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convey them to another German port, there to be landed, is exclusively confined to German ships.

§ 2. This right can be conceded to foreign ships by Treaty or by an Imperial Order with the consent of the Federal Council.

§ 3. The master of a foreign ship, who carries on a coasting trade without authority, is liable to a fine up to 3,000 marks. In addition to the fine the ship and the goods conveyed without authority can be confiscated, irrespectively of their being the property of the condemned or not. Section 42 of the Penal Code is equally applicable.

$4. This Law does not interfere with existing Treaty stipulations as regards coasting trade.

§ 5. This Law comes into force on the 1st January, 1882. As witness our Imperial hand and seal. Given at Berlin, the 22nd May, 1881.



PROTOCOL OF CONFERENCE between the Delegates of Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and Norway, relative to the Police of the Fisheries in the North Sea. The Hague, October 29, 1881.

LES Soussignés, Délégués de l'Allemagne, de la Belgique, du Danemark, de la France, de la Grande Bretagne, des PaysBas, de la Suède et de la Norvège, se sont réunis à la Haye, le 8 Octobre, 1881, dans le but de préparer une Convention Internationale, ayant pour objet de régler la police de la pêche dans la Mer du Nord, en dehors des eaux territoriales.

A la suite des délibérations consignées dans les procèsverbaux des séances, ils ont arrêté, sauf approbation de leurs Gouvernements respectifs, le projet de Convention qui est annexé au présent Protocole.

La Conférence est unanime à déclarer qu'il est excessivement désirable de mettre un terme aux abus qu'engendre le trafic de spiritueux, exercé par les cabarets flottants dans la Mer du Nord; mais, en raison de la divergence des lois et des dispositions fiscales dans les différents pays, elle croit devoir se borner à émettre le vœu que les Gouvernements s'efforcent d'établir une entente internationale pour prévenir ces abus, ainsi que ie troc de poisson, de filets, &c., qui en résulte.

En considération de la haute importance qui s'attache au maintien permanent des communications télégraphiques, la férence exprime également le très vif désir que les Gouverne

ments prennent des mesures efficaces pour prévenir la détérioration volontaire des câbles sous-marins par les pêcheurs.

Fait en huit exemplaires à la Haye, le 29 Octobre, 1881. Pour la Grande Bretagne: C. M. KENNEDY.

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(Inclosure.)-Projet de Convention Internationale ayant pour objet de régler la Police de la Pêche dans la Mer du Nord en dehors des Eaux Territoriales.

[For Convention of May 6, 1882, see NETHERLANDS.]

NOTIFICATION of the Senate of Hamburg, that a portion of the Lower Elbe and certain of the Islands situated therein will be included in the German Customs Union from the 1st of January, 1882. Hamburg, December 12, 1881.


THE Council of the Union has resolved, at its sitting of the 8th of the present month, that that portion of the Lower Elbe and the islands situated therein which come within the boundary lines hereafter indicated, shall, from the 1st January, 1882, be included in the German Customs Union.

The whole of the lower course of the Elbe is to be included in the Customs territory of Germany. The line begins at the embankment by the quarantine harbour of Cuxhaven, and runs across the estuary of the river in a direct line to the most westerly point of the Kaiser Wilhelm Koog, where it joins the present frontier.

At Altona the line follows the course of the municipal boundaries between Altona and Neumühlen, as marked by the boundary stone No. XII, runs along the northern inclosure of the Neumühlen Quay to a point in the middle of that quay marked by a Customs board, and thence in a straight line across the quay and the water of the Elbe to a Customs mark the shore of the Mühlenwärder.


From this point the frontier runs along the western shore of the Köhlbrand and the eastern side of the Elbe Islands, Mühlenwärder, Waltershof, and Altenwärder, crossing the Mühlenfleth and Köhlfleth to the south-eastern point of the Altenwärder.

The above-mentioned islands, viz., Mühlenwärder, Waltershof, and Altenwärder are included within the new frontier.

The line then runs along the northern shore of the Kleine Hattwick, the old Süder-Elbe, and cuts the present frontier at a marked point on the landing quay near the second class Customhouse of Moorburg.

