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reign of Anne, extorted the Act of Union Bannockburn settled the question, they refrom England almost at the point of the laced their old Saxon lords in the position sword. The popular notion is, we believe, which their descendants still enjoy, that this union was forced on Scotland; bold Buccleugh," for example, being just now but the truth is, that it was forced on Eng- the social superior of the nobles whose fathers land by a threat of final separation if it were considered his fathers much as we consider not conceded. The Scotch, beggared and the men of Tipperary. Cut off by the long maddened by the failure of the Darien expe- struggle from all amity with England, the dition, which they attributed to "the Dutch- Scotch turned their eyes to France, and from man," declared that unless their losses were Bannockburn to the accession of James the repaid to the last penny, and themselves ad- First, Scotland became in politics a haughty mitted to full participation in all English but dependent province of France. Every privileges, particularly of commerce, they cadet who found no room at home, every man would on Anne's death set up a separate whose ambition could not be satisfied with monarchy. If Parliament chose the Stuarts, the proceeds of what was then a bleak and the Estates would set up another family, barren soil, where wheat was as rare as probably the Bruces; if Parliament rejected greengages are now, sought a new career the Stuarts, the Estates would accept them. in the beautiful land whose rulers were so The Estates passed a law to arm the whole friendly to his race. The Kings of France population in case England should try force, finding that Scotchmen could fight, always and an English vessel was even seized in the at war with their own nobles, with the SpanForth, in reprisal for the legal condemnation iards, with the Germans, and with Englishof a ship belonging to the Darien Company. men, were delighted to obtain such supportScotland was, in fact, in insurrection, the ers, and granted them special privileges. English ministry gave way, and the most John Stewart, Earl of Buchan, who landed beneficial political act ever passed by a rep-in 1424 with five thousand followers, was resentative assembly was, in fact, a concession to avert a civil war.

created Constable of France, the highest fighting dignity in the realm; the Scotch The long war which, with intervals of truce, guard was treated like a company of nobles; raged between England and Scotland from an illegitimate son of the bad Badenoch, who Hastings to Bannockburn was, in fact, the lies in Dunkeld Cathedral, helped Charles only open contest between the Norman and the Bold to reconquer Liège; Alexander the Saxon. The lowlands of Scotland were Stewart (Albany) became a great continental in 1066, almost completely in Saxon hands, statesman, married into the family of AuSaxon emigrants,-Johnstons, Armstrongs, vergne, and became a thorough Frenchman; Kerrs, Bells, Scotts, Browns, and others with Stewart of Darnley obtained the lordships of purely Saxon names,-ruling a mixed race Aubigny, Concressault, and d'Evercux, and of Celts and Saxons. The Conquest greatly his son Bernard became " Viceroy of Naples, increased the number of the dominant caste, Constable of Sicily and Jerusalem, Duke of the Saxons, disorganized and cowed, flying Terra Nova, Marquis of Girace and Squillazo, in thousands to Scotland, more particularly Count of Beaumont, D'Arcy, and Venassac, from the territory north of the Humber, Lord of Aubigny, and Governor of Melun." which William is said to have depopulated." A Douglas became lord of the whole provThe Court became purely Saxon, and order-ince of Touraine, a Hamilton Duc de Chaed invasion after invasion of England with telherault and Constable of France. The little result, except to establish in the minds minor successes are endless, and the noblest of the French Kings of England an ardent houses in France still trace back their ancesdesire to extend the limits of their sover- try to Ramsays and Kinnemonds, Gowries eignty up to the Hebrides. The Plantage- and Morrisons, Livingstons and Williamsons nets very nearly succeeded, and Mr. Burton (Vallençon). The De Lisles were Leslies, notices that during the struggle the Scotch the Vaucoys Vauxes, the de Lauzuns Lawnobles of great mark are Normans,-De Vere, De Coucy, De Umfraville, and the like. The Saxon commonalty, however, hated the nobles and England for their sake, and when

sons, the D'Espences Spences, and so on through a long muster-roll. Usually these men sank, as it were, into the soil, concealing their names under some new territorial

designation; but the pedigrees have been | latterly to their rough kingdom. They killed well kept, and French historians have ac- most of them one way or another, and then knowledged to the full the obligation of came the dauphin's death, the reformation, their country, and more especially of the and a final break between Scotland and her royal house, to the exiles. At last the union ancient ally. From the death of Elizabeth, of the countries culminated, and by the mar- the struggle with England was reduced to one riage of Mary, heiress of Scotland and a for money and privileges, and with the last Guise, to the dauphin, heir of the Valois, the of the Stuarts it ended, as we have said, in three strands of the rope,-France, Scotland, an act, extorted by Scotland from England, and the Guises,-were united, and to record which gave to England the aid of the single to all the world the union all Scotchmen race with whom Englishmen have ever been were by one single decree made naturalized able to live on terms at once of brotherhood citizens of France. and equality, and to Scotland wealth beyond her dreams.


