AND DISCIPLINE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL 1926 GILBERT T. ROWE, BOOK EDITOR RICHMOND, VA. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. PUBLISHING HOUSE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH LAMAR & WHITMORE, AGENTS EDITORIAL AUTHORITY EDITED in conformity with the following direction of "That Bishop Collins Denny, the Book Editor, the $5548 U of S. 2uch M556 BISHOPS' RECOMMENDATION AND To the Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, WE esteem it our duty and privilege most earnestly to recommend to you, as members of our Church, our FORM OF DISCIPLINE, which has been founded on the experience of a long series of years. We wish to see this little publication in the house of every Methodist; and the more so, as it contains the Articles of Religion maintained more or less, in part or in whole, by every reformed Church in the world. Far from wishing you to be ignorant of any of our doctrines, or any part of our discipline, we desire you to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the whole. You ought, next to the Word of God, to procure the articles and canons of the Church to which you belong. We remain your very affectionate brethren and pastors, who labor night and day, both in public and in private, for your good. EUGENE R. HENDRIX, WARREN A. CANDLER, COLLINS DENNY, EDWIN D. MOUZON, JOHN M. MOORE, WILLIAM F. MCMURRY, URBAN V. W. DARLINGTON, HORACE M. DU BOSE, WILLIAM N. AINSWORTH, JAMES CANNON, JR., WILLIAM B. BEAUCHAMP, JAMES E. DICKEY, SAM R. HAY, HOYT M. Dobbs, HIRAM A. Boaz. 4 SEC. 1. Of the General Conference.. SEC. 2. Of the Annual Conferences. SEC. 3. Of the Central Conference. SEC. 4. Of the Missions of the Church. SEC. 5. Of the District Conferences.. SEC. 2. Of the Election and Consecration of Bish- |