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III. The Descent of the Holy Ghost on the Apostles. Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how our Lord Jesus Christ, being seated on the right hand of God, sent, as he had promised, the Holy Ghost upon his Apostles, who, after he was ascended, returning to Jerusalem, continued in prayer and supplication with the Blessed Virgin Mary, expecting the performance of his promise.

Our Father, &c.


O sacred Virgin, Tabernacle of the Holy Ghost; we beseech thee obtain, by thine intercession, that this most sweet Comforter, whom thy beloved Son sent down upon his Apostles, filling them thereby with spiritual joy, may teach us in this world the true way of salvation, and make us to walk in the path of virtue and good works. Amen.

IV. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into


Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how the glorious Virgin, twelve years after the resurrection of her Son, passed out of this world unto him, and was by him as sumed into heaven, accompanied by the holy Angels.

Our Father, &c.


O most prudent Virgin, who, entering the heavenly palaces, didst fill the angels with joy and man with hope; vouchsafe to intercede for us at the hour of our death, that, being delivered from the illusions and temptations of the devil, we may joyfully and securely pass out of this temporal state, to enjoy the happiness of eternal life. Amen.

V. The Coronation of the most Blessed Virgin Mary in Heaven.

Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how the glorious Virgin Mary was, to the great jubilee and exultation of

the whole court of heaven, and particular glory of all the Saints, crowned by her Son with the brightest diadem of glory.

Our Father, &c...


O glorious Queen of all the heavenly host; we beseech thee accept this rosary, which, as a crown of roses, we offer at thy feet; and grant, most gracious lady, that, by thy intercession, our souls may be inflamed with so ardent a desire of seeing thee so gloriously crowned, that it may never die within us, until it shall be changed into the happy fruition of thy blessed sight. Amen. Salve Regina, &c. as before.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Mary.

O Heart of Mary, I honour thee as the Heart most pleasing to our Lord, and most intimately united to him. I love thee as the Heart of the best of mothers, and I rejoice in thy glorious prerogatives. Prostrate before thee, O Heart of Mary, I make thee this humble act of reparation for all the outrages which thou hast received from me and from all mankind. I humbly confess that I have been guilty of the greatest ingratitude towards thee; but seeing that, through thee, the divine mercy has so often had regard unto me, I venture even yet to hope that thou wilt not abandon me. In this sweet confidence, I am animated by a most earnest desire to be more faithful and more devoted to thee. I pray thee to accept all the good that henceforth I am resolved to do, to present it to thy dear Son Jesus, so that, through thee, my most loving Saviour may pour down his benedictions more and more on me, and on all who are dear unto me. Amen.

Ordinary of the Holy Mass,



With full Rubrical Directions.





PRINTED BY ROBSON, LEVEY, AND FRANKLYN, Great New Street and Fetter Lane.

N.B. The Prayers and Ceremonies peculiar to High Mass are distinguished by being enclosed in brackets. The notes explain the portions of the Office sung by the Choir.

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