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tinents and islands, whether kindred or

and those acknowledgments convey. ed in the language of their hearts, and written in their tears, is a felicity which no words can adequately express.

ed by its example, acting in harmony ||es, repleat with expressions of the with it, and several have been aided by most genuine pathos. It appears imits funds. In addition to these regular possible for persons not enslaved by and organized bodies, the Society has prejudice, or destitute of Christian correspondents both among the clergy sensibility, to read, without emotion, and the laity, in different parts of the the foreign communications which enworld, actively engaged in promoting rich the Society's Annual Reports.— its designs, by dispersing, at its ex-To receive acknowledgments for the pense, the sacred oracles of divine best of all gifts, from persons of every truth, "to men of every nation under language and communion, on conheaven." In the short compass of eight years,* || aliens,bond or free, friends, or enemies; it has issued more than 870,000 copies of the scriptures, independently of those which have been printed under its auspices, without the limits of the United Kingdom. In ENGLAND it has After presenting this sketch of the printed the Scriptures, or parts there- Institution, a formal appeal, on its beof, at its own expense, in the English, half, to the liberality of the public, Welsh, Gaelic, Irish, Manks, French, would be superfluous. It has already Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch,|| expended, in the course of nine years, Danish, German, Antient, and modern more than $803,888 in promoting its Greek, Esquimaux, and Mohawk lan- object; and at the last Annual Audit, guages. In EUROPE it has largely aid- the Society were under engagements, ed the printing of them in the Germ- amounting to about $155,555. When an, Bohemian, Polish, Icelandic, Swe- these circumstances are considered, in dish, Turkish, Laponese, Lithunian, connexion with the general merits of French, Romanese, Italian, Calmuc, the Society, the inhabitants of the UniEsthonian, and Livonian, languages.ted Kingdom can want no additional In ASIA it has promoted, by liberal and repeated contributions, the translation and publication of them in Hindostanee, Bengalee, Persian, Arabic, Mahratta, Malayalim, Sanscrit, Chinese, Telinga, Tamul, Mala, Orissa, Seek, Burman, Carnatica, and several other dialects. The result of these operations has been, that many countries, remotely distant from each other, and An English merchant at Dantzick, from the parent source of supply, have was invited to dine at a Convent with already been furnished with copies of some Nuns; the entertainment was the Scriptures in their respective lan-rich, and all things served up in the guages; and means have been provid-highest taste. After he had dined, and ed for insuring, under the auspices of Divine Providence, a diffusion of the same blessing among those nations on which the sun of revelation has never yet risen.

The impressions made by this catholic Institution on the objects of its kindness both at home and aboard, have manifested themselves in addres

* The Society was not prepared with Bbles and Testaments for circulation till 18 mouths after its institution.

motive to stimulate their exertions in promoting both by personal contribution, and local association, the permanent interests of an Institution, which promises, if liberally and extensively supported, to become a BLESSING TO THE WHOLE EARTH.


viewed the Convent, and its accom modations, the merchant commended their pleasant mode of living, yea, sir, said one of the friars, to him, we live gallantly indeed, had we any body to go to hell for us when we die.

Richard Rogers, said to him, "I esteem you, A certain gentleman, in company with Mr. and love your company very well, bey you are so PRECISE." "O sir, (replied Mr. Røgers) I serve a precise God."





No. 3.

regenerate haughty kings; but was de

For the Utica Christian Magazine.

INSTRUCTION FROM THE BOOK OF signed rather to teach us how perfectly


Continued from page 41.

he controlled and managed them. Its meaning is illustrated by the history before us. Ahasuerus was a great king,

Haman requested that all the Jews might be destroyed, because one of the nation would not make obeisance to him. The king, it seems readily, consented to Haman's request. A decree fatal to the nation was passed, which had received the royal signature, and according to a fixed law in that kingdom it could not be altered. But the king's heart was in the hand of the Lord, and he turned it as it pleased him. He brought him, within a few weeks, to give his royal approbation to another decree, which was entirely subversive of the first.

V. THIS book reflects clear light up-and Haman was his greatest favorite. on that very important and comfortable text contained in Prov. xxi, 1, The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. This does not mean, that the hearts of kings, to the exclusion of other men, are in the hand of the Lord: but it is meant to convey the idea, that even the hearts of kings, || (great and independent as they appeared,) were entirely in the hand of the Lord, and were turned at his pleasure, as much as the rivers of water. One river runs in one direction, and another river runs in another direction; and gome rivers in their course have vari- If God could frustrate the laws of ous windings, so as to run in almost all the Medes and Persians;-if he could directions: but all these different di- turn the heart of this great monarch;→ rections, and various windings, are just whose heart is there that he cannot as the Creator would have them. If turn? Men may tell what they will do, the rivers have cut new channels, and and what they will not do; but they taken different courses since they were do not know what they will do. God created, still it is true that they are turn-holds them in his hand; and he can do ed at the pleasure of HIM, who made and governs all his creatures and all their actions. Kings and other men are rational beings and act from motive, but the Lord governs their hearts as completely, and with as much ease as he turns the rivers of water. The Lord can not only turn the heart of a king by special grace, as he did the heart of Manasseh; but he can turn the heart of a king, who remains graceless, so that instead of hurting, he shall help, his people. The text now in view did not mean to confine our attention to this truth, that the Lord has power to F VL. 2

with them, and make them do, just
what he pleases. There are many de-
vices in man's heart; nevertheless the
counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.-
Men may bind themselves under a
great curse, that they will not eat nor
drink until they have killed some one
of the Lord's servants, still they can-
not touch him, if the Lord do not deli-
ver him into their hand. Therefore
the Christian may say,

"I'll go and come;
"Nor fear to die,
"Till from on high
"Thou call me home."

