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Debár, to keep out or hinder
Debase, to bring down
Debate, to dispute
Debauch, to corrupt
Decant, to pour off
Decay, to grow worfe
Decease, to die
Decede, to depart from
Decide, to conclude a Matter
Declaim, to speak against
Decline, to refuse
Decoy, to entice

Decry, to speak ill off
Deduce, to draw from
Deduct, to take from
Deface, to spoil

Defame, to speak ill of
Defeat, to overthrow

Defend, to support or maintain

Defer, to put off

Define, to explain

[blocks in formation]

Descry, to difcern afar off
Design, to intend and purpose
Defilt, to leave off
Despoil, to strip or rob one
Despond, to despair

Detach, to dismiss or send away
Deter, to fright or discourage
Detect, to lay open or discover
Deteft, to abbor
Detract, to take from
Devest, to uncloath or deprive
Devote, to vow or fet apart
for an holy Use
Dictate, to tell another
Diffúse, to spread abroad
Digest, to dissolve Food in the

Stomach, also to dispose, and

Disband, to turn out of Service

Deflour, to ravish Deform, to disfigure Defraud, to cheat

Defray, to bear Expences

put in order

Defy, to challenge

Digress, to go from

Degrade, to disqualify or put out Dilate, to widen

of Office

Dilute, to make thin

Dehort, to diffuade

Difarm, to unweapon

Deject, to cast down

Delay, to put off

Delude, to deceive

[blocks in formation]

Disburse, to lay out

Discard, to discharge
Discern, to perceive
Disclaim, to disown
Disclose, to discover
Dispand, to stretch out
Dispel, to drive away

Dispense, to exempt or excuse, also to dispose of

Display, to unfold Dissect, to cut open Dissent, to disagree Distaste, to dislike

Dissuade, to advise to the con trary


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Eclipse, to darken Efface, to destroy

Effect, to perform
Eject, to cast out
Elate, to puff up
Elect, to choose or appoint
Elude, to shift or hun Danger
Embalm, to preserve a Corpse
Embark, to go on Ship-board
Emerge, to rise again or pop up

again, &c.
Emit, to fend forth
Emulge, to ftroak out
Enact, to decree
Enchant, to bewitch
Enclose, to include

Endear, to make beloved

Endure, to undergo, to continue Enforce, to constrain

Engage, to perfuade

Engraft, to improve a Tree by

putting in of other Branches


Engross, to get all to one's Enhance, to raise the Value Enroll, to put down in Writ


Entail, to make over

Entice, to tempt

Equip, to set forth
Erase, to blot out

Erect, to build

Essay, to attempt or undertake Evade, to shun, to put off

Evince, to prove

Exalt, to lift up
Excite, to ftir up
Exert, to put forth

Exhale, to breath or fteam out
Exhaust, to empty or confume
Exift, to have a Being

Expand, to ftretch out, to open

Expel, to drive out
Expend, to lay out
Expire, to die

Explode, to cry down
Export, to find over Sea
Expunge, to blot out
Extol, to cry up

Extort, to gain by Force
Extrude, to thrust out
Exult, to leap for Foy


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Impeach, to accuse
Impel, to force or drive forward
Impend, to hang over head
Implore, to beseech

Imply, to contain, to fignify
Imprint, to fix in the Mind

Impute, to afcribe
Incite, to provoke
Include, to take in

Incúr, to fall under

Indent, to cut on the Edges
Indict, to accufe

Indite, to compose

Indorse, to write on the Back

Infect, to corrupt or taint

Inject, to caft in

Insert, to put in

Inspect, to look into

Inspire, to prompt on

Instil, to infuse

Insure, to engage for

[blocks in formation]

Intrude, to thrust one's self into Pertain, to belong to

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Perfist, to hold on

Perfuade, to make believe

Pervert, to Seduce

Peruse, to read over

Pickle, to preserve

Pilfer, to fteal

Pillage, to plunder

Plunder, to rob
Polish, to make bright
Ponder, to confider
Porténd, to betoken

Portray, to paint in a lively


Postpone, to set behind, to put

off for another Time

Precede, to go before
Predict, to foretell
Prefix, to set before

Premise, to speak or treat of


Presage, to foretel Prescribe, to appoint

Present, to give

Preside, to rule over


Reflect, to think seriously, alfo

to speak evil of a Person.

Promulge, to publish or proclaim Refrain, to forbear

[blocks in formation]

Promote, to advance

Pronounce, to utter

Propense, inclinable


Propound, to propofe

Reform, to take up, to amend

Refresh, to receive

Refund, to pay back

Refute, to difprove

Prorogue, to put off, to prolong Regain, to get again

Protect, to defend

Protend, to stretch out

Protrude, to thrust forward

Púzzle, to confound


Qúibble, to equivocate

Quicken, to basten

[blocks in formation]

Regret, to lament or be forry

[blocks in formation]

Recoil, to fly back

Recount, to relate

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Réscue, to deliver

Redress, to reform

Refént, to be angry with

Redound, to abound over and Requite, to reward

Reduce, to restore, to bring to, Reserve, to lay up


Refel, to disprove or refute Refer, to direct to another Author, or submit to another's

Refine, to purify
Refit to fit out again

Refide, to abide Resign, to yield up Resist, to withstand Resort, to repair unta Respire, to breathe Respond, to answer Reftrain, to keep back


Retail, to fell out in small

Retain, to keep in Memory
Retard, to keep back, to binder
Retire, to withdraw
Retort, to twist, or turn back
Retract, to revoke, or draw


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Salúte, to shew Respect, to kiss

Saúnter, to idle up and down

Scamper, to run away

Scatter, to disperse

Strangle, to choak or tifle
Stumble, to trip or be like to fall
Subdúe, to bring under
Subject, to restrain
Subjoin, to add to

Submit, to humble, to yield
Suborn, to perfuade one to bear
false Witness
Subscribe, to write underneath
Subserve, to ferve, to second or

Subside, to fink down lower Subsist, to exist, or continue to


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Surpass, to excel

Scribble, to fcratch with a Pen Surround, to encompass

Seclúde, to shut out

Seduce, to mislead

Séver, to part afunder

Shadow, to skreen
Shatter, to break to pieces
Shower, to pour down
Shudder, to quake or tremble
Shuffle, to shift

Slumber, to sleep, to dose
Smother, to choak, to fuffocate
Smuggle, to run Goods by Fraud
Soláce, to comfort one's self

Sparkle, to shine, also to cast

forth Sparkles

Spatter, to sprinkle

Survey, to look over, to measure

Survive, to out live

Suspend, to delay, to put off

Swaddle, to put round, or bind

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Torment, to put in Pain

Sprinkle, to wet with a Drop, Torture, to torment

to chriften

Traduce, to flander, or accuse

Stammer, to Autter

Trample, to tread upon


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