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Journal of Belles Lettres, Politics and Fashion.




PRICE 1s. PRESENT STATE OF ENGLISH LITE-in England all the vices which are per-sical school, which was set on foot by subscriphaps inseparable from excess of refine- tion: but the town having latterly increased in wealth and population with a rapidity not ment. But on the other hand we may to be often parallelled in the old world, the add to our consolation, that there is no established school was found unequal to the increased demand for instruction. The idea of setting on foot another School to meet the increasing demand occurred to a spirited and intelligent individual. He consulted with some friends on the propriety of the measure: it was approved of, and a resolution made to solicit subscriptions for the purpose. Subscriptions

In one of the last year's numbers of a foreign journal, La Bibliotheque Univer-country where the virtues which tend to selle, we have met with a view of the alleviate natural evils, and the sufferings present state of English Literature, which of society, are so general, and practised on the whole gives a pretty impartial re- with such judicious activity. view of our literature for the last twenty

the table.

originally formed. The subscription list closed with above 16,0001.

The first object had been a school only; but

when subscriptions flowed in so readily, the views of the collectors extended with the growing spirit of the contributors, and a plan of education was given to the public, embracing the proposed addition of several professorships in different departments of science.

an extensive and complete school course with

In the year 1810 the plan was enlarged and matured, and the subscribers incorporated by act of parliament. By this act the subscri bers, or proprietors, forming a corporate body, are empowered to establish and maintain an

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"While political fanaticism and war years, and names many of our most dis-deluged Europe with blood, the English were solicited: the inhabitants met the applitinguished writers in the different depart- were improving all the means of allevia- cations with a laudable promptitude; and, ments of learning. ting the sufferings of their fellow crea-within two or three days, the sum of 30001. The solicitors thus encouThe author is of opinion that the En-tures, and spreading among them the was subscribed. raged proceeded with alacrity, and within a very Thus they short time the subscriptions amounted to a sum glish manners, particularly the exclusion knowledge of the truth. of the women from general society, pre-improved upon the principles of How-far exceeding any expectation, that had been vents the literati from adding to their ard, the management of the hospitals and solid learning a refined and delicate taste. prisons; they acquainted Europe with the Every requisite for this was found in the discovery of the immortal Jenner; they highest possible degree in Paris before abolished the slave-trade, and introduced the revolution. The English, who rivaled civilization into Africa; they established the French in the sciences, found them societies for the relief of foreigners in distress; they spread the light of knowthe only school in which they could modify and soften the peculiarities arising ledge over distant countries, by making from their character, their manners, them acquainted with our sacred writheir insular situation, their independence, tings; they discovered, and taught to and their favorite recreations, play, and the rest of the world, that simplified and easy method of elementary instruction, The English having been cut off du- the object of which is to raise to the dig-Academical Institution in the town of Belfast, ring a twenty years' war from all com- nity of man millions of individuals for affording to youth a classical and mercantile education, and for teaching Mathematics, munication with the civilized world, ex-whom fortune has condemned to igno- Natural Philosophy, Logic, Metaphysics, Belles cept such as arose from increasing comIn general, a universal spirit of Lettres, Moral Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, merce and great military operations, the beneficence, respect for misfortune, emu- Agriculture, and other branches of science. natural consequence was, that the richer lation in works of charity, predomina- The act also erects two boards, one of managers for the economical, and one of visitors for classes having no more any opportunity ted among this same people, whose the literary departments in the Institution. Unof neutralising their habits in a foreign spirit was exalted by the sense of its in-der their care plans for the necessary buildings country, the national defects took deep-dependence and its strength, which had were procured. The plan since carried into er root, and the literary productions which made itself master of the commerce of effect was the gift of, I believe, the ingenions and intelligent Mr. Soane,' the Architect. depend on the imagination, and one of the world, and of the sovereignty of the The buildings proceeded with rapidity, and in whose chief merits is to harmonise with seas. It seems that England, while it November 1813, matters were in such a state the tone of society, savour more and was destined to unite the rest of Europe of forwardness, that the boards met and elected more of their native soil. The observa- in a common exertion of its strength, and masters to superintend the schools of the estabtions of the author respecting the state to give to the enemy of social order lishment, and appointed the first day of February, 1814, for the commencement of their of society and manners in England seem the last decisive blow, was selected by important operations. On that memorable day to us to be more applicable to things heaven for the noble vocation of pre-accordingly the doors of the Institution were as they were five and twenty years ago, serving the sacred flame of virtue, and thrown open and pupils eagerly thronged to the example of those tender relations which beneficence establishes among mankind."

than as they are now. The article coueludes in the following manner:




fill its rolls.

