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Bail, in what cases constables of boroughs may take, 321.
Bail in error, in criminal cases, 438.

Bail, acknowledging, in the name of another, punishment,


Bailiff, cannot be keeper of a prison, 567; cannot have licence
for an alehouse, 24, or beer shop, 45.

Baiting a bull, bear, badger, dog, or other animal, keeping a
house or ground for, punishment, 247, conviction, 247 ;—
baiting, or running for the purpose of baiting, a bull upon
or near a highway, 656.

Bakers, 206, 219.

See "Bread and Flour."

Baking on Sunday, what allowed, and within what hours,

212, 224.

Bank of England, entries in the books of, how proved, 448.
Bank of England notes or post bills, forgery of, punishment,

477, 484, commitment, 481; buying or having such notes
or bills, or blank bank notes, punishment, 484;—making,
having or using plates for such notes, or disposing of, or
having paper with blank bank notes printed thereon,
punishment, 485; making paper or moulds for forged
bank notes, 484.

Bank of England, stock transferable at, forging or uttering any
transfer of, or power of attorney to transfer or receive
dividends upon, punishment, 488; personating the owner
of such stock, and receiving the money, punishment,
489; personating such owner, and endeavouring to
transfer, &c., punishment, 489; making false entries, or
falsifying the entries in the bank books as to such stock,
or transferring stock in the name of one who is not the
owner, punishment, 490.
Banker, applying to his own use money or securities entrusted
to him for a special purpose, punishment, 14, 17, commit-
ment, 15;-selling or disposing of any chattel, security
or power of attorney as to stock entrusted to him for safe
custody or for a special purpose, punishment, 15, commit-
ment, 16. In what cases not punishable, 17.
Banker's cheque, forging, 478.

Bankers' notes, making, using or having plates for them,
or disposing of or having paper for them, punishment,

Bankers' receipts for deposits, forgery of, punishment, 478.
Banks of highways, digging or cutting down, penalty, 655.
Bankrupt, frauds by, 158: not surrendering within the time

limited, punishment, 158, commitment, 158;-not dis-
covering all his estate, and all books, papers, &c., punish-
ment, 159, commitment, 159;—not delivering up all his
goods, books, &c., upon his examination, punishment,
159, commitment, 159;-concealing or embezzling to
the value of 107., punishment, 159, commitment, 160.
Bankruptcy, proceedings in, proof of, 448.

Baptism, registers of, how proved, 448;-inserting false en-
tries in them, or forging or altering them, or uttering
such entry or a copy of it, punishment, 491;-making
false entries in the register sent to the registrar of the
diocese, punishment, 492.

Barge, carrying gunpowder, how to be loaded, 598; not to
have charcoal or fire on board, 599.

Barking, magazines for powder at, not affected by the statutes
relating to gunpowder, 594.

Barm, a victual, within the statute as to hawkers, 603.
Barn, setting fire to, punishment, 239, commitment, 240.
Barn, tumultuously demolishing by rioters, remedy against the
hundred for, 728. See "Hundred."

Baron and Feme, 733.

See "Husband and Wife."

Barratry, what, and its punishment, 160.

Barristers, not liable to serve as constables, 310;-not obliged
to disclose the confidential communications of their
clients, 452.

Barrels for gunpowder, how to be made and secured, 598.
Bastard, 160:

1. Who, and proof thereof, 161: the child of an unmarried
woman or widow, 161;-of a married woman, in what
cases, 161-of a woman divorced, 162. How proved,


2. Settlement of bastards, 163:-of those born before 14th
August, 1834, p. 163;-those born since, 164.

3. Who liable to maintain them, 164;—those born since 14th
August, 1834, p. 164;-those born before, 165,-if the
mother marry, the husband, shall maintain them, until
16, or the mother's death, 165.

4. Order of filiation, 165:

1. Statutes upon the subject, 165: formerly, 18 El. c. 3.
7 Jas. 1, c. 3. 6 G. 2, c. 31. 4 & 5 W. 4, c. 76, and
2 & 3 Vict. c. 85; now, 7 & 8 Vict. c. 101, ss. 1—11,
and 8 & 9 Vict. c. 10, p. 165, &c.

