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5. In administering the accident insurance laws the proper authorities shall give each other mutual assistance in determining the facts of any case. Where, in dealing with an accident insurance case, the authorities of one country deem it necessary to procure the sworn depositions of witnesses and experts in the other country, à request to this effect duly submitted through diplomatic channels shall be acceded to. The authorities instructed by the Government of the said country or having jurisdiction without such instructions shall summon the witnesses or experts by official action and, if necessary, use such means of compulsion as are prescribed in the case of similar pro-ceedings in their own country.

6. Rules in force in one country relating to exemptions from stamp duties and fees in the case of accident insurance business, shall apply by analogy in respect of the administration in such country of the accident insurance laws of the other.

7. Manufacturers shall not be required to pay higher contributions or premiums in respect of the accident insurance of one country for the reason that their undertakings are domiciled in the other.

8. The provisions of Articles 4-7 shall apply to undertakings -subject to the accident insurance laws of one of the two countries, even in cases where the conditions set forth in Article I do not obtain.

9. The terms of this Treaty shall apply by analogy to those officials of the German Empire, of a German Federated State, or of a German group of parishes (Kommunalverband) who are employed in undertakings in which insurance is compulsory, but who are, notwithstanding, entitled to accident benefit within the meaning of German legislation, instead of being insured under the German system of accident insurance.

10. Where, in administering the accident insurance laws of one country, it is necessary to calculate the value of wages expressed in terms of the currency of the other country, such conversion shall be effected by taking as a general basis an average rate of exchange, which shall be determined by each of the two Governments for the purposes of the administration of the law in their respective countries and which shall be communicated by each Government to the other.

II. This Treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications exchanged as soon as possible. The Treaty shall come into force one month after the first day of the month following the exchange of ratifications.

Notice of withdrawal from the Treaty may be given by either party at any time, and the Treaty shall expire on the conclusion of the calendar year next following such notice.

Liabilities in respect of accidents occurring before this Treaty comes. into force, shall continue thereafter to be fulfilled by the insurance institution wherein the branch in question of the undertaking was formerly insured. Similarly, on the expiration of this Treaty, liabilities in respect of accidents which occurred while the Treaty was in force, shall continue to be fulfilled by the previous insurance institution.

In witness whereof the plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty in duplicate and set their seals thereto.

National Labour Legislation


I. German Empire


I. Bekanntmachung, betr. die Einrichtung und den Betrieb von Anlagen zur Herstellung von Alkali-Chromaten. Vom 16. Mai 1907. Nr. 3331. (Reichsgesetzblatt 1907, Nr. 21, S. 233.)

1. Notification respecting the establishment and management of works for the manufacture of the alkaline chromates. (16th May, 1907.)

In pursuance of §120e of the Industrial Code, the Federal Council hereby issues the following regulations respecting the establishment and management of works where the manufacture or regeneration of the alkaline chromates (bichromate of potassium or bichromate of sodium) is carried on.

I. Raw materials (chrome iron-ore, quicklime, soda, etc.) shall be crushed and mixed only in apparatus constructed in such a manner that the dust is prevented as far as possible from penetrating to the workrooms.

2. All plant liable to give rise to dust or fumes containing chromates. shall be provided with effective arrangements for preventing, as far as possible, such dust or fumes from entering the workrooms.

The fused mass shall be stored, except close by the furnaces, only in rooms separated from other workrooms. The fused mass, while still hot, may be conveyed in any kind of vessel, but when cold only in enclosed vessels,

Lixiviating and evaporating pans and all other vessels containing solutions at a temperature exceeding 50°C., and all acidification pans shall be covered with a tight-fitting cover, with an outlet into the open air or a chimney.

3. Further processes in the manipulation of solid chromates, especially drying, sifting, crushing (breaking, grinding), and packing shall be carried on. in rooms apart from other workrooms.

The chromates shall, as far as possible, be crushed only in plant hermetically sealed.

Workrooms and courts shall be kept as free as possible from contamination by chromates.

In particular, arrangements shall be made to remove without delay all chromates which have escaped into the workrooms by leakage, or dripping. from pipes and then become dry. Floors, walls, stairs and handrails shall. always be kept in a clean condition.

