that no dipping place shall be used for the purposes of this section if such use would injuriously affect the

water in any stream, reservoir, aqueduct, well, pond, or place constructed or used for the supply of water for drinking or other domestic purposes.

V. Short title.-This Act may be cited as the Diseases of Animals Act, 1903, and shall be construed as one with the Diseases of Animals Acts, 1894 and 1896, and may be cited with those Acts as the Diseases of Animals Acts, 1894 to 1903.

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