ANNULMENT―continued. property to vest in such person as Court appoints, or revert to consequences of, 102, 103. claim barred by Statute of Limitations during bankruptcy continues barred after, 103. time for appeal from refusal of, 103. order of, 416. APPEAL, to Court of Appeal by any person aggrieved, 309. from County Court to Court of Appeal, 309. from High Court to Court of Appeal, 309. by leave of Court of Appeal, to House of Lords, 309. in interpleader, whether any, quære, 310. new or inconsistent case must not be raised on, 311. rules as to appeals to Court of Appeal, 312—315, 404. restrictions on, to Court of Appeal, 404. from Board of Trade to High Court, 337. from official receiver to Court, 376. from trustee to Court, 290. costs of, to Court of Appeal, 313. security for costs, 405. notice of, time for delivery of, 405. time for, to Court of Appeal, twenty-one days, 404. to Court from Board of Trade or official receiver, twenty-one from rejection of proof by trustee, twenty-one days, 418. from Board of Trade must be heard in Court, 380. against rejection, &c. of a proof, where proof exceeds 2007. must be heard in Court, 381. lessor cannot, after disclaimer executed, 257. entry of, 314. cross appeal, 313. appeal no stay of execution or proceedings unless so ordered, 315, APPLICATION, to Court to be by motion, 386. notice of, and service, 387. by trustee for directions, 289, 290. by official receiver to Court, and for directions, 434. APPLICATION-continued. what will be heard in Court, 380. ex parte, and on notice, 386, 387. for leave to serve short notice of motion, ex parte, 387. See AFFIDAVITS. APPRENTICE, preferential claim of, 155, 156. APPROPRIATION, specific, 169-176. of property in hands of appropriatee, 170. of property in hands of agent of bankrupt, 170. contract for, 171. what does not constitute an equitable assignment, 171. a cheque is not an, 172. where no antecedent contract for, 172. of property in the possession of the bankrupt, 173. rule in Ex p. Waring, 173-176, whether rule applies where property appropriated insufficient See PROPERTY. ARBITRATION, power of trustee to refer disputes to, with leave of committee of effect of submission to, without such sanction, 267. position of trustee where bankruptcy happens before award, 267. scheme of, power to creditors to accept, 55, 68. See COMPOSITION. ARREST, of debtor under certain circumstances, 74, 75, 541. payment or composition or security given after such arrest a fraudu action for malicious, 76. ASSIGNMENT, of debtor's property when an act of bankruptcy, 6 et seq. See ACT OF fraudulent, 231. See FRAUDULENT PREFERENCE. equitable, 171 et seq. of after-acquired property void except as against grantor, 215, 218. by trustee of lease to a pauper relieves him of liability, 254, 261. ATTACHMENT OF DEBT, when it makes creditor secured, 219. creditor must complete, by receipt of debt before receiving order and AUCTION, sale for more than 207. including expenses to be by public, 223, 341. trustee may sell bankrupt's property by, 261. AUCTIONEER, scale of costs to, 586. where contract for higher percentage than that in scale, 395. AUDIENCE, existing rights of, saved, 343. AUDIT, by Board of Trade of special manager's accounts, 50. of official receiver's accounts, 276. of trustee's accounts, 282. by direction of Treasury of Board of Trade's accounts, 334. AVAILABLE, act of bankruptcy, definition of, 352. AWARD, before bankruptcy, proof on, allowed, 109. effect of, where committee of inspection have not sanctioned arbitra- position of trustee where bankruptcy happens before, 267. BANK, authority by Board of Trade on application by committee of inspec- liability of trustee retaining more than 507., 280, 281. BANKER, trust money in hands of, when it may be followed, 166. cheque on, does not amount to an equitable assignment, 172. short bills, position of, with regard to, 177. money paid to, for specific purpose, 178. lien of, 179. not delivering up property of bankrupt guilty of contempt of Court, BANKRUPT, who may and may not be made, alien and foreigner, 3, 33, 34. infant, 4. married woman, 4. husband for debts of wife dum sola, 5. lunatic, 5, 342. clergyman, 6. companies, 6. partners, 6, 25, 312, 424. convict, 6. debtor must be domiciled in England, or within a year before pre- must aid in realization of his property, 78. discharge of, 81. See DISCHARGE. after-acquired property of, conditions as to, 83. conduct of, 83. undischarged, obtaining credit, guilty of a misdemeanor, 98. second bankruptcy of undischarged, 189. management of business by, with sanction of committee of inspec trade may be carried on by, 270, 271. rights of subsequent creditors, 271. allowance to, 271. books, deeds, documents of, trustee to take possession of, 244. goods in reputed ownership of, pass to trustee, 195 et seq. order to pay to trustee salary or income of, 248. See personal earnings of, after commencement of bankruptcy, 186, 187. right of, to surplus, 271. may apply to Court to confirm, reverse, or modify trustee's decision, sale of his property may be to, 263. joint contractor with, 320. BANKRUPT-continued. inspection of trustee's accounts by, 283. vacates seat in House of Commons, 99. BANKRUPTCY, acts of, 6. See ACT OF BANKRUPTCY. or liquidation existing under Act of 1869..348, 355. small, 324. See SMALL BANKRUPTCY. does not revoke devise of real property, 272. proceedings in, not invalidated by formal defects, 339, 438. on voluntary settlements, 224, 225. bond fide transactions without notice not invalidated by, 239. foreign, effect of proving under, 121, 373. BANKRUPTCY DISQUALIFICATION ACT, rest repealed, 377. BANKRUPTCY ESTATES ACCOUNT, payments to be made into and out of, 279, 280. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE, non-compliance with, an act of bankruptcy, 24. See ACT OF BANK- RUPTCY. may be served where creditor has obtained final judgment, execution against partnership, 25. debtor must within seven days of service, if service made in England, or if not, within time allowed, comply with notice or satisfy the by filing an affidavit which operates as an application to set aside rules as to, 406, 407. no receiving order till after notice to set aside heard or during a stay setting aside, 407. apparently substituted for debtor's summons, 24. whether it may be served by person on whom the judgment has W.B. X X |