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them civilly, though he was by no means the part of their relics; by the Pagans, not announce any immediate intention overjoyed at their honouring him with in the name of their fetishes. A most of increasing the number of his handsuch a visit at this time. He accepted vociferous appeal was made, by both par- maids.

the offer of the Gentleman from Embom- ties, to the objects of their superstition. All of the visitors with whom the ma, but at the same time took care to Had the invocation been attended to-ships were at this period beset, exintimate, both to him and the Mafooka, had their pious labours been crowned hibited raised figures on their skins, that they must not expect to be treated with success, a serious theological con- and these were not observed to be varied as they had sometimes been on board troversy might have arisen between the according to the different religions they slave ships. This hint, though a little principal actors in this scene, from their professed. An opening in their front unpalatable, did not seem to create any conflicting claims to superior influence teeth was remarked, in which they all ill-will on the part of the guests; and with the Ruler of the Winds. How, held their pipes while smoking, for the uniforms of the officers and marines had such an incident occurred, the affair which purpose it was supposed to have inspired them with that idea of the im- would have terminated, it is difficult to been made. This conjecture had no portance of a king's ship which Captain say. Many a judge and jury would have foundation but in the fitness of the aperTuckey was desirous of impressing on been puzzled to decide in the case of ture for the office assigned to it. On their minds, but which the appearance Relic versus fetish, which side ought inquiry it was found that the two upper of the transport herself was but ill cal- to have a verdict. But as no breeze was teeth were filed away on the near sides, culated to produce. Among the Sonio produced, all dispute was happily spared; so as to leave an opening like that men that came on board, there were se- and the English felt themselves equally described, in order to make themselves veral who had been converted to Chris-obliged to the name of Saint Antonio, agreeable to the women, who it should tianity by the Portuguese missionaries. the sanctified relics, and the monkies' seem value a man for his beauty in There was something amusingly prepos- bones. proportion as the chasm is large or terous in the contrast between their pro- The Captain and others conversed with small. In some instances, from the front fessions and their actions, which was lit- these eccentric beings a good deal, and teeth being remarkably broad, this tle less striking than that which is often the answers given to the questions which embellishment is three quarters of an seen among more civilised nations. One curiosity suggested, were frequently the inch wide. The figures raised on the of these persons, it appeared, had ac-source of much laughter. The simplicity skin, and this filing of the teeth, have tually received a diploma, authorising and roguery, the piety and debauchery, the same object in view; but both would him to teach the truths of Christianity to which their conversation and manners make little impression on the hearts of others, had learned to write his own displayed, furnished a most extravagant European ladies.

