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should be drawn back as far as possible, while the lips-merely covering the teeth a little more-remain retracted as for ah. With the finger placed under the chin, close to the neck, the downward pressure of the root of the tongue should be distinctly felt.

This vowel and the 7th are most irregularly used in Scotland-words pronounced with the 7th in England having the 10th in Scotland, and others having the 10th in England being pronounced with the 7th in Scotland. Thus the English what and walk, are what and walk in Scotland, while star and















calm, are staur and caulm. This exchange does not take place in words in which the 10th vowel is represented by o or ou. In these cases, the vowel is closed into 12 in Scotland; as in morn, bought, cost, &c., pronounced mourn, boat, coast, &c. To correct these irregularities, let our lists of words under the 7th, 10th, and 12th vowels be frequently and carefully read. The English pronunciation will soon become habitual; for the formation of the vowels can present no difficulty.

A peculiarity similar to the above is characteristic of the Irish dialect; for while in the diphthongs 7-1 and 7-13 the first element is changed into 10, we hear the 10th vowel changed into, or almost into the 7th, in the great majority of words in which it occurs.

The 10th vowel combines with the 1st to form a common English diphthong -heard in such words as joint, joy, &c.


10 (short) Unaccented.-Blockade, bronchotomy, cochineal, cognition, collapse, collate, collect, collision, collude, collusory, combustion, command, commensurate, commingle, commiserate, commodious, community, commotion, compages, companion, compare, compeer, compendious, compete, complacent, complexion, comply, compress, compute, conceal, conceive, concentric, concern, conciliate, conclusion, concussion, condemn, condense, condign, condole, condition, confabulate, confection, confer, congeries, congratulate, conjoin, conjunct, connate, consider, consign; conspiracy, consummate, contain, converge, convulse, correct, corroborate, corrode, corrupt, cosmetic, costume, holloa, longevity, monsoon, nocturnal, nonentity, obduce, oblate, oblique, obliterate, oblivion, obnoxious, obscure, observe, obstreperous, obstriction, obstruct, obtain, obumbrate, occasion, occlude, occult, occur, October, offend, officiate, omnipotent, oncotomy, ophthalmic, oppose, opponent,

oppress, opprobrious, oppugn, ostent, ostensible, oxalic, pollute, poltroon, polylogy, polymathy, pontifical, possess, posterity, prognosis, prosperity, quadroon, sialogogue, solstitial, somnific, spontaneous, spontoon, tontine, volcano, voltaic.

10 (short) Accented.-Block, blossom, blotch, boscage, boss, botany, bottle, bottom, box, broth; chocolate, chop, clock, cloth, cochleary, coxcomb, cockle, coffee, coffer, colossus, copper, copse, copula, copy, cortical, Cossack, costive, cottage, cotton, cough, crockery, crocodile, crop, cross, crotchet; docile, doctor, doctrine, document, dropsy; flock, fop, fortify, fossil, foster, fox, frock, frost, froth; gloss, glottis, gnostic, gospel, gossamer, gossip; hospitable, hostile, hot, hough; jockey, jocular, jocund, jostle, jot; knock, knot; locket, loft, lottery; mock, moss, moth, motley, motto, moxa; nocuous, nostrum, notch, noxious; occident, occupy, octave, ocular, off, offset, office, often, opera, operate, oppidan, opposite, option, optics, optimist, opulent, oscillate, osseous, ospray, ostler, ostrich, otter, ottoman, oxygen, ox, oxide; phosphorus, pocket, poplin, populace, populous, positive, posset, possible, postulate, pot, process, proctor, proffer, profligate, prologue, prop, property, prophecy, prosecute, proselyte, prosody, prospect, prosper, prostrate, proximate; quantity, quash; rocket, rostrum, rot ; scoff, sconce, Scottish, scrofula, shock, shop, shot, shocking, socket, soft, soften, sop, sophist, soporate, sot, squash, squat, stock, stopple, strop, strophe; theocracy, theology, theosophy, throstle, tocsin, spot, topic, toss, totter, tropic, trot, troth, trough, twattle; vocative; wash, wasp, wassail, watch, wattle; bronchus; compact, competent, complex, complot, compromise, concave, conch, concave, concord, concourse, confident, confluent, conquer, conscious, conscience, conscript, consecrate, consequent, consistory, consonant, constipate, constitute, consuetude, contact, continent, contraband, contrary, controversy, contumacy; dolphin, donkey; font, frontal, frontier; monster; nonplus, nonsense; pomp, pontiff, Pontic, prompt; romp; solstice, swamp; tonsil, tonsile, tonsure; wampum.

III. Bobbins, body, bonnet, borrow, bother; cauliflower, chronic, choler, chronicle, clog, clonic, cobble, college, colleague, collocate, colloquy, colony, colophon, comedy, comet, comity, comma, commerce, commigrate, common, Corinth, coronal, corollary, correlate, corrugate; dollar, domicile, dominate, Doric, dromedary; fodder, folly, foreign, forest, frolic; glomerate, goggle, grovel; hobble, hobby, hollow, Holland, holocaust, holograph, homage, holiday, homily, homicide, horrible, hovel, honest, honour; jolly; knowledge; laurel, lobby, logarithm, Lollard; model, moderate, modest, mollify, monad, monarch, monitor, monody, monogram, monostich, monotone, moral; noddy, nomad, nominal, nonage, nostle, novel, novice; obelisk, obolus, oligarchy, olive, ominous, oracle, oraison, orator, orange, orifice, origin, orrery; phonic, policy, polish, pollen, polyglot, polypus, porridge, pother, probable, prodigal, prodigy, prominent, promise, proverb, provost; qualify, quality, quarrel, quarry; rosin; scallop, scholar, solace, solecism, solemn, solid, solitary, sonnet, sorrel, sorrow, sorry, sovereign, squabble, squalid, stolid, swaddle, swallow; theology, theodolite, toddle, tolerate, tomahawk, tonic, torrid, torrent, twaddle; volant, volatile, volley, voluntary, vomit; wadding, waddle, wallet, wallop, wallow, warrant, warren; zoology, zymology.