The workrooms shall be thoroughly cleaned at least every quarter, or at more frequent intervals when necessary.

5. Employers shall provide a sufficient supply of suitable clothes and caps to be worn during work by the workmen employed in chromate works.

6. No person who is not wearing a suitable respirator or other arrangement for protecting the mouth and nose (such as sponges, cloths, etc.) provided by the employer shall be permitted to work in processes in which the liberation of dust cannot be entirely avoided, unless the dust so liberated is immediately and completely removed by suction.

This rule shall apply in particular to the removal of the dry mass from the drying kilns, furnacing of the dry mass after removal from the drying kilns, the emptying of such furnaces and the shovelling of the fused mass when dry into receptacles for conveyance, and also to the processes of drying, sifting and packing the finished chromates.

7. The employer shall, by making suitable regulations for the purpose and by careful supervision, ensure that the working clothes, respirators and other articles designated in §§5 and 6 shall be regularly worn and only by the particular persons to whom they are allotted, and he shall see that overalls are washed at least once a week, and all respirators, mouth sponges, etc., before each occasion on which they are used, and that each respirator or sponge is kept, when not in use, in its own special place.

8. A lavatory and cloakroom and a separate mess-room shall be provided for the workmen in a part of the premises which is free from dust. Both the said rooms shall be kept clean and free from dust, and shall be heated in the cold season. A sufficient supply of water and vessels for rinsing the mouth and of suitable nail-brushes, soap and towels for washing the hands, together with sufficient accomodation for keeping garments not worn during work, shall be provided in the lavatory and cloakroom.

The employer shall give every workman in chromate processes an opportunity of taking a warm bath at least twice a week.

9. No women or young persons shall be employed except in operations which do not bring them into contact with the chromates.

IO. No person shall be engaged for work in chromate processes unless he produces a certificate of a qualified medical practitioner certifying that he is free from open wounds, suppurating sores and cutaneous eruptions. The said certificates shall be collected and preserved, and must be produced on the demand of the inspector. (§1396 of the Industrial Code.)

II. The employer shall appoint a qualified medical practitioner, whose name shall be notified to the inspector, to keep watch over the health of workmen in chromate processes. The said practitioner shall examine such workmen at least once a month, especially with a view to detecting any cutaneous eruptions or disease in the nasal passages or throat.

12. The employer shall require workmen to keep a close look-out for sores, however slight, on their skin and particularly on their hands, and, when necessary to procure a bandage from the medical practitioner, or some suitable person designated by him. The hands, forearms and face of each workman shall be examined by such persons every day before work commences or during working hours.

13. On the order of the medical practitioner, workmen showing symptoms of chrome poisoning-e.g. cutaneous eruptions or irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose-shall be removed from employment in chromate pro

ċesses either until they are completely healed, or permanently, if they prove to be especially susceptible to the injurious effects of their occupation.

14. Every employer shall keep a sick register, or cause, on his own responsibility, such register to be kept by an official of the firm. The employer shall be responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the entries, except in so far as these are made by the medical practitioner.

The sick register shall contain:

(1) the name of the person who makes the entries;

(2) the name of the medical practitioner appointed to keep watch

over the health of the workmen ;

(3) the name of each sick workman;

(4) the nature of the illness and the previous occupation;

(5) the date when the illness commenced;

(6) the date of the cure, or if the sick person does not resume the employment, the date of his dismissal;

(7) the dates and results of this general medical examination prescribed in §II.

15. The employer shall issue rules which shall contain the following provisions in addition to instructions relating to the use of the articles designated in §§5 and 6.

(1) No workman shall take any food with him into a workroom. No meals shall be taken in the workrooms. (Cf. §8.)

(2) Workmen must use the clothes, respirators and other arrangements designated in §§5 and 6, in all workrooms and processes for which the employer is required to provide the same.

(3) Workmen must carefully wash their hands and faces before taking their meals. On the conclusion of a shift and before leaving the factory, workmen must remove the garments worn during work, carefully wash their hands and faces, including mouth and nose, and rinse their mouths without using any implement.