name and that of Saint Antonio; and exhibition of farcical folly and habitual Captain Tuckey and his people derived could moreover read, in his way, the depravity. The character of the priest little pleasure from the visits received Romish litany in Latin. A companion called for particular observation, as, what-from the Sonio men. Their appearance who, at the time the expedition was there, ever his Roman Catholic friends had done was sulky, and wretched in the extreme; had not received his diploma, had been towards putting him in the way of eter- and the Captain was accustomed to refavoured with the same preparatory edu-nal salvation by means of faith, they had mark, that it might easily be seen, by cation, and is probably by this time an not taught him any thing else, that would whom an attempt to introduce the habits active labourer in the vineyard. It was be likely to induce an unprejudiced of civilized life among them had been impossible to contemplate the appearance mind to come to a very favourable judg- made. This honour was due to the and conduct of these poor wretches with ment of the tree, from the character of Portuguese. In truth whatever their gravity; there was something so exces-its fruit. In plainer terms his zeal for primitive condition might have been, their sively ludicrous in their lofty pretensions, religion had taught him to despise situation could not have been greatly when compared with their qualifications, morality, with as good a grace as any improved by their correspondence with that it was difficult to conceive that any European fanatic could do. Satisfied Europeans, as they were now filthily human being could have taken the pains with his crucifix and his relics, his dirty in their persons, covered with to teach them what they had learned, but interest with Saint Antonio, and his vermin, and miserably afflicted with the for the purpose of making a jest of that litany in Latin, the more austere and self-itch. It is to be regretted that Saint ignorance which, growing out of their un-denying virtues were not included in the Antonio should thus neglect his votaries, civilised habits, left them open to impos-creed of this convert to Christianity, and and that the holy relics left among them ture. The whole of these Christians were he felt himself authorised to indulge ad should not have removed some of these abundantly supplied with the rubbish of libitum in the delights of the flesh: evils. Very different was the appearance Rome. Crucifixes, containing, as it was "A very heathen in the carnal part, of the natives of Malemba. They pretended, sainted relics of most potent But still a right good Christian at his heart." were clean and cheerful, and had even virtue, were very common among them. He was however so scrupulous that he imbibed a taste for dress from their interCaptain Tuckey and his people, however, confined himself to one wife. Doing course with the French, who in some were not so fortunate as to witness any of this, he considered that he complied instances betrayed them into a sort of the miracles which, according to report, with the law, and was prepared to con- rude foppery. This affectation seemed these ballowed baubles were accustomed tend stoutly that Saint Peter in confining not only pardonable, but even amiable, to perform. This was the more to be him to one wife had never entertained when contrasted with the disgusting regretted, as the Captain would have been a thought of denying him the solace of negligence, offensive habits, and loathextremely happy to be indebted to their as many concubines as he might be pleas- some disease which marked the convents influence for a wind at that juncture, to ed to select. Such, notwithstanding, was of the Portuguese.

carry him forward to the accomplish-his moderation, that this teacher of ment of his object. This benefit was religion had only five of the last-mentionDeadily promised by the Christians, on ed consolers of the faithful, and he did

(To be continued.)

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EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. At the commencement of our narrative of the Congo voyage, we intimated our intention of accompanying it with a plate of two of the most curious specimens in Zoology discovered by the expedition. It was our wish to have these executed on copper, in separate sheets, and presented to our subscribers as a testimony of gratitude for the extraordinary encouragement bestowed upon our labours; but upon inquiry we found that this was not to be done without having every separate morsel of paper stamped with a heavy duty. We have therefore adopted the next best course, and procured wood cuts of these extraordinary subjects, which are well executed, and both to the scientific and the unlearned will convey a perfect idea of the originals.

No. 10. Humourists may find occasion to laugh at us for placing an African god among the fish; but we knew not how else to introduce a portrait of a WAR FETISH (or Fetiche) of Embomma to the British public. These personal divinities are mentioned in the narrative: the natives carry them about with them wherever they go, hung over their shoulders, or under their arms, or any where most convenient to the wearer. When the Portuguese missionaries first visited this region, their crucifixes and images were all held to the Fetishes; and one of the most ancient writers, in relating the arts employed to inspire a chief with jealousy of his son, who continued a Christian while his father recanted because the priests would not allow him half a dozen of wives, informs us that they made the old man believe, that Prince Alfonso (the son's name) by the power of his European Fetish rode through the air every night 80 leagues, carried off his father's favourite wife, and conveyed her back to her own residence in the morning!

the arrival of slave ships, blows lustily at his
little wooden deity, and exclaims,

"Cumbea quisi! bene, bene,"

ship come, many, many "we write according to the sound, and do not pretend to accurate orthography.)

There seems to be a great resemblance, in many customs, between the African savages and those of the South Sea Islands.

Nos. 6 and 8. Different species of Loligo. The former is called squid, by seamen; the latter is a singular creature of the cattle kind, the blood of which is different from that of all other

animals, being like ink. Several very remarkable varieties were obtained by the expedition, which, with their habits, we shall make the subject of another Plate, if we can thereby give greater satisfaction to our curious readers.

to us.

