allowed, then they are to be settled by the justice who nominated the arbitrators, but if absent, then by any justice of the county, &c. Ibid. s. 31. No master manufacturer, foreman, or agent, to be allowed costs for time and expences, unless the proceedings of the workmen are vexatious and oppressive. Ibid. s. 31. All agreements, submissions, awards, tickets, matters or things under this act, or relating to any other mode of arbitration, may be made on unstamped paper. Ibid. s. 32. All actions against arbitrators, justices, constables, &c. for any thing done under this act, are to be brought within six calendar months. Ibid. s. 33. This act does not extend to repeal, abridge, or annul, or make void, any clauses, &c. contained in any law or statute, now in force, not repealed by this act. Ibid. s. 35. PAYMENT OF WAGES IN BANK NOTES. All persons concerned in the trades, or employment of artificers, workmen, or labourers, may pay wages in notes of the Bank of England, or of any licensed banker, with the consent of such artificers, &c. 58 G. 3. c. 51. s. 1. If any person shall incur or be convicted in any penalty, for payment of wages, otherwise than in money, the same shall go half to the informer, half to churchwardens and overseers of the poor, in England; or in Scotland, to the kirk session to the use of the poor: but if the informer gives evidence, then the whole of the penalty to go to the poor. Ibid. s. 2. 3. 4. The form of conviction prescribed by this act is to be taken as the legal form. Ibid. s. 5. SESSIONS. THE only things under this head that relate to justices out of sessions, are the returns of constables, who, besides the return of jurors on oath, to the Michaelmas sessions, (see JURORS, ante,) are also required, previously to every session and assize, to make a return of things in their constablewick, to the high constable of the hundred, to be delivered by him into court; which return must be first examined, allowed, and signed by a justice. SHEEP. TURNING Out Scabby or mangy sheep on any forest, common, waste land, &c. P. 20s. to 10l. for each offence, with costs. J. 1. W. 1. 38 G. 3. c. 65. s. 1. Lambs three months old, turned out and not marked, P. not above 2s. for each. Ibid. s. 2. Persons having right of common may complain to a justice, and have suspected sheep examined; and justice may award costs and damages to the owner, if suspicion prove unfounded. Ibid. s. 3. But if such sheep be infected, justice shall order them to be impounded and marked; and expenses of driving, marking, impounding, &c. to be ascertained by the justice and paid by the owner. Effacing marks, or not restoring them when effaced, P. 2s. to 20s. for each lamb. Ibid. s. 5. Penalties levied by distress and sale. A. half to the informer, half to the poor. Ibid. s. 7. Stealing any horse, mare, gelding, colt, filly, bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, ram, ewe, sheep, lamb; or killing any of such cattle with intent to steal carcass or skin; felony. 7&8 G. 4. c. 29. s. 25. Killing, maiming, or wounding, of any such cattle; felony. Ibid. c. 30. s. 16. SHIPS. WITH regard to the number of passengers to be carried on board a ship under 200 tons, or on board merchant ships, between Great Britain and Ireland, and the penalties to which the masters are liable for exceeding the number allowed by law, the reader is referred to the 4 G. 4. c. 88; and for the provisions respecting pilotage, to the 52 G. 3. c. 39. Setting fire to, or destroying, or damaging, otherwise than by fire, any ship; felony. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 30. s. 9. 10. Exhibiting false signals to, or destroying a shipwrecked vessel or cargo; felony. Id. s. 11. SHIRE-HALL. FOR sudden repairs not exceeding 30l. two justices may examine, assisted by an experienced workman, and order the repair; expense to be levied as if presented by a grand jury (that is, by the county rate). 9 G. 3. c. 20. s. 3. SOLDIERS. THE mutiny acts being annual, and clauses perpetually added or changed, it will be impossible to refer to the king's reign, chapter, or section; I shall therefore only state the general duty of justices which pervades them all. Every person enlisted shall (not sooner than twenty-four hours nor later than four days) be brought to a justice, not being a military officer, to declare his assent or dissent; and if he dissents, on returning the enlisting money, and paying 20s. for expenses, he shall be discharged; but if he does not pay within twenty-four hours, he shall be deemed enlisted; and if he assents, the justice shall certify it, and that the articles of war against mutiny and desertion have been read to him. Justices on proper notice shall issue warrants to the peaceofficers, to provide carriages for soldiers on their march; and if the peace-officer disobey the warrant, or the person directed to provide a carriage disobey the peace-officer, P. 20s. to 40s. R. distress. J. 2. A. poor. Military officer compelling a carriage to go further than is specified in the warrant, P. 5l. R. J. 2. who shall certify to the paymaster of the forces, who shall deduct it out of the officer's pay. Peace-officers to quarter soldiers on public-houses; person complaining of having too many quartered on him, may be relieved by one justice, or if the person billeting be a justice, by two. Peace-officers neglecting to provide quarters, or taking bribes from victuallers, and victuallers refusing to receive soldiers quartered on them, P. 40s. to 5l. 1 J. R. by distress. A. to satisfy soldier for expense incurred, and residue to poor. Quartering wives, children, or servants of any soldiers, in any house against the consent of the owner, P. if an officer, cashiered; if a civil officer, 20s. 1 J. R. by distress. No justice being a military officer, shall be concerned in billeting soldiers under his command. No officer, however qualified, shall kill game within seven miles of his quarters without consent of the lord of the manor, P. 5l.; and 20s. for every such offence by every soldier under his command; and if not paid in two days, forfeiture of commission. A. to the poor. Persons suspected of being deserters, may be apprehended by any officer, soldier, or constable, and taken before a justice; who, on conviction by oath, W. 1. shall commit him to the county gaol, or if in London or Westminster, to the Savoy. No officer to break open a door to search for deserters, without warrant from a justice. P. 201. Justice before whom a deserter is brought, shall issue his warrant to the collector of the land-tax, to pay 20s. to the person who apprehended him. Harbouring or assisting a deserter, P. 201.; or buying, receiving, or exchanging, any arms, accoutrements, or regimental clothes (in which are included shirts, stockings, &c. purchased for soldiers out of their pay), P. 5l. R. distress. J. 1. W. 1. And if not paid in four days, commitment for three months, or to be publicly whipped. A. half to the informer, half to the officers of the regiment. Justices for reasonable causes proved, may prolong furloughs. Military officers quartering soldiers on private houses ipso facto cashiered on conviction. J. 2. W. 2. SPRING-GUNS. SETTING or placing spring-gun, man-trap, or other engine, with intent to inflict bodily harm, or whereby same may be inflicted; misdemeanor. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 18. s. 1. Party permitting spring-gun, &c. set by others to continue, deemed to have set same. Id. s. 3. Not to extend to any gin or trap set to destroy vermin. Id. s. 2. Nor to spring-gun, &c. set from sunset to sunrise, for protection of dwelling-house. Id. s. 4. STAGE-COACHES. AFTER the 31st of August 1822, every person using, employing, or letting out, a carriage or vehicle, for conveying |