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Mr. Robert Johnson, Writ- Mr. John Rule, A. M. and


Master of the Academy,

Philip Jackson, Esq;

Great Hermitage-Street,

Mr. Richard Lane, Writ



Mr. William Smith, Writ

Mr. Jacob Lowe, Writing


Mr. John Parsons, Writing-Mafter.

ing-Mafter, Kew Green. Mr. William Thorley, Writing-Master.

Mr. Henry Quant, Writing-Mafter.

Mr. Amos Williams, Writing-Master.



Return you hearty Thanks for the Favour of your Names to this little Treatise: Let me crave your further Affistance in noting such real Errors as you may occafionally meet with, and you will still further oblige,

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I Have dipt into your Spelling-Book, and find it to what you intended it, an intelligible, useful Thing. I heartily wish you Success with it. I have not had Time to procure you many Recommendations; but have shewn it to the Reverend Mr. Letfome, (who is a great Gram marian) and he speaks very well of it. If my Name will give any Countenance to it, you are welcome to make Ufc of it.

I am, Sir,

Your very humble Servant,


St. Paul's Church-Yard, Jan. 24, 1756.

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Universal Spelling-Book.

WHEN genuine Merit claims the Muse's Praise,
The Bard enraptur'd tunes the grateful Lays;

Delighted fings, nor ever fings in vain,
As full convinc'd the wish'd Applause to gain.
Such Praise while you such noble Paths pursue,
Such juft Applaufe are to thy Labour due.
A glorious Tafk! The unexperienc'd Youth,
T' instruct in Virtue, and the Paths of Truth.
With artless Tales to warn their early Years,
To shun the present Ills, and future Cares;
To trace the Way, and all those Paths explore,
That lead to Learning's inexhaustless Store:
A Theme so Good, a Theme so truly Great,
That quite exalts, and makes the Work compleat.
To Dyche we owe a great, a noble Plan :
In Dilworth shines confeft the ingenious Man:
In both whate'er is useful, now we fee
Made perfect, and compleated full by Thee.
Thy skilful Hand the rugged Ore refines,
And Language still in more Perfection shines.
O may thy Precepts every Youth inflame,
With Thirst of Knowledge, and the Love of Fame :
And thus inflam'd conduct a glorious Plan,
Till virtuous Deeds confirm the honest Man.


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ABCDEFGHJKLPPDPNKSLUMXVZ. abcdefghij k l m n o p q r s s t v u w x y z





bcdfghjkl m n p q r fstvwxyz &

Double Letters.

A F M M G A b h fi fk n f m ft &.

N.B. I advise all Masters and Mistresses never to let a Child know there are two i's, or two u's, but let them learn the Child to call the long j [ja] and the sharp v [vee], for it is much better in every Respect.

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Proper Words of one Syllable, both natural and easy.

All am and are by do from go he him if in is it me my no not of off on or fo thy to too up us we you,


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