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mission of merchandise or messages, shall keep a record of the names, ages, and places of residence of such minors.

SEC. 4. No person under the age of sixteen years shall be employed Hours of labor. or suffered or permitted to work at any gainful occupation more than fifty-four hours in any one week, nor more than nine hours in any one day; nor before the hour of six o'clock in the morning nor after the hour of nine o'clock in the evening.


SEC. 5. Whoever employs a child under sixteen years of age, and Penalty. whoever, having under his control a child under such age permits such child to be employed in violation of sections 1 and 2 of this act shall, for such offense, be fined not more than fifty dollars, and whoever continues to employ any child in violation of either of said sections of this act after being notified by a truant officer, probation officer or school authority shall, for every day thereafter that such employment continues be fined not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. A failure to produce to a truant officer, policeman, probation officer or school authority, the age record required by this act shall be prima facie evidence of the illegal employment of any person whose age record is not produced. Any parent, guardian or custodian of a minor under sixteen years of age who knowingly swears falsely as to the age of such child for the purpose of obtaining an age record, is guilty of perjury. SEC. 6. Any person, whether as parent, relative, guardian, employer Dangerous and or otherwise, having the care, custody or control of any child under the immoral occupaage of sixteen years, who exhibits, uses or employs in any manner or under any pretense, sells, apprentices, gives away, lets out or disposes of such child to any person, under any name, title or pretense, for or in any business, exhibition or vocation, injurious to the health or dangerous to the life or limb of such child, or in or for the vocation, occupation, service or purpose of singing, playing on musical instruments, rope or wire walking, dancing, begging or peddling, or as a gymnast, acrobat, or contortionist, or rider, or in any place whatsoever, or for any obscene, indecent or immoral purpose, exhibition or practice whatsoever, or for or in any mendicant, or wandering business whatsoever, or who causes, procures or encourages such child to engage therein, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and punishable by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding six months or by both such fine and imprisonment. Every person who takes, receives, hires, employs, uses, exhibits or has in custody any child under the age and for any of the purposes mentioned in this section, is guilty of a like offense and punishable by like imprisonment. Nothing in this section contained applies to or affects the employment or use of any such child as a singer or musician in any church, school or academy, or the teaching or learning of the science or practice of music.

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SEC. 7. Any person, whether as parent, guardian, employer or other- Sending wise, and any firm or corporation, who as employer or otherwise, shall messengers. send, direct, or cause to be sent or directed, any minor, to any saloon, gambling house, house of prostitution or other immoral place; or who shall employ any minor to serve intoxicating liquors to customers, or who shall employ a minor in handling intoxicating liquor or packages in saloons. containing such liquors in a brewery, bottling establishment or other place where such liquors are prepared for sale or offered for sale. shall, for each offense, be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars or imprisonment for not less than two months or by both such fine and imprisonment.

SEC. 8. The probation officer, or in counties where there is not [a] Enforcement. probation officer, one or more of the school trustees, shall visit the various places of employment mentioned in sections 1 and 7 of this act and ascertain whether any minors are employed therein contrary to the provisions of this act, and they shall bring complaint for offenses under this act to the attention of the prosecuting attorney for prosecution, but nothing herein shall be held to prohibit any reputable citizen from bringing complaint for violations of this act. All offenses under this act shall be prosecuted in the probate court.



CHAPTER 38.-Certain employments of children forbidden.

Acrobatic, SECTION 131. It shall be unlawful for any person having the care, mendicant, etc., custody or control of any child under the age of fourteen years, to occupations. exhibit, use or employ, or in any manner, or under any pretense, sell, apprentice, give away, let out or otherwise dispose of any such child to any person in or for the vocation or occupation, service or purpose of singing, playing on musical instruments, rope or wire walking, dancing, begging or peddling, or as a gymnast, contortionist, rider or acrobat in any place whatsoever, or for any obscene, indecent or immoral purpose, exhibition or practice whatsoever, or for, or in any business, exhibition or vocation injurious to the health, or dangerous to the life or limb of such child, or cause, procure or encourage any such child to engage therein. Nothing in this section contained shall apply to, or effect [affect] the employment or use of any such child as a singer or musician in any church, school or academy, or in the teaching or learning the science or practice of music.

Sex not a bar.

Act construed.

Earnings sep

CHAPTER 48.-Sex no disqualification for employment.

SECTION 4. No person shall be precluded or debarred from any occupation, profession or employment (except military) on account of sex: Provided, That this act shall not be construed to affect the eligibility of any person to an elective office.

