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1422. BÉGASSE, J. Les assurances sociales en Belgique. (Recueil de documents sur la prévoyance sociale.) Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1907. 186 p. 1423. ZACHER, G. Die Arbeiterversicherung im Auslande. Heft 17. Die Arbeiterversicherung in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika.

Bearbeitet von

Ch. Henderson. 131 p. Berlin-Grunewald, A. Troschel, 1907. M. 6.—. 1424. ZACHER. Die Arbeiterversicherung im Auslande. Heft 2a. Die Arbeiterversicherung in Schweden. 1. Nachtrag zu Heft II. Bearb. von John May. 68 p. Gross-Lichterfelde, A. Troschel. M. 2,-.

1425 BLACKLEY, M. J. J. Thrift and National Insurance as a Security against Pauperism. 162 p. London, P. Truebner, 1907. IS.


(d) SICK INSurance.

Social sjukförsäkring. 152 p. Stockholm, Ljus, 1907. Kr. 2,—. 1427. BERNHARD, M. Die Frauen und die Krankenkassen. (Kultur und Fortschritt, Nr. 111.) 14 P. Leipzig, F. Dietrich, 1907. M. 0,25. 1428. KUTTNER, W. Die steigende Rente der Volksversicherung mit Berücksichtigung der Bestimmungen des Preussischen Knappschaftsgesetzes. 27 p. Berlin, Puttkammer & Mühlbrecht, 1907. M. 1,-. 1429. Geschäftsstelle des Verbandes rheinisch-westfälischer Betriebskrankenkassen zu Essen. Krankenkassen und Aerzteorganisation. 35 p. Essen, Günther & Schwan, 1907. M. 0,60. 1430. Protokolle der Landesversammlung des württembergischen Krankenkassenverbandes, abgehalten in Tuttlingen am Montag, den 10. VI. 1907, in der städtischen Turnhalle von vormittags 8 bis nachmittags 12 Uhr. 31 p. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1907. M. 0,30. 1431. SCHWARTZ, O. 60 Jahre in ärztlicher, amtlicher und schriftstellerischer Tätigkeit (1846-1907). Ein Rückblick und zugleich Beitrag zur reichsgesetzlichen Revision des deutschen und östereichischen Krankenversicherungsgesetzes. Köln, J. P. Bachem, 1907.

M. 0,60.

16 p. 1432. Verband der Genossenschafts-Krankenkassen Wiens. Bericht samt Statistik der Verbandskassen für das Jahr 1906. 83 p. 1 Taf. Wien, J. Brand, 1907. M. 3,-.

1433. ARBOUX, J. La mutualité française. Histoire de seize ans.

Fischbacher, 1907.

1434. MARTIN, P.

1435. KAUFMANN, C.

X+313 p. Paris,

Mutualité forestière. II p. Paris, Impr. nat., 1907.


Handbuch der Unfallmedizin mit Berücksichtigung der deutschen, Österreichischen, schweizerischen und französischen Arbeiter- und privaten Unfallversicherung. I. Hälfte : Allgemeiner Teil und Unfallverletzungen. XX+60 p. Stuttgart, Enke, 1907.

1436. MOLDENHAUER, P. Die industriellen und landwirtschaftlichen Haftpflichtversicherungsverbände. 195 p. Berlin, J. Guttentag, 1907. M. 4,50. 1437. HOCHE. Notwendige Reformen der Unfallversicherungsgesetze. 27 p. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1907. M. 0,75. 1438. KLIEN, E. Die Haftung der Betriebsunternehmer und Betriebsbeamten nach § 135 des Gewerbe-Unfallversicherungsgesetzes. XIV+124 p. Leipzig, Veit & Co. M. 3,50.

1439. Vorstand der Arbeiter-Unfallversicherungsanstalt für Niederösterreich in Wien. Bericht über die XVII. Gebarungsperiode, d. i. die Zeit vom 1. Jänner bis 31. Dezember 1906. 42 p. Wien, Selbstverlag, 1907.

1440. HAWOTH, C. J. The Principles of Compensation (including its assessment and division) under the Licensing Act, 1904. London, King & Son. 2s. 8d.

