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Now more particularly of man, after difcuffing other animals. If the only rule afforded by nature for claffing animals can be depended upon, there are different fpecies of men as well as of dogs: a mastiff differs not more from a spaniel, than a white man from a negro, or a Laplander from a Dane. And if we have any belief in Providence, it ought to be fo. Plants were created of different kinds to fit them for different climates, and fo were brute animals. Certain it is, that all men are not fitted equally for every climate. Is there not then reason to conclude, that as there are different climates, fo there are different fpecies of men fitted for thefe different climates? The inhabitants of the frozen regions of the north, men, birds, beasts, fish, are all provided with a quantity of fat which guards them against cold. Even the trees are full of rofin. The island St Thomas, under the line, is extremely foggy; and the natives are fitted for that fort of weather, by the rigidity of their fibres. The fog is difpelled in July and Auguft by dry winds; which give vigour to Europeans, whofe fibres are relaxed by a moift atmosphere as by a warm bath.


The natives, on the contrary, who are not fitted for a dry air, have more diseases in July and Auguft than during the other ten months. On the other hand, instances are without number of men degenerating in a climate to which they are not fitted by nature; and I know not of a fingle instance where in fuch a climate people have retained their original vigour. Several European colonies have fubfifted in the torrid zone of America more than two centuries; and yet even that length of time has not familiarifed them to the climate: they cannot bear heat like the original inhabitants, nor like negroes tranfplanted from a country equally hot: they are far from equalling in vigour of mind or body the nations from which they fprung. The Spanish inhabitants of Carthagena in South America lofe their vigour and colour in a few months. Their motions are languid; and their words are pronounced in a low voice, and with long and frequent interyals. The offspring of Europeans born in Batavia, foon degenerate. Scarce one of them has talents fufficient to bear a part in the adminiftration. There is not an office of truft but must be filled with na

tive Europeans. Some Portuguefe, who have been for ages fettled on the fea-coaft of Congo, retain fcarce the appearance of men. South Carolina, efpecially about Charlestown, is extremely hot, having no fea-breeze to cool the air: Europeans there die so fast, that they have not time to degenerate. Even in Jamaica, though more temperate by a regular fucceffion of land and fea-breezes, recruits from Britain are neceffary to keep up the numbers *. The climate of the northern provinces resembles our own, and population goes on rapidly.

What means are employed by Providence to qualify different races of men for dfferent climates, is a fubject to which little attention has been given. It lies too far out of fight to expect a complete difcovery; but facts carefully collected might afford fome glimmering of light. In that view, I mention the following fact. The inhabitants of the kingdom of Senaar in

* As the Europeans lofe vigour by the heat of the climate, the free negroes, especially thofe in the mountains, are the safeguard of the island; and it was by their means chiefly that a number of rebellious negro Daves were fubdued in the year 1760.

Africa are true negroes, a jet black complexion, thick lips, flat nofe, curled woolly hair. The country itself is the hottest in the world. From the report of a late traveller, they are admirably protected by nature against the violence of the heat, Their skin is to the touch remarkably cooler than that of an European; and is fo in reality, no lefs than two degrees on Farhenheit's thermometer. The young women there are highly prized by the Turks for that quality.

Thus it appears, that there are different races of men fitted by nature for different climates. Upon examination, another fact will perhaps also appear, that the natural productions of each climate make the most wholefome food for the people who are fitted to live in it. Between the tropics, the natives live chiefly on fruits, feeds, and roots; and it is the opinion of the most knowing naturalifts, that such food is of all the most wholesome for the torrid zone; comprehending the hot plants, which grow there to perfection, and tend greatly to fortify the ftomach. In a temperate climate, a mixture of animal and vegetable food is held to be the most wholesome;


and there both animals and vegetables abound. In a cold climate, animals are in plenty, but few vegetables that can serve for food to man. What physicians pronounce upon that head, I know not; but, if we dare venture a conjecture from analogy, animal food will be found the most wholefome for fuch as are fitted by nature to live in a cold climate.

M. Buffon, from the rule, That animals which can procreate together, and whofe progeny can also procreate, are of one fpecies, concludes, that all men are of one race or fpecies; and endeavours to fupport that favourite opinion, by afcribing to the climate, to food, or to other accidental caufes, all the varieties that are found among men. But is he seriously of opinion, that any operation of climate, or of other accidental caufe, can account for the copper colour and smooth chin universal among the Americans, the prominence of the pudenda univerfal among Hottentot women, or the black nipple no less universal among female Samoides? The thick fogs of the ifland St Thomas may relax the fibres of the natives, but cannot make them more



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