But hear me further - Japhet, 'tis agreed, 185 190 Writ not, and Chartres fcarce could write or read, Afk you what Provocation I have had ? 195 Th' Affront is mine, my friend, and should be yours. Mine, as a Foe profefs'd to false Pretence, Who think a Coxcomb's Honour like his Sense; Mine, as a Friend to ev'ry worthy mind; VARIATIONS. VER. 185. in the MS. I grant it, Sir; and further, 'tis agreed," NOTES. 201 VER. 185. Japhet - Chartres] See the Epistle to Lord Bathurst. P. VER. 204. And mine as Man, who feel for all mankind.j *S F. You're ftrangely proud. P. So proud, I am no Slave:1 So impudent, I own myself no Knave: So odd, my Country's Ruin makes me grave. Yes, I am proud; I muft be proud to fee Men not afraid of God, afraid of me: 206 Safe from the Bar, the Pulpit, and the Throne, 210 Yet touch'd and fham'd by Ridicule alone. O facred weapon! left for Truth's defence, Sole Dread of Folly, Vice, and Infolence ! To all but Heay'n-directed hands deny'd, The Muse may give thee, but the Gods must guide: NOTES. From Terence: "Homo fum: humani nihil a me alienum "puto.". P. VER. 208. Yes, I am proud; etc.] In this ironical exultation the Poet infinuates a fubject of the deepest humiliation, VER. 211. Yet touch'd and sham'd by Ridicule alone.] The Paffions are given us to awake and fupport Virtue. But they frequently betray their trust, and go over to the interefts of Vice. Ridicule, when employed in the cause of Virtue, fhames and brings them back to their duty. Hence the ufe and importance of Satire. "The VER. 214. To all but Heav'n-directed bands] "Citizen (fays Plato, in his fifth book of Laws) who does no injury to any one, without queftion, merits our ef "teem. He, who, not content with being barely just himself, oppofes the course of injustice, by profecuting "it before the Magiftrate, merits our esteem vaftly more. "The firft difcharges the duty of a fingle Citizen; but the other does the office of a Body. But he whose zeal "ftops not here, but proceeds to ASSIST THE MAGISTRATE Rev'rent I touch thee! but with honeft zeal; NOTES. " IN PUNIHING is the most precious bleffing of Society. "This is the PERFECT CITIZEN, to whom we should "adjudge the prize of Virtue." VER. 220. Ye Infects-The Mufe's wing shall brush you all away:] This it did very effectually; and the memory of them had been now forgotten, had not the Poet's charity, for a while, protracted their miferable Being. There is now in his library a complete collection of all the horrid Libels written and published against him; The tale reviv'd, the lye fo oft o'erthrown, Th' imputed trash, and dulnefs not his own; Thefe he had bound up in feveral volumes, according to their various fizes, from folios down to duodecimos; and to each of them hath affixed this motto out of the book of Job: Bebold, my defire is, that mine adverfary should write a book. Surely Ifhould take it upon my shoulder, and bind it as a crown to me. Ch. xxxi. 35, 36. VER. 222. Cobwebs] Weak and flight fophiftry against virtue and honour. Thin colours over vice, as unable to hide the light of Truth, as cobwebs to shade the fun. 224 All his Grace preaches, all his Lordship fings, When black Ambition ftains a public Caufe, 231 Not fo, when diadem'd with rays divine, Touch'd with the Flame that breaks from Virtue's Shrine, VARIATIONS. After 227. in the MS. Where's now the Star that lighted Charles to rife ? -With that which follow'd Julius to the skies. Angels, that watch'd the Royal Oak fo well, NOTES. VER. 228. When black Ambition etc.] The cafe of Cromwell in the civil war of England; and ( 229.) of Louis XIV. in his conqueft of the Low Countries. P. VBR. 231. Nor Boileau turn the Feather to a Star.] See his Ode on Namur; where (to use his own words) "ill a "fait un Aftre de la Plume blanche que le Roy porte or"dinairement à fon Chapeau, et qui eft en effet une espece "de Comete, fatale à nos ennemis.” P. Her Prieftefs Mufe forbids the Good to die, There, other Trophies deck the truly brave, 235 240 And may defcend to Mordington from STAIR : Let Flatt'ry fickening fee the Incense rise, Sweet to the World, and grateful to the Skies: 245 Yes, the laft Pen for Freedom let me draw, NOTES. VER. 237. Anftis] The chief Herald at Arms. It is the tuftom, at the funeral of great peers, to caft into the grave the broken ftaves and enfigns of honour. P. VER. 239. Stair;] John Dalrymple Earl of Stair, Knight the Thistle; ferved in all the wars under the Duke Marlborough; and afterwards as Embaffador in France. VER. 240, 241. Hough and Digby] Dr. John Hough Bishop of Worcester, and the Lord Digby. The one an ffertor of the Church of England in oppofition to the falfe measures of King James II. The other as firmly attached to the caufe of that King. Both acting out of principle, and equally men of honour and virtue.~ P. VER. 249. on the edge of Law :1 From the fummit of |