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sheep be marked with S, 301; form of it, 302; in what
cases sheep to be sold, 302. Owners to mark their sheep,
otherwise penalty, 302; convictim, 302. Proceedings for
penalties, 303; conviction, 303. Appeal, &c., 303.

Commons, materials for making or repairing highways, when
to be taken from, 638.

Common, right of, persons merely having, not entitled to the
game, 507,

Commons, House of, their proceedings how proved, 448,
Common assault and battery, 133: what, 133; commitment,
135; summary conviction for it, 135. Bee " Assault"
Common bawdy house, 422. Bee Disorderly House
Common gaol. Nee" Commitment," "Gaol,"

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Common, tenant in, may be guilty of a forcible entry, 465,
Common gaming house, keeping, punishment, 547; commit
ment, 547, See "Gaming House,"

Comparison of hand-writing, not allowed as evidence of hand
writing, 449,

Competency of witness, 450, 467, 734, 203,

Complaints by masters of their apprentices, 114;-by appren-
tices of their masters, 119, Ree" Apprentice,”
Composition for highway rates, 624.

Compounding felony, &c., 303: compounding felony, punish-
ment, 303;-compounding a penal action, punishment,
304;-taking reward for helping to stolen goods, (unless
the offender be brought to trial), punishment, 304; com>
mitment, 304.

Concealing property by bankrupt, punishment, 159; commit -
ment, 160,

Concealing the birth of a child, 304; punishment, 305; com
mitment, 306; what a concealment, 305; costs of the
prosecution allowed, 306,

Concealing goods, to avoid a distress for rent, penalty, 426,
427; order adjudicating it, 428; appeal, 429.

Confession of a prisoner, in what cases received in evidence,
292, 444; in what not, where it has been induced by a
promise of favour or threst, 292, or where taken upon
oath, 294; confession by one offender, not evidence against
his accomplice, 294; discovery in consequence of a con-
fession, evidence, 294,

Confession, statement of, in a conviction, 369; form of it,

Confirmation of the testimony of an accomplice, what re-
quired, 452.

Confirmatory evidence, upon bastardy application, 183.

Congregations for religious worship, disturbing or molesting

the preacher, punishment, 425; commitment, 426. Con-
gregations not allowed, until chapel registered and certi-
fied, 425.

Corces. See "Gome" Taking, by the proprietors of warrens
or inclosed grounds, or their tenants, does not require a
game certificate, sil.

Conservators of salmon fisheries, by whom appointed, 458;
and their duties, 458, &c.

Conspiracy, what, 306 : punishment, 306; commitment, 307;
how proved, 30%. Conspiracy cannot be by husband and
wife only, 307. Assault in pursuance of a conspiracy to
raise wages, punishment, 142, commitment, 142. Con-
viction of conspiracy,-formerly rendered the party in-
competent as a witness, 452.

Constables, 308.

1. Hirà constables, 309: how appointed, 308; their duty as
to the county rate, 308, 404, 406.

2. Petty constables, 309: who qualified, 309; who disquali-
Sed, 311. How chosen and sworn into office, 311; spe-
cial sessions, 312; precept to the overseers, 312; union
of parishes for the purpose, 312; lists and returns, 312;
appointment, 314; swearing in, 314; substitutes, 314;
ists of those appointed, 315; refusing to serve, 315;
vacancy by death, refusal to serve, &c., 315. Paid con-
stabies, 3:6: in what cases, 316; how appointed, 316;
salary, 316. Power and duties of constables, 317: their
duties, 317; within what district, 317; lock-up houses,
317; their fees, allowances, &c., 318. Actions against
them, 319. Recovery of penalties, 320; penalties how
evied, 320; application of penalties, 320. Interpretation
clause, 320.

3. Constabies in boroughs, 320: how appointed and sworn,
320; where and how they shall act, 321; in what cases
they may take bail, 321; penalty for neglect of duty, 322,
conviction, 322; assaulting them in the execution of their
duty, 322, comriction, 323; their wages, expenses, &c.,
323, paid out of the borough rate, 411.

