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From the Isle of France to this place I was most of the time slightly


Here I have been ill, and under the hands of the physician; but am now better, and see nothing but that I may enjoy a tolerably good state of health. I wrote a long letter toyou from the Isle of France, (which, however, I suppose you have not yet received,) in which I gave an account of our passage to that place, and of the prospects then before us." [Mr. Rice then gives the same account which is printed above in the joint letter of the brethren.]

"The missionaries at Serampore, I mean Messrs. Carey, Marshman, and Ward, appear to be really most excel. lent men. Under God, they have certainly done most wonderful things. This mission promises most exten. sive and lasting good to all this eastern world. By these men, as instruments, the Lord appears to be giving his Word to many populous nations; and who can say, how soon the company of those who publish it will be great?

"Of the idolatry of the natives I have little to say. I am too much occupied about our own concerns to pay much attention to it at present. I see their pagodas, or temples, as I pass them. Sometimes I observe the people performing religious cere


"Do not fail to write, if you hear of any vessel sailing to this place. Direct your letters to the care of Dr. Carey, Serampore, and they will reach me in any part of this eastern world.

"My dear brother, live to the Lord; take diligent and kind care of sur

parents; and do all you can for the religious benefit of your beloved family."

Aug. 28.

"By the enclosed you will perceive, that we had been ordered by government to return to America in the ship Harmony, and that we had petitioned for permission to go to the Isle of France. We have since received an answer granting our re quest: consequently we are making our calculations and preparations for that island; and, indeed, I hoped to have sailed before now, but have not been able to procure a passage. It is said, however, to be very dangerous going from this place, at this season; nor will it cease to be dangerous till the monsoons change, which will not take place till the last of October. I wished to have gone before now, be cause it is the unhealthy season here, and the healthy season there, and because at that place I could be increasing my knowledge of the French language, which, I think, would aid me in acquiring that of Madagascar. Indeed, various considerations render it important to go soon; and I shall endeavor to do so, notwithstanding the danger of the present season, esteeming it always safe to be in the path of duty.

"The natives of this country are really a most curious set of people. Whatever may have been said of their supineness, or of their apparent want or debility of intellect, it is granted on all hands, that no people equal them in cheating; especially in little things.

"I have seen but one instance of self torture, and that of so moderate a character, compared with some others, that here it would scarcely be noticed. It was a man lying with his back on the ground, having one fist clenched and holding in the other hand a brick of the size of those in your chimney, and smiting his naked breast with the brick and his fist alternately; and apparently with such violence as must put an end to his miserable life. The sight was shock. ing, and I passed on."

There are laborers, mechanics, &c. of almost every kind; but scarce


ly any one can be found, who does several kinds of business. vants, as they are of particular casts, will only do particular things. One will not touch a tallow candie; another will not empty the water from a wash bowl; and so of all other things: and none of them will eat the provision which has been dressed for an Englishman's table."

"Sept. 2. It is now two days over three weeks since I landed here, and though I have watched with brother Nott half of each of the two last nights my health is better, I think, than when I came on shore. Brother Nott has been sick about a week, and has been brought pretty low; and, in my opinion, it was through the unskilfulness of the physician who first attended him. An able one now attends him; and we think him evidently getting better."

"It will probably strike you with surprise, and somewhat like a disap. pointment, that we have fixed upon Madagascar for the place of our mis sionary labors; but the leadings of Providence are, I think, evidently to. wards that island. The Burmah empire, upon which we so much calcu lated before leaving America, does not here present any promising aspect. The very possibility of our be ing able to live there in any character whatever is extremely questionable. It is said, that should we attempt to go up the river we should be imme. diately taken up as spies, and put to death. The English residents at Rangoon, I understand, have mostly, or all, left the place. But without going into detail of their internal commotions, and the very sanguinary nature of their government, it is sufficient take the single fact of the Baptist mission at Rangoon. After an effort of four or five years, involving an expense of at least 25,000 rupees,* it has entirely failed. One of the missionaries, Mr. Chater, has left the place, and is gone to Ceylon. Though he had the language well, he never dared to preach a single sermon to the Burmahs. The other, Mr. Felix Carey, though long endeared to them

• A rupee, at the common rate of exchange, is worth 2s. 3d. sterling.

by his medical skill, and though he had married a Burmah lady, very narrowly escaped with his life, by fleeing on board an English ship. He has since gone on shore again, and may possibly continue there; but can do nothing as a missionary except at translating the Bible. Our narrow resources will not cover the expense, nor will the responsibility of our present situation permit us to run the hazard, of attempting a mission to such a place; especially while another field of more hopeful prospect is within our view. From all the territories of the East India Company we are shut out by government.'