Nos. 7 and 9. Balistes, or File Fish. These fish vary in length from two or three inches to No. 1. We refer to our text for an account, two feet. The body is generally oval, and it and to our plate for the appearance, of this fish possesses the power of inflation at pleasure, by -an entirely black shark, we believe a novelty means of a bony structure on each side within in ichthyology. The blue, white, spotted, grey, the abdomen. It is covered with small spines. and even dusky, which is the darkest coloured In both these there is a remarkably strong spine of the squalus genus, are known. on the head. No. 9 resembles the downy file No. 2. The Syngnathus Hippocampus (sea-fish in shape, but No. 7 is of a form unknown horse pipe-fish). This curious fish is from 6 to 10 inches in length; of a greenish-brown colour, varying from dark to light shades. The body is much compressed; the head large, thick, and, together with the first joints of the body, beset with long weak spines or cirrhi. The neck contracts abruptly behind the head, as does the body at the tail, which is a naked finless tip. It is not so uncommon as most of the others in the plate. In the Voyage to New Zealand, by Mr. Nicholas, published this week, it is stated that the natives of that island dry the Hippocampus, and hang it to their ears, by way of ornament.


Nos. 11 and 12. The Diodon. This remark, able genus has been regarded as the link between the tribe of fishes and quadrupeds. It is nearly allied to the echini or sea urchins, and almost as intimately connected with the land porcupine and hedgehog. Those in our plate belong, as we presume from the colour, to the Diodon Liturosus. They are nearly globular in shape, of a brown colour above with black spots, and whitish towards the belly.


Nos. 3 and 4. The Nautilus. Our enquiries, An author in La Correspondance Chamas far as we have had time to extend them, confirm the assertion in the Journal of the Congo, penoise, a new publication of considerathat this was the first of these creatures, which ble humour and merit, published at Paris, may well be reckoned phenomena in nature, has the following anecdote in the seventh that was ever taken alive. They always escape letter; which, though not entirely new, from their extraordinary dwelling when threatened by danger. Their other wonderful is little known, there having been strong properties are generally well known, but we reasons against its circulation at the time. add the Zoological definition for the informa. "On the day on which the coronation tion of those who may not be acquainted with of Buonaparte took place, a balloon with them. Nautilus, in Zoology, a genus belonging to the an immense crown was committed to the order of Vermes Testacea. The shell consists of air; the crown descended at Rome, and one spiral valve divided into several apartments. fell precisely upon the tomb of Nero, But we have recently had the pleasure of There are seventeen species, distinguished by where it was shivered to pieces. This This genus of shell meeting an intelligent naval gentleman who peculiarities in their shell. fish is ca led vaurios, signifying both a ship and circumstance was told to Buonaparte with has enjoyed opportunities of long and close sailor, for when this fish intends to sail, it ex-all possible precaution- Well,' said he, intercourse with the natives on the Congo; pands two of its arms on high, and between after a moment's reflection, it is better and from him we have been made acquaint- these supports a membrane, which it throws that it should fall there than in the ed with many singular facts which we shall out and serves for its sail, and the other two dirt !!!"" in due time communicate. At present we arms hang out of the shell to serve occasionally confine ourselves to the Fetishes; they are either as oars or steerage. When the sea is generally, as he informs us, about the size of calm, it is common to see numbers of them dilarge dolls, and the most grotesque figures verting themselves by sailing about in this manThe French Royal Academy of Sciences that can be imagined. He immediately ner, but as soon as a storm approaches, they recognized Captain Tuckey's sketch (our No. draw in their legs and take in as much water as recently chose, in the room of their Foreign makes them specifically heavier than that in Associate the great Mineralogist, Werner, 10), having seen it at Embcoma. He also which they float, and thus sink to the bottom; the Sicilian Astronomer, M. Piazzi, who, in corroborates the account of the rank obsce- when they rise again they void this water by a nity and indecency of some of these Lares. number of holes of which their legs are full. 1801, discovered the planet Ceres, and so They are indifferently carved out of wood, or The common colour of the Nautilus is black-led the way for Messrs. Olbers and Harding, to discover successively, Pallas, Juno, and made of rags, the eyes and teeth are of shells, ish, streaked transversely with irregular lines. and the whole appearance as hideous as the The shell in our specimen bespeaks the Sul- Vesta. The Foreign Associates are at present Sir Joseph Banks, one of the comworkmanship is clumsy. They are such cata, or ribbed Nautilus. things as children would contrive in sport. 'panions of Cook; the Astronomer Herschel, who discovered the Georgium Sidus, in 1781; Nevertheless they are worshipped and prayed No. 5. A hitherto undescribed fish; but, as Dr. Jenner; Mr. Watt, the able engineer, to with unceasing importunity, though with we are informed by a gentleman who has been who has made such admirable applications no great ceremony or devotion. When a more than once in the Congo river, not uncom- of the power of steam; Count Volta, to glass of brandy is given to an African, he puts it to his lips, then up with his Fetish, into mon there. He describes it as being larger than whom we owe the invention of famous a haddock, and of a very extraordinary appear- Galvanic Pile; the Anatomist Scarpa; the whose face he puffs his breath once or twice, ance, even among the monsters of the deep Astronomer Piazzi; and Baron Humboldt, with a noise something between blowing which the tropical regions produce. and whistling. He then swallows the dram. caught by the natives, and split and dried for so justly celebrated for his travels. A similar action, or a whisper in the ear, or food. The flavour is not remarkably fine, and, four first of these learned men belong to a less graceful motion takes place whenever though tolerable to eat, it is rather soft and England; the three following to Italy; the last to Prussia, the Fetish is consulted. A Mafooka, soliciting flabby.