A plan so important and so extensive could not have been so far conducted without expe"If we must lament that certain exriencing some of that opposition, which uniformly awaits all attempts however laudable. aggerated opinions gain ground in EnA number of objections were made to it on gland, of which Methodism is a proof, the ground, that such an establishment was not the generous sacrifices of some societies at all required: that it could not continue for which are animated with an ardent zeal any time, particularly in the classical departto extend what is good, must on the To the Editor of the Literary Gazette.ment, as Belfast could not supply a sufficient other hand afford the more lively satisSir,-You express yourself with a praise- number of pupils. It was said, that the classi faction. It cannot be denied that gold The promptness of my address to you suffiworthy liberality on the subject of education. is the idol of this people, that their luxu-ciently indicates my entire confidence in your ry and vanity are without bounds, that declarations; and I now proceed to give you a the higher classes set the example of im- sketch of the rise, progress, and present state of morality, and in general that one finds

The Belfast Academical Institution being

designed for the encouragement and instruction of native genius, in the first instance; we put question, with perfect liberality, to our Irish

a Correspondent, was there no competent natte Belfast, for many years past, has had a clas-Architect in Ireland?

the Belfast Academical Institution.

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cal school, which has existed in Belfast for ters, to whom he becomes attached by long | University qualified to contend for, honorable many years, had been found sufficient for the acquaintance, and with school-fellows, who be distinction in science also; and into the world, demand; and as a sufficient number of pupils come endeared to him by various attractive qualified by practical knowledge, to enter on for both schools could not be found, a com- associations. The continuity of instruction is the highest contests and councils of life. petition would arise, which would necessarily thus maintained unbroken, and the irksomeness Here I shall close for this time: I have perintroduce a total relaxation of wholesome dis of laborious study is lightened by this affi-haps trespassed too far on your indulgence; cipline, as each master would be anxious to re- liation of pursuits. most certainly farther, than I had intended. commend himself to his pupils by an injurious In the Institution each master has the entire Another letter shall close the subject. In it indulgence. The assertion, that pupils could management of his own school, and enjoys ex-I shall detail the plan of the collegiate departnot be had, has been abundantly contradicted clusively the fruits of his own industry and ment, &c. &c. I'am, Sir, your's truly, &c. by fact. Within a very few weeks after the ability. The advantage expected to arise from June 18th, 1817. opening of the Institution nearly 500 pupils this is a vigorous and animated exertion in the were enrolled in the books of the different teachers, from which the pupils must be beschools, of which the classical school had a large nefited. The large school-establishments in share. The Institution is now going on to the England and Ireland are in general so appointfifth year of its course: like every other estab ed, that some one department of instruction THIRD; An Essay, in answer to remarks lishment it has felt the pressure of the times, obtains a decided precedency, while the others and the schools are not so numerously attended, are comparatively neglected. This may hap-on some of the Characters of SHAKas they have been yet even now the books pen without any ground to charge the master SPEARE. By J. P. KEMBLE. contain about 300 names of pupils actually in with wilful neglect. The subordinate departattendance. The things stated above, on the ments in such establishments are seldom con- week, when the author took his farewell of The publication of this essay in the effects to be expected from competition, and ducted with spirit, because a stimulus of suff the stage, and his eminent rank as an acput forward as an argument, might rather ap-cient power is not applied. The principal pear as a misrepresentation on my part: but, I conscientiously discharges his duty; but he may tor, have rendered it an object of much assure you, it has actually appeared in print, be bound up by the constitution of his appoint-attention. The ingenious Mr. Whately, in and been advanced with much confidence and ment. His under-inasters and assistants may be, his remarks, had anxiously, and as we consome acrimony by the opponents of the Insti- and, we know, frequently are, limited to a cerceive without any thing like just grounds, tution. It shonid not have been mentioned, tain stipend; and as exertion in this case is sure so silly is it, but that it contributes to shew of no reward, no great effort can be expected. endeavoured to establish a notion of the merits of a plan, against which its inter- The contrary principle is recognised in the