Great Variety of PRECEDENTS of
Special Grants, Afsignments, Mortgages,
and all Sorts of Securities, &c. under the
following HEADS:
Special Gifts, Grants, Common Leafe and
Release, Assignments of Bonds, Statutes, Judg-
ments, &c. And also of Leafes, Afsignments
to attend the Fee, and to attend Mortgages;
Mortgages of Personal Estates, and of Leases
and Lands for Years, Life and in Fee, Afsign-
ments of fuch Mortgages; Collateral Securi-
ties, Securities against Incumbrances, Defeafan-
ces, Declarations in Trust, Revocations and
new Declarations, Appointments, Renunciati-
ons, Disclaimers, Surrenders, Releases of Equi-
ty of Redemption, &c.
The Second Edition, corrrected; with Additions.
Printed by HENRY LINTOT, Law-Printer to the KING'S
moft Excellent MAJESTY, for DAN. BROWNE, at the
Black Swan without Temple-Bar; and JOHN SHUCKBURGH,
at the Sun next the Inner-Temple-Gate, Fleet Street. 1750.