A Compleat System of General Geography: Explaining the Nature and Properties of the Earth ...

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S. Austen, 1734 - 898 pages

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Page 89 - ... even so very hard as never to wear or break in pieces ; no ordinary power being able to divide what God himself made one, in the first creation. While the particles continue entire, they may compose bodies of one and the same nature and texture in all ages ; but should they wear away or break in pieces, the nature of things depending on them would be changed.
Page 141 - And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
Page 89 - And therefore that nature may be lasting, the changes of corporeal things are to be placed only in the various separations and new associations and motions of these permanent particles; compound bodies being apt to break, not in the midst of solid particles, but where those particles are laid together and only touch in a few points.
Page 92 - Thou, saidst, Let the waters be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear, which thirsteth after Thee?
Page 149 - I walked so far before my companions up the mountain, along the side of the river of fire, that I was obliged to retire in great haste, the sulphureous stream having surprised me, and almost taken away my breath.
Page 148 - Hill, I could difcern it to be filled with red hot liquid Matter, like that in the Furnace of a Glafs-houfe...
Page 427 - Refraction of the atmosphere. 85 feet above the general level of the surrounding fluid, and therefore the weight of a column of air reaching to the top of the...
Page 148 - ... came only out of the hole to our left, while the liquid stuff in the other mouth wrought and overflowed, as hath been already described.
Page 300 - Hypothefis is more reafonable than that of thofe who (derive all Springs from the Rain-waters, which yet are perpetual and without diminution, even when no Rain falls for a long fpace.of time ; or that derive them from a Filtration or Percolation of the Sea-waters, thro' certain imaginary Tubes or Paflages within the Earth wherein they lofe their Saltnefs.
Page 245 - Phenomenon in Nature that has so much exercised and puzzled the Wits of Philosophers and learned men as this. Some have thought the Earth and Sea to be a living Creature, which, by its Respiration, causeth this ebbing and flowing. Others imagined that it proceeds, and is. provoked, from a great Whirlpool near Norway, which for six Hours absorbs the Water, and afterwards disgorges it in the same space of Time. Scaliger, and others, supposed that it is caused by the opposite Shores, especially of America,...

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