... he became, as he relates, irrecoverably a poet. Such are the accidents which, sometimes remembered, and perhaps sometimes forgotten, produce that particular designation of mind, and propensity for some certain science or employment, which is commonly... The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Page 2by Samuel Johnson - 1820Full view - About this book
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 358 lehte
...forgotten, produce that particular defignation of B 2 mind. mind, and propenfky for. fome certain fcience or employment, which is commonly called Genius. The...of large general powers, accidentally determined to fome particular direction. The great painter of the prefent age had the firft fondnefs for his art... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 494 lehte
...produce that particular defignation of mind, and propenfity for fome certain fcience or employment, ment, which is commonly called Genius. The true Genius is...of large general powers, accidentally determined to fqme particular direction. The great Painter of the prefent age had the firft fondnefs for his art... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 498 lehte
...dcfignation of mind, and propenlity for fbme certain lcience or emplqyment, which is commonly called Geniu?. The true Genius is a mind of large general powers, accidentally determined to feme particular direction. The great Painter of the prefent age had the firft fondnefs for his art... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1782 - 484 lehte
...minds, are never^without fome advantage to knowledge. Life of Sir T. Browne, p. Z67. G. • GENIUS. True genius is a mind of large general powers, accidentally determined to fome particular direction. Life of Cowley. Genius is powerful when inverted with the - of affluence.... | |
| Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 494 lehte
...fometimes forgotten, produce that particular defignation of mind, and propenfity for fome certain fcience or employment, which is commonly called Genius. The...of large general powers, accidentally determined to fome. particular direction. Sir Jofhua Reynolds, the great Painter of the prefent age, had the firft... | |
| Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 496 lehte
...fometimes forgotten, produce that particular defignation of mind, and propenfity for feme certain fcience or employment, which is commonly called Genius. The...of large general powers, accidentally determined to feme particular direction. Sir Jofhua Reynolds, the great Painter of the prcfent age, had the firft... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1790 - 508 lehte
...forgotten, produce that part^.ular defiguation of mind, and propen.fity for fome certain J certain fcience or employment, which is commonly called Genius. The...of large general powers, accidentally determined to fome particular direction. Sir Jofhua Reynolds, the great Painter of the prefent age, had the firft... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 476 lehte
...fometimes forgotten, produce that particular dcfignation of mind, and propenfity for fome certain fcience or employment, which is commonly called Genius. The...of large general powers, accidentally determined to fome particular direction. Sir Jofhua Reynolds, the great Painter of the prefent age, had the firft... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1795 - 616 lehte
...fometimes forgotten, produce that particular defignation of mind, and propenfity for fome certain fcience' or employment, which is commonly called Genius. The...of large general powers, accidentally determined to fome particular direction. The great painter of the prefent age had the firft iondnefs for his art... | |
| George Gregory - 1796 - 650 lehte
...particular defignation of mind, and propenfity for fame certain fcience, which is commonly called genius, True genius is a mind of large general powers, accidentally determined to fome particular direction. The great painter of the prcfene age had the firft fondnefs for his art... | |
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