superior bravery in Richard III. and of ested and active adversaries could fetch no constitution of the Institution, and correspond-inferior courage, or rather of cowardice, stronger objections. ing results may reasonably be expected. From an establishment, formed of a chain of in Macbeth. Strange as this opinion may schools, vigorously acting each for itself, and appear to those who judge of Shakspeare all in hearty co-operation a further and most by his own writings, it has found a supimportant advantage is looked for. You have, porter in Mr. Steevens. In the school-department, English, Writing, I doubt not, met with persons skilled in all the if we were, in any case, inclined to surUndoubtedly Arithmetic, Geography with the Use of the niceties of classic learning, and utterly unacGlobes, Mathematics, and the Classics, are quainted with any thing else; who could perrender the evidence of our senses; and taught in separate schools. There are also haps contribute to a variorum edition of a clas- the express meaning of the text, to other masters on the establishment for French, Draw-sic, and not be able to sum up their wash-wo-authority, we should have been inclined ing, Dancing, and other accomplishments. man's account. You are aware, Sir, I am to adopt the supposition of these comThe buildings are very extensive and capacious, sure, how injurious this learned ignorance is affording accommodation for day-boys and not only in the ordinary business of life, but mentators. Mr. W. not only overlooked boarders; the situation healthful, airy and com- in the future pursuits of science. Without a and rejected Shakspeare's express statemodious, with good play-grounds, uniting the knowledge of arithmetic it is not possible to ments of Macbeth's heroic valour, but he advantages of vicinity to a flourishing town pass on profitably to mathematics: without ma- has overlooked in the drama, the details and the retirement of the country. Arithme-thematics in vain will the student seek to tic and Mathematics are taught to the verge climb the eminences of Natural Philosophy of Richard's selfish and inhuman dispo of the usual school course; I may say, farther; in vain without these sister-sciences shall he sition from his boyhood up to that violent for pupils are instructed in the higher branches hope to distinguish himself as a statist, or death, which befell him as the punishof Mathematics both practical and theoretical; financier in the councils of his country. Yet ment of his crimes. He has divided and which are seldom taught in schools. The Ma- these important departments of science are enthematical professor also teaches Geography and tirely omitted, or at the best, neglected, in the sub-divided the ordinary meaning of a popular course of Astronomy with the Use great schools of these countries. I beg it may words in daily use, until he has given of the Globes. In the classical school, Latin not be supposed that I would impute any them a novel or a doubtful, and, in and Greek are taught on the plan of the higher blame to the respected masters of those estaEnglish schools, with strict attention to com-blishments, which have sent forth so many tion. Of the courage of the two usurpsome instances, an opposite, interpretaposition in those languages, and to their pro- scholars an honour to their instructors, and an sody. The extensive course of Latin and ornament to their country. On the contrary, I ers he thus expresses himself" În Greek appointed to be read, for instance, in consider the masters of the great endowed Richard it is intrepidity, and in MacDublin College, forms the regular course of the schools in England and Ireland as men of the beth 110 more than resolution: in him school, together with select parts from Livy, highest respectability. The defects of the In

The establishment consists of two parts; one comprising the schools, the other, professorships in different branches of literature and science in a collegiate form.

Tacitus, Demosthenes, Euripides, and Aristo- stitutions, over which they preside, originate (Macbeth) it proceeds from exertion not phanes. Composition forms an important part not with them: the schools were originally from nature; in enterprise he betrays a in the course of education taught in the Iusti- founded for the promotion of classical literature; degree of fear, though he is able, when tution. The pupil is thereby compelled to put the pupils sent to those schools are supposed occasion requires, to stifle or subdue it." in requisition all his powers and acquirements; to be previously instructed in other branches

and by this exercise acquires power of lan- of education; and the masters cannot depart-We are afraid that some plain unguage and a habit of attention and accuracy from their chartered course. A lad under their learned readers, who have been accusin his business. The classical master presides instruction will become an excellent classical tomed, like us, to consider courage a in the classical school; the Mathematical pro- scholar; but now something more than mere source or cause of exertion or enterprise, fessor teaches Mathematics, Arithmetic, and classical knowledge is requisite to fit the youth

