Page images

Caréer, full Speed

Cargo, the Loading of a Ship

Carpet, a Floor-cloth

Cascade, a Water-fall

Casément, a Window that opens

Cashiér, a Keeper of Money

Cáfsock, a Prieft's Garment

Castle, a trong Place

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Clover, a Kind of Grafs

Catárrh, a flowing down of ill Cleaver, a large Iron used by


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Butchers for cutting Client, one who deals with Lawyers

Climate, a certain Space of


Cloister, a religious House
Closet, a small Room
Cluster, a Bunch

Clyster, a Purge by the Fundament

Cobler, a Mender of Shoes
Cockney, a Londoner
Codlin, an Apple
Coffee, an Indian Berry
Coffer, a Chest
Coffin, a Cafe for dead Persons
Coinage, making of Money
Collar, a Ring of Metal, Lea-

ther, &c. for the Neck Collect, a short Prayer College, a Place for Learning Colon, a Stop, mark'd thus (:) Colour, the outside Appearance

of any thing, also Pretence

Column, a Pillar

Comma, a small Stop, thus (,)
Comet, a Blazing Star

Comment, an Interpretation
Commerce, Trade

Compact, Agreement

Compass, a Mathematical In


Compoft, Dung
Conceit, Fancy

Concord, Agreement
Confines, Bounds



Cónflict, a Combat

Conflux, a flowing together

Congress, a meeting together

Conqueft, Victory
Confént, Agreement

Cónfort, a Companion
Contact, Touch

Convent, a Religious House

Convex, the Outside of any round


Coquét, an amorous Fellow

Córal, a red Stone

Cornet, an Ensign


Cornish, an Edging upon Wain


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C'ynick, a four crabbed Fellow

Cypress, a Tree so called


D'æmon, a Spirit

Dagger, a fhort Sword

Dagon, Philistines God

Damask, lowered Silk

Dandrif, Scurf

Danger, Hazard



Danube, a River in Germany Darnel, a Weed so called

Daftard, a Corward

Dauphin, the Heir of the Crown of France

Deacon, a Minister or Servant
Debáte, a Dispute
Debtor, one that owes Money
Decade, the Number Ten

Deceit, a Cheat

Decree, an Order

Default, Want, Omission

Defect, Blemish

Defence, Refiftance
Degree, Advancement

Deism, denying revealed Reli

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Cudgel, a Staff

Culture, Husbandry Cupid, God of Love Curate, an inferior Prieft


Current, running Stream

Cutler, a Knife Maker


Dolour, Grief
Dolphin, a Fish so called
Dotage, afdoating


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Eagle, a Bird so called
Easement, a Refreshing
Echo, rebounding of a Voice
Eclipse, a Defect of Sight
Edict, a Proclamation
Effects, Goods
E'gress, a going forth
Emblem, Representation
Engine, an Intrument
Envoy, a Messenger
Envy, Spite

Errand, a Message

Essence, Substance, Being
Event, Issue, Success

Eunuch, a gelded Man

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Gamut, a Scale of Music

Garment, a Coat

Europe, one of the four Parts Gangrene, a Mortification

of the World

Exilé, Banishment

E'xit, Departure

Expanse, the Firmament

Expense, Coft, Charge

Exploit, a manly Action

Extent, Compass


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Flavour, Relish

Garret, the upper-moft Room

Gazette, a News-Paper

Gélding, a gelt Horse

Giant, an uncommon large Per


Gibbet, a Gallows
Glutton, a greedy Eater
Gnomon, the Hand of a Clock
or Dial

Gospel, a Name of the New
Gossip, a tattling Woman
Grammar, a Book of Inftructions
for Speaking properly
Grandeur, Greatness or Power
Graver, a Tool for Engraving
Grimace, Hypocrisy

Griftle, a Bony Substance

Fleming, a Native of Flanders Groundfel, a Threshold


Grúdging, sparing
Guidance, guiding, leading

Guilder, a Dutch Coin, value

2 5.

Gutter, a Sink or Drain


Hábit, Custom, Cloathing
Harangue, a public Speech
Harbour, Lodging, or a Place
for Ships to ride at Anchor in

Harlot, an Whore
Harness, Horfe Attire
Harvest, reaping Time
Hatchet, a small Axe
Havock, Destruction
Heathen, Idolater
Heifer, a young Cow
Helmet, an Head-Piece
Hemlock, a poisonous Plant

Herald, an Officer
Herbal, a Book of Plants
Hermit, a folitary Perfon
Heron, a Water Fowl

Hireling, one who takes Wages
Hogoo, an offensive Smell

Homage, Submiffion

Honour, Respect

Horrour, Dread

Housewife, a good Manager

Humour, Fancy

Hunger, Want of Food

Hyphen, a Dash thus (-)

Hyffop, an Herb

I. or J.

[ocr errors]

Járgon, Gibberish or Jangling
Image, a Picture or Statue

I'mport, Meaning
Impost, a Tax

Impulse, Perfuafion, a strong


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Margin, the Brim or Edge Marshal, an Officer

[ocr errors]


Martyr, one who dies for the
true Religion
Matrix, the Womb
Maxim, a Principle
Mayor, a Magistrate
Medal, a Coin

Membrane, a thin Skin or Co

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Merit, Worth F3

Méssage, an Errand

Metal, Gold, Silver, &c.

Mimick, a Mocker

Minute, a short Space of Time Palate, the Roof of the Mouth

Mirrour, a Looking Glass

Mischief, Hurt

Mifer, a covetous Fellow

Mitre, a Bishop's Cap

Mixture, a mingling

Model, Frame or Fashion

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Palace, a Court

Palfy, a Disease

Panick, (Fear) on a sudden

Papist, a Roman Catholic

Paráde, a Place to exercise Sol

diers in

Párchment, a Skin to write on

Pastime, Sport

Moment, an Inftant, also of Parsley, an Herb


Motive, Perfuafion

Motto, an Emblem

Mountain, an Hill

Muscle, small fleshy Threads

Music, Harmony

Mustard, a small Seed


Nátive, one born in the Land
Nature, Difpofition

Navel, a Part of the Belly
Navy, a Company of Ships
Niggard, a covetous Perfon
Nitre, Salt Petre

Nonage, under Age

Novel, new, also a Story

Nurture, a Nourishing
Nusance, Annoyance


Paftor, a Minister

Patent, a Grant from the King

Peasant, a Country Fellow

Pebbles, Small Stones
Primer, a little Book

Princess, Prince's Wife

Problem, a Prepofition relating to Practice

Process, Proceeding

Proctor, a spiritual Officer Product, the Thing produced Progress, a Journey, a going forward Project, a Contrivance Prologue, a Speech commonly before a Play

Prophet, an inspired Perfon

Profpect, a View

O'bject, that which presents Proxy, a Deputy


Oblong, a long Square

Odour, fweet Scent or Smell

Omen, a Sign or Token

Orbit, a Circle, or any Round
Ordare, Dung

Organ, an Instrument of Mu


Orphan, a fatherless Child
Oval, an Egg-like Figure

Outrage, a violent Affront


Purport, Meaning

Purpose, a Design

Purfuit, running after Diligence

Pénance, Mortification

Perfume, a fweet Scent

Phantom, a Ghost

Phenix, a rare Bird
Physic, a Medicine
Pickle, a Preferve
Picture, a Representation
Pilot, a Guide

Pinnace, a small Sea Vessel

Pácquet, a Parcel, also a Sea Pirate, a Sea Robber

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