"Providence seems to have hedged up our way in every direction but one, and that appears to be perfectly open. The Isle of France has much com. munication with the other British possessions, and some communication with America. It has, also, much communication with Madagascar. Considering the latitude of the island, between 12 and 26 degrees south, and that the interior is hilly, or even mountainous, I have no doubt that Madagascar enjoys a good climate. It is one of the largest, and is said to be one of the finest islands in the world. The inhabitants are estimated by some geographers at 4,000,000. I have no doubt this estimate is too high. If half, or even one fourth of that number should be found there, they must constitute an object worth the attention of Christians. So far as we have been able to obtain informa

tion, the same language is spoken throughout the island. However, should it please God to carry us thither, we may find things very dif ferent from what we now expect. It is extremely difficult to obtain satis factory information respecting things at a distance. Nor is it easy for strangers to judge correctly upon a short or superficial acquaintance."

"To endeavor to extend the knowledge of Christ among the heathen is undoubtedly right. It is the Lord's, not mine, to determine, whether such endeavors shal! be successful, or not. To Him would I cheerfully cominit myself, my brethren, and the missionary cause."

"Sept. 5. My health now appears

to be pretty good. Brother Nott is getting better. I hope we shall be getting away to the Isle of France before long. Remember me very affectionately to our parents."

In a letter to Mr. Armstrong, written by Mr. Rice, dated September 4th, it is stated, that Mr. Thompson, a chaplain at Madras, was at the Isle of France for the benefit of his health when the brethren were there on their outward passage, and that he strongly recommended Madagas. car to them as a missionary station. It will be recollected that the venerable Dr. Vanderkemp was earnestly desirous, for several years before his death, of establishing a mission on that island. For his judgment in this case we entertain a profound respect; though at this distance we cannot pretend to judge with confi dence, as to the relative claims of different countries in the heathen world. Doubtless they who establish, or endeavor to establish, a mission by which the true Gospel shall be preached in any of these countries will do an acceptable service to God. What part each mission is hereafter to take in the great work of evangelizing the world cannot be known to men, till after his Providence shall have developed his holy counsels.

We are still unable to conjecture the reason why the letters, which the brethren are now known to have written by the Francis, have never arrived. Many letters, which were sent from Calcutta by that ship, were received by merchants in Salem, Boston, and other places, at the time stated in our last. Since that time, the cargo and part of the crew of the Francis have reached Salem, in the brig Levant. Still the letters from the missionaries have not been received.

All the brethren, it seems, went to Serampore, immediately on their ar. rival, as was expected. They were received very cordially by the Baptist missionaries. From letters written to the Rev. Dr. Worcester, as Corresponding Secretary of the Board, by Mr. Judson, we learn that a complete change had taken place in his sentiments, and those of his wife, on the subject of baptism; that he

communicated his views on that subject to the Baptists, for the first time, on the 27th of August, and at the same time, requested baptism for himself and wife; that an answer was received from which they ex. pected to be baptised at Calcutta, on the first Sabbath (the 7th day) of September; that on consulting his brethren, they gave it as their opin ion, that his change of sentiments rendered it incompatible, that he should be their fellow laborer in the new mission which they contemplat. ed; that he, also, considered it incompatible that he should continue in the service of the Board, and supposed the Board would consider it so too, as he could not comply with the instructions of the Prudential Committee, by administering baptism to "credible believers and their house. holds."

From the same source we learn, that Dr. Marshman had obtained leave of government for the two Bap tist brethren, (Messrs. Johns and Lawson,) who sailed from Philadel phia in the Harmony to reside at Serampore until the will of the Directors should be known. As this will cannot be known under a year or two, and as the charter of the East India Compa ny must, in the mean time, either be renewed by act of Parliament, or ex pire, this temporary admission may be considered as pretty nearly equal to an unqualified admission. The words printed above in Italic are thus marked in Mr. Judson's letter. Mr. May, a missionary from the London Missionary Society, who also arriv ed in the Harmony, was under orders to return; but had made no application to government. Dr. Marsh man had obtained the liberty of resi dence above described, even before the arrival of the Harmony. Mr. Judson will probably stay at Serampore. His letters are dated Aug. S1, and Sept. 1.

The other brethren make not the slightest mention of Mr. Judson's change of sentiments. The causes of this silence we can easily conjecture; they will doubtless appear hereafter.

Two American vessels were at Calcutta about to sail soon, and as the brethren had written by the Francis, and probably by the Monticello,


(which sailed 14 days before the Tartar,) they wrote less by the lat ter ship, than they otherwise would bave done.

On the whole, the friends of mis. sions may, in the language of the brethren, "thank God and take cour age." No disappointment has occur. red, but such as is common to hu man affairs in this uncertain world. Christians will feel grateful to God for his protection afforded to the brethren and will contribute that pe cuniary aid, which will hereafter be necessary to furnish them with a comfortable support in their arduous em ployment.

Mr. Judson has written to the Rev. Dr. Baldwin and the Rev. Mr. Bolles, requesting a support from the Bap. tist churches in this country. Dr. Marshman has written seconding the request; and, we understand, it will be promptly complied with.