Geography; the English master conducts the for the business of life-even that class of and not a result proceeding from exerEnglish department; and the Writing master youth, which may be destined exclusively for tion, will be tempted to smile at these rules in his own department. The schools a learned profession. To obviate this great grave absurdities. But into what absurafford a regular gradation of instruction. deficiency, or error in the great schools, is one dity will not the rage for annotation beFrom the most elementary part the pupil object of the plan, on which the Institution is

may be conducted to the completion of his founded; and it is intended, that the pupil, tray a sagacious admirer of our great school course under the same roof, with mas-versed in classic literature, shall be sent to the dramatic poet? There is a key to `Shak

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comfiture, the trophies of a second, and more brilliant, triumph.

speare, which Mr. W. unluckily mislaid | Carved out his passage, till he fac'd the slave; at the moment of writing these opinions. And ne'er shook hands, nor bade farewell to We agree in Mr. Kemble's general view This key is a knowledge of human na-Till he unseam'd him from the nave to the of Macbeth's valour and humanity before ture. If Mr. W. had looked into his own chaps, his fall. Upon this, not only there can heart, he would have known that insen-And fixed his head upon our battlements, Why does Shakspeare appoint Macbeth to be no doubt, but there must be much sibility of danger is not courage; that true courage consists in a due sense of the noble hazard of meeting the fierce Mac-surprise at the erroneous view which Mr. danger and the being able, like Mac-donwald in single opposition, hand to hand? Whately has taken of the subject. Mr. beth, when occasion requires, to stifle Why does he call him brave, and emphati- Kemble has showed, that in assigning beth, when occasion requires, to stifle cally insist on his deserving that name? intrepidity to Richard, as a commendand subdue that sense, and to proceed Why does he grace him with the title of able or superior quality, in contradistincwith our purpose. In substance Mr. W. Valour's Minion; and presently-styling him tion from the resolution of Macbeth, informs the world that Macbeth's reso- Bellona's bridegroom,-deem him worthy lution proceeds from exertion; and yet in enterprise, which is only another name for exertion, he betrays fear; so that according to this distinguished authority, his courage and his fear proceed from the same cause. But to make amends for this, when occasion requires,-that is, when in exertion or enterprise, he is able to stifle or subdue his fear!-Really, really Messieurs Whately and Steevens, your Macheth, it is asserted in the Remarks, opponent Mr. Kemble has let you off has resolution, not intrepidity. What is the upon these fooleries, with as much soldier's intrepidity, but a disdain of forgood nature and dignity, as if he justly tune? or in less figurative words, what, but feared to forfeit a portion of his own es- that perfect scorn of danger which Glamis so timation by condescending to notice eminently displays, whenever fit occasions call him into it? Further, it is objected, though with some restriction, that in Mac beth, courage proceeds from exertion, not from nature; and that in enterprise he betrays a degree of fear.-Let us revert to Shak


The following extract will shew that Mr. Kemble has completely refuted Mr. W.'s comparative view of Richard and Macbeth.

The appeal for judgment on the quality of the courage of Macbeth, does not depend, as questions of criticism often necessarily must, on conjecture and inference; it addresses itself directly to the plain meaning of every passage where Shakspeare touches on this subject. The shortness of the time allotted for the performance of a play, usually makes it impracticable to allow the principal personages space sufficient for their unfolding themselves gradually before the spectator; it is, therefore, a necessary and beautiful artifice with dramatic writers, by an impressive description of their heroes, to bring us in great measure acquainted with them, before they are visibly engaged in action on the stage; where without this previous delineation, their proceedings might often appear confused, and sometimes perhaps be unintelligible. We are bound, then, to look on the introductory portrait which our author has drawn of Macbeth, as the true resemblance of him; for the mind may not picture to itself a person of the poet's arbitrary invention, under any features, but those by which that invention has thought fit to identify him-Here is the portrait : Serg. The merciless Macdonwald

from the Western Isles Of Kernes and Gallowglasses is supplied; And Fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling,

Shew'd like a rebel's whore: but all's too weak;
For brave Macbeth, (well he deserves that

Disdaining Fortune, with his brandish'd steel,
Which smok'd with bloody execution,
Like valour's minion,


Serg. No sooner justice had, with valour arm'd,
Compeli'd these skipping Kernes to trust their