4. County and district constables, 323:-in what cases ap-
pointed, 323; police districts, 325; appointment of chief
constable, 326, and deputy chief constable, 327; superin-
tendants, 327; appointment of the petty constables, 328;
how regulated, 329; station houses, 329; their exemp-
tion from toll, 330; their power and duties, 330; neglect
of duty, 331; publicans harbouring them, 331; their dis-
missal, 332; consolidation of borough and county police,
332; local constables, 334; proviso as to certain consta-
bles, 334; their pay, fees, &c., 337; their expenses, how
provided for, 338; superannuation fund, 341. Private
constables, 342. Notice of proceeding under this Act,


5. Constables on canals and navigable rivers, 343: their ap
pointment, 343; how and by whom paid, 344; their


power and duties, 344; neglect of duty, 345; their dis-
missal, 345; assaulting them, 346. Offences on such
canals, navigable rivers, &c., 346. Proceedings for penal-
ties, 347; conviction, 348; appeal, 348; actions against
constables, &c., 349.

6. Special constables, 349: in what cases and how appointed,
349; how sworn in, &c., 350; form of the oath, 350; re-
fusing to take the oath, penalty, 350, conviction, 351; or
refusing to attend to do so, penalty, 351, conviction, 351;
where and how they may act, 352; orders and regulations
for them, 352; their service, when and how determined,
352; refusing to serve, or disobeying orders, penalty,
352, conviction, 352; their allowance and expenses, 353;
assaulting or resisting them, penalty, 142, 353, conviction,
142, 354, Proceedings for penalties, 354. Special con-

stables in boroughs, 354,
Constable, his duty, in case of an affray, 14;-in summoning
petty sessions to appoint the meeting for licensing ale-
houses, 20; in prosecuting ale house and beer shop
keepers for certain offences, 36, 63; in prosecuting keep-
ers of disorderly houses, 423, or gaming houses, 423,
547;--in apprehending offenders, under a warrant, 127,
or without one, 128, either on a direct charge, 129, or on
suspicion, 129; in executing warrants of distress, 379,
form of his return thereto, 381;-in summoning a coro-
ner's jury for an inquest, 387;-in making returns, for
the purpose of assessing the county rate, 396 ;-in levying
the county rate, 405; in apprehending persons hawking
without licence, &c., 607;-in levying hue and cry,

Constable, assaulting him in the execution of his duty, punish-
ment, 139, commitment, 140;-assaulting him in his
duty, in case of wreck, punishment, 139, commitment,
139;-killing him in the execution of his duty, murder,
712;-killing by constable, 713.

Constable, allowing prisoner to escape, punishment, 441, com-
mitment, 441.

Constable, how proved to be so, 445.

Contagious diseases in prisons, prisoners in what cases to be
removed, 585, 586.

Contra pacem, or contra formam statuti, in indictments, how
aided if defective, 420,

Contraband goods: hawkers not to deal in them, 605.

Contracts by justices, for repair of bridges, 232, 233; for building

or repairing gaols, 558, 559.

Contracts of surveyors of highways, for materials to repair
the roads, 639.

Conviction, 355.

1. The information, 356; in what cases in writing, 356.
Information by common informer, 356, must state the
name of the informer, 356, the time it is lodged, 356, the
place where the offence was committed, 357, and the facts
and circumstances with certainty, 357; it must be ex-
hibited within a certain time, 358, and by the informer in
person, 358; form of it, 358; form, where for more than
one offence, 359; one justice may receive it, and grant a
summons or warrant upon it, 359.