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1441. Sindacato obligatorio siciliano di mutua assicurazione per gli infortuni sul lavoro nelle miniere di zolfo. Rendiconto amministrativo sul funzionamento del Sindacato per il primo esercizio, 10 ottobre 1904-31 dicembre 1905: bilancio consuntivo approvato dall'assemblea generale dei soci nella seduta del 18 aprile 1906. 120 p. Caltanissetta, Petrantori, 1907.


1442. Invalidenversicherung und Wohlfahrtspflege. validenversicherung. Soziale Tagesfragen.

Alte und neue Züge für die In-
Heft 19.

60 P. M.-Gladbach,

M. 0,60.

Zentralstelle des Volksvereins für das kath. Deutschland. 1443. SUTHERLAND, W. Old Age Pensions in Theory and Practice with some Foreign Examples. London, King & Son, 1907. 3s. 6d.


1444. Vor der Entscheidung! 27 Gutachten zur Frage der Pensionsversicherung der Privatangestellten. 2., wesentlich vermehrte Auflage. (Schriften des deutschen Werkmeister-Verbandes, 5. Heft.) 80 p. Düsseldorf, Werkmeister-Buchhandlung, 1907. M. 0,40.

1445. ROTH, A. Unterlagen zur Schaffung eines Gesetzes betreffend die staatliche Pensionsversicherung der Privatangestellten. 30 p. Hamburg, Deutschnationaler Handlungsgehilfen-Verband, 1907.

1446. BECHLY, H. Die staatliche Pensions-Versicherung für Privatangestellte. (Schriften des Deutschnationalen Handlungsgehilfen-Verbandes, 35.) 64 p. Hamburg, Selbstverlag, 1907. M. 0,50.

1447. HENNIG, P. Die staatliche Pensionsversicherung der Privatangestellten. 31 p. Berlin, Verein der Deutschen Kaufleute, 1907. M. 0,25.

1448. LORENZ, H. Die Pensionsversicherung der Reichs-, Staats- und Kommunalbeamten, Pensionsberechtigungstabelle, Hinterbliebenenfürsorge, Unfallfürsorge, Pensionierung und Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen. 80 p. Berlin, O. Nahmacher, 1907. M. 0,75.

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25. Welfare and Thrift; Garden Cities.

Official Publications, see I. 1. 996.

1449. Verein für Arbeiterkolonien in Bayern.

23 p. München 1907.

25. Rechenschaftsbericht. 1906-07.

1450. Verein zur Fürsorge für kranke Arbeiter zu Remscheid. VI. und VII. Jahresbericht für 1905 und 1906. 44 p. Remscheid 1907.

1451. Economia social. Instituções de Beneficencia e associaçoes de previdencia nos districtos de Braga, Vianna, Villa Real e Bragança. Situaçao do operiarado. Boletim do trabalho industrial. 1907. No. 4. 87 p. Lisboa, imprensa nacional. 1452. ABELIN, R. Koloniträdgården. En bok för stadsbor och industrisamhällen. Stockholm. Fritzes förlag, 1907. 75 Oere.







(German Empire). Notification to repeal provisions of the Accident Insurance
Acts in favour of the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg. May 9th, pp. LXIV., I
Agreement concluded between France and Italy relating to compensation for
injuries resulting from industrial accidents. June 9th, pp. LXV., 2.
Convention between France and Luxemburg relating to compensation for
injuries resulting from industrial accidents. June 27th, pp. LXV., 4.
Convention between the United Kingdom and France concerning the New
Hebrides. October 20th, pp. XLVII., 345.
Convention concluded between France and Italy respecting the treatment
of foreigners meeting with industrial accidents. Ratified on June 4th,
1907, and approved by Royal Decree dated June 30th, 1907, pp. LXV., 567.
Treaty between the German Empire and the Netherlands relating to accident
insurance. August 27th, pp. LXV., 350.




Order in pursuance of the Decree of November 18th, 1905, in pursuance of the
Sunday Rest Act. March 22nd, pp. XXIV., 189.




Decree of the Ministry of Commerce addressed to the Administration of
Bohemia, relating to tests for the suitability of workplaces. October 20th,
pp. L., 360.