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After the usual business was ac complished, several gentlemen addressed the meeting on the subject of missions and translations of the Scriptures; and on the call which is made upon Christians of the present day to lend their aid in the great work of sending the Gospel to the heathen. It was observed, wherever missions had been instituted and persevered in by pious and zeal ous men, there the same glorious and VOL. V. New Series.


beneficent effects had followed. The poor Greenlanders, the enslaved Africans in the West Indies, and the debased Hottentots were mentioned as affording prospects far from en couraging, at first, to the laborious missionary: yet among these several classes, the most ignorant and hopeless that could be selected from the human race, the preaching of the cross had been the power of God and the wisdom of God to the salvation of many souls The experience of the past, therefore, as well as the Divine promises with respect to the future, afford abundant encouragement to support missions.

That the translations of the Scrip. tures now carrying ou in the East, it was stated, will be of immense benefit to mankind, we have the fullest reason to believe. Among many other witnesses, on whose testimony the fullest reliance might be placed, Lord Teignmouth and Dr. Buchan


were mentioned as conspicuous. The former had spent twenty years in Bengal; and had risen by his own merit till he was appointed, without his knowledge or solicitation, Governor General of the East India Com, pany's possessions in India, the greatest delegated government in the world. He must certainly be acquainted with india, and must be able to judge whether good would be likely to follow from the publication of the Bible among the Hindoos. He had decided that point, so far as his opinion and example could be allowed to have weight. As Presi dent of the British and Foreign Bible Society, he had been laboriously attentive to the duties of his office; and it was doubtless with his appro bation, and probably much owing to his influence, that the institution over which he presides had already remitted more than $70,000 to impart the Scriptures to the heathen in Asia

It was said, that though we migh be disappon.ed in one object of our hopes, this was no reason why our exertions should be slackened; but rather of the contrary The merchant who had lost a ship, the manufacturer who had lost his buildings and apparatus by fire, did not fold his hands, and give over all further 48

efforts. He rose to more vigorous and often to more successful, enter. prise. So Christians should never relax their benevolent attempts, while a single field within their reach demands moral culture; especially while unnumbered millions of the human family lie in moral darkness, unenlightened by a single beam of the Sun of Righteousness;-by a single ray of the true light which shines from heaven.

The attention of the meeting was turned to the increased and increas ing exertions of good people, in this country, and in Great Britain, to extend the knowledge of the Gospel. The first institution of this kind, which was established in our country, is the Society for propogating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, over which the President of this Foreign Mission Society so wor thily presides. The institution alluded to was formed in 1787; since which time nearly twenty societies have been formed for the purpose of causing the Gospel to be preached in the destitute parts of our country, and among the natives on our borders. Within less than five years upwards of twen ty Bible Societies have been formed in the United States, and within the year past twenty Foreign Mission Societies have risen up to aid the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Yet there is room enough for the exertions of all these Societies to be indefinitely increased, and for their number to be indefinite. ly multiplied.

It was stated, that the declaration, He that watercth shall be watered also himself, was confirmed by observation and experience. God prospers those who honor Him with their substance. An appeal was inade to those who have been most constantly and liberally engaged in this kind of beneficence; and they were asked, whether they considered themselves as in worse circumstances as to property on account of having given a portion to promote the knowledge of Christ among men.

The late loss of the Mission Printing Office at Serampore was stated, and a vote to the following effect was passed.

"Whereas the late loss, &c. furnish. es a new reason to contribute te

wards the translation of the Scrip. tures into the languages of the East; Voted, that a committee of twelve be appointed to wait on such gentlemen as they see proper for the purpose of soliciting them to join this Society, and of soliciting donations to this Society, butparticularly with aview to facilitate the translation of the Scriptures into the languages of the East, and that said committee be requested to make return of their doings to the Treasur er; it being understood, that the donations for translating the Scriptures be committed to the Hon. John Herbert Harrington, Esq. the Rev. David Brown, and the Rev. William Carey, D. D. in India.

The committee were appointed in pursuance of the above vote, and are now engaged in waiting on gentlemen to solicit subscriptions.

In the evening an able and judi cious sermon was delivered before the Society, at the Old South Church, by the Rev. Dr. Holmes, from Mal. i, 11, For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same, my name shali be great among the Gentiles, and in every place incense shall be offered unto my nume and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith the Lord of hosts. After sermon a collection was made, which amounted to $166,45.

The Society voted thanks to the preacher, and requested a copy of his sermon for the press. We are happy to state, that this request will be com plied with. The Society also voted thanks to the singers for their servi ces on the occasion, and to the com mittee of the Old South Society for the use of the church.



THIS Society held its second annual
meeting on the 6th inst. The follow-
ing gentlemen were unanimously re-
elected officers of the Society for the
year ensuing; viz.

Rev. Rurus ANDERSON, V. Pres.
Mr. JOHN JENKS, Treas.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Rev. Dr. Worcester delivered a sermon before the Society from Dan

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