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The young lambs frisk about her, and the birds warble in their little throats to welcome her coming; and when they see her, they begin to choose their mates, and to build their nests. Youths and maidens, have you seen this beautiful virgin? If you have, tell me who is she, and what is her name.

1. Who is this that comes from the south, thinly clad in a light transparent garment? her breath is hot and sultry; she seeks the refreshment of the cool shade; she seeks the clear streams, the chrystal brooks, to bathe her languid limbs. The brooks and rivulets fly from her and are dried up at her approach. She cools her parched lids with berries, and the grateful acid of fruits; the seedy melon, the sharp apple, and the red pulp of the juicy cherry, which are poured out plentifully around her.

2. The tanned haymakers welcome her coming; and the sheepshearer, who clips the fleeces of his flock with his sounding shears. When she comes, let me lie under the thick shade of a spreading beach tree;-let me walk with her in the early morning, when the dew is yet upon the grass;-let me wander with her in the soft twilight, when the shepherd shuts his fold, and the star of evening appears. Who is she that comes from the south? Youths and maidens, tell me if you know, who is she, and what is her name.

1. WHO is he that comes with sober pace, stealing upon us unawares ? His garments are red with the blood of the grape, and his temples are bound with a sheaf of ripe wheat. His hair is thin and begins to fall, and the auburn is mixed with mournful gray. He shakes the brown nuts from the tree.

2. He winds the horn, and calls the hunters to their sports. The gun sounds. The trembling partridge and the beautiful pheasant flutter, bleeding in the air, and fall dead at the sportsman's feet. Who is he that is crowned with the wheat-sheaf? Youths and maidens, tell me, if you know, who is he, and what is his name.

1. WHO is he that comes from the north, clothed in furs and warm wool? He wraps his cloak close about

him. His head is bald; his beard is made of sharp icicles. He loves the blazing fire, high piled upon the hearth. He binds skates to his feet, and skims over the frozen lakes. His breath is piercing and cold, and no little flower dares to peep above the surface of the ground, when he is by.

2. Whatever it touches turns to ice. If he were to strike you with his cold hand, you would be quite stiff and dead, like a piece of marble. Youths and maidens, do you see him? He is coming fast upon us, and soon he will be here. Tell me, if you know, who is he, and what is his name.


Divine Providence.


1. THE glorious sun is set in the west; the night-dews fall; and the air, which was sultry, becomes cool. The flowers fold up their coloured leaves; they fold themselves up, and hang their heads on the slender stalk. The chickens are gathered under the wing of the hen, and are at rest; the hen herself is at rest also. The little birds have ceased their warbling; they are asleep on the boughs, each one with his head behind his wing. There is no murmur of bees around the hive, or amongst the honeyed woodbines; they have done their work, and they lie close in their waxen cells.

2. The sheep rest upon their soft fleeces, and their loud bleating is no more heard amongst the hills. There is no sound of a number of voices, or of children at play, or the trampling of busy feet, and of people hurrying to and fro. The smith's hammer is not heard upon the anvil; nor the harsh saw of the carpenter. All men are stretched on their quiet beds; and the child sleeps upon the breast of its mother. Darkness is spread over the skies and darkness is upon the ground: every eye is shut, and every hand is still.

3. Who takes care of all people when they are sunk in sleep; when they cannot defend themselves, nor see if danger approaches ?-There is an eye that never sleeps; there is an eye that sees in dark night, as well as in the bright sunshine. When there is no light of the sun, nor of the moon; when there is no lamp in the house, nor

any little star twinkling through the thick clouds; that eye sees every where, in all places, and watches continually over all the families of the earth. The eye that sleeps not is God's; his hand is always stretched out over us.

4. He made sleep to refresh us when we are weary: he made night, that we might sleep in quiet. As the mother moves about the house with her finger on her lips, and stills every little noisé, that her infant be not disturbed; as she draws the curtains around its bed and shuts out the light from its tender eyes; so God draws the curtains of darkness around us; so he makes all things to be hushed and still, that his large family may sleep in peace.