2. Application and order, 175:-in what cases, and by
whom, 176; when, 176; the application, and to what
justices, 176, information and application, 177, the like,
after a year, 177; the woman's deposition upon oath,
178, and form of it, 178, the summons, 178, and form
of it, 179, 180; witnesses, how compelled to attend,
181; form of summons, 182, form of warrant, 182;
hearing and order, 183; form of order, where the summons
was before birth, 184, the like where the summons was
after birth, 185; to whom the money shall be paid, 188.
3. Order, how enforced, 189: depositions as to arrears,
and warrant, 189, form of the information, 190, of the
warrant, 191; warrant of distress, 194, and form of it,
195, and form of recognizance, 197; warrant of com-
mitment for want of distress, 197, and form of it, 198,


and the like where it is admitted there is no distress, 200.
Appointment of guardian, in case of death, insanity,
&c. of mother, 192, form of it, 192.

4. Appeal, 201, form of notice, 202, and of the recogni-
zance, 203; the mother a competent witness, 203; ap-
pellant may abandon his appeal, 203.

5. Punishment of the mother, 204.

6. Improperly promoting marriage between the parties,
misdemeanor, 204.

Bastard, putative father of, not to be prosecuted for child
stealing, for taking his child, 258.

Baths, to be provided in prisons, 563.
Battery, what, 134; commitment, 135.

Battle powder and powder mills, not within the statutes re-
lating to gunpowder, 595.

Bawdy house, 422. See "Disorderly House."

Beach, when not to be used in the repair of roads, 637.
Bear baiting or fighting, keeping pits or ground for, penalty,
247, conviction, 247.

Beating, murder by, commitment for, 718, and see 712.
Bedding in prisons, rule as to, 571.

Beer shops, 43:

1. The licence, 44, 50:-who may be licensed, 44, to sell
beer, porter, and ale, 44, cider and perry, 47; certificate,
in what cases, 45; making or using false certificate, 46.
Licence, how granted, 47; in what cases void, 47; how
continued on death, 48.

2. Penalties, 48: not having painted board over door, 48,
conviction, 48; selling beer, cider or perry without licence,
49; owner of beer shop selling or having wine or spirits,
&c., 50, conviction, 50, excise officers may search, 50;
selling by other than standard measure, 51, conviction,
52; permitting drunkenness in house, or committing
offence against licence, 52, conviction, 52; not producing
licence if required, 54, conviction, 55; adulterating beer,
&c., 55, conviction, 56; keeping beer shops open at
unauthorized hours, 56, conviction, 56; refusing to
admit the constable, 57, conviction, 57. Penalties how
recovered and applied, 58. Conviction, 60. Proceedings
against sureties, 61; order and adjudication, 61. Appeal,
62; costs, 64; witnesses, 64; defects in form, no certio-
rari, &c., 65. Saving as to the Cinque Ports, 65. To
whom the Act shall not extend, 65. Interpretation clause,
66. Actions against justices, 66. Provisions, &c., of

1 W. 4, c. 64, extended to 4 & 5 W. 4, c. 85, p. 67.
Beer, not to be admitted in gaols, 571.

Benefactions and bequests for prisoners, by whom applied,

Best evidence to be produced, rule as to, 446.

Betting at play, and winning by fraud, punishment, 546, com-
mitment, 546;-betting at games of chance in the street
or highway, punishment, 546.

Bigamy, 205: what, and its punishment, 205; in what cases
not punishable, 205; where tried, 205; evidence, 205,
commitment, 206..

Bill in equity, how proved, 448.

Bill of Exchange, forgery of, 477..