The representation of the Nautilus itself is the first ever published.

It is




Till the era of our great Reviews, the Journal des Savans was by far the most celebrated work of that nature in Europe; and it still maintains a very high rank in the literary world. Observing this fact, and coupling it with the circumstance of the limited knowledge which British readers can readily obtain of a publication of such character and merit, we trust it will be adding no unworthy feature to our Gazette, if we, as we intend, take periodical opportunities of laying the most novel and important matter of that Journal, in an abridged form, before the public.

Works reviewed in the Journal des Savans, for September, 1817.

Reviewed by
Essay on Dew, by Mr. Wells, M. Dulong.
J. Shakespear's Dictionary,

Hindoustany and English,.. Chezy.
Lilawati, or Treatise on Arith-

metic and Geometry, by

Bhascara, translated from

the Sanscrit into English, by Mr. J. Taylor,.

History of Legislation, by Mr.




• Raynouard.
Emendationes Livianæ à Geor.
Lud. Walchio,
Eulogium on Blaise Pascal, by
Mr. Raymond,
Abridgment of Dangeau's Me-
moirs, by Mad. Genlis, . Daunon.




While chatting at a neighbour's door,
Paying my little gossips score,
After my usual summer trip,
And ready charg'd with tongue and lip;
And, what is most a trav❜ller's glory,
With willing hearers to my story,
While all were more prepar'd to wonder,
Than to detect the trav'ller's blunder.

Each mouth was open'd more than half,
Just ready at my jokes to laugh—
When lo! a momentary pause
Alter'd the structure of their jaws;
The eyes, too, look'd a little queer,
And gave a sidelong awkward leer-
My auditors now slunk away,
Like spectres at the dawn of day.

Alone-I turn'd me half-way round,
And soon the dreaded cause I found.

Reader-we want a simile,
That with our purpose will agree.
Suppose then-that you saw a Ghost,
Or what you fear'd, or hated most.-
Reader-perhaps you've been at school,
And felt the rod, and fear'd the rule,
When giving way to sudden mirth,
You lent to thought too loud a birth;
And having caught the master's eye,
With double zeal your task you ply,
As if you meant to eat your book,
Scarce daring, or to breathe or look.

Or 't may be, you're a jolly fellow,
And take your ale till you are mellow;
And just when you have made a choice
Of what is good, you hear a voice:
I will not (for I hate all strife)
Hint-that it might have been your wife,-
Or something that is just as sore,
The landlord hop'd you'd pay your score.

