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Educational Cext-Books.


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Library Conditions.

The Library to be under the control of the Directors, who may withhold such books from circulation, as they may deem expedient.

Each Member shall be entitled to take from the Library, one folio, or one quarto, or two of any lesser fold, with the plates belonging to the same, upon signing a receipt for the same, and promising to make good any damage which may be sustained when in their possession, or to replace the same, if lust.

No person shall lend any book belonging to the Institute, except to a member, under a penalty of one dollar for every offence.

The Directors may permit other persons than members to use the Library. No member shall detain any book longer than four weeks, after being duly notified that the same is wanted by another member, under a penalty of twenty-five cents per week.

On or before the first Wednesday in May, all books shall be returned, and the committee of the Directors appointed for that purpose shall examine the Library, and make a report of the condition at the Annual Meeting.

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From the Earliest Discoveries to the present time: embracing a Full Account of the Aborigines, Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men, and Numerous Maps, Plans of Battle Fields, and Pictorial Illustrations.

460 Pages. 12то. $1.

In elegance of style, accuracy, clearness, interest of narrative, richness of illustration, and adaptation to public and private schools of every grade, this History is pronounced by all who have examined it, far in advance of every similar work heretofore published.

From John R. Roche, Principal of Baltimore Academy.

"In style it is simple and concise; appropriate in expression and lucid in arrangement; rendered further impressive by the accompanying maps, plans, and sketches so judiciously interspersed through it, that a youth of moderate capacity could write an epitome of it after the first reading. The main historic features are so graphically delineated as to be eminently suggestive, that with its clear and simple style, and the spirit of fairness in which it is written, it cannot fail being extensively used as a standard class-book in our schools."

From J. D. H. Corwine, Principal Kentucky Liberal Institute. "I shall as one introduce it as the best work of the kind on this important branch of education. While it is peculiarly adapted as a text-book in schools, the general reader will find it the most comprehensive history of the country from the Aboriginal period down to the inauguration of Mr. Buchanan."

From W.S. Gaffney, School Examiner, County of Davies, Ind. "On careful perusal, I pronounce it, for clearness and simplicity of style, fairness and accuracy of description, liberality of illustration, and elegance of execution, a work well calculated to bear off the palm as a text-book, and also for general reading; and I take pleasure in commending it to the notice of teachers and the friends of education every where."

From Rev. Charles Reynolds, Rector of Trinity Church, Columbus, Ohio. "It is a most delightful volume, and, were I teaching a dozen classes in United States History, I would use no other book but yours."

Resolution unanimously passed at a Convention of the Superintendents of Orange County, Vermont.

"RESOLVED, That we recommend Quackenbos's History of the United States as a book better calculated to create and promote an interest in the important study of history than any other History of the United States with which we are acquainted."

"We are acquainted with most of the United States Histories in common use, but we know of nothing that approaches the work before us. Every paragraph is well calculated to leave its impress on the mind: it must therefore be a delightful book for the school-room." - Western Episcopalian.

"A critical examination of its contents satisfies us that the author has done his work well, and made a book which is destined to become the standard manual for common schools and academies, on our country's history."-N. Y. Com. Adv.

D. A. & Co. have in press, and will shortly publish, QUACKENBOS'S NATURAL PHILOSOPHY,

For Schools and Academies. 12mo. With numerous illustrations.

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