But the Norwegian Lord, surveying vantage,
With furbish'd arms, and new supplies of men,
Began a fresh assault.


to be matched even with the Goddess of Mr. W. erred with his eyes open, against
War? Could the poet thus labour the de- the spirit and text of Shakspeare, and
scription of his hero, and not design to im- the palpable mode in which Richard had
press a full idea of the loftiness of his in- committed his atrocities. Through the
trepidity? Macbeth's great heart pants to whole drama, he is exhibited as a being
meet the barbarous leader of the rebels: his of early and habitual malevolence. Deep
brandished steel, reeking with intermediate craft, hypocrisy, inordinate ambition,
slaughter, has hewn out a passage to him;
and he maintains the combat, till the death and a hatred of his fellow-creatures oc-
of his antagonist crowns his persevering casioned by his personal deformity, are
the basis of his character. Upon this, his
valour with a glorious victory.
sanguinary contempt for all the ties and
duties of Son, Brother, Husband and
sition exists in him, before the occasions
Christian, are founded. The evil dispo-
occur, which call it into action. His in-
trepidity, if by that word Mr. W. means,
in its usual sense, courage in personal
encounter, is not visible, until the battle
of Bosworth, where he only faced a dan-
ger, from which he could not escape
without abandoning his crown and king-
dom, and attempting a precarious flight,
as an outlaw and exile, beyond seas.
this, in a thing of kneaded treason and
murder, in "the bloody and devouring
Boar," Richard, a commendable quality,
or a quality to be admired? The field
was his desperate resource from an ap-
proaching danger; and he only went out
to meet that evil on the day of battle,
which must have overtaken him in a
more formidable shape on the morrow.
A movement like this, accompanied in
its progress by doubts, suspicions, cold
sweats and dreaming terrors of ghosts
and goblins, is any thing but courage
or intrepidity. The true character of a
coward is complex; it unites a dread of
Is it, then, to betray fear in enterprise-danger and death with an eagerness in
already worn with the toils, and weakened by oppressing and spilling the blood of
the losses of a hard-fought, well-won field-others, and a desperate determination or
to rush, at disadvantage, on fresh and fright-fury in the last extremity.
ful numbers, with unconcern like that which
eagles and lions might be conceived to shew,
if opposed to hares and sparrows? While
Macbeth thus dedicates himself to the face If cruelty be a proof of cowardice, Rich
of peril does his behaviour indicate reluc-ard is a coward. If to delight in mercy,
tance? Does it betray the result of effort and be an attribute of bravery, where shall
exertion? No; it is the impulse of a daunt- we find a bravery in Richard?—In the
less temper, that hurries the bridegroom of commission of a succession of murders,
Bellona through the dismal conflict again to he certainly manifests an unappeasable
confront the enemy, and hold him point to

Dunc. Dismay'd not this
Our Captains, Macbeth and Banquo?
Serg. Yes,

As sparrows, eagles, or the hare, the lion.

Here the Thane of Rosse arrives post from
the battle, and completes the fainting ser-
geant's unfinished narrative:
Norway himself, with terrible numbers,
Assisted by that most disloyal traitor
The Thane of Cawdor, 'gan a dismal conflict
Till that Bellona's bridegroom, lapp'd in proof,
Confronted him with self-comparisons,
Point against point rebellious, arm 'gainst arm,
Curbing his lavish'd spirit: and to conclude,
The victory fell on us.

"Cowards are cruel, but the brave Delight in mercy and to save.'

point, till his resistless arm has curbed the eagerness, and fixed cruelty; but surely over-confident presumption of the royal in- this dark and remorseless perseverance vader of his country, and raised, on his dis-in sanguinary purposes, is unworthy the