5. Labourers spent with toil, and young children, and every little humming insect, sleep quietly, for God watches over you. You may sleep, for he never sleeps: you may close your eyes in safety, for his eye is always open to protect you.

6. When the darkness is passed away, and the beams of the morning sun strike through your eye-lids, begin the day with praising God, who has taken care of you through the night. Flowers, when you open again, spread your leaves, and smell sweet to his praise! Birds, when you awake, warble your thanks amongst the green boughs! sing to him before you sing to your mates! Let his praise be in our hearts, when we lie down; let his praise be on our lips, when we awake.




1. WHO is she that with graceful steps, and with a lively air, tips over yonder plain ?


The rose blushes on her cheeks; the sweetness of the morning breathes from her lips; joy, tempered with innocence and modesty, sparkles in her eyes; and the cheerfulness of her heart appears in all her movements. name is Health: she is the daughter of Exercise and Temperance. Their sons inhabit the mountains and the plain. They are brave, active, and lively, and partake of all the beauties and virtues of their sister.

2. Vigor strings their nerves, strength dwells in their bones, and labor is their delight all the day long. The employments of their father excite their appetites; and the repasts of their mother refresh them. To combat the passions is their delight; to conquer evil habits, their glory. Their pleasures are moderate, and therefore they endure: their repose is short, but sound and undisturbed. Their blood is pure; their minds are serene; and the physician does not find the way to their habitations.



1. HAPPY is the man who has sown in his breast the seeds of charity and love! From the fountain of his heart rise rivers of goodness; and the streams overflow for the benefit of mankind. He assists the poor in their trouble; he rejoices in promoting the welfare of all men. He does not harshly censure his neighbor; he believes not the tales of envy and malevolence, nor repeats their slanders.

2. He forgives the injuries of men; he wipes them from his remembrance; revenge and malice have no place in his heart. For evil he returns not evil; he hates not even his enemies; but requites their injustice with friendly admonition. The griefs and anxieties of men excite his compassion; he endeavors to alleviate the weight of their misfortunes; and the pleasure of success rewards his labor.

3. He calms the fury, he heals the quarrels of angry men; and prevents the mischiefs of strife and animosity. He promotes in his neighborhood peace and good will; and his name is repeated with praise and benedictions.




1. As the branches of a tree return their sap to the root, from whence it arose; as a river pours its streams to the sea; whence its spring was supplied; so the heart of a greateful man delights in returning a benefit received.

He acknowledges his obligation with cheerfulness; he looks on his benefactor with love and esteem. And if to return a favor be not in his power, he cherishes the remembrance of it through life.

2. The hand of the generous man is like the clouds of heaven, which drop upon the earth, fruits, herbage, and flowers; but the heart of the ungrateful is like a desert of sand, which swallows with greediness the showers that fall, buries them in its bosom, and produces nothing.

3. The grateful mind envies not its benefactor, nor strives to conceal the benefit he has conferred. Though to oblige is better than to be obliged; though the act of generosity commands admiration; yet the humility of gratitude touches the heart, and is amiable in the sight of both God and man.



1. CHILD of mortality, whence comest thou? why is thy countenance sad, and why are thine eyes red with weeping? I have seen the rose in its beauty; it spread its leaves to the morning sun. I returned it was dying upon its stalk; the grace of the form of it was gone its loveliness was vanished away its leaves were scattered on the ground, and no one gathered them again.

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2. A stately tree grew on the plain; its branches were covered with verdure; its boughs spread wide, and made a goodly shadow; the trunk was like a strong pillar; the roots were like crooked fangs. I returned: the verdure was nipt by the east wind; the branches were lopt away by the axe; the worm had made its way into the trunk, and the heart thereof was decayed; it mouldered away, and fell to the grouud.

3. I have seen the insects sporting in the sunshine, and darting along the streams; their wings glittered with gold and purple; their bodies shone like the green emerald; they were more numerous than I could count: their motions were quicker than my eye could glance. I returned: they were brushed into the pool; they were perishing with the evening breeze; the swallow had devcured them; the pike had seized them; there were none found of so great a multitude.

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