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transfer of the slaves of deceased persons to their legal inheritors). Henceforward any slave sold or transferred, with the above exception, shall thereby become entitled to freedom.

3. Every owner of slaves shall, without delay, come to our Registrar, and shall register every slave he may possess. Any slaves not so registered by their owners within six months from the date of this Decree shall be entitled to freedom. And every slave transferred by virtue of the 2nd clause of this Decree shall be registered within one month of such transfer. In Patsy and any place in quarantine on account of sickness the time for registration may be extended until six months after removal of quarantine. (L.S.) S. ABDULLAH.

Dated 10th October, 1882.



We, Abdullah bin Selim, Sultan of Johanna, in confirmation of a Convention we have entered into with Her Majesty the Queen of England, have ordained and do order as follows:

1. That after a period of seven years from this time, namely, on the (English date) 4th day of August, 1889-the corresponding Mahommedan date will be hereafter promulgated-slavery shall cease to exist within our dominions, and all persons, old and young, of every degree, age, and nationality, shall become and be absolutely free therein.

This Decree to become law, and to be published throughout our country, so soon as we receive the note of ratification.


BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, for the execution of the Slave Trade Convention with Johanna of October 10, 1882.

November 6, 1883.


At the Court at Balmoral, the 6th day of November, 1883.

WHEREAS by an Act passed in the 37th year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter 88, intituled "The Slave Trade Act, 1873,' it was, amongst other things, provided that where any Treaty in relation to the Slave Trade is made after the passing of

* See Vol. 14. Page 717.

that Act, by or on behalf of Her Majesty, with any foreign State, Her Majesty may, by Order in Council, direct that as from such date, not being earlier than the date of the Treaty, as may be specified in the Order, such Treaty shall be deemed to be an existing Slave Trade Treaty within the meaning of the Act, and it was further provided that thereupon (as from the said date, or, if no date should be specified, as from the date of such Order) all the provisions of the Act should apply and be construed accordingly:

And whereas on the 10th day of October, 1882, a Treaty or Convention for the suppression of the African Slave Trade was concluded between Her Majesty and His Highness the Sultan of Johanna, in the following terms, that is to say:

[Here follows the Convention. See Page 783.]

And whereas it is expedient that the said Treaty or Convention should be brought within the operation of "The Slave Trade Act, 1873:"

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf as aforesaid, is pleased, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:

The said Treaty or Convention hereinbefore recited shall, from the said 10th day of October, 1882, being the day of the date thereof, be deemed to have been and to be an existing Slave Trade Treaty within the meaning of "The Slave Trade Act, 1873,"

And the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, the Right Honourable the Earl Granville, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty, are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain.



SWISS NOTIFICATION of the Accession of Liberia to the Universal Postal Union of June 1, 1878. Berne, September 27, 1878.


Le Conseil Fédéral Suisse au Ministère des Affaires Étrangères


EN conformité de l'Article XVIII de la Convention de Paris du 1er Juin, 1878,* concernant l'Union Postale Universelle, le

*See Vol. 14. Page 1014.

Conseil Fédéral Suisse a l'honneur d'informer son Excellence M. le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères de

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&c. : 1. Que la République de Libéria a déclaré, par voie diplomatique, adhérer à cette Convention, et conséquemment aussi au Règlement d'exécution y relatif:

2. Que le Gouvernement Suisse, conformément à l'Article XVIII précité, s'est entendu avec les Représentants de la République de Libéria, dûment autorisés à cet effet, savoir. M. le Consul-Général Carrance, à Bordeaux, et M. le Consul Huard, à Paris, sur les points suivants :

(a.) La République de Libéria percevra, comme équivalents, en conformité de l'Article IV du Règlement d'exécution à la Convention de Paris, concernant l'Union Postale Universelle :

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(b.) Quant à la part contributive aux frais du Bureau International des Postes (Art. XXVIII du Règlement d'exécution précité), la République de Libéria sera dans la 7me classe. Le Conseil Fédéral Suisse saisit, &c.

Au nom du Conseil Fédéral Suisse :

SCHIESS, Chancelier de la Confédération.

HAMMER, Vice-President.


DECLARATION between Russia and Luxemburg, recording the Accession of Luremburg to the International Telegraphic Convention of July, 1875.* Signed at Luxemburg, January 12, 1876; and at St. Petersburg, January 26, 1876.