name of courage. In the defeat and most studied and powerfully marked His college life passed, and he was death of Richard a moral is held up to characters." In opposition to this last confirmed in his liberal sentiments, by a men of his own stamp, that there is a we gave this brief opinion of Macbeth-friendship which he had formed there. punishment for similar crimes even in" We may notice an exception in Mac- One night he had accompanied the this world. In the example of Macbeth, beth, who was not naturally bad or Mowbrays to the theatre, where Macklin the virtuous are instructed that, by yield- cruel. Ambition, joined to what he performed Shylock. A large party was ing to unlawful ambition, the best and deemed the supernatural excitements of in the next box, and a young lady, the bravest nature may sink to the lowest the Weird sisters and the remorseless daughter of a Jew, having been much degree of guilt and meet the most tre- goadings of his aspiring consort, proved shocked at the play, was taken ill. Harmendous punishment. the temptations, which first led him to rington assisted her, and thus commenced As so many reviews are written under step from the path of loyalty and justice an acquaintance. He now began to the influence of personal favor or party into treason and midnight murder. His think of marrying her, but his father motives, we are happy to have it in our murders are not committed upon his own threatened to disinherit him; for though power to shew by a reference to our kindred, and his worst guilt is followed she was an heiress, she was a Jewess. former opinions, that we have here given by some compunctious visitings of na- He applied for advice to his friend Lord an unbiassed approbation of Mr. Kem-ture." These few extracts shew that Mowbray, who had himself, it seems, a ble's general reasoning. Our remarks in four months prior to the appearance of secret wish to win her affections, and the Literary Gazette of the 22nd of Mr. Kemble's essay, our opinions of who taunted and ridiculed Harrington's February last, on the difference between Macbeth's superior character before his passion, asserting that he himself could the character of Richard and Macbeth, fall, generally agree with the observations have won her, had he chosen, till Harwill be found to correspond in their pro- of that gentleman. W. C. rington, piqued at his vanity, permitted minent points, with the observations of him to win her, if he could. Accordingly this gentleman. Of this the following HARRINGTON; a Tale. ORMOND; the rivals commence operations, and an extracts from our essay, will be sufficient a Tale. By MARIA EDGeworth. admirable account of Mowbray's stratproofs: "Through all Gloucester's fineWe have read these volumes with un-agems succeeds. However, he fails in spun hypocrisy, the settled bloodiness of common delight and interest; nor do we obtaining the affections of Berenice, and his mind breaks into a cruel and scoffing think they yield the palm to any of Miss shortly after, Harrington proposes. Her alacrity, when gratifying his appetite for Edgeworth's other productions. They father who has a high regard for him, inblood. The murders of Prince Edward seem to have been written with peculiar forms him that an obstacle, which he and King Henry are accompanied by care, the plots are not too much spun cannot name, must prevent an union, and circumstances of atrocious inhumanity. out, and the characters and incidents Harrington in vain endeavours to deve The mode in which he worked up his are all subservient to the main story, lope the nature of it. brother, king Edward, on his death-bed which is so nicely constructed, that even Fowler, the woman who had formerly to put his brother Clarence to death was the most trivial circumstance, and appa- been Harrington's attendant, and had inrendered more detestable by his protes-rently the most useless, is made condu-spired him with a terror of Jews, was now tations of love and pity to the latter; cive to the final developement of the ca- living with the Mowbrays, and Jacob, tastrophe. the Jew whose cause Harrington had These remarks apply to the first tale espoused at school, was apprenticed to a And hugged me in his arms and swore with sobs, in particular, which, we confess, is our jeweller. Lord Mowbray's mother missed That he would labor my delivery."favorite, and a sketch of which we shall an invaluable ring in the jeweller's shop, Our readers will also find in the Lite-proceed to give. and accused Jacob of having purloined rary Gazette of February 22, that we Harrington, the hero, tells his own it. He applied to Harrington, who in noticed in the deaths of Rivers, Gray, story. He begins with his childhood. the end discovered that Fowler had and Vaughan, Buckingham, and Hast- When he was about six years old, the pledged it at a pawnbroker's. Fowler, ings, a horrid bloodthirstiness and " an maid who attended him, was accustomed now on the point of ruin, falls on her equal movement of the appetites for mur- to terrify him into obedience, by means knees, and discloses to Harrington a plot der and feasting." "Shakspeare has of an old Jew who used frequently to formed by Lord Mowbray against him, drawn the mind of the sanguinary pass by the house, and whom she repre-in order to prevent his marriage with Be usurper, the dark counterpart of his de-sented as a child-eater. Young Har- renice. She and an apothecary contrived formed body. His sbrewd insight into rington, being naturally nervous, was so to acquaint the father of Berenice that human nature does not extend beyond a possessed with dread, that he lost both Harrington had, from his childhood, been knowledge of its weaknesses and evil health and spirits, and moreover, im- subject to tits of insanity, and it was the propensities, and is employed in wading bibed a superstitious hatred of Jews. father's belief in this fabrication, which through an indiscriminate slaughter of This hatred, as he grew up to manhood, induced him to withhold his assent to King, Prince, Nobles, and Gentry, with- his father, who was a politician, contri- the marriage. Lord Mowbray too, at out sparing age or sex among his own buted to cherish. nearest kindred. He is destitute of a this critical juncture had been wounded At school he formed a party against a tra- in a duel, and on his death-bed, consingle good quality, unless a relentless velling Jew who used to sell his wares to fessed the conspiracy. Harrington's fahardihood in the perpetration of crimes the young gentlemen; but in consequence ther becomes reconciled to Jews in conand a desperate ferocity in risking his of the cruel conduct of another boy, the sequence of the assistance he received life to defend his ill-got crown, can be young Lord Mowbray, to this Jew, na- from Berenice's father, at a moment when considered virtues. With all its intermixture burst through prejudice, he be- the failure of a bank had nearly undone ture of treason and jesting, murder, friended the Jew, and in due time, by a him. All parties, therefore, are reconfeasting and merriment, this, in its class, common process of the human mind, lost ciled. It appears that Berenice is not a is certainly one of our immortal poet's all his former antipathy to the race. Jewess, as her father had married a Pro