2. The summons or warrant, 359; summons in what cases,
359; to whom directed, and what it shall state, 360; by
whom granted, 360; form of it, 360; when and how
served, 360. Warrant, 361; in what cases, 361; form of
it, 361; not returnable at any particular time, 362.
3. Proceedings at the hearing, 362: before what justices,
362; defendant may have counsel or attorney, 362;
appearance or default of defendant, 362; effect of ap-
pearance, 363; evidence, 363; attendance of witnesses,
363, 453; informer when incompetent, 364; adjournment
of the hearing, 364; conviction, 364; adjudication, 364;
costs, 365. Costs how recovered, where they are not
given by the statute creating the offence, 365; form of
awarding costs, 366, of warrant of distress, 366, con-
stable's return, 366, and commitment in default of distress,

4. The conviction, 368: how framed, 368; statement of the
information, 368, summons and appearance, 369, evidence,
369, conviction, 370, adjudication, &c., 371; it must be
dated, 371. It must be returned to the sessions, 371;-
and it may be returned in a more regular form than
at first drawn up, 70, 371. Defendant may have a copy,
372. Form of the conviction where none is given by statute,
372-where the defendant appears and pleads not guilty,
or refuses to make a defence, 374, where he appears and
confesses, 375,-and where the defendant does not appear,

5. Warrant of distress or commitment, 376: by whom granted,
376; must be in writing, 376; and must be conformable
with the conviction, 377. Commitment where the punish-
ment is by imprisonment, 377,-commitment in default of
immediate payment of a penalty, 377,-commitment in
default of payment of a penalty within a limited time, 378.
Where a warrant of distress issues, the justice may commit
the defendant until it be returned, unless he give security
for his appearance, 379; or if it appear that he has no
goods, or no sufficient goods, or where a distress would
be ruinous to him, he may be committed without issu-


ing it, 379, 380. Form of a warrant of distress, 381, con-
stable's return thereto, 381; commitment for want of dis-
tress, 382.

6. Convictions, how reviewed, 383: by appeal, 383, form of
notice of appeal, 384; by certiorari, &c., 385, in what
cases, 385, 251; they cannot be amended, but they may
be returned to sessions in a more formal manner than at
first drawn, 385, 71. If the commitment be bad, the de-
fendant may be discharged on habeas, 385.-By action
against the justices, 385. A writ of error does not lie,

Conviction, how proved, 447, 448.

Coopers, when not within the Act as to hawkers, 603.
Copies of depositions, prisoner's right to have, 297.
Copper coin, counterfeiting, punishment, 272.

Coppice, setting fire to, punishment, 241, commitment, 241.
Copy of conviction, defendant may have, 372.

Corn, stacks of, setting fire to, punishment, 241, commitment,
241-crops of, setting fire to, punishment, 241, commit.
ment, 241.

Corn, assault to prevent the free sale or conveyance of, punish-
ment, 142, conviction, 142.

Corn in the straw, when exempted from toll on a turnpike
road, 685.

Corning house, what quantity of gunpowder may be kept in,


Coronatore eligendo, writ de, in what cases, 386, 392.

Coronatore exonerando, writ de, in what cases, 392.
Coroner, 386:

1. How chosen, 386: in counties, 386; in boroughs, 386.
His deputy, 386.

2. Inquisitions by him, 387: in what cases, 387; how, 387;
jurors before him, and how punishable for non-attendance,
387; prisoners not to be jurors, 585; medical witnesses,
388, post mortem examinations, and analysis of the con-
tents of the stomach, &c., 389; fees of medical witnesses,
389; inquisition, to be engrossed and signed, 389. Co-
roner's warrant for murder or manslaughter, 389. Felo
de se, 389. Deodand, 390.

3. Coroners' fees, 390: what fees and how paid, in counties,
390, 394, in boroughs, 391.

4. Neglect of duty, &c., by coroners, 391.

Corporations, when liable to maintain bridges, 232;-when
liable to repair highways, 628.

Corporations, entries in books of, how proved, 448.

Corporations. See "Borough," "Constable," " Coroner."
Correction, homicide by, in what cases murder, manslaughter,
or excusable, 715.


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