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Repeal of 7 & 8 Vict.

c. 101. s. 47.

The Mode in which the Averages of Unions and

Parishes combined in

tricts shall

be ascer

tained and declared.

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"Unions, or Parishes and Unions, so united for the Management of
any Class of Infant Poor, or incidental to the Discharge of the
"Duties of such District Board, shall be paid by such Unions in the
Proportion of the Averages last declared for every such Union, and
by such Parishes in the Proportion of the average Expenditure of 5
66 every such Parish for the like Period and Purposes as those to
"which the declared Averages of such Unions shall relate; and the
"said Commissioners shall from Time to Time, by Order under their
"Hands and Seal, ascertain and declare the Proportion and Rates of
"Contribution in the above respects of every such Parish and Union:" 10
And whereas such Provision for the Contributions of the several
Unions and Parishes in such Districts is inconvenient, and it is desirable
that the same should be repealed, and other Provisions should be
enacted for the Purpose aforesaid: Be it therefore enacted by the
Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent 15
of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present
Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That after
the passing of this Act so much of the said first-recited Act as pro-
vides for the Contribution of the Unions and Parishes comprised in
any such School District shall be and the same is hereby repealed.


II. And be it enacted, That in respect of any District heretofore formed or hereafter to be formed under the Provisions of the Statutes aforesaid the Poor Law Board shall cause an Inquiry to be made as to the average annual Expense incurred by or on account of the Relief School Dis- of the Poor in every Union and Parish forming an integral Part of 25 such District during the Three Years ending on the Twenty-fifth Day of March next before the Date of the Formation of such District, such Expense to include the Cost of the Relief of the Poor belonging to the Parish, or, in the Case of a Union, the Cost of the Relief of the Poor belonging to the several Parishes thereof, and of those 30 chargeable upon the common Fund thereof, and the Payment of Salaries and other like Expenses of current and ordinary Nature; and the said Board shall by an Order declare the respective Averages so ascertained, and after the Issue of such Order the several Unions and Parishes comprised in any such District shall contribute to the several 35 Charges set forth in the Clause herein-before cited from the said firstmentioned Statute according to the Proportion of the Averages declared in such Order until the same shall be altered by any subsequent Order of the said Board.

Provision for

tion of fresh

III. And be it enacted, That the said Board, from Time to Time 40 the Declara- whenever it shall seem proper to them to do so, may cause a fresh Averages. Inquiry to be made in manner aforesaid, in respect of any such District, as to the Expense of the Unions and Parishes therein for the


Three Years ending on the Twenty-fifth Day of March next preceding such Inquiry, and declare the same by their Order, and thereupon the Contribution of the several Unions and Parishes in such District to the Charges aforesaid shall be calculated according 5 to the Averages so last declared.

the Case of the Addition

of a Parish

IV. And be it enacted, That when any Union or Parish shall be Provision for added to any previously formed District the said Board shall cause the average Expense of such Union or Parish corresponding with the Period for which the Averages of such District shall have been or Union to 10 declared to be ascertained and declared as aforesaid.

an existing District.

When Ac

not closed

V. And be it enacted, That in respect of any District heretofore counts in any formed all Charges and Expenses which shall not have been closed such District and audited at the passing of this Act, and to which the said Clause and audited, of the said first-recited Statute would have applied, shall be estimated 15 and settled according to the Proportions of the Averages to be according to declared according to the Provisions of this Act.

VI. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of Parliament.

the same to be settled

the Provisions of this Act.

Act may be amended, &c.

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Preamble recites Scotch Act of 1696, c. 26., 43 G. 3. c. 54., 1 & 2 Vict.
c. 87., and 3 & 4 Vict. c. 48.

Commissioners of the Treasury may apply for the Purposes of this
Act Part of the Sums granted by Parliament for Education in
Scotland; Sect. 1.

Interpretation of Words; 2.

Establishment of a General Board for carrying the Act into effect;

Salary of Chairman; 3.

Place of Meeting of Board, and Expenses; 4.

Powers of the Board; 5.

Superintendence and Jurisdiction of Presbyteries to cease; 6.

Meetings of the Board; 7.

Members of Board not to derive Profit or Emolument, nor to be

personally responsible; 8.

Appointment of Secretary; 9.

Meetings of Heritors and Electors to consider the Question of additional Means of Education; 10.

Election of Parish Committee; 11.

Appointment of District Committee in extensive or populous
Parishes; 12.

Heritors and Electors of a Parish may join in Application to the
Board for Adoption of the Parochial School or Establishment of
new Schools; 13.

Number of elected Members of Committee equal to Number of
Heritors may be elected; 14.

Notice to be given to Members elected on Committee; 15.

One Third of elected Members of Committee to go out by Rotation; 16.

Supply of Vacancies; 17.

Appointment of Chairman of Committee; 18.

Appointment of Clerk; 19.

Committee not to act until they have undertaken to raise the necessary Funds; 20.

Powers of Committee as to building Schools, &c.; 21.

Dwelling Houses and Gardens for Schoolmasters to be provided; 22.
Property to be vested in Committee, and maintained by them; 23.
Assessing and levying of Rates for defraying Expenses incurred under
this Act; 24.

Assessment for Expenses of District School; 25.

Where Parish Committee constituted and additional Means of Education provided in any Parish the existing Parochial School to be deemed a School established under this Act; 26.

School established by united Committee to be a School under this Act; 27.

Power to borrow Money; 28.

Sinking Fund for Payment of Sums borrowed; 29.

Committee to fix Branches of Education to be taught, and School Fees to be charged; 30.

Qualification of Candidates for the Office of Schoolmaster; 31.

Regulations of the Board as to Qualification of Schoolmasters to be approved by Lord Advocate and Committee of Council on Education; 32.

Election of Schoolmaster by the Committee; 33.

Election of Schoolmaster by Minister and Heritors; 34.

Vacancies how to be supplied; 35.

On Failure of Minister and Heritors or Committee to elect, Board may appoint Schoolmaster; 36.

Salaries to Schoolmasters appointed under the Act 43 G. 3. and this Act; 37.

Salaries of Schoolmasters not having Certificate of Competency, or where there are more than One, to be settled by Heritors and Board; 38.

Schools to be subject to Inspection of Government Inspectors; 39. Heritors and Committee not to interfere with Schoolmaster, but may complain to the Board if dissatisfied with his Conduct; 40. Proceedings against Schoolmasters; 41.

Retiring Allowances to aged and infirm Teachers; 42.

Power to Heritors and Committees to increase their Assessment for educational Purposes; 43.

Dimensions of School-house under second-recited Act; 44.

Minister and Heritors to have Superintendence of Parish Schools where no Parish Committee appointed; 45.

Heritors may vote by Proxy or Letter under their Hands; 46. Schoolmasters appointed under this Act to be subject to Provisions of 9 & 10 Vict. c. 226.; 47.

Schoolmasters not to be subject to Tests; 48.
Repeal of Laws inconsistent with this Act; 49.
Act may be amended; 50.


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