Page images

Publication of sheriff's advertise

ments, etc.


Clerk of the


printer with

copy of Acts, etc.

rates and charges in that behalf shall first have been paid to the person authorised to receive the same and the rates of tariff of charges shall be those framed under the fifth section of this Act. 1906, c. 14, s. 7.

7. All sheriff's advertisements and official advertisements shall be published in such newspapers as the Lieutenant Governor in Council may from time to time direct, but this enactment shall not be construed as authorising the transfer from The Saskatchewan Gazette to any other newspaper of advertisements which are required by law to be published in The Saskatchewan Gazette:

Provided that this section shall not apply to advertising the whole cost of which is payable by municipalities. 1906, c. 14,

s. 8.

8. The clerk of the Legislative Assembly shall furnish the Assembly to government printer with a certified copy of every Act of the government Legislature of Saskatchewan so soon as the same has received certified assent or if any bill has been reserved so soon as the assent thereto has been proclaimed in this province, and also from time to time during the continuance of any session of the Legislature with the necessary data or manuscript to enable the government printer to publish the journals of the Legislative Assembly and the sessional papers thereof. 1906, c. 14, s. 9.

Parties to whom government printer shall send Acts,



soon there

9. The government printer shall immediately after the close of each session of the Legislature or so after as may be practicable deliver or transmit by post or otherwise in the most economical mode the proper number of printed copies of the Acts of the Legislature (to be printed by him at the public expense) to the parties hereinafter mentioned, that is to say: To the members of the LegislativeAssembly respectively, such number of copies each as may from time to time be directed by any resolution of the said Legislative Assembly or in default of such resolution in such numbers as shall be directed by any order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council; and to such public departments, administrative bodies, officers, libraries or persons throughout Canada or elsewhere as may be specified in any such order to be for that purpose from time to time made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council:

Provided that when any bill receives assent during and before the termination of any session of the Legislaturethe government printer shall on intimation to that effect from the provincial secretary cause distribution to be made of such number of copies thereof to the same parties and in like manner as is herein before provided in regard to the Acts of any session. 1906, c. 14, s. 10.

printer to

10. The government printer shall under such regulations Government of the Lieutenant Governor in Council as may from time to procure time be made in that behalf procure all stationery and general under office supplies and have all printing and binding work done Lieutenant which may be required for the use of the Legislative Assembly Council or any department of the public service. 1908, c. 27, s. 1.


regulations of

Governor in



said advances of such money to

11. The provincial treasurer may from time to time Provincial authorise the advance to the government printer out of the may general revenue fund of such sums of money as the government printer may require to enable him to pay for stationery, office supplies, printing or binding: Provided that the net amount of such advance shall not at Proviso any time exceed the sum of $20,000. 1908, c. 27, s. 1.

government printer

printer to



12. The government printer shall supply any article Government purchased in the manner provided for in the next preceding furnish section under such regulations as may be prescribed in that according to behalf upon requisition therefor by the head of the department and upon having charge of the service in connection with which such requisition printing, binding, stationery or supplies may be required. 1908, c. 27, s. 1.

value to be

service to

13. The quantity supplied and the value thereof shall be quantity and charged by the provincial treasurer to the particular service charged to in connection with which the supplies are required on an which account thereof rendered monthly, the amount of such charge being at the same time credited to the account of the advances made by the provincial treasurer to the government printer. 1908, c. 27, s. 1.

supplies are furnished

Short title


"Council of

public health"


"Commis sioner"


"Board of

health" or "board"

"Health district"


"Medical health officer"

"Executive officer"




An Act respecting the Public Health.


1. This Act may be cited as "The Public Health Act."1909, c. 8, s. 1.


2. In this Act unless the context otherwise requires the expression:

1. "Council of public health" means the council of public health constituted under the provisions of this Act;

2. "Minister" means the member of the Executive Council to whom for the time being is assigned the supervision of the administration of this Act;

3. "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public health appointed under the provisions of this Act;

4. "Bureau" means the bureau of public health established by this Act;

5. "Board of health" or "board" means and includes the board of health of any city or town or health district;

6. "Health district" means any part of Saskatchewan not included within the boundaries of a city or town which has been constituted a health district under the provisions of this Act;

7. "Form" means a form in the schedule to this Act;