It is matter of great consolation, that ||raordinary prayer and fasting: We God can so turn the hearts of wicked also learn the efficacy of such extraor→ men, that they shall not cross, but fulfil dinary humiliation and prayer. What his designs,even when he does not alter a time of distress that must have been, their character: But it is still more when Haman had obtained a decree, pleasing to know, that he can turn a to destroy, to kill and to cause to perheart of enmity into a heart of love.ish all Jews both young and old, little He can make a proud king to become children and women in one day. his submissive servant. A persecuting It had passed the seal of a king Saul was converted into a dear ser- whose laws could not be repealed. vant of Christ. To his name be as- What should the poor Jews do? On cribed the kingdom, POWER, and glory! earth there was no arm mighty enough VI. The history before us casts to save them from destruction: But much light upon that comfortable, they worshipped a God who stiles though to many mysterious, declara-himself King of kings; a God who dotion, Psal. 76, 10; Surely the wrath of eth according to his will in the army man shall praise thee; the remainder || of heaven, and among the inhabitants of wrath shalt thou restrain. The of the earth. Where else should they wrath of the two chamberlains, who go in this extremity but unto HIM; sought to assassinate king Ahasuerus, for he had never said unto the seed of praised God; and the remainder of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain? To him their wrath he restrained. The wrath they carried their complaint. Though and wickedness of Haman, and of Aha- || his name is not once mentioned in the suerus, praised God; that is, gave oc- book, yet how evidently is he exhibcasion for God to display his glory to ited to the eye of faith in this passage, greater advantage. But if they had chap. iv, verses 15, 16: "Then Esther fulfilled all their wicked purposes, they bade them return Mordecai this answer, would have eclipsed his glory; there-Go gather all the Jews that are present fore the remainder of their wrath and in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and wickedness was restrained. God has neither eat, nor drink three days, night always made use of all the wickedness nor day: Í also, and my maidens will of evil men, and of good men, to fur-fast likewise; and so will I go in unto ther the gospel and the interests of his the king which is not according to law; holy kingdom; and he has always re- and if I perish, I perish." strained and prevented that wicked- It is evident that the fast which ness which he saw would, if not pre- Esther enjoined on the Jews in Shuvented, be, on the whole, a real and shan and which she proposed to keep lasting injury to the general good.-herself was a religious fast, preparatoSin is a dreadful evil; but even this, the holy God will in every instance, make use of to promote good. Where he sees it coming in like a flood to overwhelm and destroy all good, he always lifts up a standard against it. The certainty that God will make all the wrath and impiety of men promote his glory, is a truth, which is needed to support us, in this day of the abounding of iniquity.

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ry to her petitioning the king for the salvation of her people. A religious fast is always accompanied with prayer, and was, no doubt, in the case before us; and prayer is made to God.

The efficacy of this so general humiliation and prayer, appears from the sequel of the story. "On that night,” says the sacred historian, "could not the king sleep."-What night?-The very night after this remarkable three VII. From the example of the peo- days fast had ended. Their cries had ple of God recorded in this book, we ascended to God-they had come up learn how suitable it is in times of ex-into his holy temple. He probably traordinary difficulty, and threatening appearances, to have recourse to ex- vince &c.