who tells his assassins."

"He bewept my fortune,

testant, and as she was educated in her mother's persuasion. No further difficulty remains, and Harrington receives

the hand of his mistress.

Lord Mowbray, a perfect Proteus when he wished to please, changed his manner successively from that of the sentimental lover to that of the polite gallant, and accomplished man of the world; and when this did not succeed, he had recourse to philosophy, reason, and benevolence.

No hint, which cunning and address could improve to his purpose, was lost upon MowMrs. Coates had warned me that bray.

had this day listened to all that seemed so unlikely to interest a boy of my age, my father, with a smile and a wink, and a side nod of his head, not meant, I suppose, for me to see, but which I noticed the more, It will add to the interest of this en-pointed me out to the company, by whom it tertaining tale to know, that it was writ- was unanimously agreed that my attention ten in consequence of a letter which Miss was a proof of uncommon abilities, and an Edgeworth received from an American early decided taste for public business. Jewess, complaining of the illiberality with Young Loid Mowbray, a boy some years which the Jewish nation had been treated older than myself, a gawkee school-boy, was Miss Montenero was touchy on the Jewish present; and bad, during this long hour chapter, and his lordship was aware it was in some of her former works. after dinner, manifested sundry symptoms as the champion of the Jews, that I had first We now proceed to make some ex-of impatience, and made many vain efforts heen favourably represented by Jacob, and to get me out of the room. After cracking favourably received by Mr Montenero.his nuts and his nut-shells, and thrice crack-Soon Lord Mowbray appeared to be deeply ing the cracked, after suppressing the thick interested, and deeply read in every thing coming yawns that at last could no longer be that had been written in their favour. suppressed, he had risen, writhed, stretched, and had fairly taken himself out of the room. And now he just peeped in, to see if he could tempt me forth to play.


The scene where his father strengthens his juvenile antipathy towards Jews is well described. There was at this time, during a recess of Parliament, some intention among the London merchants to send addresses to Government in favour of the Jews; and addresses were to be procured from the country. The country members, and among them, of course, my father, were written to; but he was furiously against the naturalization: he considered all who were for it as enemies to England; and, I believe, to religion. He ran down to the country to take the sense of his constituents, or to impress them with his sense of the business. Previous to some intended country meeting; there were, I remember, various dinners of constituents at my father's, and attempts after dinner over a bottle of wine, to convince them that they were, or ought to be of my father's opinion, and that they had better all join him in the toast of "The Jews are down, and keep 'em down."

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No, no," cried my father, "you'll not get
Harrington, I'm afraid, he is too deep here in
politics-but, however, Harrington, my dear
boy, 'tis not the thing for your young compa-
nion-go off and play with Mowbray-but
stay, first, since you've been one of us so
long, what have we been talking of?"

"The Jews, to be sure, Papa."
"Right," cried my father-" and what
about them, my dear?"
"Whether they ought to be let live in
England, or any where?"


cried my father, "though that is a larger
Right again, that is right in the main,"
view of the subject than we took."