SEC. 5. Nothing in this act shall be construed as requiring any female to work on streets or roads, or serve on juries.

CHAPTER 68.-Earnings of married women.

SECTION 7. A married woman may receive, use and possess her own arate property. earnings, and sue for the same in her own name, free from the interference of her husband or his creditors.

Attendance required.


ACTS OF 1897.

Employment of children-School attendance.

(Page 296.)

SECTION 1 (as amended by act, page 308, Acts of 1903, and page 520, Acts of 1907). Every person having control of any child between the ages of seven (7) and sixteen (16) years, shall annually cause such child to attend some public or private school for the entire time during which the school attended is in session, which period shall not be less than one hundred and ten (110) days of actual teaching: Provided, That this act shall not apply in any case where the child has been or is being instructed for a like period of time in each and every year in the elementary branches of education by a person or persons competent to give such instruction, or where the child's physical or mental condition renders his or her attendance impractical or inexpedient, or where the child is excused for temporary absence for cause by the principal or teacher of the school which said child attends, or where the child is between the ages of fourteen (14) and sixteen (16) years and is necessarily and lawfully employed during the hours when the public school is in session.

SEC. 4 (as amended by act, page 308, Acts of 1903, and page 520, Acts of 1907). Any person having control of a child, who, with intent to

evade the provisions of this act, shall make a false statement concerning the age or the employment of such child or the time such child has attended school, shall for such offense forfeit a sum of not less than three dollars ($3.00) nor more than twenty dollars ($20.00) for the use of the public schools of such city, town, village or district.

ACTS OF 1899.

Employment of women and children in mines.

(Page 300.)

SECTION 22 (as amended by act, page 326, Acts of 1905). No boy Employment under the age of sixteen years, and no woman or girl of any age, shall prohibited. be permitted to do any manual labor in or about any mine, and before any boy can be permitted to work in any mine he must produce to the mine manager or operator thereof an affidavit from his parent or guardian, or next of kin, sworn and subscribed to before a justice of the peace or notary public, that he, the said boy, is sixteen years of age.

ACTS OF 1903.

Employment of children.

(Page 187.)

Age limit of 14

SECTION 1. No child under the age of fourteen years shall be employed, permitted or suffered to work at any gainful occupation in years. any theater, concert hall or place of amusement where intoxicating liquors are sold, or in any mercantile institution, store, office, hotel, laundry, manufacturing establishment, bowling alley, passenger or freight elevator, factory or workshop, or as a messenger or driver therefor, within this State. No child under fourteen years of age shall be employed at any work performed for wages or other compensation, to whomsoever payable, during any portion of any month when the public schools of the town, township, village or city in which he or she resides are in session, nor be employed at any work before the hour of seven o'clock in the morning or after the hour of six o'clock in the evening: Provided, That no child shall be allowed to work more than eight hours in any one day.

Where a child is employed in violation of this section, the employer is liable for any injury resulting to him as long as he continues in the performance of the work which he was directed to do, even though the negligence of the child may have contributed to the accident.

That the child falsely represented that he was of legal age is not a defense. An employer must ascertain at his peril that the persons he employs are members of the class that he may lawfully employ. The statute is aimed at the master and not at the servant. 73 Ñ. E. Rep. 766.

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation, Register. agent or manager of any firm or corporation employing minors over fourteen years and under sixteen years of age in any mercantile institution, store, office, hotel, laundry, manufacturing establishment, bowling alley, theater, concert hall or place of amusement, passenger or freight elevator, factory or workshop, or as messenger or driver therefor, within this State, to keep a register in said mercantile institution, store, office, hotel, laundry, manufacturing establishment, bowling alley, theater, concert hall or place of amusement, factory or workshop in which said minors shall be employed or permitted or suffered to work, in which register shall be recorded the name, age and place of residence of every child employed or suffered or permitted to work therein, or as messenger or driver therefor, over the age of fourteen and under the age of sixteen years; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, agent or manager, of any firm or corporation to hire or employ, or to permit or suffer to work in any mercantile institution, store, office, hotel, laundry, manufacturing establishment, bowling alley, theater, concert hall or place of amusement, passenger or freight elevator, factory or workshop, or

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as messenger or driver therefor, any child under the age of sixteen years and over fourteen years of age, unless there is first produced and placed on file in such mercantile institution, store, office, hotel, laundry, manufacturing establishment, bowling alley, factory or workshop, theater, concert hall or place of amusement, an age and school certificate approved as herinafter provided.