*See also verse 3: And in every pro

sent a messenger from the skies to thing in every man in the world. It is disturb the sleep of the Persian mon-expressly said of fallen men, that God arch, to awaken his conscience, and fashioneth their hearts alike. Therealso to suggest to him to call for thefore the scriptures speak of the fallen chronicles of the kingdom, that they race as being but one person, and as might be read in his hearing. The having but one heart. Solomon says, morning after this extraordinary and The heart of the sons of men is fully solemn fast, Mordecai was escorted set in them to do evil. Jeremiah says, through the street of the city, clad in The heart is deceitful &c. Paul says, The royal apparel, with Haman proclaim- carnal mind is enmity against God. ing before him, Thus shall it be done If this point is established in our minds, to the man whom the king delighteth that depraved human nature is substanto honor. In another part of the same tially the same in every man, we shall day, Haman, the Jews' enemy was be prepared to see, as in a glass, our hanged on a gallows fifty cubits high, own corruption, and the corruption of which he had prepared for Mordecai.our fellow men, while we attend to the Directly upon this the king's decree character of Haman. None of us against them is reversed, and their doubts of the pride and selfishness of mourning is turned into rejoicing. Is Haman's heart. It is clear that he was not here a remarkable answer to pray-perfectly selfish-that he was perfectly er ?-and to that prayer which was at- proud, To be perfectly selfish, is to tended with deep humiliation and fast-make ones self the supreme object, ing? And is not this written for our and the centre of all his actions. Perlearning and imitation? Is it not the fect selfishness would sacrifice the happrayer-hearing God, who still governs piness of millions, equal to himself in the world? And will not God hear and capacity for happiness, for the sake of avenge his own elect who cry day and his own gratification. Other beings are night unto him? Let his beloved Son not regarded at all, only as they tend to answer the question ;-“I tell you that || promote selfish enjoyment. The selfhe will avenge them speedily." Letfish creature, however mean and controubles, whether personal, domestic, temptible a part of the universe, has national, or ecclesiastical bring us up- it in his heart to exalt himself, not on our knees. Let not fasting be con- only above all creatures, but "above sidered as a part of the ceremonial law, all that is called God." It is evident which has long been abrogated. The that Haman was possessed of such selpresent night of darkness will not profishness, and such pride. By the des bably flee away, and the glorious day cree which he obtained against the of Zion's prosperity appear until there Jews, it was evident, that no number has been great mourning among chris-of lives was too great for him to sacritians, and fasting and weeping and fice at the shrine of self, It is also wailing; and until many have lain in evident, that his pride aspired at being sackcloth and ashes. supreme, and having universal homVII. An attention to this book, par-age paid to him. Although he honticularly to the description which it ored the king, it is evident, that it was gives of Haman, whose character only as means to exait himself. He holds a very conspicuous place, will manifestly aspired to regal honors, and give us an effecting view of the per- wished to be in his sovereign's place. fect pride and selfishness of the human This appears from the answer which heart. Let it be remembered, that he gave to the king's question, What Haman the son of Hammedatha, was shall be done unto the man whom the also a son of Adam. From Adam we king delighteth to honor? Let us not have all descended, and derived one indulge the thought, that Haman is a common nature. By one man sin en-solitary instance of this unreasonable tered into the word, and sin is the same pride and selfishness. Other instances

humbly with God, and seeks the honor which cometh from Him. He does not live upon the homage of his fellow men; but has more true comfort in

proud exaltation. If things take place which are crossing to his feelings, his happiness is not all destroyed; for he knows the Heavens do rule. But selfish men cannot be happy, without they can have every thing to their mind; and that never will be while their hearts remain selfish. God does not govern the world on the plan of promoting selfish, but general good; selfish men must therefore continual

are recorded in the bible, where men have manifested the same degree of pride and self love. Abimelech the son of Gideon slew seventy of his father's sons upon one stone, for this rea-humbling himself before God, than in son alone, that he might have no competitors in the government to which his ambition aspired. King Herod destroyed a multitude of infants, (against whom he could not pretend to bring an|| accusation) that he might make sure of the death of the son of Mary. Is it not evident, that the man who would do this, would dethrone the king of heaven, if this were in his power?" As in water, face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man." Such sel-ly be meeting with things to spoil all fishness and pride as this reigns in every unsanctified heart. In most men it has been more restrained, else we could not live together in the world: But God has, in wisdom, seen fit to take off the restraint, in a greater degree, from some of our fellow sinners, that they might more fully act out" Lord lift thou up the light of thy their hearts, so that it might be seen countenance upon us?" what is in man. In the history of such men as Haman, Abimelech and Herod, we are shown ourselves. To these the children of grace may look, and see what depravity they are saved from: To these the unconverted may look and learn what they now are.

their comfort. They are upon a wrong track; and it is impossible for them to find any true satisfactory enjoyment until they become humble and disinterested. They will always continue to say, "Who will show us any good?? until they learn to make the petition,


[To be continued.]


No. IX.

[Continued from page 51.]

VIII. From the case of Haman we not only learn, that men are naturally THAT We may be enabled to form proud and selfish; but we also learn a correct opinion of the venerable that pride and selfishness are calculat-founders of the New-England Coloed to keep them from being truly hap-nies, it is necessary for us to have a py. When Haman was covered with glory, after he had recounted all his prosperity to his wife and friends, he adds, Yet all this availeth me nothing, as long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king's gate. This is the way with selfish men:-There is always some Mordecai sitting at the king's gate, to mar their happiness. The man whose heart is right with God can be happy, if a thousand Mordecai's sit in the gate, and do not bow to him. He lives upon a good which is not so precarious. His heart is joined to the kingdom of God, a kingdom which cannot be moved. He walks

more distinct view of those individuals, whose virtues and services rendered them conspicuous, than can be taken from a general history of events. Though sensible that the task is arduous, and the subject worthy of the labors of the ablest Biographer, under the persuasion that some account of the characters of those great and good men, whom we love to denominate our forefathers, will be acceptable to the readers of the Magazine, the work will be attempted.

Of the early settlements of NewEngland, the colony of Plymouth, the. first in standing, led the way in the es

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