[blocks in formation]

in which Mrs. Bellchambers executed this piece, was replete with simple grace, energy, and nature, and the applause she received was commensurate. It is said that she has performed at some of the minor Theatres of London, as Miss Singleton. Munden's Darley is a rich treat; and Mrs. Bland's Kathlean, a sweet one. Mr. Barnard is a sensible and unassuming actor; he never commits himself, even when he has unsuitable characters assigned to him; and his Dermot was very respectable.

Mr. Stanley repeated Rover on Tuesday with increased success. The Entertainment was No Song No Supper.


The Belle Stratagem was revived at this Theatre on the Friday previous to our last publication, but owing to our arrangements being always necessarily completed early on the evening previous to the Literary Gazette issuing from the press, we had not an opportunity of noticing the performances. The scenery is new and beautiful, and, with the fine light of the gas thrown upon it, had an

DRURY LANE. Débuts, as is usual at the commencement of the season, constitute the order of the night at the Winter Theatres. On Saturday was performed the Rivals; which did not seem to go off with much spirit, notwithstanding Dowton's Sir Anthony, and Johnstone's Sir Lucius. Mrs. Alsop played Lydia Languish for the first time: playfulness and roguish ness are more congenial to her talents than the sentimental insipidity of this character. It is a silly romantic affectation which distinguishes Miss Languish; and to be justly delineated she must approach even to dul-effect almost too brilliant. ness, as nearly as can be risked with an The chief novelty of the day, however, was audience. Now Mrs. Alsop cannot be any the debut of Miss Brunton, the daughter of thing like dull. Her little person is always on the work, her countenance full of vivacity, and her manner of archness-Languishing is out of the question with her, unless it be languishing in the caricature of Farce. A critic ought never to notice this play without paying a tribute to Mrs. Sparks' Mrs. Malaprop it is an identification and not an imitation. Mrs. Davison's Julia also merits great praise. Acres is an ad libitum part; and our bustling friend Harley took all imaginable liberties with it. We could not, however, forget the admirable Bannister.

The Poor Soldier followed in the line of march, and presented a Mrs. Bellchambers, from the Bath Theatre, in the character of Patrick. We cannot commend the choice of a breeches part for the first appearance of a female. There always is, or ought to be, or is affected, a wonderful trepidation and feeling of diffidence in making either bow or courtesy, pro primo, to a Metropolitan audience; was it to avoid this, that Mrs. Bellchambers chose to make an hermaphrodite obeisance? The modest terrors of a woman, under such circumstances, must surely be increased by being exposed in the attire of the other sex, in which there is not much edification at any time, and still less under the traitorous trembling, blushing, and panting of a début.

the performer of that name, well known on the London boards, and consequently, as we see it stated with great emphasis, the niece of the Countess of Craven. We suspect that her humble Papa's instructions contributed more to her success than her great Aunt's titles; but be that as it may, we have rarely witnessed a more interesting first appearance. Letitia Hardy is a good playing character, yet not a good one to chuse for such an occasion; though it is curious to observe, that most debutants select parts which require the utmost self-possession, to contrast as it were with the timidity and apprehension of their earliest effort. It is like a desperate plunge, an assumed courage which borders on temerity; and so liberal is the public in general, that if there be any latent proofs of ability, it rarely fails to succeed. Miss Brunton is very young;-her person is graceful, though rather below the middle size; the upper part of her countenance, the forehead and eyes, remarkably fine and expressive; her features regular, but depreciated by that sort of half opening of the mouth, which physiognomists have determined to denote a weakness of understanding. Her acting however gave "the lie circumstantial" to this index of the face. Her voice is not musical, but she modulates it with uncommon skill, and we doubt not The Poor Soldier was, through the early but it will acquire more fulness and force part of his career, a very womanish fellow; with the aid of a little experience, and the we never saw a greater coward. Even sing-flight of a few years. Her representation of ing could not bring his or her courage up; the heroine was chaste and pleasing, and of and it was not till the second act that there was any semblance of that composure, so indispensable to secure a victory. The fine song, "My Friend and Pitcher," however, permitted the display of a very powerful, deep-toned, and mellow voice. It is one of the most perfect contra-altos we ever heard, and bore considerable resemblance to Miss Burrell's, who produced so great an effect in the same song at Covent-Garden. The style