And then the ancient alliance virtually ended. The Scotch people, though well There is only one want in these two volpleased to seat themselves in France, had umes, and that is a general sketch of the penever cordially liked the French. They culiarities which enabled the Scotch abroad hated the French nobles, who, accustomed to to succeed so well. That they were brave unquestioned rule in their own country, tried and thrifty and faithful, we all know; but to treat the stubborn Scotch peasants as they Southrons as yet do not quite recognize that treated the villeins of Picardy, and who were the Scot is one of the most adaptable of manespecially insolent in their denunciations of kind. Hard, prejudiced, and logical, he has, Scotch poverty. Besides," says Froissart, nevertheless, some quality which makes him "whenever their servants went out to forage, at home among the most diverse races,—a they were indeed permitted to load their quality totally wanting in the race which in horses with as much as they could pack up some respects is most like himself, the Frenchand carry; but they were waylaid on their man of the Northern departments. His poreturn, and villanously beaten, robbed, and sition in France for centuries was exactly sometimes slain, insomuch that no varlet dare that of the Frenchmen who thronged the go out foraging for fear of death. In one Court of the Plantagenets, and whom our month the French lost upwards of a hundred fathers, calling them "favorites,' used to varlets; for when three or four went out for- massacre every now and then; but he never aging, not one returned, in such a hideous excited any national hatred. Why? The manner were they treated." That is, the Scot adventurer was a violent person, who nobles landed as allies, sent their followers took all he could get and held it with the out to plunder, and the peasants, not seeing strong hand, and was very free of blows, and why they should be plundered, killed a few not at all free of money, yet he was liked and thrashed more,-a highly proper pro-and obeyed, while his rival was hated and ceeding, though villanous in Froissart's eyes. despised. We believe the secret to have been In 1395, the Scotch Estates were compelled the entire absence of insolence in the Scotch to pass a law that the foreigners should not character, a sort of thrift of force which intake meat by force, and many years later the duced him to injure nobody unless there was French, after a raid into England, retired to a reason for injuring him; but we should France, all except a few great men, whom like to see Mr. Burton's opinion on the subthe canny Scotch retained as hostages for the ject. The adaptability exists still, and has money the Frenchmen in general owed. They hated, too, the interference of the pope, and they hated above all the Scoto-French whom the alliance with the Guises brought over

perhaps done more for Scotland and Scotchmen than much higher but less cosmopolitan virtues.

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POETRY.-Alfred Tennyson on Bulwer, 434. The Bridge of Cloud, 434. The Dying Wish, 434.

SHORT ARTICLES.-Sea-Dust, 446. Sentence of Deposition on Bishop Colenso, 468. Disease among Cattle, 468. Death of Dr. Normandy, 480. M. Heffelseim and the Heart, 480. Dr. Tilbury Fox and Mr. Erasmus Wilson, 480. Dr. Grusselback, 480. Electricity as a Curative Agent, 480.

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The authorship of some pointed verses, which will live among the quarrels of authors," has just come to light, the verses in question being a sharp bit of personal satire by Alfred Tennyson on "Sir Lytton." It may be recollected that Bulwer, in his "New Timon," took occasion to ventilate some very malignant and uncalled-for asperities against his brother-author. They called forth a squib or two in Punch. It now appears that Tennyson himself entered the field in the latter journal with the following "settler : "-Transcript.


We know him out of Shakspeare's art,
And those fine curses which he spoke :
The old TIMON with his noble heart,
That, strongly loathing, greatly broke.

So died the OLD: here comes the NEW.
Regard him a familiar face :

I thought we knew him; what, it's you,

The padded man—that wears the stays!

Who killed the girls and thrilled the boys
With dandy pathos when you wrote,
A Lion you, that made a noise,

And shook a mane en papillotes.

And once you tried the muses, too;

You failed, sir; therefore now you turn; You fall on those who are to you As captain is to subaltern.

But men of long-enduring hopes,

And careless what this hour may bring, Can pardon little would-be Popes And Brummels when they try to sting.

