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In 1565, Liverpool was a hamlet to the adjoining parish of Walton, and contained 138 huts, owning 225 tons of boats. It emerged from its obscurity at the close of the 17th century, when the population amounted to 5145. In 1797 the population had increased to 34,407, and the dock-dues then amounted to 13,3201. The following is a statement of the population of the town and suburbs at each of the four ten yearly periods, viz.:

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In 1801 86,519 In 1821 146,881 1811 . 109,772 1831 . 215,969 The amount of customs' duties collected at the port of Liverpool_in_the year 1835 was 4,044,8957., and in London 10,601,6007. The shipping owned, and entered inwards and outwards, are in about the same proportion-which amounts may suffice as a fair indication of the relative extent of the foreign trade of the two ports; but as focuses of activity and of internal exchange, there is no comparison to be drawn. In the manufacture of soap, Liverpool exceeds London in the proportion of 47,000,000 lbs. to 33,000,000 lbs.; in brewing, London exceeds Liverpool in the ratio of 5,200,000 to 900,000; and in the distillation of spirits in a still greater proportion.


Ingenious Piece of Mechanism.-A very ingenious piece of mechanism, a miniature steam-engine, has been constructed by Mr. Richard Corfield, a young man in the employ of Messrs. Gittins and Cartwright, at the eagle foundry, in Shrewsbury. It consists of an engine not exceeding a half-inch cylinder, for the purpose of propelling a small steamboat, working its propelling shaft at the enormous speed of 550 revolutions per minute-travelling a distance of thirty miles in one hour. The boiler is so constructed as to admit a spirit-lamp in the centre of the water, which affords sufficient fuel and steam for one hour. We should add that the above is only one of many extraordinary specimens of useful, though miniature and elaborate, works of art made by Mr. Corfield.


The project of forming a ship canal, to connect the English and Bristol Channels, which was deferred owing to the panic of 1825, has been revived by the This important original shareholders. national work, as pointed out by the survey of the late Mr. Telford and Capt. Nicholls, is to extend from Lyme Regis, in the English Channel, to Bridgwater Bay, in the Bristol Channel, and will be 44 miles long, and 90 feet wide.


Steam Carriage Experiment on the Coventry Road.-A very beautiful steam carriage, built on the plan of those to be employed by the London and Birmingham Steam-Carriage Company, has been exhibited on the Coventry road; and the ease and facility, combined with the perfect safety of its working, gave the most unqualified satisfaction to the numbers who witnessed the experiment. We understand that, at the meeting of the directors of this company, it was an nounced that two bills were now before parliament for regulating turnpike tolls on steam-carriages, and for improving the road between London and Birming ham. The shareholders seem determined to prosecute the undertaking with vigour, and feel confident of realising the expectations held out as to the profitable working of steam-carriages on the common roads.


Last year Ireland distilled 11,167,580 gallons of proof spirits, which was nearly equal to the distillation of England and Scotland in the same period. Amount of duty paid on last year's consumption, 1,327,8097. for Ireland.




Academy, Royal, exhibition of the, 245

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed, by
L. E. L., 41

Agricultural Report, 116, 252, 386, 524
Agriculture, of France, 119; practical ob-
jects of, 252; effects of steam-navigation
on, 256

Alfred the Great, noticed, 506
Algiers, tempest at, 1; the French colonial
government of, 4; charitable institutions
at, 8; disease and medicine in, 14
America, freedom of manners in, 57; state
of religion in,,180; outrages in, 188;
abolition of slavery in, 402, 541; power
of the executive government of, 441;
state of party in, 445

Liberty and Slavery in, 49, 180,

332, 441
Americans, their politeness to the fair sex,


Anecdote, an :-Sad but True, 192
Antonio Foscarini, noticed, 104

Apollo and the Sunbeams, by Leigh Hunt,
Esq., 498

Architectural Magazine, the, noticed, 105
Arts, Fine, 107, 245, 380, 516


Useful, 120, 257, 391, 531
Arzew, description of, 140
Ashmolean Society, proceedings of the, 519

Bank of England, assets and liabilities of
the, 271

Bankrupts, 121, 259, 395, 533

Barrow's "Tour round Ireland," reviewed,

Belgium, a Saunter in, noticed, 507
Biographical Particulars of celebrated Per-

sons lately deceased :-The Bishop of
Ely, 131-The Bishop of Lichfield and
Coventry, ib.-E. Troughton, Esq., 132
--Henry Roscoe, Esq., 133-John Mayne,
Esq.,ib.-William Godwin, Esq., ib.—Mr.
Wiffen, 269-Dr. Valpy, 270-The King
of Saxony, 403-The Duke of Gordon,
ib.-Dr. Nathan Drake, 404-Captain
Felix M'Donough, 405-Viscount Clif-
den, 542-Mr. James Mill, ib.
Boz, Sketches by, noticed, 105


