iv painful regret, that they were not at liberty to insert from it those Hymns marked Original; they believed them worthy a place in any selection; but endeavoured to supply their place from sundry authors, who have spoken as well at they were able in the praise of our adorable Saviour." Another edition being now wanted, and many persons expressing a wish to have the original hymns added to the collection, we desired permission of the reverend author to insert them, who with the greatest good will freely granted the request; and wishing to make this book agree in every respect with the last edition, we have printed them as an Appendix, with their titles, &c. as first written. That the work as amended may meet the approbation, and aid the religious exercises of the believers in the universal salvation of all men through the atonement of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is the sincere wish of Boston, May 1, 1808. THE PUBLISHERS. 1 .. |