An artist, sir, should rest in art,
And waive a little of his claim;
To have the deep poetic heart

Is more than all poetic fame.

But you, sir, you are hard to please; You never look but half content; Nor like a gentleman at ease,

With moral breadth of temperament.

And what with spites and what with fears,
You cannot let a body be;
It's always ringing in your ears,-
"They call this man as good as me.'

What profits now to understand The merits of a spotless shirt.

A dapper boot-a little hand,

If half the little soul is dirt!

You talk of tinsel! why we see

The mark of rouge upon your cheeks;
You prate of Nature! you are he
That spilt his life about the cliques.

A TIMON you! Nay, nay; for shame :
It looks too arrogant a jest-
The fierce old man-to take his name,
You bandbox. Off, and let him rest.


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From The Edinburgh Review.

indeed, has the aspiration of art been satis1. The History of our Lord as exemplified in fied even with these overpowering themes. Works of Art with that of the Types, It has aimed-and to speak as men may speak St. John the Baptist, and other Persons of such an effort—it has not always aimed of the Old and New Testament. Com-in vain, at the glorification of the divine namenced by the late Mrs. Jameson; con- ture in its own inapproachable abodes; it tinued and completed by Lady Eastlake. 2 vols. 8vo. London: 1864. has created and given permanence to sublime

it has raised the forms of human beauty to their highest power, in the fond belief that they may be no unworthy image of a divine excellence; and it has thus familiarized the eyes of the church with all but living impersonations of beings and of events, which, but for this counterfeit of creative energy, must have remained in the dim circle of mere abstractions. No doubt if the highest types of art owe much to religion, religion itself owes not less of its visible and concrete influence over mankind to these types of art. It is the union of these two elements

that is, the union of mysterious truths, partially revealed and partially accessible to the human mind, with those sacred forms and images of which man is himself the real inventor, however they may acquire something of the divine character-which constitutes the theory of religious art.

2. The New Testament of our Lord and Sav-visions of immortal beings and eternal worlds; iour Jesus Christ. With Engravings on Wood from Designs by the Italian Masters. Longman. 4to. London: 1864. MORE than twenty years have elapsed since the late Mrs. Jameson began to collect the materials for the series of elegant and instructive works on the History of Christian Art, which has assigned to her so honorable a place among the critics, and we may almost say the artists, of this country. The two volumes entitled "Sacred and Legendary Art," which included descriptions of works representing most of the secondary personages of the Gospel histories, were commenced in 1842, and published in 1848; they were followed by the single volume of the "Monastic Orders," and that containing the "Legends of the Madonna," the most graceful and elaborate of Mrs. Jameson's own productions, which continues to be in such demand that a third edition of it has just issued from the press. Indeed, it may be said with perfect truth that these books are the indispensable guides and companions of every Englishman who seeks to fix identity and meaning on the beautiful, but often unintelligible, representations of Romish tradition. A greater and more important task remained to be performed ere the series of these works could be closed. The person of our Lord is the central figure to which all history, all tradition, all legend, converge in the records of Christian art: whether in the awful character of the Deity, Maker of all things, Judge of all men, revealed in the form of the incar-dred pages of the first volume of the work nate Son, or as the highest visible object of now published by Lady Eastlake; but they devout adoration, or as the purest example are a very small contribution to the whole of beauty, power, and wisdom ever seen on design, and it is to the present editor, far earth, or as the chief actor in the scenes of more than to the original projector of the his ministration and in the redemption of book, that the high honor belongs of having mankind, the highest powers of human art completed it. Without the slightest wish to have incessantly been directed, under the in- detract from Mrs. Jameson's acknowledged fluence of the Christian Church, to depict merit and well-earned reputation, it is in and portray the person of Jesus Christ, and some respects fortunate that this work has to produce upon the mind of the beholder some been executed with a breadth of research and impression of his holiness, his supernatural a force of style to which that amiable and acpresence, his sufferings, and his death. Nor, complished woman laid no claim. In Mrs.

To relate in fitting language the history of this lofty work of the imagination and the hand of gifted artists, and to show the relation it has borne to the faith of Christendom in successive ages, is a task demanding far higher qualifications than the description of those legendary subjects which had previously been treated by Mrs. Jameson. That lady had, in fact, made but little progress in this portion of her labors. She had collected notes on pictures relating to some of the incidents in the New Testament, in which the person of our Lord is prominently engaged. These notes are comprised in about two hun

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