Brenton, Capt., his "Naval History of
Great Britain," 492

British produce and manufactures exported,
in 1834, 250

Varieties, 112, 249, 384, 520
Buenos Ayres, state of, 402

Cambridge Philosophical Society, proceed-
ings of the, 112

Camelion, wreck of the, 272

Campbell, Thomas, Esq., his "Letters from
the South," 1, 137

Canada, intelligence from, 129

Cataract, notice of Stevenson's work on, 239
Chapman's Translation of Theocritus, Bion,
and Moschus, reviewed, 241

Characters, Notorious, Portraits of, 222, 499
Charities, report of the commissioners of,


Charring of animal substances, 251
Chartometer, the, 391

China, accounts from, 402

an Historical and Descriptive Ac-
count of, noticed, 105

Chinese, the, 105

Christmas Festivities at Dribble Hall, by
the author of "Paul Pry," 76
Clifden, Viscount, biographical account of,

[blocks in formation]


Raumer's England in 1835, 97 — A
Twelvemonth's Campaign with Zumala-
carregui, 99-Barrow's Tour round Ire
land in 1835, 100-Rogers's Life of John
Howe, M.A., 102-Lowenstein, King of
the Forests, 103-Rhymes from Italy, ib.
-The Polish Struggle, ib.-Songs of the
Alhambra, 104-Antonio Foscarini, ib.-
The Kingstonian Poems, ib.-Flora Me-
tropolitana, ib.-The Works of William
Cowper, ib.-The Chinese, 105-An His
torical and Descriptive Account of China,
ib.-Sketches, by Boz, ib.--The Architec
tural Magazine, ib.-A Catalogue of Rare
and Unedited Roman Coins, 233-Coins
of the Romans relating to Britain, ib.-
The Mascarenhas, 235-Narrative of a
Journey from Lima to Para, &c. 236-
Wood Leighton, 238-Inklings by the
Way, 239-Stevenson on Cataract, ib.-
Moral Tales in Italian, 240-Sketches
of Germany and the Germans, ib.-
Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, 241-The
Painter of Ghent, 242-Observations on
the Condition and Modes of Treatment of
the Deaf and Dumb, ib.-The Priors of
Prague, ib.-An Initiatory Step to Eng-
lish Composition, 243-A Day in the
Woods, ib., 371-History of Europe,
Vol. V., 369-Theological Library, Vol.
XIII., 370-The Reliquary, 373- The
Visionary, 374-A Home Tour through
the Manufacturing Districts, ib.-Tales
of the Woods and Fields, 375 - The
Lakes of England, 376-The Profes-
sions, and other Poems, ib.-Esther of
Engaddi, ib.-Philo, a Tragedy, ib.-
Geoffrey Rudel, 377-Charges against
Custom, &c., 378-The Manse Garden,
ib.-Last Lays of the Last of the Three
Dibdins, ib.-Lord Roldan, 505-Gaspa-
roni, 506-Rhymes for the Romantic and
Chivalrous, ib.-Alfred the Great, ib.-
The Vale of Lanherne, 507-Popular
Geography, ib.-A Saunter in Belgium,
ib.-A Treatise on the Physiology and
Pathology of the Ear, 508-Mr. Charles
Williams' Works, 509-The Fly-Fisher's
Entomology, 512- Recollections of an
Artillery Officer, ib.-The Poetic Wreath,
513-The Gossip's Week, ib.-Loudon's
Arboretum Britannicum, 514-Schloss
Hainfield, ib.-Edward the Crusader's
Son, ib.-Mornings with Mamma, 514—
Criminal Law in England, ib.
Custom, Charges against, noticed, 378


Deaf and Dumb, Observations on the pre-
sent Condition, and Modes of Treatment
of the, 242

Deaths, 134, 271, 405, 543
Delicate Attentions, by the Author of
"Paul Pry," 283
Désennuyée, the Diary of a, 363

Devereux, by the Author of "Pelham,"
reviewed, 218

Devon, Geology of, 135

Drake, Dr. Nathan, biographical account
of, 404

Drama, the, 109, 247, 381, 517
Drury-lane Theatre, performances at, 110
Duncan and his Victory, 466

