Mr. Robert Johnson, Writ- Mr. John Rule, A. M. and ing-Master. Master of the Academy, Philip Jackson, Esq; Great Hermitage-Street, Mr. Richard Lane, Writ Wapping. ing-Master. Mr. William Smith, Writ Mr. Jacob Lowe, Writing Master. Mr. John Parsons, Writing-Mafter. ing-Mafter, Kew Green. Mr. William Thorley, Writing-Master. Mr. Henry Quant, Writing-Mafter. Mr. Amos Williams, Writing-Master. To the RECOMMENDERS. Gentlemen, Return you hearty Thanks for the Favour of your Names to this little Treatise: Let me crave your further Affistance in noting such real Errors as you may occafionally meet with, and you will still further oblige, be I Have dipt into your Spelling-Book, and find it to what you intended it, an intelligible, useful Thing. I heartily wish you Success with it. I have not had Time to procure you many Recommendations; but have shewn it to the Reverend Mr. Letfome, (who is a great Gram marian) and he speaks very well of it. If my Name will give any Countenance to it, you are welcome to make Ufc of it. I am, Sir, Your very humble Servant, B. PEARCE. St. Paul's Church-Yard, Jan. 24, 1756. TO Mr. FENNING, ON HIS Universal Spelling-Book. WHEN genuine Merit claims the Muse's Praise, Delighted fings, nor ever fings in vain, HENRY DELL. ABCDEFGHJKLPPDPNKSLUMXVZ. abcdefghij k l m n o p q r s s t v u w x y z a Vowels. eiouy. Confonants. bcdfghjkl m n p q r fstvwxyz & Double Letters. A F M M G A b h fi fk n f m ft &. N.B. I advise all Masters and Mistresses never to let a Child know there are two i's, or two u's, but let them learn the Child to call the long j [ja] and the sharp v [vee], for it is much better in every Respect. |