IV. Bob, bodge, bog, bond, bondage, bronze; clod, cobweb, cob, cod, cog, cogitate, comrade, conder, condyl, congener, congregate, congruent, conjugate, congress, convent, conversant, convex, cosmical; dog, dogma, dogmatize; fog, fond, for, (prep.) frog, from; globule, gone, goblet, gondola, gong, grogram; hog, hogshead ; job, jog, John; lodge, lodging, log, logic, loll, long, longitude; mob, module, modulate, mollient, monument; nod; obdurate, obduracy, oblong, obviate, obvolute, odd, odontalgy, omnibus, omnium, on, onward; plod, pod, pond, ponder, poniard, problem, progeny, prong; quadrant, quadrangle, quadruple; rob, rod, rondeau; shod, shone, sob, sod, soluble, solve, somnolent, song, spondee, sponsor, squab, squadron, squad, squander, strong, swab,

swan; throb, throng, tod, tongs, 'twas; voluble, volume; wad, wan, wand, wrong, wrath; yon.

10 (long) Unaccented.—Albeit, although, altogether, audacious, audacity, augment, aularian, aurelia, auricular, aurora, austere, auspicious, authentic, authority, autocracy, automaton, auxiliary, autumnal, discord, corporal, forbid, forgave, formation, formality, glaucoma, laudation, mordacious, mortality, ordonnance, ordain, orthography, ornate, organic, orthoepy, pauciloquy, saltpetre, scorbutic, tautology, tomahawk, torment, (v.) traumatic.

10 (long) Accented.-Boy, joy, oil, point, &c.; pawing, rawish, sawest; war, drawer, for, (conj.) border, chord, corpse, dorsal, forfeit, fork, fortunate, gorse, horse, hortative, morphia, remorse, mortify, mortuary, north, orphan, orpiment, orthodox, porcupine, porphyry, porpoise, quart, quarter, quality, scorch, scorpion, short, shorten, snort, sorcery, sort, sortilege, stork, swart, swarthy, torch, torpid, tortuous, torture, vortex, warp: conform, cord, cordial, cormorant, corn, corner, corneous, cornet, cornice, dormant, dormouse, forlorn, form, formula, formidable, gorge, horn, lord, lorn, morbid, morn, mortgage, normal, northerly, orbit, ordeal, ordinance, ordnance, organ, orgies, orgues, ornament, scornful, shorl, sorb, sorbile, sordid, storm, sward, swarm, torment, (s.) war, warble, ward, warlock, warm, warn.

II. auction, aught, auspices, author, authorize, autocrat, autograph, autumn, awful, awkward, balk, bought, brought, calk, cauf, cautery, caustic, caution, chalk, daughter, dauphin, falcon, fought, fraught, haughty, hawthorn, hawk, laudable, lawful, lawsuit, mawkish, naught, nausea, nauseous, nautical, nautilus, ought, paucity, pauper, raucity, sauce, sausage, saucepan, slaughter, sought, stalk, talk, taught, thought, vaunt, walk, water, wrought, malkin; also, altar, alter, balsam, Baltic, false, falter, fault, halt, malt, salt, saltcellar, smalt, spalt, vault, waltz, want, wanton.

III. Auburn, audible, augur, August, aulic, bauble, caudal, causey, daudle, gaudy, glauber, laureate, maugre, plaudit, plausible, sawyer, solder, strawberry, tawny, thaumatrope, traulism.

IV. Alderman, all, almost, audience, augury, awe, awl, awm, awn, bald, balderdash, baldrick, ball, bawl, brawl, brawn, broad, caldron, call, cause, caldron, clause, claw, crawl, daub, dawn, drawl, fall, fawn, flaw, fraud, fraudulent, gall, gauze, gnaw, hall, halse, khan, laud, lawyer, lawn, maul, maudlin, pall, pause, pawn, prawn, scald, scrawl, shawl, shawm, small, spawl, spawn, sprawl, squall, squaw, stalder, stall, tall, talbot, tawdry, thaw, wall, walnut, walrus, yawl, yawn, yager.

V. Caw, draw, faugh, haw, jaw, law, macaw, maw, pacha, paw, raw, saw, spa, straw, taw, yaw.

[blocks in formation]

OBSERVATIONS.-This is a beautiful diphthong, compounded of aw and ee. It is generally somewhat longer than the diphthong 7-1: this arises from the less easy fluency of its elements. To modify the voice from ah to ee, the tongue has only to ascend; while to modify it from aw to ee, the lips also must take part in the action-and elongate the labial aperture while the tongue rises.

The first part of the diphthong is very uniform among English speakers: the second is less so, being very often stopped at i(2,) and sometimes even at a more open position. The Irish pronounce almost 7-1, for this diphthong, but with the 7 longer than in the English utterance of that combination. In Scotland the first part of the diphthong is closed into (11) or (12) (monophthong) which is usually united with the 2nd or 3rd formation, for the second part.

R never occurs with 10-1 in the same syllable in English: the word choir is pronounced qu-ire for greater facility of monosyllabic contraction. In such words as coyer, destroyer, &c., the full dissyllabic combination 10-1-8 is clearly preserved.

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