Before he fcap'd; fo it pleas'd my destiny Therefore I fuffer'd this; towards me did run His cloaths were ftrange, tho' coarfe, and black, though bare, Sleeveless his jerkin was, and it had been See it plain rash a while, then nought at all. 2 This is ill expreffed, for it only means, he would be more ftared at than Strangers are. Could not but think, to pay his fine was odd, As deep in debt, without a thought to pay, 20 25 Or Sloane or Woodward's wondrous fhelves contain, Nay, all that lying Travellers can feign. The watch would hardly let him pass at noon, At night, wou'd fwear him dropt out of the Moon. And the wife Justice starting from his chair 31 35 40 Such was the wight: Th' apparel on his back Tho' coarse, was rev'rend, and tho' bare, was black: The fuit, if by the fashion one might guess, Was velvet in the youth of good Queen Bess, But mere tuff-taffety what now remain'd; So Time, that changes all things, had ordain'd! The thing hath travail'd, and, faith, speaks all tongues, And only knoweth what to all States belongs, Me to hear this, yet I must be content With his tongue, in his tongue call'd Complement : Jovius, or Surius, or both together. He names me, and comes to me; I whisper, God, How have I finn'd, that thy wrath's furious Rod, This fellow, chufeth me! He faith, Sir, I love your judgment, whom do you prefer Said that I thought Calepines Dictionary. Our fons fhall fee it leifurely decay, Firft turn plain rash, then vanish quite away. 45 This thing has travel'd, speaks each language too, And knows what's fit for every state to do; Of whose best phrafe and courtly accent join'd, He forms one tongue, exotic and refin'd. Talkers I've learn'd to bear; Motteux I knew, 50 The Doctor's Wormwood ftyle, the Hash of tongues And (all thofe plagues in one) the bawling Bar: 55 And Oldmixon and Burnet both out-lie: 60 65 He spies me out, I whisper, Gracious God! What fin of mine could merit fuch a rod? That all the shot of dulness now must be From this thy blunderbufs discharg'd on me! Permit (he cries) no ftranger to your fame To crave your fentiment, if -'s your name. What Speech efteem you moft?" The King's, faid I.” But the best words? O Sir, the Dictionary." Nay, but of men, most sweet Sir? Beza then, Some Jefuits, and two reverend men Of our two academies I nam'd: here He stopt me, and faid, Nay your Apoftles were Yet a poor Gentleman; all thefe may pafs By travail. Then, as if he would have fold His tongue, he prais'd it, and fuch wonders told, That I was fain to fay, If you had liv'd, Sir, Time enough to have been Interpreter To Babels Bricklayers, fure the Tower had flood. You would leave loneness. I faid, Not alone My loneness is; but Spartanes fashion NOTES. VER. 78. Yet these were all poor Gentlemen!] Our Poet has here added to the humour of his original. Donne makes his thread-bare Traveller content himself under his |