SEC. 3. Every person, firm or corporation, agent or manager of a corporation employing or permitting or suffering to work five or more children under the age of sixteen years and over the age of fourteen in any mercantile institution, store, office, laundry, hotel, manufacturing establishment, factory or workshop, shall post and keep posted in a conspicuous place in every room in which such help is employed, or permitted or suffered to work, a list containing the name, age and place of residence of every person under the age of sixteen years employed, permitted or suffered to work in such room.

SEC. 4. No child under sixteen years of age and over fourteen years of age shall be employed in any mercantile institution, store, office, hotel, laundry, manufacturing establishment, bowling alley, theater, concert hall, or place of amusement, passenger or freight elevator, factory or workshop, or as messenger or driver therefor, unless there is first produced and placed on file in such mercantile institution, store, office, hotel, laundry, manufacturing establishment, bowling alley, theater, concert hall or place of amusement, factory or workshop, and accessible to the State factory inspector, assistant factory inspector or deputy factory inspector, an age and school certificate as hereinafter prescribed; and unless there is kept on file and produced on demand of said inspectors of factories a complete and correct list of all the minors under the age of sixteen years so employed who can not read at sight and write legibly simple sentences, unless such child is attending night school as hereinafter provided.

SEC. 5. An age and school certificate shall be approved only by the superintendent of schools or by a person authorized by him in writing; or where there is no superintendent of schools by a person authorized by the school board: Provided, That the superintendent or principal of a parochial school shall have the right to approve an age and school certificate, and shall have the same rights and powers as the superintendent of public schools to administer the oaths herein provided for children attending parochial schools: Provided, further, That no member of a school board or other person authorized as aforesaid shall have authority to approve such certificates for any child then in or about to enter his own establishment, or the employment of a firm or corporation of which he is a member, officer or employee. The person approving these certificates shall have authority to administer the oath provided herein, but no fee shall be charged therefor. It shall be the duty of the school board or local school authorities to designate a place (connected with their office, when practicable) where certificates shall be issued and recorded, and to establish and maintain the necessary records and clerical service for carrying out the provisions of this act.

SEC. 6. An age and school certificate shall not be approved unless satisfactory evidence is furnished by the last school census, the certificate of birth or baptism of such child, the register of birth of such child with a town or city clerk, or by the records of the public or parochial schools, that such child is of the age stated in the certificate: Provided, That in cases arising wherein the above proof is not obtainable, the parent or guardian of the child shall make oath before the juvenile or county court as to the age of such child, and the court may issue to said child an age certificate as sworn to.

SEC. 7. The age and school certificate of a child under sixteen years of age shall not be approved and signed until he presents to the person authorized to approve and sign the same, a school attendance certificate, as hereinafter prescribed, duly filled out and

signed. A duplicate of such age and school certificate shall be Duplicates filled out and shall be forwarded to the State factory inspector's required. office. Any explanatory matter may be printed with such certifiIcate in the discretion of the school board or superintendent of schools. The employment and the age and school certificates shall be separately printed and shall be filled out, signed, and held or surrendered as indicated in the following forms:


(Name of school).

(City or town and date).

This certifies (name of minor) of the th grade, can read and write legibly simple sentences. This also certifies that according to the records of this school, and in my belief, the said (name of minor) was born at (name of city or town) in (name of county) on the (date) and is now (number of years and months) old. (Name of parent or guardian),

(Signature of teacher) (Name of principal).



(Name of school).





This certifies that (name of minor) is registered in and regularly attends the evening school. This also certifies that according to the records of my school and in my belief the said (name of minor) was born at (name of city or town) on the day of (year), and is now (number of years and months) old. (Name of parent or guardian),

(Signature of teacher).
(Signature of principal)



This certifies that I am (father, mother, guardian or custodian)
of (name of minor), and that (he or she) was born at (name of
town or city) in the (name of county, if known) and State or
count[r]y of
on the (day of birth and year of birth) and
is now (number of years and months) old.

(Signature of parent, guardian or custodian),
(City or town and date).

There personally appeared before me the above-named (name of person signing) and made oath that the foregoing certificate by (him or her) signed is true to the best of (his or her) knowledge. I hereby approve the foregoing certificate of (name of child), height (feet and inches), weight -, complexion (fair or dark), hair, (color) having no sufficient reason to doubt that (he or she) is of the age therein certified.


This certificate belongs to (name of child in whose behalf it is drawn) and is to be surrendered to (him or her) whenever (he or she) leaves the service of the corporation or employer holding the same; but if not claimed by said child within thirty days from such time it shall be returned to the superintendent of schools, or where there is no superintendent of schools, to the school board. (Signature of person authorized to approve and sign, with official character authority) (town, or city and date,)

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