Bills of bankers, making, using or having plates for, or utter-
ing paper on which such bills are printed, punishment,
487; the like as to the bills of foreign banks, 488.
Bill of lading, factor pledging for his own benefit, without
authority of his principal, punishment, 16, commitment, 16.
Billiard tables or bagatelle boards, public, licence to keep, 551,
form of the licence, 552; keeping, without licence, pe-
nalty, 552; offences against tenor of the licence, 553;
not to allow play at certain times, penalty, 554; con-
stable to visit licensed houses, 554; conviction, certiorari,
555; distress warrant, 555; appeal, 555.

Binding over party to prosecute, and witness to give evidence,
by justices, 295; how, 295: form of the recognizance to
prosecute, 296,-of the recognizance to give evidence, 296.
The like by a coroner, 388.

Birth of a child, concealing, punishment, 304; commitment,
306; costs of prosecution, 306.

Birth, making false entries of, in the register, or giving false
certificate or copy of register, punishment, 491.

Black game, season for killing it, 520; killing it out of season,
penalty, 520, conviction, 521. Black game, within stat.
9 G. 4, c. 69, against night poaching, 529.

Blacksmith's shop near a turnpike road, shutters to be shut at
twilight, 698.

Blank bank note or bill, forged, purchasing, receiving or
having, 484;-making, using or having plates, for them,
485;-offering or disposing of paper on which they are
printed, 486.

Blasphemy and profaneness, 206: blasphemies against God,
profane scoffing at the holy scriptures, writing against
Christianity, &c., how punishable, 206; commitment, 206.
Board, for the repair of highways in large parishes, 615.
Boat for carrying gunpowder, how to be loaded, &c., 598; no
fire to be on board, 599.


1. Burial of dead bodies cast on shore, 416: not giving
notice to overseer of a dead body being cast on shore,
penalty, 416, conviction, 416;-overseer, on notice, not
burying the body, penalty, 417, conviction, 417. Pro-
ceedings for penalties, 418; expenses to be paid by over-

Bodies continued.

seer, and he reimbursed by order of a justice on the
treasurer of the county, 418.

2. Disinterment of dead bodies, 418: in what cases punish-
able, 418, commitment, 418.

3. Dead bodies for dissection, 419: schools of anatomy regu-
lated, 419; licence to practise anatomy, 419; inspectors
appointed, 419; regulations as to subjects for anatomical
examination, 419, 420.

Bond, forging, punishment, 482;-bond on obtaining letters
of administration, forging, punishment, 483;—India bond,
forging, punishment, 477.

Bonfire, making, near a turnpike road, punishment, 457, 698.
Books of corporations and certain public companies, entries
in, how proved, 448.

Books of the bank, &c., relating to the funds or stock, making
false entries in or falsifying them, punishment, 490.
Booth, placing on the highway, penalty, 656.

Borough, meetings for granting ale licences in, 19.

Borough, constables in, 320; how appointed and sworn, 320;
where and how they shall act, 321; in what cases they
may take bail, 321; penalty for neglect of duty, 322, con-
viction, 322; assaulting them in the execution of their
duty, 322, conviction, 323;-their wages, expenses, &c.,
323. Special constables in boroughs, 354.

Borough, coroner in, how appointed, 386; his fees, 391. See

Borough, gaol and house of correction in, 589: council to

have the same power as the sessions in counties, 589;
rules to be approved of by two justices, 589; and the gaol,
&c., regulated by them, 589; chaplain, by whom ap-
pointed, 589; council not to be concerned in contracts
for the gaol, &c., 590; gaol, &c. to be deemed within the
borough, 590. Contracts to keep the borough prisoners
in the gaols of neighbouring counties or boroughs, 590.
Expenses of borough gaol, &c., to be paid out of the
borough rate, 410.

Boroughs, manufacturers may sell their wares in, without
hawker's licence, 602, 603.

Borough rate, 410-for what purposes, 410; in what cases
and how made, 411;-how levied, &c., 411; how, where
part of a parish only is within the borough, 412.
Boundaries of counties, ridings, &c., when and how ascer-
tained, 403.

Breach of the peace, provoking to, punishment, 257; com-
mitment, 257.

Bread, 206:

1. Regulations within the bills of mortality, 206: bread, of

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