The present frontier on the left bank of the Elbe from the landing quay near Moorburg to the limits of Cuxhaven, and the present frontier on the right bank of the Elbe from the Neumühlen Quay to the Kaiser Wilhelm Koog, will cease to exist immediately on the establishment of the new frontier.

Ships which may happen to lie within those portions of the stream of the Elbe which are to be incorporated, shall, if entitled to carry the Customs flag or lights, hoist the same either at the moment or even before the actual establishment of the new frontier.

Vessels entitled to hoist flag and lights which, at the time of the incorporation, shall be in the Lower Elbe, without having been cleared, will be subject to the regulations enforced before the incorporation, and will have to take clearance in that way.

At the request of captains of vessels proposing to enter or leave the Elbe, the Custom-houses of Cuxhaven and Altona will deliver clearance according to the new regulations as early as December 31.

All ships within the waters of the Elbe at the moment of incorporation which have not had clearance may be sealed by the Customs authorities or boarded and occupied by Customs officers.

Given in the Assembly of the Senate, December 12, 1881.

ADDITIONAL ARTICLES to the Convention between the General Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the General Post Office of North Germany of +gth January, 1871.* (Money Orders.) Signed at Berlin, Number 27, 1882.†

London, December lu'

THE Postmaster-General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Secretary of State of the Post Office Department of the German Empire have agreed as follows:

I. Articles 3 and 4 of the Postal Convention of the 19th of * See Vol. 13. Page 518. Signed also in the German language.

January, 1871, between the Post Offices of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and North Germany are replaced by the following Articles 3 and 4.

3. There shall be levied for each money order a commission to be determined by the country of origin and which shall be paid by the remitter. The amounts thus levied shall belong to the issuing office.

4. The issuing office shall account to the paying office for a commission of one-half of 1 per cent. ( per cent.) on the total amount of money orders paid.

II. The provisions of the above new Articles 3 and 4 shall be put into operation on the 1st of January, 1883.

Done in duplicate and signed at London, on the 19th day of December, 1882, and at Berlin, on the 27th day of November,




PROTOCOL, signed by the Representatives of Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, and Russia, disclaiming any desire to seek Increase of Territory, Exclusive Influence, or Commercial Advantages, in the Settlement of the Questions of Montenegro and Greece. Constantinople, September 21, 1880.

LES Gouvernements représentés par les Soussignés, afin de prouver l'entier désintéressement avec lequel ils poursuivent l'exécution de toutes les stipulations du Traité de Berlin, s'engagent à ne rechercher dans aucun arrangement qui pourrait intervenir comme conséquence de leur action concertée pour l'exécution du dit Traité en ce qui concerne la question Monténégrine, et éventuellement la question Grecque, aucune augmentation de territoire, aucune influence exclusive, ni aucun avantage commercial en faveur de leurs sujets qui ne serait pas également obtenu par ceux de toute autre nation.

Fait à Constantinople, ce 21 Septembre, 1880.



AGREEMENT between the Governments of Great Britain and Greece, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two countries. Signed at London, June 23, 1881.*

THE Government of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Government of His Majesty the King of the Hellenes, being desirous of facilitating the postal relations between the two countries, and in exercise of the power given to them under Article XV of the Convention of the Universal Postal Union concluded in Paris on the 1st June, 1878; +

Have agreed as follows:


The limits of weight and the dimensions of packets of merchandize exchanged through the post between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on the one part, and the Kingdom of Greece on the other part, may be increased by the Postal Administration of the country of origin beyond those which have been fixed by Article V of the International Convention of the 1st June, 1878, under the express reservation that such limits shall not exceed the following:

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The present Agreement shall take effect on the 1st September, 1881.

In witness whereof the Undersigned, duly authorized for that purpose, have signed the present Agreement, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done in duplicate at London, on the 23rd day of June, 1881.



CONSTITUTION of Hayti, so far as relates to the Territory of the Republic, Nationality, Naturalization, the power of declaring War, and the conclusion of Treaties. Port-au-Prince, August 6, 1874.

Le peuple Haïten proclame, en présence de l'Être Suprême, la présente Constitution de la République d'Haïti, pour consacrer ses droits, ses garanties civiles et politiques, sa souveraineté et son indépendance.

• Signed also in the French language.

† See Vol. 14. Page 1013.

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