great promise. In the assumed rusticity, she kept laudably within the modesty of nature; and with sufficient of the droll to evince comic talent, did not overcharge the picture to make the million laugh. In the masquerade she danced a minuet elegantly, but this, by the way, is only a trifling accomplishment, or at least one that is not often in requisition on the stage, except in ballet. We therefore mention it more, as marking or

crowning the general gracefulness of Miss Brunton's motions. The song was omitted, and we could guess from the sharpness of her notes that the fair lady does not sing. She has since repeated the part with universal applause, will have played Rosalind before this meets the public eye, and may unquestionably be considered as an ornament attached to the London boards. Mr. Charles Kemble's Doricourt is not inferior to any thing of the kind upon the stage; he is the perfect gentleman, the man of fashion, the gay, loving, frolicking, and puzzled creature of the author's fancy. Mrs. Gibbs was excellent in Mrs. Racket, Miss Foote made a charming Lady Francis, and we need only name Messrs. Fawcett, Jones, and Abbott, to be understood that Hardy, Flutter, and Sir George, were as well performed as ever they were upon any stage.

A new play, said to be imported from America, and called the Duke of Savoy, is mentioned as having been read in the Covent Garden Green Room on Wednesday.



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management, than to confine our strictures "I am deputed to state to you, that the to the pieces which it might be our chance season of performance here, curtailed of its to witness during an evening's visit. fair proportion,' terminates this evening; and, The Surrey Theatre opened under the like many of its predecessors, not only dies a premature death, but has struggled into the direction of Mr. T. Dibdin, on the 1st of mencing its vital functions. world much later than the natural time of com- July 1816, after a hurried preparation of only five weeks. One of his Harlequin's "The Crown graciously dispenses to this wands seemed necessary to accomplish, in house a far longer privilege, for exhibition, that short space, all that had to be done than it is permitted to exercise by the Winter before it was fit for the reception of the Theatres; which, in consequence of the still public. The whole interior was repaired increasing protraction of their annual opera- and decorated; a pit on a commodious plan tions, and their control over histrionic of elevation was constructed in the place talent, seem to emulate that Roman Emperor, of the equestrian circle; the entire machinery, whose pleasure it was to shorten a summer fly's scenery, and wardrobe, were created; thirtyfour superb chandeliers were put up; and amount, as we have on good authority been other handsome furniture provided to the informed, of no less than four thousand guineas. This great exertion and heavy expence were partly incurred, we believe, in consequence of the dilapidated state in which the House was left by its preceding occupants. On passing into the possession of its new proprietor, it exhibited only the dreary spectacle of bare walls; there was


“ But, although the Proprietors of this place sunshine, they are proud and grateful in avoware doomed to so brief an enjoyment of public ing, that they have this year basked under some of the warmest rays of your favour. "They by no means would be understood to express "aught in malice" towards their mighty neighbours: on the contrary, they are aware that those neighbours have a full right to act without cessation, and they wish them all the prosperity they derive:-they cannot, how This Theatre draws to a close the 4th of ever, help wishing, at the same time, that since next month, being its utmost limit, and it is the Winter Theatres have, for years, acknow- not so much as a frame to hang a scene in ; doubtful whether it will avail itself of all its ledged this house to rank as a regular since every moveable had been moved off, and the Charter. "Wanted a Governess," another they have ever called upon it is an ally to repel very porter's lodge and gates, (such is the novelty, has been produced this week, and invasions against the interests of the old esta- force of example) had followed them. with success. The plot says, that Captain blished Play-houses-they cannot help wishing Dushwood (Mr. JONES) is in love with Julia that their superior Brethren of the Drama would (Miss STEVENSON), whose Guardian, an old keep, a little more consistently, in mind the tradesman, retired from business, intends painful for speculators in this this concern to humble adage of" Live and let live," It is her for a Country Banker, his friend. The reflect, that when they are (notwithstanding Guardian's name is Rusty, and his repre- your kindness) so repeatedly crippled in the sentative was Mr. BARTLEY. Lucy Dushwood run of "How to grow Rich," the substitute (Miss KELLY), the Captain's sister, avails most like to be presented is "The Road to herself of an advertisement to offer her ser- Ruin." vices as Governess to Rusty's ward. In this capacity she contrives to wheedle the old man and obtain his consent to the union of Julia and her brother. She also succeeds in promoting a match between a Mr. Theo philus, an inmate of Rusty's house, and herself, and thus concludes her undertaking with a brace of marriages.