Ear, a Treatise on the Physiology and Pa-
thology of the, noticed, 508

East Indies, commerce of the, 267
Edward, the Crusader's Son, noticed, 514
Elliott, Ebenezer, (Author of "Corn-Law
Rhymes,") The Wild Honeysuckle, by,
61-Ilderim, by, 159- Elegy on Eliza,
wife of Benjamin Flower, by, 419-
Lines to the Wood Anemone, by, 440
Ely, the Bishop of, particulars respecting,


England, Criminal Law in, 514
Esther of Engaddi, noticed, 376
Europe, History of, Vol. V., reviewed, 369

Female Domination, 363
Fine Arts, 107, 245, 380, 516
Flints, manufacture of soap from, 120
Flora Metropolitana, noticed, 104
Fly-Fisher's Entomology, the, 512
Foreign States, 130, 268, 402, 541

Varieties, 114, 251, 386, 523
France, agriculture of, 119; state of the
arts in, 524

French, the, colonial government of, at Al-
giers, 4

Gasparoni, &c., noticed, 506

Geoffrey Rudel, critical notice of, 377
Geographical Society, transactions of the,


Geography, Popular, reviewed, 507
Geological Society, proceedings of the, 110,
248, 382

Germany and the Germans, sketches of, 240
Giraffes, the, 385

Godwin, William, Esq., biographical parti-

culars respecting, 133

Gordon, the Duke of, biographical account
of, 403

Gossip's Week, the, noticed, 513

Great Britain, the revenue of, 124-Capt.
Brenton's Naval History of, 492

Hall, Mrs. S. C., Illustrations of Irish
Pride, by, Part II., 161-Part III., 425
Haymarket Theatre, performances at the,
Head, Sir George, his Home Tour through
the Manufacturing Districts, reviewed,

Hunt, Leigh, Esq., Songs and Chorus of
the Flowers, by, 17-The Glove and the
Lions, by, 40--The Nymphs of Antiquity
and the Poets, by, 88-The Fish, the


Man, and the Spirit, by, 190-Reflectio s
on some of the Great Men of the Reign
of Charles I., by, 207--The Sirens and
Mermaids of the Poets, by, 273-Sonnets
to the author of " Ion," by, 448-A Visit
to the Zoological Gardens, by, 479-
Words for a Trio, by, 491-Apollo and the
Sunbeams, by, 498

Ilderim, by the author of "Corn-Law
Rhymes," 159

Illustrations of Irish Pride-Harry O'-
Reardon, by Mrs. S. C. Hall, Part II.,
161-Part III., 425

Inklings by the Way, critical notice of, 239
Institute of British Architects, transactions
of the, 383

Insurance Companies, 521

Ion, by Mr. Serjeant Talfourd, 342-Son-
nets to the author of, by Leigh Hunt,
Esq., 448

Ireland, Report of the Poor-Law Commis-
sioners for, 408

Jamaica, accounts from, 268

Jerrold, Douglas, Esq., The Painter of
Ghent, by, noticed, 242
Joys, where are they? 362

Kennedy's Polish Struggle, noticed, 103
King's Theatre, the, performances at, 109

Lakes of England, the, noticed, 376
Lamp, Mr. Rankine's new, 120
Landon, Miss L. E., Songs, by, 29-A
Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed, by,
41-Subjects for Pictures, by, 175-The
Bride of Lindorf, by, 449

Lanherne, the Vale of, &c. noticed, 507
Last Lays of the Last of the Three Dibdins,

Letters from the South, by T. Campbell,
Esq., 1, 137

Liberty and Slavery in America, 49, 180,
332, 441

Lichfield and Coventry, the Bishop of,
memoir of, 131

Lindorf, the Bride of, by L. E. L., 449
Literary Report, 106, 243, 379, 515
Liverpool, the port of, 544

Lord Roldan, reviewed, 505

Loudon's Arboretum Britannicum, critical
notice of, 514

Lowenstein, King of the Forests, noticed,

Lundy's Lane, Recollections of, 472

Manse Garden, the, noticed, 378

Margret, the Romaunt of, 316
Marriages, 134, 271, 405, 543
Martial in London, 206

Mascarenhas, the, reviewed, 235

Mayne, John, Esq., biographical account of,

M'Donough, Capt. Felix, particulars respect-
ing, 405

Medico-Botanical Society, proceedings of
the, 383

Mill, Mr. James, biographical particulars
respecting, 542

Miller's Day in the Woods, noticed, 243,

Mines in the Isle of Man, 407
Mobile, the theatre at, 49

Monthly Digest, 124, 261, 395, 536
Moral Tales in Italian, noticed, 240
Mornings with Mamma, 514
Motion, the Poetry of, 21