8. "Medical health officer" means and includes the medical health officer appointed under the provisions of this Act within the limits of the jurisdiction of any city, town, health district or any other portion of Saskatchewan;

9. "Executive officer" means and includes all persons who are officers appointed by proper and competent authority for the enforcement of the provisions of this Act or any other law, order or regulation for the time being in force relating to the public health;

10. "Street" means and includes every highway, road, road allowance, square, lane, mews, court, alley and passage whether a thoroughfare or not;

11. "House" means and includes any house and includes schools, factories and other buildings, huts and tents for human

habitation whether such use is permanent or temporary and whether the same are stationary or movable and outhouses used for any purpose;

12. "Owner" means the person for the time being receiving "Owner" the rent of the lands or premises in connection with which the word is used whether on his own account or as an agent or trustee for any other person or who would so receive the same if such lands or premises were let;


13. "Householder" means the person for the time being "Houseas between the actual occupants thereof, the occupant in charge of any premises whether as owner, tenant, agent or otherwise howsoever;

or infectious

14. "Contagious or infectious disease" means and includes "Contagious smallpox, chickenpox, scarlatina, measles, German measles, diseases" typhoid fever, diphtheria, Asiatic cholera, whooping cough, mumps, glanders, together with such other diseases as the commissioner may with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council from time to time declare to be contagious or infectious;

15. "Infected" means that condition of a person or thing "Infected" which is the effect of exposure to any contagious or infectious disease or contact with anything which has been so exposed under circumstances as make it possible that such disease may be spread because of such exposure or contact. 1909, c. 8, s. 2.


3. There shall be a permanent bureau under the minister Bureau of to be called the bureau of public health and the Lieutenant health Governor in Council may appoint thereto a chief officer to be established called the commissioner of public health who shall be a duly qualified medical practitioner and such other officers, clerks and employees as are necessary for the proper conduct of the bureau whose duties under the direction of the minister shall be to carry out the provisions of this Act and such other duties as are assigned to them by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under this or any other Act. 1909, c. 8, s. 3.

4. It shall be the duty of the commissioner under direction Duties of the minister:

(a) To perform the duties prescribed by this Act;

(b) To keep a record of the transactions of the council;
(c) As far as practicable to communicate with all provin-
cial or state boards of health and with the boards of
health and health officers within the province
and with the councils of cities, towns, villages and
rural municipalities and other public bodies for the
purpose of acquiring or disseminating information
concerning the public health;

Council of




Tenure of office


Powers of the council

Report of the council

Payment of


(d) To inspect all public and charitable institutions, such inspections to be made in accordance with such rules and regulations as may from time to time be prescribed by the minister;

(e) To perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under this or any other Act. 1909, c. 8, s. 4.

5. There shall be a council of public health consisting of the commissioner who shall by virtue of his office be the chairman thereof and three duly qualified medical practitioners and one qualified veterinary practitioner to be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council who shall receive such remuneration as the Lieutenant Governor in Council shall determine.

(2) On the first constitution of the council two of the members other than the commissioner shall be appointed for three years and two for two years; and thereafter each member appointed shall hold office for two years. 1909, c. 8, s. 5.

6. Meetings of the council shall be held at such times and places as may be determined by the minister but at least one meeting shall be held in each calendar year. 1909, c. 8, s. 6.

7. The council shall at its meetings consider and review all orders, rules and regulations made under the provisions of this Act and shall make a report thereon to the minister with such suggestions and recommendations as to the amendment or cancellation of any such order, rule or regulation or the making and issuing of any new order, rule or regulation as it may deem necessary in the interests of the public health. 1909, c. 8, s. 7.

8. The council shall also consider such matters as may be referred to it by the minister and may also consider any matter within the purview of this Act as to it may seem fit and shall report thereon to the Lieutenant Governor in Council. 1909, c. 8, s. 8.

9. The salaries and expenses of the executive officers and salaries and medical health officers referred to in sections 29 and 33 hereof respectively may be paid out of such moneys as may from time to time be appropriated by the Legislature for the purpose or out of the moneys to arise out of levying of any special rate or tax under the power by section 33 conferred as the Lieutenant Governor in Council may direct. 1909, c. 8, 3. 9.

General objects and

10. The commissioner shall take cognisance of the interests functions of of health and life among the people of Saskatchewan; he shall especially study the vital statistics of Saskatchewan and shall

the com


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