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[blocks in formation]

173 One hundred and Seventy-three

704 Seven hundred and four

1609 One thousand Six hundred and Nine

1756 One thousand Seven hundred and Fifty-fix,


[blocks in formation]

Of Contractions of fuch Things as are necessary to be understood; in which whole Words and Sentences are known by certain Letters only.

[blocks in formation]

A. R. Anna Regina, or
Queen Anne

B. D. Batchelor of Divinity
Bp. Bishop
Abp. Archbishop
Bart. Baronet

B. V. Blessed Virgin
C. an Hundred

Cwt. an Hundred-weight, or

A. P. G. Professor of Astronomy in Gresham College

112 Pounds

Col. Colonel

C. R.

[blocks in formation]

N° Number

F. R. S. Fellow of the Royal N S. New Style

Efqr. Efquire Ev Evangelist

Exon. Exeter

Ex. Exodus

Feb. February


Gal. Galatians

Gen Genefis

[blocks in formation]

Heb. Hebrew

Id. or Idem, the fame i. e. that is

J. H. S. Jesus the Saviour of


Ifa. Ifaiah

J. D. Doctor of Jury or Law

Joh. or Jn John

Josh. Joshua

Obj. Objection

Obt obedient

[blocks in formation]

PS. Poftfcript

P. T. G. Profeffor of Theo

logy or Divinity in Gre

- sham College

Q. Queen or Question

q. d. as if he should say

4.1 as much as you please

q. f. a sufficient quantity

J. R. James Rex, or King Reg Register


K. King

Km Kingdom

Knt Knight

Reg. Dep deputed Register

Rev. Revelation

Rt Hond right honourable


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

A Collection of Words nearly alike in Sound, but different in Spelling and Signification.

N. B. I think it very necessary that all such as can read pretty well, should now learn to know the Meaning of Words, for without this, the Spelling Part only is of little Signification; therefore, if the young Scholar was set eight or ten Words of this Table every Night, or two or three Times a Week, to fpell, and tell the Meaning of, according to his Capacity, it would certainly be of great Service.

And tho' I would be thought to have the highest Regard for the Word of God, yet I would advise all Masters and Mistresses to fet their Scholars a Collection of these Words (or of those in the following Tables) at their Breakings-up; rather than to write out, and get by Heart a long Chapter, which they feldom mind to perform till within a Day or two of returning to School again; and then sloven over their Writing, and spoil their Hand; and after being corrected for this, and not getting the heavy Task by Heart, they begin in their early Days to hate the Bible, and hold the best of Books in Contempt; which, if read at proper Times, would take quite a different Turn upon their little Minds.

[blocks in formation]

Accidents, Chances
Accompt, Reckoning
Account, Esteem
Acts, Deeds

Ax, to cut with

Affect, to move, or imitate

Effect, Purpose

Ail, Trouble

Ale, Malt-Drink

Air, Element

Are, Plural of is

E'er, ever

Ere, before

Heir to an Estate


Elder, older

All, the Whole

Awl, Cobler's Tool.

Allow'd, granted
Aloud, with Noife
Altar, for Sacrifice
Alter, to change
Ant, Pismire

Aunt, Uncle's Wife
Arrant, notorious
Errand, Meffage
Errant, wandering
Afcent, Steepness
Affent, Confent
Assistance, Help
Assistants, Helpers
Attendance, Waiting
Attendants, Waiters
Auger, to bore with

Augur, a Soothsayer


[blocks in formation]

Bawl, to cry out

Ballad, Song
Ballot, Ball-Lot

Barbara, a Woman's Name

Barbary, a Country

Barberry, a Tree

Bare, naked

Bear, a Beaft
Baron, a Lord

Barren, unfruitful
Baize of Woollen
Bays, Bay-Trees
Base, vile

Bass in Mufic
Be, to exift
Bee, an Infect
Bean, Kind of Pulse
Been, have been
Bow, to shoot with
Beau, a Fop
Beer, Malt-Drink
Bier for the Dead
Bel, an Idol
Bell, to ring
Berry, Small Fruit
Bury, to inter
Bile, Gall

Boil, to bubble up
Blew, did blow
Blue, Colour
Boar, Male Swine
Boor, a Clown
Bore, to bore a Hole

Board, a Plank

Bor'd, did bore

Bolt, for a Door

Boult, to fift

Bomb, Mortar-shot

Bough, Branch

Bow, to bend

Beacon, a Light to guide Ships Bum, Buttocks

at Sea

Beckon, with the Hand

Bail, Surety

Bale of Silk

Bald, without Hair

Ball, a round Solid

Border, the Margin Bordure, in Heraldry Boy, a Lad

Buoy, bear up


[blocks in formation]

Cain, a Man's Name
Cane, to walk with
Calais, in France
Chalice, a Cup
Call by Name

Cawl, of a Wig or Bowels

Cannon, great Gun

- Canon, Rule

Catch, to lay hold of
Ketch, Small Ship
Cattle, Corus, &ι.
Kettle, for boiling
Cieling, of a Room
Sealing, fetting a Seal
Cellar, a Vault
Seller, that fells
Cenfer, for Incense
Cenfor, Reformer
Censure, Judgment
Cent. an Hundred
Sent, did fend
Centaury, an Herb
Century, 100 Years
Centry, Guard
Chair, to fit on
Chare, Job of Work
Chas'd, did chase

Chafte, continent

Chews, doth chiw

Choose, to cull, or pick Choir, Set of Singers Quire, 24 Sheets Choler, Wrath

Collar, for the Neck
Coller, of Brawn
Chord, in Music
Cord, a small Rope
Cinque, Five
Sink, a Drain
Cion, a young shoot
Sion, a City

Cite, to fummon

Sight, Seeing
Site, Situation

Citron, Sort of Fruit

Cittern, a musical Instrument

Clause, an Article

Claws, Talons

Cleaver, for chopping

Clever, ingenious

Climb, to clamber, or get up
Clime, Climate
Close, to fout
Clothes, Apparel
Coarse, not fine
Course, Race, Way
Coat, a Garment
Cote, a Cottage
Quote, to cite, or alledge
Coin, Money
Kine, Cous
Coit, to play with
Kite, Bird of Prey
Comet, a Blazing-Star
Commit, do, act
Coming, approaching
Cummin, a Plant
Common, Public
Commune, converse
Concert, of Mufic
Confort, Wife
Condemn, to fentence
Contemn, to despise
Confidence, Impudence


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