"And what reasons did you hear?" said
gentleman in company.


"Reasons!" interrupted my father,-"Oh

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He rummaged over Tovey and Ockley; and Priestley's letters to the Jews, and The Letters of certain Jews to M. de Voltaire, were books which he now continually quoted in conversation.

With great address he wondered that he had never happened to meet with them till lately; and confessed, that he believed he never should have thought of reading them, but that really the subject had of late become so interesting.

Of Voltaire's illiberal attacks upon the Jews, and of the King of Prussia's intolerance towards them, he could never express sufficient detestation, nor could he ever sufficiently extol Cumberland's "Benevolent Quotations from one or the other were conJew," or Lessing's "Nathan the Wise." of a man so deeply impressed with certain tinually in readiness, uttered with all the air sentiments, that they involuntarily burst from him on every occasion. This I could also perceive to be in imitation of what he had seen succeed with me; and I was not a little flattered by observing, that Berenice the counterfeit. The affectation was skilwas unconsciously pleased if not caught by fully managed with a dash of his own manner, through the whole preserving an air of nature and consistency-so that Le had all standing, naturally liberal, had, on one partithe appearance of a person whose undercular subject, been suddenly warmed and exalted by the passion of love.

A subject apparently less likely to interest a child of my age, than this Act of Parlia-Sir, to call upon the boy for all the reasons he has heard,-but you'll not pose himment about the naturalization of the Jews, could hardly be imagined, but from my pe- Speak out, speak up, Harrington, my boy." culiar associations it did attract my attention. "I've nothing to say about reasoning, Sir." "No; that was not a fair question," said I was curious to know what my father and all the gentlemen were saying about the my father-" but, my boy, you know on Jews at these dinners, from which my which side you are, don't mother you and the ladies were excluded. I was eager "To be sure, on your side, father." "That's right-bravo!-To know to claim my privilege of marching into the which side one is, is one great point in life." dining-room after dinner, and taking my stand beside my father's elbow, and then I "And I can tell on which side every one would gradually edge myself on, till I got touched the shoulder of each of the company, here is." Then going round the table, I possession of half his chair, and established a place for my elbow on the table. I resaying, "A Jew," -"No Jew," and bursts of The counterfeit was so exquisite, that notwithstanding my confidence in her father's member one day sitting for an hour together, applause ensued.-p. 35, &c. turning from one person to another as each The following account of Lord Mow-penetration, and in her talent of discerning what was natural and what was affected, I spoke, incapable of comprehending their ar-bray's attacks on the heart of Berenice dreaded lest they should both be imposed guments, but fully understanding the ve- deserve insertion. hemence of their tones, and sympathising in the varying expression of passion; and as to the rest, quite satisfied with making out which speaker was for, and which against,

the Jews.


Lord Chesterfield's style of conversation, and that of any of the people in Xenophon's of good memories. Mowbray had really an It has often been said, that liars have need Cyropædia, could not be more different, or excellent memory, but yet it was not suffiless compatible, than the simplicity of Miss cient for all his occasions. Montenero, and the wit of Lord Mowbray.

All those who were against the Jews, I I never saw a man of wit so puzzled and He contradicted himself sometimes withconsidered as my father's friends; all those provoked as he was by a character of ge-out perceiving it, but not without its being who were for the Jews, I called by a common nuine simplicity. He was as much out of perceived. Intent upon one point, he lamisnomer, or metonymy of the passions, my his element with such a character, as any of boured that admirably, but he sometimes father's enemies; because my father was the French lovers in Marmontel's tales forgot that any thing could be seen beyond their enemy. The feeling of party spirit, would be tête-à-tête with a Roman or a Gre- that point-he forgot the bearings and conwhich is caught by children as quickly as it cian matron-as much at a loss as one of nexions. He never forgot his liberality is revealed by men, now combined to the fine gentlemen in Congreve's plays strengthen still more, and to exasperate my might find himself, if condemned to hold raely prepossessions. parley with one of the heroines of Sophocles or of Euripides.

Astonished by the attention with which I

about the Jews, and about every thing relative to Hebrew ground; but on other questions, in which he thought Mr. Montenero and his daughter had no concern, his

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