Order relating to the appointment of Committees of Dispensing Chemists.
January 2nd, pp. XXXVII., 214.

Act to amend and supplement the Industrial Code.
XXIX., 189.

February 5th, pp. XXI.,

Order relating to the prevention of accidents and the protection of the health of workmen employed in the construction of high buildings. February 7th, pp. XXXVII., 212.

Resolution of the Town Council of Vienna respecting the prohibition of the use of paints and colours containing lead and of red lead in municipal works. March 5th, pp. L., 360.

Order determining the sphere of action of the Inspector of Industry for Bosnia and Herzegowina. April 9th, pp. XXXVIII., 212.

Order relating to a day of rest in the course of the week for workmen in industrial occupations in Bosnia and Herzegowina. April 20th, pp. XLVIII., 361. Order relating to the employment of young persons and children in mining operations. June 8th, 1907, pp. XXXII., 215.

Order of the Minister of Commerce, in agreement with the Minister of the Interior, relating to the manner of keeping the books of licensed registry offices and employment agencies, and to the police inspection of such businesses. August 6th, pp. LXIII., 571.

Decree of the Minister of the Interior (Z. 42, 107) respecting the return of emigrants from the United States of America. November 30th, pp. LXIV., 571.


1906. An Act relating to duties of Excise. No. 16 of 1906. October 12th, pp. LI., 391. BAVARIA.

1907. Royal Order relating to Inspectors of Industry. February 7th, pp. XXXVIII.,



1907. Royal Decree. Council of Industry and Labour, Brussels. Convocation of the 13th, 14th and 16th Sections. January 28th, pp. XXIX., 217. Royal Decree. Sunday rest. Hairdressers: Authorisations granted for the year 1907, in pursuance of §7 of the Act of July 17th, 1905. February 7th, pp. XXIV., 217.



Royal Decree. Sunday rest. Hairdressers of Louvain: Authorisation granted for the year 1907, in pursuance of the Act of July 17th, 1905. March 2nd, pp. XXIV., 217.

Royal Decree. Hours of work below ground in coal mines. Appointment of a Commission of Inquiry. April 6th, pp. XXXIII., 217.

Royal Decree. Bill to amend and supplement the Acts of April 21st, 1810,
and May 2nd, 1837, relating to mines. Pensions. April 11th, pp. XXXIII.,

Royal Decree relating to the application of §5, paragraph 2, of the Act of
July 17th, 1905. Sunday rest. April 15th, pp. XXIV., 218.
Royal Decree. Classification of sulphate of magnesia factories. May 20th,
pp. XXXIV., 219.

Royal Decree. Sunday rest. Preserved vegetable factories: Persons pro-
tected by the Act of December 13th, 1889. Application of §9, paragraph 2,
of the Act of July 17th, 1905. May 27th, pp. XXIV., 219.

Royal Decree relating to the application of §5, paragraph 2, of the Act of
July 17th, 1905. Sunday rest. August 18th, pp. XXIV., 219.

Royal Decree. Sunday rest. Retail shops: Authorisations granted for the
year, 1907, in pursuance of 87 of the Act of July 17th, 1905. Novem-
ber 17th, pp. XLIX., .362.

Royal Order. Manufacture of phosphoric acid and of phosphates; classification. November 26th, pp. LXIV., 572.

Order relating to Sunday rest. April 17th, pp. XXVII., 297.


1905. Order relating to the enforcement of the Act regulating the organisation of handicrafts and corporations. July 23rd-August 5th, 1905, pp. XLVIII., 362.

CANADA (Manitoba).

1907. Resolution adopted by the Legislature of the Province of Manitoba, concerning Fair Wages Clauses in Government contracts. February 5th, pp. L., 391.

DENMARK. 1905. Notification relating to exceptions to the prohibition of work in factories, etc., on the Festivals of the National Church. February 1st, pp. XLIX., 369. 1906. Order extending the provisions of Act No. 54, dated April 1st, 1905, relating to the insurance of seamen against the consequences of accidents arising in the shipping industry, to ships belonging to the State in the service of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of Water Works, if their gross registered tonnage amounts to 20 tons or more. January 9th, pp. LXVIII, 6.