Museum, British, receipts and expenditure
of the 113; Committee of Inquiry into
the, 523

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Nova Scotia, intelligence from, 130
Nymphs of Antiquity and the Poets, the,
by Leigh Hunt, Esq., 88

Opera, Italian, the, at Rome, 32
the dancing at the, 299

Oran, description of, 142

Paris, consumption of food in. 114
Parliament, proceedings in, 124, 261, 395,

Parnassus, lines on passing the Defiles of,

Patents, new, 258, 394, 532
Philo, a Tragedy, noticed, 377
Poems, Kingstonian, the, critical notice of,

Poetic Wreath, the, notice of, 513
Poetry:-Songs and Chorus of the Flowers,
by Leigh Hunt, Esq, 17-Songs, by
L. E. L., 29-The Glove and the Lions,
by Leigh Hunt, Esq., 40-The Wild
Honeysuckle, by the author of "Corn-
Law Rhymes," 61-Ilderim, by the same,
159-Subjects for Pictures, by L. E. L.,
175-The Fish, the Man, and the Spirit,
by Leigh Hunt, Esq., 190--Martial in
London, 206-The Romaunt of Margret,
316-Joys, where are they? 362-On
passing the Defiles of Mount Parnassus,
in 18, 367--Elegy on Eliza, by the
author of "Corn-Law Rhymes," 419--
To the Wood Anemone, by the same,
440-Sonnets, to the author of "Ion,"
by Leigh Hunt, Esq., 448
Poetry of Motion, the, 21


Dramatic, Evidences of Genius for,

Poole, John, Esq. (anthor of " Paul Pry"),
Christmas Festivities at Dribble Hall,
by, 76-Delicate Attentions, by, 283
2 P 2

Portugal, accounts from, 268

Post-office, the French and English, 251
Potato, degeneracy of the, 119-remedy for
taint in the, 530

Prague, the Priors of, noticed, 242
Professions, the, noticed, 376
Provincial Occurrences, 135, 271, 406, 543

Railways, 114

Raphael, Are the Drawings of, to be suffered
to leave the Country? 359

Raumer, F. Von, his England in 1835, re-
viewed, 97

Recollections of an Artillery Officer, no-
ticed, 512

Records of a Stage Veteran, 226

Reflections on some of the Great Men of
the Reign of Charles I., by Leigh Hunt,
Esq., 217

Reliquary, the, critical notice of, 373
Rhymes for the Romantic and Chivalrous,

from Italy, noticed, 103

Rogers's Life of John Howe, reviewed, 102
Rome, the theatres of, 31

Roscoe, Henry, Esq., particulars respecting,

Royal Asiatic Society, proceedings of the,

Rural Economy, 119, 257, 389, 530

Saxony, the King of, Memoir of, 403
Schloss Hainfield, noticed, 514

Sirens and Mermaids of the Poets, the, by
Leigh Hunt, Esq., 273
Soap trade, the, 522

Societies, proceedings of, 110, 248, 382, 518
Songs of the Alhambra, noticed, 104
Spain, news from, 130, 268, 541
Stage Veteran, Records of a, 226

Statistical Society, transactions of the, 111
Steeple Hunting, 321

Tales of the Woods and Fields, noticed, 376
Thames, improvement and conservancy of
the, 391

Theatres of Rome, the, 31

Theological Library, Vol. XIII., reviewed,

Trifolium Incarnatum, the, 530

Trio, Words for a, 491

Troughton, Edward, Esq., biographical par-
ticulars respecting, 132

Tunnel, the Thames, progress of, 406
Turkey, European, Reform in, 475

Useful Arts, 120, 257, 391, 531

Valpy, Dr., particulars respecting, 270
Van Diemen's Land, accounts from, 268,

Varieties, British, 112, 249, 384, 520
Foreign, 114, 251, 386, 523
Venice, Depository of Archives at, 386
Visionary, the, noticed, 374

Wales, a Letter from, by the late S. T.
Coleridge, 420

Walsh, Dr., his Journey from Constanti-
nople, &c., 475

Wiffen, Mr., Memoir of, 269

Williams, Mr. Charles, review of his works,

Wood Leighton, noticed, 238
Wool trade, state of the, 522

Zoological Gardens, a Visit to the, by
Leigh Hunt, Esq., 479

Society, proceedings of the, 518
Zumalacarregui, a Twelvemonth's Cam-
paign with, reviewed, 99


Printed by WILLIAM CLOWES and Sons, Stamford-street.

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