It shall be provided in the rules issued in pursuance of this Section that any workman who, despite repeated warnings, continues to contravene the said rules may be dismissed before the expiration of the contracted term and without notice.

In works where at least twenty persons are regularly employed the aforesaid rules shall be embodied in the rules of employment drawn up in pursuance of §134a of the Industrial Code.

16. A written or printed copy of §§1-15 of these regulations and of the rules issued by the employer in pursuance of §15 shall be affixed in a conspicuous place in every workroom, and also in the cloakroom and mess-room.

17. These regulations shall come into force at once, and shall supersede the Regulations relating to the establishment and management of works for the manufacture of the alkaline chromates issued by the Notification of the Imperial Chancellor, dated 2nd February, 1897.

2. Bekanntmachung betr., die Ratifikation des am 27 August 1907 unterzeichneten Vertrages zwischen dem Deutschen Reiche und den Niederlanden über Unfallverischerung. Vom I Dezember 1907, Nr. 3396. (Reichsgesetzblatt 1907, Nr. 50, S. 769.)

2. Notification respecting the ratification of the Treaty relating to Accident Insurance, concluded by the German Empire and the Netherlands on 27th August, 1907.* (1st December, 1907.)

*See E.B., II., p. 350.

The preceding printed copy of the Treaty relating to Accident Insurance concluded by the German Empire and the Netherlands is hereby ratified. The exchange of ratifications was effected on 30th November, 1907, at Berlin.


1. Hesse Nassau Agricultural Trade Association: Rules for the prevention of accidents. I., Agricultural implements and explosives, cattle-keepers and waggoners; II., Agricultural building repairs; III., Forestry; IV., Industries allied to forestry. Sanctioned by the State Insurance Office, 1st May, 1907.

2. Coburg Trade Association for Agriculture and Forestry: Rules for the prevention of accidents. Agricultural implements and explosives, cattlekeepers and waggoners; agricultural works of construction. Sanctioned by the State Insurance Office, 15th May, 1907.

3. Rhenish Agricultural Trade Association Dusseldorf: Rules for the prevention of accidents. I., Agricultural machines. II., Implements and explosives. III., Cattle-keepers and waggoners. IV., Agricultural building. V., Forestry. VI., Industries allied to agriculture and forestry. A. General rules in force for all such industries; B. Special rules for : (a) Distilleries, brewing, malting, dairies, vegetable preserving, starch manufactories; (b) tile works, mining above ground, peat digging, lime slaking, lime kilns; (c) quarries; (d) flour and oil mills; (e) saw mills and saw works, circular saws, band-saws, frame-saws. Sanctioned by the State Insurance Office, 3rd August, 1907.

4. Principality of Reuss j. L. Trade Association for Agriculture and Forestry: Rules for the prevention of accidents. Forestry. Sanctioned by the State Insurance Office, 3rd September, 1907.


Industries allied to forestry. Sanctioned by the State Insurance Office, 3rd September, 1907.

6. Oldenburg Agriculturists' Trade Association : Rules for the prevention of accidents in agriculture and forestry. I., Agricultural implements and explosives; cattle-keepers and waggoners; works of construction. II., Forestry. Sanctioned by the State Insurance Office, 5th September, 1907.


East Prussia Agricultural Trade Association: Rules for the prevention of accidents. I., Machines. II., Agricultural implements and explosives. III., Cattle-keepers and waggoners. IV., Agricultural works of construction. V., Forestry. VI., Industries allied to agriculture and forestry. Sanctioned by the State Insurance Office, 22nd August and 13th September, 1907.

8. Lower-Alsace Agricultural Trade Association: Rules for the prevention of accidents. I., Forestry. II., Industries allied to forestry. III., Provisions for enforcing the rules and penalties. Sanctioned by the State Insurance Office, 13th September, 1907.

9. South German Trade Association of Manufacturers in the Metal Trades (including the Precious Metals) : Special Rules for the prevention of accidents in the manufacture of powdered aluminium. (Aluminium bronze.) Sanctioned by the State Insurance Office, 11th October, 1907.

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