Notification respecting exemptions from the prohibition of employment in factories, etc., on the Festivals of the National Church. January 22nd, PP. XII., 6.



Act to extend to other branches of navigation, etc., Act No. 71, dated April 3rd, 1900, relating to the accident insurance of Danish fishermen. March 30th, pp. LXVIII, 370.

Act regulating the compulsory notification by medical practitioners of accidents in agriculture and forestry. April 4th, pp. XII., 6.

Order to bring into force in the Faroe Islands Act No. 65, dated March 30th,
1906, relating to the extension to other branches of the shipping industry,
etc., of Act No. 71, dated April 3rd, 1900, relating to the accident insurance
of Danish fishermen. August 10th, pp. LXVIII, 7.

Regulations for shoe factories, issued in pursuance of §8 of Act No. 71, dated
April 11th, 1901. December 3rd, pp. L., 371.

Act to regulate Aid Clubs. May 4th, 1907, p. 7.

Rules for lithographic and photographic undertakings and for other reproducing processes. May 31st, pp. LXIV., 573.

1905. Act relating to the insurance of French seamen against the risks and accidents of their calling. December 29th, p. 24.



Decree publishing the Convention signed at Paris, June 27th, 1906, between France and Luxemburg, relating to compensation for injuries resulting from industrial accidents. November 10th, pp. LXVIII., 32.

Decree containing public administrative regulations for the organisation and working of the Central Housing Council. January 10th, pp. XXXIX., 33Decree relating to the issue of sick pay to Arsenal workers not residing at home. January 14th, pp. LXVIII., 33.

Decree containing the public administrative regulations relating to the inclu-
sion of registered Colonial seamen within the scope of the Act of Decem-
ber 29th, 1905, which deals with the Insurance Fund for French Seamen.
January 17th, pp. LXVIII., 33.

Decree amending the Decree of December 8th, 1904, sanctioning the new tariff
of the National Accident Insurance Fund. January 17th, pp. LXVIII., 33.
Order of the Minister of Labour respecting Patronage Committees of Cheap
Dwellings. January 26th, pp. XXXIX., 33.

Circular of the Keeper of the Seals, touching the suspensory effect of appeals
to the Council of State against Prefectoral Orders refusing requests for
exemption from the law of Sunday rest. February 4th, pp. XXV., 222.
Circular addressed to the Prefects, concerning the subsidies allotted to Labour
Exchanges from Departmental Funds. February 14th, pp. LVII., 378.
Circular to the Prefects and Divisional Inspectors of Labour dealing with the
possibility of a simultaneous authorisation of the rotation system and of one
of the other exceptions contemplated under §2 of the Act of July 13th, 1906,
regulating Sunday rest. February 19th, pp. XXV., 222.

Letter from the Minister of Labour and Friendly Societies, relating to miners'
delegates who are licensed retailers of liquor. March 18th, pp. LVII., 378.
Act relating to Committees of Counsel. March 27th, pp. XXXIX., 223.
Letter on the duration of the period between two days of

27th, pp. XXV., 237.


Act relating to public meetings. March 28th, pp. XXVIII., 237.
Circular to the Attorneys-General attached to the Court of Appeal on the
repression of offences against the Act relating to weekly rest. March 29th,
pp. XXV., 238.

Circular addressed to the Prefects and Divisional Inspectors of Labour, touching
enforcement of the Act relating to the weekly day of rest. April 10th,
pp. XXV., 238.

Circular addressed by the Minister of Public Works, Posts and Telegraphs and
the Minister of Labour and Friendly Societies to the Prefects, defining
the separation of power between the two Ministers, relating to the enforce-
ment of laws in mines and quarries. April 12th, pp. XXXIX., 243.
Order of the Minister of Public Works, touching safety apparatus to be main-
tained in mines. April 15th, pp. LVI., 378.

Letter of the Minister of War concerning the remuneration of the sappers of the
engineers employed during strikes in the upkeep of mines. April 16th,
pp. L., 380.

Act relating to the safety of the seagoing service and to the regulation of labour on board mercantile vessels. April 17th, pp. XXXVII., 246.

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