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[blocks in formation]

Braced, joined together

[blocks in formation]

Entiré, whole

Equal, even

Brawny, finewy, also strong E'pic, heroic, stately

and lusty

Brumal, Winter-like

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Flagrant, manifeft

Florid, eloquent, flourishing

Fluent, eloquent in Speech

Foreign, outlandish

Civil, courteous, belonging to Fledged, covered with Feathers

Carnal, Aesby

Childish, Child-like

Churlish, ill-natured

[blocks in formation]

Dainty, over nice in Diet
Decent, becoming

Demúre, over mannerly

Devout, godly

Diréful, terrible, cursed

Disjunét, dif-joined

Divers, fundry, feveral

Diverse, different
Divine, heavenly
Dóleful, mournful
Dormant, useless, fleeping
Drowsy, sleepy heavy

Ductile, apt to draw out or

beat out

Forlorn, bopeless, forsaken

Fórmal, affected

Fragrant, of a sweet Smell

Frigid, cold

Frugal, thrift

Future, Time to come

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[blocks in formation]

Shallow, empty

Shameless, impudent

Shamefac'd, bashful

Shapen, formed

Sickly, unhealthy

Tácit, filent


Tainted, corrupted

Tardy, dull, flow, also guilty

Taunting, Scoffing

Simple, pure, unmixed, foolish Tawdry, foolishly gay

Sincére, honeft

Skittish, wanton

Slender, not thick

Smutty, filthy

Solar, belonging to the Sun

Solemn, done with Reverence

Solid, firm, lasting
Solvent, able

to pay

Sordid, mean, base
Speedy, hafty
Splendid, glorious

Sprightly, brisk, lively
Spungy, full of Holes
Squalid, foul, nasty

Squeamish, weak-ftomached

Stagnant, standing still like Wa


Stately, majestic

Steady, even

Stellar, ftarry

Steril, unfruitful

Tawny, brownish

Testy, peevish, churlish
Tinged, coloured

Torpid, benumbed, leepy

Torrid, hot, burning
Total, entire, the Whole
Toward, orderly
Transverse, across, athwart
Trépid, trembling

Triple, threefold
Trusty, faithful
Tumid, fwelling

Turgid, fwollen, puffed up

Vácant, void


Valid, binding, good in Law

Vapid, dead, flat

Venúft, beautiful

Vérbal, by Word of Mouth

Verdant, green

Vernal, belonging to the Spring

Vinous, having the Relish of


Stunted, hindred from growing Viscous, clammy

Stolid, foolish

Stubborn, obftinate

Stupid, dull, fenfeless

Sublime, high, lofty

Sturdy, refolute

Vital, of Life

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Subtle, crafty, also thin or fine Unwise, foolish

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Wóful, full of Woe
Woollen, made of Wool

Yearly, every Year




Verbs of two Syllables, accented and explained.

N. B. Those Words of two Syllables, that cannot be found here, look for in the two last Tables.

Verbs also should be wrote with a small Letter, except

at the Beginning of a Sentence, or after a full Stop.


Abáse, to bring down, to bum- Allay, to afswage


Abate, to diminish

Affront, to abuse

Alledge, to bring for Proof

Allure, to decoy or entice

A'mble, to pace

Ambush, to lay in wait
Amérce, to fine a Perfin

Abridge, to shorten, or make

Annex, to join together


Abet, to encourage

Abide, to continue

Abjure, to renounce


Abscond, to hide one's self
Absolve, to acquit
Absorb, to fwallow up
Abstain, to forbear, to cease
Absterge, to purge, or cleanse

Abstract, to separate
Accost, to approach
Accrue, to arise from
Accuse, to charge with Guilt
Acquit, to discharge

Addict, to give up one's self to,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Cemént, to join together, also

Strong Mortar
Cénsure, to condemn
Challenge, to bid Defiance
Chastise, to punish

Christen, to baptize or sprinkle Clatter, to make a Noise with the Feet, &c.

Cohére, to cleave to

Collect, to gather

Combat, to fight

Combine, to join together
Commend, to praise

Commit, to deliver


Cómmune, to discourse together

Compáre, to liken

Cómpass, to furround

Compél, to force

Compile, to heap or gather

Complain, to bewail or murmur

Complete, to perfect
Complore, to lament

Comport, to bebave, fute or agree with

Compose, to put together, or to

Compound, to mix together
Compress, to squeeze clofe
Comprise, to contain
Compute, to reckon
Conceal, to keep Secret
Concede, to yield unto
Concert, to contrive
Conclude, to finifo

Concur, to meet together, to

agree with
Condemn, to dislike or accuse
Condense, to thicken
Condole, to lament with

Conduce, to belp much
Confer, to bestow, compare
Confide, to trust in
Confine, to restrain
Confirm, to establish

Confórm, to comply with

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Contrive, to invent Controul, to contradict, to reftrain

Convene, to contract, or meet together

Converse, to talk together
Convert, to change
Convey, to make over
Convict, to prove guilty
Convoke, to call together
Convoy, to conduct
Corrade, to scrape together
Correct, to chastise
Corrode, to fret or gnaw
Corrupt, to debauch
Cóvet, to defire
Couple, to join together
Cozen, to theat

Curtail, to diminish


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