Diligence and money, however, triumphed over every difficulty, we would have said obstacle; but the coast was so clear that none beautiful place of amusement was ready for were presented; and in five weeks a very public performances; and on the 1st of July, as we have mentioned, the Surrey opened.

Since that period, (not fifteen months,) "The Proprietors, Ladies and Gentlemen, the proprietor's literary zeal has not shamed request your acceptance of their heartfelt thanks his previous managerial activity. Twentyfor your patronage, which has produced more six original pieces, principally written by him, than the average crops arising out of the ex-have been successfully performed by the Harvest. Permit me to assure you, also, how enough to get together; to these we have to treme and meagre hurry of their Haymarket respectable company which he was fortunate fully the Performers are sensible of your en- add thirteen revivals, making a total of couragement. occasionally composed by Messrs. Sanderson thirty-nine. The music produced has been Mr. Parry, Mr. M. P. Corri, and other musi (house composer and leader), Mr. T. Cooke, cians of known abilities. Some judicious and pleasing selections have also been made

The burthen of this piece is laid, happily "We respectfully take our leave. for the author (Mr. Peak junior, the son of been abundantly successful, having cleared We have only to add, that the Season has the respectable Treasurer of Drury-Lane within the brief term here complained of, Theatre), and amusingly for the Public, on between three and four Thousand Pounds, for the shoulders of Miss Kelly, who performed th benefit of the parties concerned. the Old Governess with all her wonted spirit and effect. Rusty has also some dry humour; and what with these good qualities, the pretty looks of Miss Stevenson, several fair hits and laughable comic situations, this little production went off with éclat, and promises us an agreeable dramatist in the young Writer.

On Wednesday, Mr. Broadhurst took Frederick the Great for his benefit. The Theatre was full, and the audience enjoyed a rich musical banquet, in many glees and songs introduced through the evening.



This Theatre, which of late years has
undergone several revolutions, since
""Twas called the Circus them, but now the

from the works of the first masters. The principal artist, regularly upon the establishment, is Mr. Wilson; and there has been some admirable scenery painted by Whitmore, Grieve, Greenwood, Wilkins, Genta, H. Smith, H. Wilson, and others eminent in this line. The frequenters of Covent Garden know to what degree of perfection the three first-mentioned of these artists have carried seems at least to have fallen into hands this branch of dramatic illusion. The band not only likely to establish its perma- consists of twenty-one members, to whom nency, but to raise its character to a are added occasional auxiliaries, when the height not hitherte attained by what are nature of the performances requires more called the minor or summer Theatres. Mr. musical strength and effect. The establishThomas Dibdin, its present proprietor, has a ment altogether numbers about two hundred After a campaign of ten weeks, the Little hereditary right to talent; and his numerous individuals; and it is gratifying to be able to Theatre closed on Monday, with the Tra- successful productions at Covent Garden close this sketch with the statement, that vellers Benighted, Actor of All Work, and Theatre since the year 1799, shew, that his the public patronage bestowed upon the Teazing made Easy.-The House was crowd-is not a vain and nominal inheritance. To efforts of the proprietor has been so liberal, as to fulfil his hopes, and enable him to meet the expectations of all those whom he has embarked in the various departments of his


ed; and the following witty farewell address, from the pen of Mr. Colman, was well delivered by Mr. Terry:

so able and distinguished a dramatist it is
due to take rather a general view of the
Theatre, since it came into his possesion and

« EelmineJätka »