SA Majesté le Roi des Pays-Bas, Grand Duc de Luxembourg, ayant accédé pour le Grand-Duché à la Convention Télégraphique Internationale, conclue à St. Pétersbourg le 19 Juillet, 1875, par la Déclaration d'Accession dont la teneur suit :

"Le Ministre d'État Président du Gouvernement, vu l'Arrêté Royal Grand Ducal du 6 Janvier, 1876, No. 24, déclare que Sa Majesté le Roi Grand Duc, après avoir eu communication de la Convention Télégraphique Internationale conclue à St. Pétersbourg le Juillet, 1875, usant du droit réservé par l'Article XVIII de cette Convention aux États non-signataires, accède

* See Vol. 14. Page 95.

pour le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg à la dite Convention Télégraphique Internationale, laquelle est censée insérée mot à mot dans la présente Déclaration, et s'engage formellement envers Sa Majesté l'Empereur de Toutes les Russies et les autres Hautes Parties Contractantes à concourir de son coté à l'exécution des stipulations contenues dans la dite Convention Télégraphique.

"En foi de quoi le Soussigné dûment autorisé à cet effet par l'Arrêté Royal Grand Ducal ci-dessus visé, a signé la présente Déclaration d'Accession, et y a apposé le sceau de ses armes. "Fait à Luxembourg, le 12 Janvier, 1876.


Le Chancelier de l'Empire de Russie, dûment autorisé. déclare que le Gouvernement Impérial accepte formellement la dite accession tant en son nom qu'au nom des autres Hautes Puissances Contractantes, et s'engage à exécuter envers Sa Majesté le Roi Grand Duc toutes les stipulations contenues dans la dite Convention.

En foi de quoi le Soussigné a signé la présente Déclaration, et l'a revêtu du cachet de ses armes.

Fait à St. Pétersbourg, le 4 Janvier, 1876.



ORDER by the Queen of Madagascar, restricting newly-freed Mozambiques from being shipped on board "Arab Dhows Antananarivo, June 21, 1877.


To the Governors, the Officers, the Soldiers, the Judges, the Flag-Officers, and the Princes:

Thus says Ranavalomanjaka, Queen of Madagascar, &c.: This is what I declare unto you concerning all the Mozambiques that are here in my country and kingdom, they have without exception become my Ambaniandro (free subjects).

Therefore, the Arabs, Banyans, and Comorese, cannot take out of my country and kingdom, across the seas, any of the Mozambiques, even though they may say that they have hired them; and the reason why I forbid this is, lest any of the Arabs, Banyans (Silamo), or Comorese (Karana), should be evildisposed and sell in other countries the Mozambiques from my country and kingdom, which, should it happen, would cause me much sorrow. We cannot send people across the seas to be sold as slaves.

Take good heed to these my words, for if any of the Mozambiques belonging to my country are put on board ship by the Arabs, Banyans, or the Comorese, and taken to sea by them, I will account you guilty, and condemn you according to the law.

Therefore take very good heed of these my words. Says, RANAVALOMANJAKA, Queen of Madagascar, §e.

This is an Edict of Her Majesty Ranavalomanjaka, Queen of Madagascar. Says,

RAINILAIARIVONY, Prime Minister and Commander-in-chief.
May the
grace of God be upon the Sovereign.

Antananarivo, 12 Alakaosy (June 21), 1877.


CONVENTION between Great Britain and Mohilla for the Suppression of Slavery and the Slave Trade. Signed at Doani, October 24, 1882.*

HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Sultan Abder Rhaman bin Saeed, Sultan of Mohilla, being desirous to co-operate for the extinction of all Traffic in Slaves and the eventual abolition of slavery, have resolved to conclude a Convention for the purpose of attaining these objects, and with this view have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Frederic Holmwood, Esquire, Her Majesty's Consul for the dominions of the Sultan of Zanzibar, and Acting Consul for the Comoro Islands; and

The Sultan of Mohilla, Abood bin Sivandin al Moali;

Who, having communicated to each other their respective powers and full authority to negotiate, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :

ART. I. The Sultan of Mohilla engages to forbid the bringing or importing of slaves into Mohilla, and undertakes to uphold this prohibition by law with the strictest vigilance. All persons coming or being brought into his dominions from henceforward are and shall be absolutely free.

II. The Sultan of Mohilla authorizes British cruizers to seize all vessels belonging to his subjects, wherever found, with any

*Ratified by Her Majesty, February 28, 1883.

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