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Parliamentary Debates

During the Sixth Session of the Seventh Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, appointed to meet at Westminster, the Third Day of February 1825, in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King GEORGE the Fourth.

HOUSE OF LORDS. Thursday, February 3, 1825. THE KING'S SPEECH ON OPENING THE SESSION.] This day the Session was opened by Commission. The Lords Commissioners were, Lord Chancellor Eldon, the archbishop of Canterbury, and the earls of Westmorland, Harrowby, and Shaftsbury. The usher of the black rod having been ordered to require the attendance of the House of Commons, he withdrew. In a few minutes after, the Speaker, accompanied by a considerable number of the members, having appeared at the bar, the lord chancellor opened the Session with the following Speech to both


"My Lords and Gentlemen;

« We are commanded by His Majesty to express to you the gratification which His Majesty derives from the continuance and progressive increase of that public prosperity upon which his Majesty congratulated you at the opening of the last session of parliament.

"There never was a period in the history of this country, when all the great interests of the nation were at the same time in so thriving a condition, or when a feeling of content and satisfaction was more widely diffused through all classes of the British people.

"It is no small addition to the gratification of his Majesty, that Ireland is participating in the general prosperity. The VOL. XII. NEW


outrages, for the suppression of which extraordinary powers were confided to his Majesty, have so far ceased, as to warrant the suspension of the exercise of those powers in most of the districts heretofore disturbed.

"Industry and commercial enterprise are extending themselves in that part of the United Kingdom. It is, therefore,


more to be regretted, that associations should exist in Ireland, which have adopted proceedings irreconcileable with the spirit of the Constitution, and calculated, by exciting alarm, and by exasperating animosities, to endanger the peace of society,

and to retard the course of national improvement.

"His Majesty relies upon your wisdom to consider, without delay, the means of applying a remedy to this evil.

"His Majesty further recommends the renewal of the inquiries instituted last session into the state of Ireland.

"His Majesty has seen with regret the interruption of tranquillity in India, by the unprovoked aggression and extravagant pretensions of the Burmese Government, which rendered hostile operations against that state unavoidable.

"It is, however, satisfactory to find, that none of the other native powers have manifested any unfriendly disposition, and that the bravery and conduct displayed by the forces already employed against the enemy, afford the most favourable


prospect of a successful termination of his Majesty has directed to be laid before

the contest.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons; "His Majesty has directed us to inform you that the Estimates of the year will be forthwith laid before you.

"The state of India, and circumstances connected with other parts of his Majesty's foreign possessions, will render some augmentation in his military establishments indispensable.

"His majesty has, however, the sincere gratification of believing, that, notwithstanding the increase of expense arising out of this augmentation, such is the flourishing condition, and progressive improvement of the revenue, that it will still be in your power, without affecting public credit, to give additional facilities to the national industry, and to make a further reduction in the burthens of his people.

"My Lords and Gentlemen;

"His Majesty commands us to inform you, that his Majesty continues to receive from his Allies, and generally from all Princes and States, assurances of their unabated desire to maintain and cultivate the relations of peace with his Majesty, and with each other; and that it is his Majesty's constant endeavour to preserve the general tranquillity.

"The negotiations which have been so long carried on through his Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople, between the Emperor of Russia and the Ottoman Porte, have been brought to an amicable issue.

"His Majesty has directed to be laid before you, copies of arrangements which have been entered into with the kingdoms of Denmark and Hanover, for improving the commercial intercourse between those States and the United kingdom.

"A treaty, having for its object the more effectual suppression of the slavetrade, has been concluded between his Majesty and the king of Sweden, a copy of which treaty (as soon as the ratifications thereof shall have been exchanged)


"Some difficulties have arisen with re

spect to the ratification of the treaty for the same object which was negociated last year between his Majesty and the

United States of America.

"These difficulties, however, his Majesty trusts, will not finally impede the conclusion of so beneficial an arrangement.

"In conformity with the declarations which have been repeatedly made by his Majesty, his Majesty has taken measures for confirming by treaties the commercial relations already subsisting between this kingdom, and those countries of America which appear to have established their separation from Spain.

"So soon as these treaties shall be completed, his Majesty will direct copies of them to be laid before you.

"His Majesty commands us not to conclude without congratulating you upon the continued improvement in the state of the agricultural interest, the solid foundation of our national prosperity; nor without informing you, that evident ad

vantage has been derived from the relief which you have recently given to commerce by the removal of inconvenient restrictions.

"His Majesty recommends to you to persevere (as circumstances may allow) in the removal of similar restrictions; and his Majesty directs us to assure you, that you may rely upon his Majesty's cordial co-operation in fostering and extending that commerce, which, whilst it is, under the blessing of Providence, a main source of strength and power to this country, contributes in no less a degree to the happiness and civilization of mankind."

The Commons then withdrew. After which, the Speech being again read by the Lord Chancellor, and also by the Clerk at the Table,

Viscount Dudley and Ward observed, that in rising to move an humble Address to his Majesty, in answer to his gracious Speech, he trusted that any apology was rendered less necessary by the advantageous circumstances under which he

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