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"'Tis strange, Ernesto, this severity "Should still reign powerful in Acasto's mind, "To hate the court where he was bred and liv'd, " All honours heap'd on him that pow'r could give. "Ern. 'Tis true, he hither came a private gentle


"But young and brave, and of a family
"Ancient and noble, as the empire holds.
"The honours he has gain'd are justly his;
"He purchas'd them in war: thrice has he led
"An army 'gainst the rebels, and as often
"Return'd with victory. The world has not
"A truer soldier, or a better subject.

"Paul. It was his virtue at first made me serve


"He is the best of masters and of friends:

" I know he has lately been invited thither;

"Yet still he keeps his stubborn purpose; cries
" He's old, and willingly would be at rest.
" I doubt there's deep resentment in his mind,

" For the late slight his honour suffer'd there.

"Ern. Has he not reason? When for what he had


borne, "Long, hard, and painful toil, he might have claim'd "Places in honour, and employment high ; "A huffing, shining, flatt'ring, cringing coward, "A canker-worm of peace, was rais'd above him.

"Paul. Yet still he holds just value for the king, " Nor ever names him but with highest reverence, "'Tis noble that

"Ern. Oh! I have heard him wanton in his praise, "Speak things of him might charm the ears of Envy. "Paul. Oh, may he live till nature's self grows old, "And from her womb no more can bless the earth! " For when he dies, farewel all honour, bounty,

" All generous encouragement of arts;

" For Charity herself becomes a widow.

"Ern. No, he has two sons, that were ordain'd

to be,

"As well his virtues' as his fortune's heirs.

"Paul. They're both of nature mild, and full of sweetness;

"They came twins from the womb, and still they live "As if they would go twins too to the grave : " Neither has any thing he calls his own, "But of each other's joys, as griefs, partaking; "So very honestly, so well they love,


"As they were only for each other born. "Ern. Never was parent in an offspring happier;

"He has a daughter too, whose blooming age "Promises goodness equal to her beauty.

"Paul. And as there is a friendship 'twixt the


"So has her infant nature chosen too "A faithful partner of her thoughts and wishes, "And kind companion of her harmless pleasures. "Ern. You mean the beauteous orphan, fair Monimia.

"Paul. The same, the daughter of the brave Cha


" He was our lord's companion in the wars; "Where such a wond'rous friendship grew between


"As only death could end. Chamont's estate "Was ruin'd in our late and civil discords; Therefore, unable to advance her fortune, He left his daughter to our master's care ; To such a care, as she scarce lost her father. "Ern. Her brother to the emperor's wars went


"To seek a fortune, or a noble fate; "Whence he with honour is expected back, "And mighty marks of that great prince's favour. "Paul. Our master never would permit his sons "To launch for fortune in th' uncertain world; "But warns 'em to avoid both courts and camps, "Where dilatory fortune plays the jilt


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